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bananaman2 1st Oct 2010 16:59

cruisecruiser... bear in mind all the 200hr guys who I know who got in were introduced by CTC or travelled out to Singapore speculatively and turned up on the doorstep - I don't know of anyone who's been lucky applying through the web (with 200hrs) - perhaps you do.

at the moment it appears Tiger has more pressing needs for Captains or those with hours on Type that will make them eligible for Command fairly soon hence... cancellation of flights alluded to. But I'm as interested as you as to the prospects for potential employment - perhaps approaching them over the next few months is not the time.

Will be interesting to know when things start to improve.

johnlenon 1st Oct 2010 17:58

Crisp,as We Speak,a Brand New Aircraft Is Being Flown On The Way To Singapore Scheduled To Arrive Here In A Few Days.

Guess They Will Park The Shining Bird Against The Fence (no Crew)

SHAKER ONE:YES! The Old Loyal Instructors At Tiger With Lesser Pay/assume More Experience Will Be Training The Contractors With Higher Pay...welcome To Tiger Airways!

Dani 1st Oct 2010 18:53

To put a few things straight:

Most of the pilots that left were not leaving because they had enough of Tiger - or not only because of that. It was the moment where they got their long awaited bonuses (for the IPO), so basically everyone waited until he got his bonus, then quit. Unfortunately, that was exactly the time when the industry went on a rise again.

Those 200hrsish pilots where not the worst ones. Tiger took plenty of well trained SIA cadets and had some young cadets already before. CAAS's
problem was that some pilots came from an region with slightly lower aviation standards.

There have always been pilots on different contracts in Tiger, as long as Tiger existed. That's no difference to SIA, SIA Cargo, or any other Asian carrier, or maybe industry-wide.

Contract pilots might get slightly better T&Cs, but on the other hand, they are the first to leave, or sometimes given the choice to reaply under normal "local" conditions.

I'm pretty sure, that Tiger is getting pilots they deserve and that they are making their way back on track again.

(former Tiger capt)

slatch 1st Oct 2010 21:34

Like Crisp2 pointed out. Tiger's performance lately has been getting worse. Almost everyone I know in Asia and Aus don't fly Tiger any more because you can not depend on them. If they keep this up they won't need any pilots because they wont have any passengers.

Friday October 1, 2010 Changi departures:

total: 33
cancelled 15
over 4 hrs late: 2
over 3 hrs late: 1
over 2 hrs late: 2
over 1 hr late: 3
over 15 min late: 5

That makes 5 out of 33 that departed close to on time.

Sunstar320 1st Oct 2010 21:53

and here she is.....turrrrrrrrrrbotiger :}

krismiler 2nd Oct 2010 02:08

Contract pilots might get slightly better T&Cs
Try 33% better. But then again they are on a fixed term contract and don't get pension or loss of licence insurance. Unlike the present pilots ???? Who are on a fixed term contract and don't get pension or loss of licence insurance either. :confused:

they are the first to leave, or sometimes given the choice to reaply under normal "local" conditions.
So what happens in six months time when these guys contracts are up and they either move on to better opportunities in the region or refuse to extend under "local" conditions, but are willing to continue on "contract rates"

Replace them with more "contract" pilots ?:confused:

One possible option would be to offer attractive terms and conditions to current employees, make them want to stay. And they would have little trouble with future recruitment as a holding pool would develop.:hmm:

Dani 2nd Oct 2010 07:59

33%, but they don't get a bonus - if there will be one. And the last one was big enough.

You are correct that there is no LOL or any other insurances, there is a pension plan if you are permanent resident (which you are free to apply after a certain time, I don't remember how long).

I just know that in the beginning, every single contract pilot changed to local contract - I don't remember anyone who left at all. There might be better offers in the regions, but most of the offers are worse.

(I wonder why I don't reapply...)

krismiler 2nd Oct 2010 12:12

The IPO bonus was a one off and had been dangled in front of everyone as a means of keeping the terms and conditions down. Now a skipper who stays three years gets S$30 000 or profit share (max of about S$4500/year IF targets are met).

Pension plan - Central Provident Fund requires:
1. Six to eighteen months on an employment pass before you can apply with any chance of permanent residence being granted.
2. Six to twelve month wait for an answer, and they are being a lot more selective these days.
3. Two years on reduced contributions before the company pays the full amount of S$650/month. You will be paying S$900 as well.

