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-   -   Any Cebu Pacific Crew here ? (https://www.pprune.org/south-asia-far-east/452558-any-cebu-pacific-crew-here.html)

Jaz and the Fat Man 5th Jul 2012 18:55

Thanks, I'll get that out to you asap. could you send me some info? Here's my email. [email protected]

planeinstructor 16th Jul 2012 19:39

A320 type rated
Hey everyone.
Just looking for some info, I am a fresh A320 type rated pilot with lots of turbo prop time Captain & FO.
Can anyone guide me to who might be hiring at this time.

aviateur85 18th Jul 2012 02:44

Hey orangputi,
I have PM'ed you for the burma gig.. I'd appreciate if you can provide me your email address... thanks.

Intruder One 20th Jul 2012 02:44

Burma yeah that could be interesting.Could you PM that to me as well ...thanks

Adamantium 8th Sep 2012 07:32

Hey folks, I was just wondering if 1500hr/ATPL (all from instructing), class 1 medical, with dual citizenship, multi Ifr, no type rating or a degree will qualify me as an F/O? I have an ICAO TCCA only.

Jaz and the Fat Man 10th Sep 2012 19:41

No type, No job
No. There is a misconception that since Cebu Pacific is a low cost carrier in the Philippines that they are desperate and will accept anyone. That simply is not true. They have a stack of very high time Captains, that have retired at age 55 from the Major airlines, and are looking to finish up in a great country and enjoying the diversity that is not available in many places. On the other side, due to the expansion, Cebu offers the chance for an FO with some good experience ( 1500 hours instructing doesn't fit the bill ), to become a Captain in short time. Now before you equate "short time" with low experience, that simply is not true either. There is no free ride here, that is for sure. The work is hard and the rewards are what they are.

Good luck!

Adamantium 11th Sep 2012 06:06

To Jaz.
Thanks for the prompt response. So basically it all boils down to quality hrs over quantity, and not the fact that I lack a college degree? I guest my next question is, if I were to accumulate hrs from lets say a 1900 or any turbo prop A/C will I then be considered? Any advice would be wonderful. Thanks!

jonjie 12th Sep 2012 04:55

Get some multi experience, show some good attitude, and you would likely get in as an Atr f.o.

flyscairbus 25th Sep 2012 13:05

To Adam
Hi Adam,
Just wondering, are you a filipino dual citizen??
I dont see why you wouldn't have a shot as an ATR FO. I currently am an ATR FO for 5J & I managed to get in on 1000 hrs, all from instructing, on C152's & Piper's I might add. I had a CPL, with multi ifr, & before this, was unemployed for 2 years.
Exactly this time last year, I just started my type rating in BKK. A year later, I'm thankful everyday & still can't believe where I am now!
If anything, maybe have a little bit of twin time on you first.
My sim partner got in on 500, & even though he struggled a little bit more, he still managed to get through all the training.

As long as you show you have the commitment, know your stuff, & show that you have the skills as well, I don't see why you wouldn't be able to get in. I have heard our chief can be a little tough on the sim check, but still a really nice guy!
As far as I know the next FO intake on the ATR won't be until next year, as they are focusing on cpt's at the moment, but whatever you decide to do, good luck with it all!!

MrMutra 26th Sep 2012 20:56

Anyone have a direct email for recruitment at Cebu, tried the online but never any response ? Cheers

Mr M

Jaz and the Fat Man 28th Sep 2012 22:09


Cebu just doesn't respond to emails. The girl in the office gets hundreds, yes hundred of emails enquiring about jobs and her attitude just doesn't lend itself to respond. What's the current situation?

