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Old 10th Nov 2006, 12:30
  #25 (permalink)  
francois marais
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Just to set the record straight!

I was not going to be drawn into this, but I think I better set the record straight by providing the true facts on a couple of issues. I have not posted here since I left the Huey Company, and decided when I left, that I was not going to be provoked into getting involved. I have however, received so many emails regarding accusations made by some people at the Huey Company, and since Gerry have now publically been drawn into this filth, I've decided to tell it like it is, once and for all.

1. I was the Director of Flight Operations at the Huey Company (WIN, HAMS & Huey Club) from September 2002 to October 2004. During my time there, we ran a professional company with no problems, and I fiercely defended the Huey during the "initial dark days".

2. The Huey came on line on 26 December 2002 after the initial certification process started in November of 2002.

3. Gerry Broberg did all the initial test flying for CAA certification purposes, and got paid for his services. A cheque was cut in my presence. Nothing sinister or underhand.

4. After the test flying stage, the SACAA certified the helicopter for flight, issued it with a C of A, and Gerry then converted the owner and a number of pilots to the helicopter, for which he got paid.

5. We then enjoyed 12 months of incident and accident free flying, all done within the scope of the law and with the blessing of the SACAA.

6. During December 2003, the owner flew the machine, had a FOD which resulted in a "forced landing". Thats when the trouble with the engine, the maintenance, the maintenance engineers and SACAA started, and everything became an issue. I continued to fly the Huey up to a point, court order and all.

7. After 12 hydraulic failures, 2 main drive shaft failures and one tail rotor failure, I decided that there were too many safety issues involved, and I left the company with the blessing of the owner. There was no fight or argument about it. I simply told him that I thought the helicopter was unsafe at the time, that I felt uncomfortable to fly it, and I resigned. He accepted my resignation, signed my copy in acceptance, and I left, and have not been back since. In my opinion the helicopter was simply not maintained correctly, as there were no qualified engineers to maintain it at that time. (Oct 2004)

8. Since I left the company, I have not been back, (not even to visit) and know absolutely nothing about the current operation or it's people.

9. What I can however with all truthfullness say, is the fact that Gerry at no time whatsoever, was bribed to do anything illegal or underhand, or accepted bribe money, as stated by some members of staff. He offered his services at a fee, the owner agreed, and Gerry honored his side of the agreement. At no time did he act out of line or engaged himself in anything underhand or illegal. It was in fact due to his support, that the Huey flew incident and accident free during the first 12 months. The operation was audited twice in that year, and passed with flying colors.

10. At no time whatsoever did Bert Sousa drop a pole on anybody. The stories that he did, was all fabricated by Latent Heat. Nothing of the sort happened. He came to fly the Huey in July 2003 on a slinging exercise at Chapman's Peak, and after releasing the pole, thinking it was secured, but it was'nt, the pole slid down the mountain onto a closed off road. No one was involved or injured. The engineer on board at the time, can also confirm that no one was involved or injured. These rumours were told to slander old Bert, and probably to take revenge on his criticism of the Huey.

11. At no time whatsoever did I go to jail for any "license fraud" as the Huey crowd so many times posted on these forums. I was involved with the CAA in a court case in 1997 about the validation of my FAA license, but at no time did I go to jail for 5 years as indicated by Fanaroff and others at the Huey company.

12. Also at no time did Gerry Broberg sell me or organise my licences for me as previously stated by Latent Heat and Fanaroff. Gerry has got nothing to do with exams or licencing at the CAA, and he's got no access to the curriculum or the system.

12. Lastly, I have known Gerry for 35 years, and we've done an awfull lot of aviating together since the mid 70's. From spraying crops to general aviation. Gerry is a true professional and on top of it, he's a gentleman. He has an impeccable safety record and he is fair and to the point. The rumours spread by these people are done in anger (for their own reasons) and it certainly shows their lack of class or integrity. It is easy to make statements and say things, but fortunately what they're saying, has no substance. It's all just a malicious act.

13. It's sad that Athol Franz have become so desperate to allow the publishing of such one sided rubbish, and I won't be buying his rag anymore. I feel sorry for Gerry that he's had to take the brunt of this rubbish, simply because he was doing his job. Don't worry about it Gerry, we all know the facts.

Fly safe out there guys, and give Gerry the necessary recognition and support he deserves.


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