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-   -   With experience, is Ryanair really that bad? (https://www.pprune.org/terms-endearment/365119-experience-ryanair-really-bad.html)

the grim repa 10th Mar 2009 19:59

the young,infantile,just off the mothers tit type who know nothing about nothing but let on they know everything about everything.the pre pubescent,no scrotal hair type who shaves with a lollipop stick.the type who parades the high street in his 2 stripes like the cock of the walk.
yeah,i am trembling at your hobbies alright.is this the same guy who wishes he might meet someone who likes sea front walks in jersey.pass off 20 year old baby girl rambo and do not bore us with your idiotic,sports cart,jacuzzi,2 stripe boool****e.there are guys who just **** down the pan what you know about aviation.
wheres your pension?
wheres your loss of licence protection?
wheres your future?
wheres you balls?
you don't even own your uniform!

come on tough guy,bite again unless you are out for a moonlight walk with the cocker spaniel.

Reluctant737 10th Mar 2009 20:03

Touched a nerve?

p.s. it's 3 stripe boool****e, not 2 stripe boool****e. If you're going to get personal get it right. And my pension/loss of licence insurance is in my bank account where it belongs, safe.

Phantasm 10th Mar 2009 20:44

r737, whilst I cannot say I agree with all your previous sentiments, I wouldn't worry about grim repa. He's a well known :mad: stirrer and class A :mad: round these parts. He soon flees the scene when danger approaches.

RED WINGS 10th Mar 2009 21:15

Reluctant 737 you say

"What worries me is the future for pilots. And I'm talking two or three generations ahead - it would be an awful shame if the great century of aviation (as it may come to be known) was only that, a century".

So why work for a company that is doing its best to destroy the future for the industry? I wish you luck I really do!:ugh:

Reluctant737 10th Mar 2009 21:31

Red Wings,

You really don't have a clue do you? I am an airline pilot. I posses 2,000 TT, and 800 hrs on 737NG. Where else is there, in the world, I am going to work, considering the current crisis, with these hours. Ok, and at the same time, afford to pay off my considerable debt, rent, bills, food, car tax/insurance/fuel and so on?

Anyone incinuating there is really any choice or space for maneuvre for low houred pilots right now is talking out their ar$e.

I enjoy working for Ryanair - we fly lots of sectors a day (=landings, = experience), home every night, good pay, good fun, good people...

As I've said before, Ryanair right now is a very welcome oasis in the middle of a desert of 'Oh sh*t'.

Flintstone 10th Mar 2009 21:32

I wondered how long it would be before Phantasm came to Reluctant's defense. Shall we ask the mods for an IP check? Free tip for you Reluctant Phantasm, never play poker. You've too many tics/tells to bluff and gave your alter ego away very early on.

Grim Repa, Red Wings and ASFKAP. You've no idea who you're dealing with. This man, this sky-god, this........hero came up the hard way. He flew medevacs (on a PPL) for several whole weeks in the African bush in a C182 that mysteriously morphed (in a subsequent post) into a Caravan that crashed in the "jungle"* because of a fuel leak leaving him and a colleague with multiple broken bones and internal injuries. No, really. It's all there in his old posts. you should read them, they're hilarious http://www.pistonheads.com/inc/images/nuts.gif

Reluctant. In Aussie parlance you've been sprung mate. Now cop it sweet and don't let the door hit you on the @rse on the way out. Somehow though I think you don't know when to stop digging and I shall watch your wriggling in this thread from my comfy chair.

*B()ll**** alert!! No bush pilot (I were one) ever calls it 'jungle'.

captplaystation 10th Mar 2009 21:51

Reluctant, you must understand that when Grim is around (or indeed when Didimus maakes an appearance across on Repaweb ;) ) it is not only forbidden to suggest that some things (nobody in their right mind would claim everything ) may be just hunky -dory in Ryanair. Neither is it permitted to stray off the "only" subject on the grim approved list of subjects.
So please in future stick to the grim approved script :D

The Real Slim Shady 10th Mar 2009 21:56

The latest incarnation of "The Deal" is a demonstrable indication of the contempt PB, EW et al have for the revenue earners.