All the expats have been given a termination notice of 90 days. Most have been given the option of signing back up under local terms but as we know, that really doesn't cut it as we aren't local, our families don't live here, and they are also taking away the commuting roster so you'll only have 15 days a year in which to visit your parents and friends even if you can talk your wife and children to come over and live "local" style. This mean no A/C and riding the jeepney since your pay as a Captain, after you pay taxes will be less than 5K USD per month. ( try maintaining two household on that ) Plus, unlike a local, you are working at the graces of the visa people and that is hit and miss. you will have to get your own local license, no more validation. If you're starting out as an FO, now that is a good deal. If you have any time whatsoever you can probably plan on the left seat in less than a year. This is according to some guys that were recently hired. the level of experience here is very low so when you do make the left seat, your skill level will rise very quickly since you'll be flying a 320 solo. The FO's are trained as well as possible but we all know that you can't learn flying from a book. If you email the HR dept, don't expect a reply and you won't be disappointed. You really need to know someone. So, in a nut shell, the management, mainly Mr. Mark B, has decided that Cebu can get highly experienced Captains, to fly brutal schedules, with FO's that have a few hundred hours of flight time and don't want to be told anything by an expat Capt. And for that, you'll get paid 5K per month. Oh, and one final tid bit. you're only allowed to have 8 days off per month maximum since the pilots shouldn't have more time off than the office workers. So, during the busy times, if you're pushing the 100 hour limit, rostering will DH you to a city 45 minutes away and have you sit for 3 hours and then fly the trip back. Just to make sure you don't get an extra day off to rest.It's a great job for an inexperienced pilot to build time and upgrade rapidly. The people you work with are fantastic. But, it's rough duty and not for the light hearted. Good luck!

Intruder One 29th Sep 2012 12:03

Whoa.................they went from $11000.00 and 6&2 to $5000 and zero off.

I think thats a round about way of saying GO HOME..!!!!!!!!!

Jaz and the Fat Man 6th Oct 2012 06:15

On the road again
Cessna95, you're not trying to pin point down who I am are you???:= haaaaa

Anyway, all the expats, with the exception of the few FO's that are taking the local upgrade deal, or is it just one, I'm not sure, have been given December 19 as the Adios date. A few of us are completing the current contract in November. So, as of December 20, I don't think you're going to see too many expats with the exception of the new guys that just got hired under local terms and the one or two that upgraded. But, I left out the very best part till last....

As part of the new Pilot code of conduct, you must be contactable on your days off. You must ask for written permission to leave your base, for example, you have 2 days off and you want to run up to Hong Kong.

If Cebu calls you for a trip on your day off you cannot refuse! Yes! There you have it ladies. The very best, kept for last. All days off are considered stand-by days. How's that for a finely oiled machine.

arigato 6th Oct 2012 09:39

Re-Pilot Code of Conduct
This is another very cheap strategy of some people in the management who do not have any idea of how "discipline" works. These few people who did not have any training on "DISCIPLINE" seem to equate it with "punishment" only. "Morale and welfare" is just a part of it but if this is blatantly violated, it will have a dire consequences with the company...

If anyone remember the "brown-outs" or "black-outs" before, it might happen again...

Assuming that I'll be called to fly on my days-off with your company, "I WILL DO IT WITHOUT ANY HESITATION OR HARD FEELINGS"...Really!!! It's a matter of "Professionalism".

As long as the company will clear me to fly with a .04% alcohol level. :=:ugh:

Skymaster337 7th Oct 2012 00:10

>>>>>>>>But, I left out the very best part till last....

As part of the new Pilot code of conduct, you must be contactable on your days off. You must ask for written permission to leave your base, for example, you have 2 days off and you want to run up to Hong Kong.

If Cebu calls you for a trip on your day off you cannot refuse! Yes! There you have it ladies. The very best, kept for last. All days off are considered stand-by days. How's that for a finely oiled machine.<<<<<<<<<<<

Isn't this old news? Has more to do with delays out of Manila than anything else.

Jaz and the Fat Man 7th Oct 2012 06:48

"Isn't this old news? Has more to do with delays out of Manila than anything else."

Hmmmmm, I'm just trying to figure out what, the recent "code of conduct" which includes the requirement to receive written permission to leave your base and the requirement to be available to work on all days off, has to do with delays out of Manila.

Skymaster, could you enlighten me please? Or are you just making a light of a very serious situation. I'm confused. Really.

Skymaster337 7th Oct 2012 07:42

That policy has been in effect for months, not recent as you are trying to allude.

Jaz and the Fat Man 7th Oct 2012 09:27

Ahhh, now I understand how having to work on days off correlate with traffic delays out of Manila. Thanks for setting that straight. And if you regard September as months well I can certainly accept that also. Don't worry sky master, all the experienced expats will be gone very soon and you and the rest of the locals will have Cebu Pacific all to yourselves. Good luck my friend. It's been an enlightening and at times, enjoyable experience.