After a few months experience in the region and having made a few contacts, these contract pilots will be well placed to move on if Tiger try to negotiate downwards when renewal time comes around.

Tiger need to attract and retain a stable workforce if they are to achieve their expansion plans

Oldaircrew 2nd Oct 2010 12:22

Dani, you are out of touch with regards to the situation at Tiger. I suggest that you stop posting. The bonus last year was 750SGD. The IPO was a one off as Krismiler says. Tiger will not get pilots due to the way that they treat their staff. They will not be back on track anytime soon either.

Michi 2nd Oct 2010 17:24

I have been interested in applying until I had a closer look at the terms; if you don't have a CAAS licence ( which most of us don't) you'll have to sign a bond of S$ 25.000,-!!!! Is there no possibility to fly with a validation like in many other countries, based on (in my case) a JAA ATPL? I also understand it is quite an extensive process to convert..... Anyone with more details about this?

Many thanks

Meccano 2nd Oct 2010 18:06

Michi, the CAAS will throw obstacle after obstacle in your path. No, you won't get a validation. You must apply for a conversion. In JAR Land your PC/IR is valid for 12 months, but the CAAS consider it expired after 6 months.
No 6 month PC? - bog off then.
You'll be asked to provide the infamous PC Report too - if you can obtain it.
If not, bog off.

Singapore needs pilots, but is playing silly games. This goes on in many areas of business there. Maersk just announced they are pulling their shipping business and placing it with Malaysian ports instead. Same reason - finally tired of their BS. Too expensive anyhow.

Singaporeans are a;holes to deal with.
Good luck.

etops777 2nd Oct 2010 20:35


Singaporeans are a;holes to deal with.
Good luck.

You are a true professional!:ok:

If you are so proud of yourself then why you need to seek employment else where? Just stay where you belong and don't even bother to work anywhere else on this planet:yuk:

I am not from the lion city but with your remark, you are 1 big racists and I am glad Singapore as a country got rid of you! and please, don't make a bad name for your fellow country man.:=

cruisercruiser 3rd Oct 2010 03:47

Thanks Banana and Crisps. Met up with a friend from Tiger and was told it's bleak for 200-hour freshies...

hongkongfooey 3rd Oct 2010 04:12

Tiger, where do I sign !! :ok:

Singaporeans are a;holes to deal with
100% agree, and that's from personal experience. It's Ok to screw with people and their lives/careers but when you complain about it, and because you are a different race, their only pathetic answer is " racist "

NavySealPA 3rd Oct 2010 12:37

Only because comment like this deserve nothing less than the word Racist with a captial R.:yuk
Singapore might need pilots,but what makes u think they need pilots like u?:=
As for being a as;hole,it takes a bigger one to know a smaller one.:D

dadof6 3rd Oct 2010 12:38

Interview with Tiger
Am considering leaving a legacy carrier in North America to come to Tiger. After reading the posts here I am not sure I can even consider the interview!

Someone from Tiger care to PM me or even reply here why I should. Have seen lots of posts why I shouldn't.


hongkongfooey 3rd Oct 2010 14:04

Only because comment like this deserve nothing less than the word Racist with a captial R.:yuk
Singapore might need pilots,but what makes u think they need pilots like u?:=
As for being a as;hole,it takes a bigger one to know a smaller one
Let me guess, level 3 ICAO
I coodent aford the pay cut :}

Meccano 3rd Oct 2010 14:21

Kiddo - been there, done that. Got the T-Shirt, and moved on.
And as to racism....dont make me laugh you hypocrite.
Singapore makes no secret of it - its stated policy! Right on this thread! Duh.

etops777 3rd Oct 2010 14:40

Inmature of Meccano

Kiddo - been there, done that. Got the T-Shirt, and moved on.
Let me try to read between the lines here!

It sounded like you've come to Asia and build the required hours and experience in order to qualify for another Airlines that needed more experience for a MORON like yourself! At the same time making a real living and not making peanut wages back home!

Hypocrite?! No need for a pissing contest with someone that doesn't appreciate the people whom gave you the required experience to be more marketable. With equal opportunity issue? Do you think your country will allow anyone without the right of abode to be flying in your country let along DEC! C'mon grow up you little MORON! feel sorry that you were not taught correctly but you still have time to "Learn" and "Grow up" :)

Meccano 3rd Oct 2010 14:48

Eh kiddo, you're making rather a large set of assumptions, and my advice to you is calm yourself down before you burst a blood vessel. Your kiasu mentality is out of control.