I don't mind accepting a pay freeze: times are hard.

Nevertheless FR rely on making 2 quarters "announced" losses to vary the agreement: they don't keep to it tho.

They haven't announced losses, but insist on an African dictator vote - " If you don't accept this we will stick the baseball bat up your ass" - which runs counter to the "agreement".

The they introduce other clauses which vary the terms etc

The answer is simple......walk.

When they run out of experienced Captains: when they have their first serious hull loss( they got away wth CIA), and the sh1t hits the fan...your man MOL can watch his millions vanish.

Edgar Kilkenny 10th Mar 2009 21:57

I have followed this thread with some interest, it started out a fair question and then, as someone has mentioned already, reluctant737 started entertaining us with his life stories, quite the story teller.

I took the trouble to have a read of a few of his other topics/posts, the funniest being when he was held at knife point, even though he fancied himself as someone who could handle most situations and had planned what to do should that situation ever arise.

So, in your spare time, you think about flying 182's, what to do should you ever find yourself being held up by a knifeman, and now we can add crashing in a jungle to that list.

Quite the man for a boy of 20 years old.

Keep up the stories, they are brilliant!

Ten West 10th Mar 2009 22:00

I like Grim Repa. :ok:

He's a duuuuuude! :D

disco87 10th Mar 2009 22:00

Just like sharks, smell blood they all come swimming

Reluctant737 10th Mar 2009 22:02


I'm curious, just what is your bone to pick with me exactly?

That I paid for my type rating?

I'll be honest, you're difficult to figure out (probably just the way you like it, so well done), but it's easy to see you hold a grudge. Not a positively attributable trait for a professional pilot.

You have well and truly grabbed the stick and gone running. You've picked up on something that, to your senses, seemed 'not quite right', and are now on a quest to pursue that 'tick' to the world's end.

So I come back to my original question, why do you find it necessary to curb my heel with such frequency old mate?

Unfortunately (for you), PPRuNe is not a proving ground of sorts for pilots, but a place to share opinions, or I gather that's the idea. I have nothing to prove to anybody.

You'd be surprised how often I've heard all this before, from you, from the guys (and girl) on this thread, it's all crossed my path in the past. I guess I should take consolation that you're all rather tame compared to what I've been subjected to in the past?

No dear sir, I'm not the one wriggling - when somebody asks for an opinion, I will share my experiences. I've never hinted at some form of inner 'Godliness', 'heroism' or otherwise.

Indeed, this thread regards my airline, and poses the question 'is it really that bad'?

I have displayed my personal circumstances as a means to show whomsoever may be interested that I am getting by, and generally having a good time where I am.

So, Flintstone, tootle along to another bush on the plain that is PPRuNe in search of your next prey, because I'll tell you this mate, you aint finding it here.


the grim repa 10th Mar 2009 22:04

"soon flees the scene when danger approaches".Shoot man,between you and old reluctant there we should get the soundtrack to "apocalypse now" in the background.a right pair of little widow makers we got here.Shoot man along with phantasm the "744 skip"?????we got us a proper little a-team starting.

as for playstation,well feel free to drift off to any little old topic you want.what is REPAWEB,by the way?

go on,take a nice big bite,you know you want to!!!!you are still being raped by mol and his cronies,no matter how you butter it up.just don't try and drag people who know better into the **** to make you feel better.At the sound of the next flush,that will be your terms and conditions as "pilots"???going further down the potty,but you got a jacuzzi and "3" stripes so that is just dandy.

in the words of mr-t,"you going to feel paaaaain"!

and for flogs sake,regurgitant737,stop calling it MY airline.if it is possible,having read your past posts on everything from your theories on the evolution of man to how you singlehandedly discovered black holes.it makes you look like an even bigger numbnuts than you could possibly be.
please nasty mr. o'liary can i have MY airline back now!!!baby!!!

