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Enzo999 29th Feb 2016 09:13

Just wondering how long it took for people to hear an outcome from day 1? They said 5 days but I seem to remember from the past that people with a "yes" tend to hear quickly and the PFO's are left till last, is this the case? It's been 5 days for me so far and my hopes are fading fast, refreshing my emails every 5 minutes is driving me mad.

monquay 1st Mar 2016 07:19

Enzo999, it depends entirely on how busy they are, it took nearly 2 weeks for me to hear last year, and I was sucessful!
HTH and good luck!

Rolling24 1st Mar 2016 16:06

Has anyone got any news/rumours about the direct entry NTR SH recruitment that has been going on over the past couple of weeks and any idea how many they were looking to take this time round?

Jwscud 2nd Mar 2016 09:33

I know from chatting to friends at Flybe that some who were previously "frozen" in the recruitment process have been melted and are progressing to interview/sim but no "inside" information beyond that.

Speedoneeighty 2nd Mar 2016 11:34

Originally Posted by Fursty Ferret (Post 9284202)
Don't pay for a practice sim.

Whoever's assessing your sim will be experienced at the game and will know straight away if you've spent several hours having a go at it (esp. if you went from PA34 for A320 like many people).

You get an unassessed take-off, circuit, approach and landing for "free" at the start of the session and you figure out what the steering wheel thing is fairly quickly. The assessor was shouting "TRIM!" from the back during mine so it's not like they throw you in at the deep end to see what happens.

Terrible advice.

dhps 2nd Mar 2016 12:31

Recent Interview Questions
Hi everyone,

Going to the second stage interview next week.

Just wondered if the format was pretty much the same as it has been the last few years?

Collected some various example questions but everything seems to be for 2014 and later, the same as what seems to be on pprune.

If anyone had some updated info/questions I'd really appreciate it.

VeroFlyer 2nd Mar 2016 12:37

Actually not practising is not terrible advice. It really depends on where you are coming from. I got through on the 757 sim without paying thousands of pounds for a practice sim. Currently flying a 737 out in the middle east and smashed a few raw data ILS's and departures before coming but otherwise just concentrated on honing my CRM skills and such like, I believe that's what they are really looking for.
Thats not to say paying for a sim is a complete waste of money but try and use the resources on offer to you in your current job if you can. Talk to CRM trainers, practice hand flying and delve into the CAA books on CRM.

Boing7117 2nd Mar 2016 20:40

Paying for a couple of hours in a sim is a good idea - if that's what it takes to give you the confidence / heads up to give the BA sim your best shot.

Let's face it - £500-£1500 or whatever it costs, it's the cheapest type rating you'll ever do these days!

VJW 2nd Mar 2016 20:50

Well said Boing7117 - the last bit is very true. Someone above said that it made no sense to prepare long and hard for day 1 and 2 and go to the sim rusty. So a few hours to remove that would certainly be advisable, however my advice would be to ensure you show improvement during the sim. I'm sure they want to see that you have good CRM and just as important, that you are trainable. They are investing a type rating in you most likely, so showing improvement I think looks far better then flying like an ace who's had numerous hours practice prior to the assessment.

Mizar 3rd Mar 2016 09:58

Hi All,

Think the subject has been mentioned a couple of times before, anyone who could shed some light on the obnoxious 12 months ban:ugh::ugh:. Is BA going to change it anytime soon?? A 6 months ban these days would make much more sense IMO.


Juan Tugoh 3rd Mar 2016 14:57

More sense for whom, you or BA?

VJW 3rd Mar 2016 15:42

haha - for him I guess, but it's nice to have a bit of confidence and think for BA too :)

I've failed day 1 a few times now, does that automatically mean I won't be an asset to the company the day I finally pass?

Jwscud 3rd Mar 2016 18:27

Regarding the sim, there is no one size fits all answer. If you fly short haul on a Boeing type, just doing some raw data flying and armchair prep will leave you fine. If you fly the 320, raw data might also be enough (it was all my sim partner, who passed, did) though equally reminding yourself what thrust levers and the trim switch do might also help.

If you are flying long haul, I would imagine some specific sim prep for a high workload raw data manual flying exercise would be a very good idea. We are generally judges of our own strengths and weaknesses on the flight deck and you will probably know what's best for you.

If you are flying a turboprop the whole thing will probably feel like a rest cure, though if you are worried about a slippery jet a sim might help boost your confidence.

They are not necessarily looking for "improvement" as such, but I was told in my briefing we were being assessed on:

- flying ability
- command potential/decision making
- trainability

Best of luck!

Megaton 3rd Mar 2016 18:54

They're also looking to see a positive learning curve ie a continuous improvement through the session such that the applicant demonstrates trainability (apologises for made-up word).

Mizar 3rd Mar 2016 20:06

Well, I guess for both. ahaha yep that is idealistic.
Anyway I guess I should take that for a no. So I have to imagine the guys that were called back before the 12 months expired were already rated on a type BA is currently using.

wiggy 4th Mar 2016 13:28


Bidline/Fixed Flying Pay

Result of ballot on pay deal just announced, long story short, the two main bullet points probably of most relevance to prospective joiners are:

1. Bidline will go ASAP in favour of a customised version of JSS.

2. Fixed monthly Flying Pay Allowance binned, it's back to the variable Flying Hour Rate.

VeroFlyer 4th Mar 2016 13:39


Is that good or bad? What are the general thoughts?

wiggy 4th Mar 2016 13:54

Originally Posted by VeroFlyer (Post 9294669)

Is that good or bad? What are the general thoughts?

TBH I'm not sure I want to go there ....we've had an ongoing and what has been at times a very unpleasant "on-line" debate via the Union forum in the run up to the ballot, and I'm not sure I want to repeat it here.

However anyone joining in the near future will no doubt be exposed to the fall out from this ballot so what I would say, all very much IMHO:

Some think Bidline is doomed now we are "full EASA" so we need to move on, some don't. Some think JSS might flatten the seniority gradient, some think it might steepen it...personally I honestly don't think anybody will know for sure how rostering will work until they've seen it in action so voting either way on this was a real leap of faith.

As far as the flying pay, the company didn't like the fixed monthly payment and were determined to go back to a variable rate, and they pretty much linked the continuation of a pilot bonus scheme to returning to the variable scheme. As a result on the line opinion was split - some like variable rate (work higher hours = get paid more) plus the chance of a bonus if the company continues to perform well, but some ( particularly those looking to get loans, mortgages) are not best pleased at the prospect of losing a fixed figure from the monthly payslip.

To give you an idea of the split in opinion, of those that returned votes:

54.4% voted to end Bidline/ go to JSS and get rid of the Fixed Flying pay.
43.8% voted to keep Bidline and keep Fixed flying pay....
1.8% voted for neither ( a somewhat controversial Option on the ballot paper)

....and would you believe over 20% of those who could have voted didn't return a vote ( which was electronic).....at all. Given this was quite possibly the most important ballot we've had in BA BALPA for over 20 years all I can say about those individuals not voting is :mad:

Megaton 4th Mar 2016 14:11

Perhaps those not voting are close to retirement and took the decision that the choice wasn't theirs to make?

3Greens 4th Mar 2016 14:18

i thought the turnout was 65%

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