Never mind. Living in a dictatorship does funny things to people.

PS I just did some research on you (not finished yet) but already it appears you make a habit of 'analysing' the backgrounds of anyone who pisses you off a bit. Like this:

.....if job and pay was so good in your country, why did you leave in the first place? let me guess, is it you were furloughed? or trying to get some jet experience? maybe pay increase or trying to escape from the tax authority? i think too much to list.
make the best of it while you are working and it is a blessing in disguise because without these so-called 3rd world airlines, you probably would not have the jet time or a big salary increase, etc...JUST BE GRATEFUL
Yet more hypocrisy, from a guy who's an emigrant himself.
Seem's you've moved from one dictatorship to another looking for work and brought your lickspittal mentality with you. Why didn't you take your own advice and stay where you belong, back in Singapore? Or do all foreign jobs belong to you alone?

Furthermore, for a "777 Captain" your english is abysmal. Is it ICAO Level 6?
The CAAS probably wouldn't let them hire you in Singapore! Hence its the desert for you my lad. Enjoy...

Michi 3rd Oct 2010 17:06

Could someone provide more details about the licence conversion in Singapore?

Thank you

etops777 3rd Oct 2010 18:30


you are making my days!

you bet I am an icao level 6 and probably can speak more languages then you can!

Who is making an assumptions here? OMG:= I am not even from Singapore! What you need is to face the reality! a good, hard reality check! Since you can understand my writing and have a full comprehension of it then my writing isn't that bad at all!!!!!!:ok:

you have no clue as to where i am from! gosh, if you would just put an effort on improving your knowledge then you wouldn't even get tossed around in singapore!

sad but true, i suggest you spend more time looking for another job and improve your skills in reading. 1 more minutes here in this forum I believe you will have an heart attack.

etops777 3rd Oct 2010 18:38



Furthermore, for a "777 Captain" your english is abysmal. Is it ICAO Level 6?
The CAAS probably wouldn't let them hire you in Singapore! Hence its the desert for you my lad. Enjoy...

I never had any intention nor a desire to fly for SQ or any other Airlines there in SIN!

Thank you for your critism on my english skills! a chap with poor language skills and still can fly as 777 captain, then I am doing pretty good!

kid, you should be ashamed of yourself...of course I will enjoy every minutes of my job while you can sit here write all you want!:D

what a loser in my book!

Michi 3rd Oct 2010 19:10

Maybe there should be a separate forum where everybody can smash each others head in and throw mud at one and other, for it would be nice to keep the fora useful......

NavySealPA 4th Oct 2010 03:53

Did you happened to get kick real hard and sore up the As*s in SIN, that's why I am reading (the comments) what I am reading now. Nothing shameful about that, since you are not the first ad surely won't be the last in the great land of dictatorship rule by the great dictator.:ok:

I am loving it...:D

Meccano 4th Oct 2010 07:34

etops777, there is only one language you need to speak, and that is ENGLISH, the Universal International Language of Civil Aviation.
Keep practicing. You'll get the hang of it. Just layoff the excessive abbreviation for starters, you're mangling your sentences.

Incidentally, for someone who strenuously denies being Singaporean, you sure are twitchy about criticism of their own blatantly racist attitudes. Curious!
Methinks thou doth protest too much.

Do us all a favour and quit boring us with the amateur psychology and hypocritical equality waffle.
Go build a sandcastle.

faheel 4th Oct 2010 10:45

I cannot believe all the spite and abusive posts from so called professional pilots here.:*

I am afraid I use the term professional very loosely !

How about you just get back to the thread and leave the pissing contest for the bar ?

NavySealPA 4th Oct 2010 11:10

Mecanno, allowed me to make an assumption here. You must be a monoglot.I can't imagine how depressing it must be being a monolingual as 2 languages are always better than 1 to keep.
I don't see why the need for etops777 to keep practising when he can clearly get his message across to you and both seems to have great fun interacting.
One little suggestion, if etops777 does not meet your standard in speaking the so-called the Universal International Language in Aviation,why not start being an amateur in his many other languages which he is proficient in?
One is never too old for anything, so stop seeing GREEN ( although it's THE THING to be seen) --> Save the world...save yourself...