Reluctant737 10th Mar 2009 22:06

what is REPAWEB,by the way?
Google is your friend.

Ooops :oh: Bloody hell, now there's a frightening thought...

the grim repa 10th Mar 2009 22:13

is that the best you can come up with.pathetic!!!still don't expect much more,when we are discussing topics that may have reprecussions beyond midnight.take a little stroll,or relax in the jacuzzi,just remember don't FLUSH THE TOILET!!!

Flintstone 10th Mar 2009 22:13

As predicted ;)

In case you hadn't noticed I stayed well out of this until you decided to start playing silly buggers with your usernames. Other people pinged you too, not just me.

You had the sense to lie low for a while and it seemed you'd seen the error of your ways but as others pointed out you seek the spotlight, you just can't help yourself. In fact I'd say you display undesireable personality traits for this line of work. It has not gone unnoticed that you've tried to deflect attention from your tales, accusing me of stalking rather than discuss the transmogrifying C182/Caravan. Your downfall was over-egging the pudding, a common failure among Walts.

Originally Posted by Reluctant
You'd be surprised how often I've heard all this before

Ever wondered why?

Originally Posted by Reluctant
I have nothing to prove to anybody.

You got that right ;)

Seriously, stop digging. It's embarrassing. Unless you're going to explain Cessna's remarkable machine that only you seem to have flown (oh, and crashed) I'll retire to the aforementioned comfy chair and watch.

Reluctant737 10th Mar 2009 22:32

And yet you still leave my questions unanswered?

I tell you what, I'll go first -

I'm not going to contribute to this topic being dragged away from the original intent, but if you have a careful read through what I've written in response to your 'allegations' in the past, you will find every answer you seek.

It is not a transmission problem, but a reception issue in this case.

And what's all this about 'leaving it alone'? This is an open discussion board isn't it? Who might you be to tell me what I can and cannot do? You're scared that what I write may reach the delicate eyes of easily misled wannabes? Well get with it, what I write is real life and what I've experienced. It's not so much an embarrassment as much an insult. I guess every forum has its self appointed Sheriff...

eagerbeaver1 10th Mar 2009 22:36

R737 - 800 hours on the 737NG in Ryanair is a second officer = two stripes.

You talk a lot of rubbish, I bet I can smoke you out on the line. I will guess you are STN based? Will you be supporting Balpa?

Reluctant737 10th Mar 2009 22:38

I'd better get a hold of this one quick before I'm accused of fabricating my profession - I was rather hoping Brother Grim would have picked up on that to demonstrate he did have sustinence behind what he was saying.

My recent answer was 'yes'.

I do not support BALPA.

I was dissapointed.

Scratch Pad 10th Mar 2009 23:05

Having nothing better to do tonight I followed this thread before doing a bit of reading of some old posts of one or two people here. Oh, dear. Oh dear oh dear oh dear. Don't know about the rest of you but if someone was pointing out such howling disparities in my career I'd be going out of my way to explain any 'misunderstandings' but I don't see much of that here.

Expect some leading questions in the STN crew room over the next few days.

leeds 65 10th Mar 2009 23:19

lets get back on topic here,enough bull****ting

Benefits=good roster,new planes,pay is ok nothing amazing,good TRE lads and training,nice capts+cabin crew

