African Aviation Regional issues that affect the numerous pilots who work in this area of the world.

Huey Incident ?

Old 23rd Jan 2004, 01:18
  #21 (permalink)  
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The time has now come to put at end to this posting.

I can remember many years ago when the same Elvis tried to start his charter operation from the airport. He openly broke EVERY SINGLE rule there was to break, including flying on revenue charter flights with a PPL, with himself as PIC.

He was a very much another operator of note and it amazed me how me managed to last so long and did not write off any aircraft. He was an honest as a dead Elvis and certainly a person of note to avoid.

He had great plans and it was quite interesting to try and work out what he was smoking with all these plans. The fact that he is going on like he is, can only indicate that he has some sort of (financial) problems and he is trying to detract from the real problem. It is quite bloody pathetic the way this a^%$#&*e is carrying on - like a little kid. Hey Elvis GROW UP and try and act like a man, not a b(**&y fake fairy dressed up as Elvis, driving around in a pink fake cadillac.

Let us all support Francois and the great job he is doing. It is really great to see such a classic chopper around and it certainly makes head move whenever one sees it. It is flown by a great bunch of pilots, who have many many hours of experience and are certainly no fools. It is time we all stood up to this taxi operator and put him in his place. It is so pathetic it is just laughable. I wonder who he is paying at the CAA to help him, because it is so obvious. Come on Francois, do not get disheartened - you are doing a great job and you have got may vote any day ( and a lot of others as well, i know that)

If Elvis had no sinister plans, let us see him put the cards on the table, produce his Huey and get on and fly. After all what is wrong with healthy opposition? Elvis did not like it, so obviously his namesake is still relishing in the past!!!! The time for SPORTS has come to end end, now is the time to produce the results.

Come on Francois hang in there - you will win in the end.
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Old 23rd Jan 2004, 14:22
  #22 (permalink)  
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The saga continues!

Rumour has it that this man was recently under investigation by the Air Sevice Licencing Board for not filing flight returns about his business. The Board views this in a serious light, as "liquidity" issues are raised here. Why does he break the law, but are always accusing others? I have it on very good authority that all is NOT so well down there at his Waterfront office. Most of his long standing crew have quit and are now working for other companies. Regulations are often violated and covered up by his son who incidently calls everyone "Meneer". Come on CAA, get your butt into gear and inspect this operation!

There is also a rumour that this man is in deep financial dire straits, and that he vowed if he went broke, he would drag the rest of the helicopter business down with him. For that very reason, he is creating this negative publicity. (And NEGATIVE its been.)

Rumour has it that this man filed a charge against the men that "mooned" him on December 18 last year, and these men will be appearing in Court soon on an charge of "Indecent exposure". What a joke! One can only but wonder why he took offence? Everyone on the pad loved it, and thought it was a very humorous gesture. He OBVIOUSLY has no sense of humor. (Not what one would expect of a world class entertainer! ;-) Come on Elvis, get a life!

Furthermore, he has now turned the story around that the Huey owner tried to "kill" him and his son by throwing a stone at his helicopter. This to avert the possibility that he may eventually be involved in a sabotage investigation. Trying to shift focus???? A formal charge was laid with the CAA and the Police by him in this regard. (The stone throwing) From the published picture taken from his helicopter, one can see that his pilot Johnnie Eccles, was hovering over the Huey during the recovery process, but not close enough to have a stone bring him down. (David, where were you and your "kettie" my man?) The man alledges that a stone hitting the tail rotor could have brought him down. For that reason, he contacted Cape Talk and asked them to do a story live on air (once again), so that he could opiniate himself on air, and tell the world to feel sorry for him, because his opposition tried to "kill" him. I think this guy is in love with his voice. (I'm all shook up, my man ) Why don't you stick to driving your taxis my man, and if that bores you, stay in your recording studio where no one can see you bro!

The time has come for everyone in the aviation industry in SA to realise what sort of individual one is dealing with here. I mean, first of all he really thinks he's Elvis. That alone must tell you something about this man's pshycological make up!

Secondly, through his intense jealousy and obsessiveness with the Huey, both him and his kid are consistently fabricating stories about the Huey and its operation, obviously with the intend to defame it. This REALLY brings a lot of bad publicity to the V&A Operations, and it is a fact that he is to to realise that it has also affected HIS business!