Skymaster. I hope you realize I'm having a bit of fun with you. The experience in the Philippines is one I will treasure as you and the rest of the pilots have been gentlemen and shown us expats the highest degree of respect and comradeship. My bit of negativity is directed toward Mr Mark who has so little regard for the pilot force.I have been and always will be a big fan of the Filipino pilots that are the driving force behind Cebu Pacific (and not to mention the excellent location of the simulator). As new expats join the ranks to gain experience, I hope you enjoy the same excellent philippine experience as we outgoing expats enjoyed.

airbus320fan 8th Oct 2012 08:01

An current hiring?
Hello guys, sorry about the following inquiry in this forum but could someone kindly confirm wether cebu woud be recruiting Airbus F/O s anytime this month? Heard rumours about a second job fair somewhere in the end of oct in Manila!!

Jaz and the Fat Man 8th Oct 2012 15:22

Then follow your gut, my Airbus fan! You couldn't find a better place to gain some excellent experience with a bunch of great pilots. Not to mention trying not to fall in love every day....:ok:

airbus320fan 8th Oct 2012 15:50

thank you,but are the guys at CEBU very particular about TT or Hrs on type ? I am planning a visit to Manila to try my luck .

OGL 9th Oct 2012 01:23

Hi everybody,

How to get charter flights TO and Landing permit CEBU? Is there any phone number or email address?

Jaz and the Fat Man 9th Oct 2012 11:49

Could you be a little more specific on what you mean about Cebu being very particular on TT? For time on time, for FO's, they aren't that particular and a type is probably enough if you are willing to accept local terms, which for someone starting out, is more than enough. It's a lot more than is offered by United Airlines for example and the living expenses are much much less than in the usa. Since they have recently dropped their experienced expat Captains, upgrades will be coming faster as the deliveries keep happening.

airbus320fan 9th Oct 2012 12:09

I am a fresher with AROUND 300HRS AND A a320 tr . I was contemplating on visiting manila and giving it a shot at Cebu . I am not very particular about the terms of the contract but i would like to confirm wether Cebu would atleast consider me for a F/O job .

Jaz and the Fat Man 9th Oct 2012 12:52

Actually, at your stage to expect a confirmation of anything is a stretch. However, if you're in the right place at the right time, anything is possible. Part of this job hunt thing is taking chances, like what you're planning. To show up and hope. This, however is not the best time (toward the end of the year) and after the first of the year would be better. For all the AB places out there, Cebu is probably one of the best.( In which to gain experience that is )

airbus320fan 9th Oct 2012 13:20

thank you, but has cebu ever recruited guys with low hrs such as myself,with just a TR in the past?

ekdrone 10th Oct 2012 07:20

I am in the same boat as AIRBUS320fan. I would like to know if they'll accept someone like us with only about 300TT and have a A320 type rating? I don't mind the contract, I just want to have the experience and the job.

But I am a filipino citizen with only FAA License. Just want to know if having A320 type rating would be smart thing to do since it's not cheap.

thanks in advance...

yano 10th Oct 2012 17:05

but has cebu ever recruited guys with low hrs such as myself,with just a TR in the past?
Been done.

Both locals and Non-locals with 250TT and TR had been hired as limited F/O.

As Jaz pointed out "if you're in the right place at the right time, anything is possible".

airbus320fan 10th Oct 2012 18:05

Thank you yano,any further inputs from any of the other guys is much appreciated...............

Jaz and the Fat Man 11th Oct 2012 19:50

Listen to Yano
What is happening in the Philippines at the present time is incredible and I mean this as a positive. Yes, if you have 300 hours and a type you can get a job. BUT, there are no guarantees and if you want that, I'd put an app in at Walmart. This pilot job is one big shake of the dice. There is no guarantee your medical certificate will be passed every six month either. Myself and many of the expats rolled that dice and cebu was kind enough to give us a place to get some current experience in the hottest airplane out there in terms of pilot demand. Now it's time to move on and make room for the next batch. They have caught on that there are many pilots that will accept local terms in order to get some hard core experience. Would you want to work there permanent, not unless you lived there and even then. the work is very hard and many times when you have your two days off, say monday and tuesday for example, you'll finish at 1am on monday, (that will start your days off) and then expected in front of dispatch on wednesday morning at 3am. Two days off? not really but heck, if you're making a future for yourself, does it really matter? I feel bad for the local pilots as it really is brutal.