Bad= brookfield - sorting out your own affairs is a pain,
no pay on standbys,
pay fluctuates hugely every month,
annual leave for brookfielders is awful - pretty much sept-march,summer no chance
1 month leave in a block is tough on money+boring in winter
10 days additional leave is given even if not wanted
in 1 calender year(jan-dec) it is possible to only work 10 months or less as months off can be given in 2 different roster years (april-march),for example feb 08(still 07 roster year) off and oct 08(08 roster year) off=tough on cash

its ok overall,the flying is nice

the grim repa 10th Mar 2009 23:24

look relaxant737 - you are a bull****ter,you are the one who misled this thread from original topic with your fanciful mary poppins boool****e.you have been rumbled,suck it in and pass off.i have been fighting this fight against repressive management,their attack on my way of life and the respectful profession they would see in the gutter to save money,so that shareholders and the fat cats can profit while my future is divvied up.I DO SUPPORT BALPA AND I SUPPORT MY COLLEAGUES (even if the are self centred like you)to have a VOICE and a FUTURE free of oppression,threats,insinuated threat and intimidation.I Will be here well after you and the likes of hairy camel are gone.I may be a ****** and a **** stirrer,but i can look myself in the mirror every time and say i did the right thing.
"i Was dissappointed" you say.well whoopy do.it will all become apparent to you in time.you about to be a whole lot more dissappointed when mol done with your ass.
the word you were looking for was "substance",not "sustinence",clown!!!

leeds65 - do not forget the rest of the industry standard items we have had taken away from us,too many to list.the pension they robbed off us.the drive out of any and all pilots who would seek to have fair and equitable treatment.the lack of any greivance and disciplinary procedure.the total lack of respect and dignity for pilots.the court cases against captains who would refuse to go into discretion.
if "ok" is good enough for you,then it is fbloody far from good enough for me.about bloody time pilots stopped being such doormats and so bloody nice!!

Bahee 96 11th Mar 2009 01:36

The Balpa card at the moment is open. We are currently fighting with Brookfield about their proposed 650 hours a year mark. This will obviously effect the pilots, under this contract, wages.

The future is not Ryanair, stick together and fight!!!!!???:cool:

leeds 65 11th Mar 2009 01:53

that is awful.Bahee 96 where did you get this information?

That effects wages and time to command too

RED WINGS 11th Mar 2009 19:30

I find it amusing how many PM's I have received from people about reluctant 737, I shall take the advice given and ignore from now on other than to say I bet its an amussing day on the flight deck:}

All I can say is having never worked for Ryanair, this thread has confirmed to me its a last choice airline to work for, which is what everyone Ive ever met who used to work for them says.

Wonder if that "Oasis" will dry up as employee treatment gets worse?

I wish you all luck, and hope FR dont drag the industry further down the pan, Im sure they will charge you for that soon to ;)

south coast 12th Mar 2009 12:36

Is it actually true, or just a s story doing the rounds, that Ryanair are charging people to use the toilet?

cptdivz 12th Mar 2009 15:02

south coast
it is not true.. Ryanair are thinking about doing it however if they were less people would buy expensive drinks on their flights thus it makes no sense in charging people to use the toilet!:ok:

Whitstle_Blower 15th Mar 2009 18:47

Union Recognition IS coming!
LEEDS 65 and Reluctant 737-

I have a few things to comment on. I am guessing you are BRK. I can tell you right now that this year all BRK terms and conditions will be changing. Pay rates will be cut. Don't think that the "5 year contract" bit means anything. They will offer notice, say that the "Relucant 737 Pilot Ltd" is no longer required to work under contract with FR. You will be given notice, and then at the last hour, you will be offered a NEW contract that will start the day after you current one's notice ends, and that will have a reduction in pay in it. Mark my words. They have had FR pilots this year, and BRK are next.

Reluctant 737 - (Just for you)

"I guess the real question is, what can we do from the inside in a company that doesn't recognise trade unions?"

If you understand how a union is recognised within an organisation, you would know that if a union body, (BALPA), is found to have a large proportion of employees associated with it, (ie, BALPA subscribed members), it is AUTOMATICALLY given union status within that organisation. Therefore Join BALPA, and when it applies for Union recognition, it WILL get it.

[quote]"I do not support BALPA.
I was dissapointed."[/quote]

What exactly can you have to be disapointed with if you do not support them?

I seriously hope you reconsider for many reasons. If you are an FR employee, then you will help Ryanair Pilots get recognised as Union Members.