So what next? Come on people, sooner or later any logically minded person must draw the conclusion that all of this has been a tit for tat scenario, and that this guy should not be taken seriously.

Until next time!
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Old 23rd Jan 2004, 14:47
  #23 (permalink)  
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Just another four cents worth...

Greetings Folks...

I read with interest (as i usually do) the ongoings of this bizarre state of affairs...

I do not wish to detract from what may be VERY serious allegations, including sabotage et al, however, i ask that one small consideration be given as to why this is such a hot topic for ALL in the aviation community.

The CAA promulgated a section (96) allowing the non-millionaires to purchase ex-military aircraft and operate them (limited) on the experimental (ZU) register in a STRICTLY PRIVATE CAPACITY. This is the ONLY country in the world where this happens. This was progressive and very forward thinking by our CAA.

The simple fact that a commercial operator is capitalising on a loophole in the system for gain, where there are other operators respecting the system (well, generally respecting!), does make it an emotional issue.

The chaps at HAMS are an upright crowd, Francois is a really decent bloke, who, like everyone else, just wants to earn an honest wage. Guys like Elvis, feel that the honest wage is where the wheels come off. I have no doubt that HAMS would never allow a Huey to fly in an unsafe condition, thats culpable homicide, problem is, it's STILL a ZU-REG machine...

Bear in mind, operations like Thunder City, which operate under a similar dispensation, have spent over R55 Million in a safe operation (thats without the jets!), now face closure through tactics employed by a perceivably renegade operator, who admits his capital investment in the Hueys has been marginal.

Gary (not Francios i understand) has a colourful history when it comes to bending the rules, as does Elvis!

Its not about the compressor stalls, the stone thowing, the mooning, the insurance etc, it's about the CAA not making the rules clear, allowing some to profit, whilst frustrating others, and as long as the rules are grey, Gary will fly "illegaly" and Elvis will pop a guitar string.

That's my bit!
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Old 23rd Jan 2004, 16:26
  #24 (permalink)  
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Hedgepig, welcome to pprune. I am also new to this forum, and very new to the Cape Aviation scene. You ask why this is such a hot topic?

Well, all I can say is that it appears that it has been made into a hot topic by Elvis & Gary. It is clear to me now that this is nothing other than a personal feud being hammered out here on the pprune.

I personally met Francois who most certainly appears to be a very decent, down to earth guy. Having had numerous meetings with him about flying the Huey, and questioning him about the other guys, he has always told me that he is not interested in the politics, and I have never heard a foul word coming from his mouth about the other operators. What he has said is that some of these guys must really be crazy to sensationalise a petty thing to the extend they have.

I am of the opinion that this a real tit for tat story. Bottom line is that Elvis is jealous. Both him and his son can't handle the Huey. Francois once remarked that it will be great if Elvis does buy a Huey, because then hopefully he will leave the Huey Club alone and concentrate on running his.

Maybe Goldfish Jack is right. This posting should come to an end now. Its really become a bit messy. It once shows that very few people have the courage to face each other man to man, but would rather use a forum such as this, to attack each other.

Come on guys, grow up, and become an asset to aviation, not a statistic!!!!
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Old 24th Jan 2004, 22:41
  #25 (permalink)  
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Thumbs up Well done.....

FOD, compressor stall, precautionary landing, decision to truck back instead of flying, WELL DONE!

Was the hovering so close to the Huey thereafter necessary? Come on John! We know you are professional. Don't hide behind your boss. Tell us yourself.

Keep up the pioneering work, Win Helicopters, and keep it as safe as you have done so far.

Hang in there Franscois and the boys, we love the Huey!

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Old 26th Jan 2004, 19:13
  #26 (permalink)  
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Thumbs down Amazing

As most know I have been following the "Huey story" with interest and it just amazes me at what lenghts some operators "might " have gone. ( I take the sabotage still as a rumour).

Francois and Gary take it from the grey man .. do not let any stone unturned into this incident.

I would have personally laid a charge of possible sabotage against no one in particular - just lay a charge and then the charge must be investigated as sabotage is broad.

It is up to the cops how deep they can dig into it all.