Pixelsky_330 22nd Oct 2012 02:32

The work (roostering) might be hard and brutal, but if you really has passion at flying and you really like flying, then its fine and ok. I too like to join Cebu, a lot of my schoolmates, classmates, former instructors and friends are flying for Cebu. Some of them are flying the ATR and the rest are on the Airbus. Mind you that Cebu Pacific has an order for A330-300, A321 NEO, and some A320, (I dont know about ATR if they order more). And that means they need more pilots and the demands are high. So if you are eyeing to join Cebu, go for it, show a good and friendly attitude. As Jaz said "If you`re in the right place at the right time, anything is possible."

"It`s time everyone flies."

krakenzors 24th Oct 2012 08:51

Does Cebu Pacific hire local pilots with no a320Type rating?

buskoto 26th Oct 2012 14:07

FO hiring is frozen, at least for the moment. Some pilots who originally applied for A320 FO are now being considered for A330 Second Officer (SO) slots instead (500 hours total time, CPL/IR and multiengine rating as minimum requirement, relief duties only with no takeoffs and landings). They missed the bus, so to speak.

Unless deliveries are somehow accelerated, Cebu Pacific is expected to take in 7 new A320s next year (all with sharklets) and up to 4 A330s, a total of 11 planes at most. However, it will also be selling off all 10 of its A319s. That's a net gain of only 1 aircraft for 2013. As you can see, hiring will remain static (outside of the requirement for A330 SOs) and only internal upgrading of FOs to captains and migration from A320 to A330 is expected.

Of course mass resignations could trigger mass hiring, but with so many players now crowding the market (with some teetering on the brink, the rest unprofitable except for 5J), the local hiring scene may not approach 2010-2011 levels anytime soon.

Pixelsky_330 26th Oct 2012 15:56

Hiring might be frozen but it will not be frozen for a loooooong time, especially how Ceb`s are expanding..even PAL will need more flight crew bec. of their orders...Hiring are, just like the traffic in EDSA, sometimes frozen and sometimes not. ;) So if you`re flying in the Gen. Av. and you`re eyeing on Ceb`s or in any of those airline but you miss the window, just continue to fly, be safe and safe flight always and eventually you gonna see yourself at the seat of the Bus or Boeing. :ok:

Aviation and flying is fun, and its a passion for us few...

Jaz and the Fat Man 28th Oct 2012 13:15

Nothing is frozen at Cebu
Sorry to be contrary but the sale of the 319's and dispersal will start march 2013 and continue until June 2014. There will be a net gain of at least 5 aircraft in 2013 if not more. Plus, with the recent termination of all 320 expat Captains and the resignation of several local pilots..... Sooooooo, don't give up the faith. Don't regard no response to your email as an indication they don't love you. Be patient and diligent. A wise man told me 30 years ago. If you want to prosper as a pilot, go with the company with the worst pay, worst working conditions, and the best equipment. Why? Think about it.... The answer starts with a C!

Good luck!

flyingstar 30th Oct 2012 00:02

That airline would be more Competitive compared to other ones and might be profitable, right?

Pixelsky_330 2nd Nov 2012 05:06

Any Cebu Pacific Crew here ?
The way they expand, so they are more competitive and profitable. But remember other airlines are also expanding, PAL orders a lot of Airbuses. And the other players are also expanding little by little.

USMCProbe 2nd Nov 2012 07:55

Jetstar, Tiger, and Air Asia all have grandious plans for world domination, or at least SE Asia domination. They are already clubbing each other to death, and are going to hurt the other players like Cebu soon. Those 3 compete heavily in almost every market in SE Asia, including the PI. Throw in Thai, Singapore, Garuda, and Malaysian trying to beat them back with their own low cost products.

I think it will seriously hurt profitibility in the long haul, and their will be a serious blood letting of excess aircraft and crews in a few years.

Check Airman 22nd Nov 2012 06:26

Cebu details
Hello all,

Does Cebu still hire expat FO's? I haven't got A320 time, but I do have 1000+ jet time.

What's the pay like for expat FO's? Is the salary taxed?

SAND BALLS OF FIRE 22nd Nov 2012 11:57

expat pilot
hey guys , I am married with a filipina and we are wondering if its possible for me to get a job with cebu pacific.... I have a total of 600hrs and currently i'm cfi in brazil..
does anyone knows if have any chance there?? or even with the general aviation ? and if the salary is enought to support a family of 3 ...small baby?
thanks for any info in advance.

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