People seem to forget that BALPA can only help, if the pilots want to be helped!! Join them and you WILL get what you want! A Union that leagal MUST BE RECOGNISED BY RYANAIR. They have no choice.

If you are not FR, but BRK, then you will get leagal help and advice for when BRK finally shaft you. Plus don'f forget that BRK pilots will be used to beat the conditions down of the FR guys. This is exactly what happened in Dublin not so long ago.

"And for the record, I follow SOPs biblically when I'm at work - out of work, it's up to me to determine what's safe and what's not. "
I hope to god you never have an inncident, especially one that someone is killed. The AAIB will tear you to pieces. They will look at every single thing you have done. All sorts of posts on forums like this will be looked at as to what could have contributed. Putting posts on here saying you would go flying and not log the hours is really stupid. Leagal proceedings would follow. If you are found to have lied about hours, you will go to prison. Most likely on Manslaughter charges.

Aerobat -

Please don't get dispondent. If you are a member of BALPA, then hang in there, if not, I suggest you do as a lot of people have been particularly p*ssed off by the way the contract thing has been handled. BALPA are taking action, but it will need every possible FR pilot to support them.

JW411 15th Mar 2009 18:53

Dear FONT='verdana'/'sans-serif',

You are quite wrong, the AAIB do not tear anyone apart.

Whitstle_Blower 15th Mar 2009 19:03

What I mean by the AAIB "tearing you to pieces", is looking at exactly what you have been doing as flight crew. They will look at every aspect of your life to see if there were physical or mental issues that could have effective your flight. They will look at your rest and flying schedules. That is what i mean, not in the literal term that they will hold you accountable. They will simply look for every piece of information to find out what happened. If somewhere you have fallen fowl of the rules, then that is a leagal body that will take it further.

leeds 65 15th Mar 2009 23:15

Ialpa Or Balpa
So which is better to join or does it matter?

eagerbeaver1 16th Mar 2009 10:11

Join the trade union where you work, Ireland - Ialpa, UK - Balpa. However Balpa is larger, so I would suggest them.

cameldung 16th Mar 2009 11:34

I see that little has changed since I last visited PPRuNe, quite some time ago. The Ryanair "flag carrier's" posting in this discussion are just as narrow of vision and as self-serving as before (and either completely lacking in wit and maturity - or just taking the piss and laughing all the way to their handlers).

Really there's not a lot to be said, other than to say that Ryanair pay and conditions continue to decline at a rate which may one day help to wake up the slowest of slow learners.

eagerbeaver1 what used to be said on REPAweb was that Ryanair pilots should join the Association (BALPA or IALPA) relevant to their contract of employment - so all on UK contracts to BALPA and those at all Bases outside of the U.K. to IALPA. BTW, what you say about size is all very well, but anyone I know who was helped by IALPA came away feeling that their success in fighting various cases with Ryanair came from knowing what they were about. I certainly think IALPA has been a lot more determined and a lot less innocent than BALPA.

captplaystation 16th Mar 2009 13:33

Much evidence has been aired on Repa of IALPA supporting numerous court cases involving Ryanair employees.
I don't recall reading about one case where BALPA was in the dock on behalf of a member.
With this in mind, who do you prefer on your side ?
If you have a UK contract however, you are probably stuck with the BALPA option. At least you can console yourself that you are helping to contribute to the snail like march towards recognition. :hmm: :rolleyes:

CamelhAir 17th Mar 2009 20:43

BALPA supported the PIK based pilot who sued FR and won £70k. What they did to said individual was no worse than normal HR SOP in ryanair. Hence there's money to be made were people interested.

captplaystation 17th Mar 2009 22:06

Sorry, yep I had forgottem that one. Bottom line, as said by a previous poster, join the one in the country of your contract.

leeds 65 18th Mar 2009 02:36


Thanks lads for the info

ill be joining one of the 2 within the week !!

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