But this rubbish must stop - lives was at risk and that is no mooning

Have a safe week and congrats on a great piece of airmanship Gary !
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Old 27th Jan 2004, 01:18
  #27 (permalink)  
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"Are you lonesome tonight, coz you saw the Huey flying tonight..............(Saw little Elvis run out onto his porch the moment he heard the sound of the Huey.)

The Huey is back in service, and the test flying was completed this afternoon. All systems are normal, and it has been released back to service.

To all our friends, associates and club members who called and sent messages of support, thank you. To those who personally visited the AMO, thanks for all the support guys. Having a support base is what makes it all worthwhile, irrespective of what Elvis and his boy, or anyone else for that matter, has to say. At least we have serious cameraderie amongst our fellow Huey fans.

The Huey is back together again after some minor repairs to the engine. A couple of new turbine blades, some balancing etc. Well done to the engineers. You guys did a fine job.

Gary informed me today that the CAA will be conducting, by arrangement, an airworthiness inspection on the Huey this coming Wednesday. Hopefully they (the CAA) will see for themselves once again, that this aircraft is in great shape, that it is well maintained by very highly skilled and licenced engineers, and that Elvis' story of the machine being put together from "scrap parts out of Africa, and assembled in a pig sty" is purely a pipe dream.

Gunns, you're absolutely right about the sabotage issue. Gary laid a formal charge with the SAPS, and they will be investigating. The Waterfront Company has 24 hour CCTV surveilance on the pad, and hopefully some info will be derived from examining the tapes.

In the mean time, Elvis lost all the humor he owned, and laid a charge of public indecency against "the mooners", and Gary and "the mooners" will be attending a "mooning" identity parade later this week, so that the perpetrators can be brought to justice. What a man!!!!
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Old 27th Jan 2004, 01:52
  #28 (permalink)  
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Thumbs up Great News

Fantastic News FM

I wish Gary and co have "jippo guts" that morning and have a spurt or five at him

Good luck - I know the Huey and you guys will pass on Wednesday - a pig sty nogal ... what a joke

All the best !

Viva the Huey !
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Old 27th Jan 2004, 02:48
  #29 (permalink)  
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Confirm this Elvis character is somewhat graceful, a little light on his feet and a connoisseur of men's bottoms?
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Old 27th Jan 2004, 14:32
  #30 (permalink)  
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SRT, my point exactly. You've hit the nail on the head
The boy is really a and a

Congratulations Huey people. I hope you go from strength to strength. Wonder what the "Twister" will say if the 2nd Huey takes to the air next month????

Rumour has it that the news anchor who interviewed the Huey people and the "moaner", decided that it was not a newsworthy article, and decided to bin it. I would have loved to hear "his" side. It could only have been chaotic.

Frankie, I think that you should throw a party for the Huey fans.
Viva Huey!!!
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Old 27th Jan 2004, 14:37
  #31 (permalink)  
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Well done guys!
I wish you all the best for the future.
Its such a pity that the V&A Waterfront operators cannot except the fact that Gary came up with an idea that appeals to people, and that it has worked well for the Huey Club. Go on guys, knock em dead!!!
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Old 27th Jan 2004, 14:45
  #32 (permalink)  
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Mc Elvis and Little Mc Roat, the Huey is back. Hold your head high and be happy. You guys have your own aircraft to play with..(yup, your little toys)
Now but out and behave.....
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Old 29th Jan 2004, 15:55
  #33 (permalink)  
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Saw the Huey flying this morning. Looking good!

I understand the CAA Airworthiness Inspectors spent the day yesterday inspecting the Huey and it's records.

Rumour has it that the CAA gentlemen were pleasantly surprised that the helicopter carried no bogus or fake parts, that logbooks and component cards were available, and that the helicopter had not been put together by bogus parts, or "scrap parts collected from the Ethiopian desert" as Elvis previously reported in his letters to the press, the CAA etc.

I guess the only thing fake in this entire matter is the "Fake King of Rock 'n Roll. Come on Elvis, get a real life my man!!!!

Good luck Gary & Francois. I'm really looking forward to seeing the second Huey take to the sky next month. Eat your heart out Elvis!!!! (I'm definately not all shook up, I love it!!
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