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Old 14th Nov 2010, 05:44
  #766 (permalink)  
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To the mod:
Kindly dont paint everyone in the Indian scene with the same brush!
Yes there are people out here who are smug...
Yes there are most who do not point out the perils to the guys following through but everyone is not the same.
We have our share or rotten apples just as much as the other continents.

Now personally I dont mind the message UJ has but, his constant BS about name calling professionals, that is what really irks and gets on ones nerves here... If he doesnt like this scene and is now SOOO concerned about his relative like he says

The biggest problem we have now in India is for people who entered the line thinking the day they complete the course they would get into the airline.

If you will allow me let me tell you part of the story from India:

1. Most of the crowd that is unemployed now is in the situation because they never checked the viability of the market before taking the plunge. After the heady days of 2005-2007 where everyone was absorbed and airlines were screaming for pilots because of insane expansion plans EVERYONE who had a dream once upon a time to be a pilot jumped the gun and started off. 80% of those never planned on a WHAT IF scenario.

2. In India connections (whose son/nephew/brother/sister/daughter/niece one is) has always been the way in for most airlines. Even today when I meet wannabes who want to join the line after high school and I tell them " considering the scene today you are better off going to grad school first or simultaneously working on some other skill on the side." the most common answer I get is: Oh my mother's cousin uncle works in XYZ he says he will definitely get me in.

3. No one had planned that along with him/her there is No GA in India how will they build experience if there is no Airline job??

There have been quite a few posts on the horrors of converting a license in India and the job scene for the new CPL holder coming into the pool.

Regarding corruption in India refer to WE HAVE SPOKEN OUT ABOUT IT:


Since the New Director GCA has come in some things have changed and there is little more accountability.

Regarding job prospects or rather lack of them:


Heck this thread was STARTED by INDAIR967 for exactly this purpose but unwanted unnecessarily snarky comments by UJ have completely thrown it off the track...

Regarding helping new comers who need clarification :


Regarding how some people circumvent the rules :


so as you can see we DO try to help those who ask for it. Its just that some of us do dont appreciate people like UJ coming here and telling us what a BITCH our industry and specifically our aviation scene is ( we know it ourselves, thank you very much )

NOW if he had a point he wanted to make and suggest improvements by all means he is welcome but unless he has something creative to say I am all ears but this moaning and groaning from an outsider who has not seen and experienced anything out here first hand is plain and simple BS!!
Also if he feels so strongly about all if this I would suggest he go to the DGCA office in Delhi for the open house meetings as some of us have done on occasions to suggest improvements and even gotten some changes implemented.

@ unemployed-jackasses:

Am employed earning and capable of feeding those I need to and a few more by God's Grace.

Quote "neither i have used dirty slangs here nor would i tolerate one." unquote

You have not, what you have done is worse.
You have barged in and sullied a amazing and thoroughly professional job, thread and the professionals.


You really want to help someone?? I suggest you start with that relative of yours. If you are really as smart as your 90 percentile GMAT score suggests I am sure you will be able to read the helpful info given here on other threads for newbie pilots and guide him.

P.S Maybe you could guide HIM to this site so that he can look for himself as to what options are open/closed in Indian aviation and get familiar with the good bad and the downright ugly.

'In life as in flying, no prior planning will inevitable lead to a mess!'
Capt Brown
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