I am loving it :ok:

Meccano 4th Oct 2010 16:59

Mecanno, allowed me to make an assumption here. You must be a monoglot.
More assumptions. And in the wrong tense too, jeeeez.
This sounds rather familiar, heh....go on.....

I can't imagine how depressing it must be being a monolingual....
Me either. Terrible!

....as 2 languages are always better than 1 to keep.
To keep, eh.
Where do you keep them? In your garden shed.
Are you illiterate in more than one language? Spiffing!!

I don't see why the need for etops777 to keep practising when he can clearly get his message across to you and both seems to have great fun interacting.
I'm good at interpreting Singlish. Its a skill not everyone posesses though.

One little suggestion, if etops777 does not meet your standard in speaking the so-called the Universal International Language in Aviation,why not start being an amateur in his many other languages which he is proficient in?
I am! Singlish!!
Errr...by the way....how do you know how many languages he is 'proficient'in? Are you related? Personally acquainted? Very close, but only holding hands at this stage? Or are you doing rumpy pumpy on each other yet?

One is never too old for anything, so stop seeing GREEN ( although it's THE THING to be seen) --> Save the world...save yourself...
Sorry, that one was untranslateable - even by me.

New around here? Joined yesterday I see.
I note you have the grand total of three posts to your name. All in this thread.

Go by any other names? Eh?
Do you like amateur psychology?

I'm loving it more than you - er- two.:}

etops777 5th Oct 2010 02:54


what makes you think i am singaporean! how many times that i have to tell you that i am not from singapore! btw, what's wrong being from singapore?

let me see here, you've lost your job in your home country and singapore was generously enough to give you a job, so why can't yopu appreciate it? at least Singapore give you a chance to stay current and put the food on the table! nobody force you to sign the dotted line, isn't it! now, i know what will you say-i am from sin!

stop making fool out of yourself. do yourself a favor..

speaking about assumptions! geeeeez! guessed that 1 min of time here talking to a biggot like you is a waste of time!:ugh:

for someone that failed in real life there is nothing to be ashamed of but failed to recognized and learned from it then it's called "embarassement".

etops777 5th Oct 2010 03:00


etops777, there is only one language you need to speak, and that is ENGLISH, the Universal International Language of Civil Aviation.
Keep practicing. You'll get the hang of it. Just layoff the excessive abbreviation for starters, you're mangling your sentences.


thank you very much for your encouragement! for someone you claimed cannot speak a word of perfect english but in REAL life OUTPERFORMED YOU, you should be ashamed of yourself. Rather spending your energy here, suggest you go and get a real job!

i can see why you were booted out of Sin! to be honest with you, for a person like you, you will not survived in any of the asian airlines!

nothing wrong with these airlines, it's you that's the problem. if you were employed by any of the US airlines, you must be "scab"! i can see you would desert your union brothers for your own gain! THIS IS YOUR PERSONALITY AND A LOSER THAT FAILED IN ANY CATEGORY:D

320busdriver 5th Oct 2010 04:51

Etops and Meccano ENOUGH ALREADY shameful both of you call yourselves pilots so both of you have different opinions LIVE WITH IT.:ugh:

chairwrecker 5th Oct 2010 06:00

thought i was enjoying the mudslinging in other threads but this one is just hilarious i am laughing my a** off!!!!

foairbus320 5th Oct 2010 08:34

i need a job
Any guys from Tiger that would be helpful enough PM me pls, have around 2400 on the bus. But not current..would like to know my chances of nailing the FO position..Thanks in advance.:ok:

Meccano 5th Oct 2010 14:38

Etops and Meccano ENOUGH ALREADY shameful both of you call yourselves pilots so both of you have different opinions LIVE WITH IT.
What’s wrong friend? No sense of humour?
Haven't you copped yet that our little man here is just a fantasist?
Check his posting history - it's a real eye-opener.

Look, just change the channel if you don't like the program. I'll deal with this nutter. Off you go.

thank you very much for your encouragement! for someone you claimed cannot speak a word of perfect english but in REAL life OUTPERFORMED YOU, you should be ashamed of yourself. Rather spending your energy here, suggest you go and get a real job!

You are seriously delusional dude. Outperformed who where? You know nothing about me you silly boy.
Speaking of 'Outperformed' - maybe performance anxiety is your problem. Very Freudian, eh? You'll love that...being such a big fan of amateur psychology, as we know....:E

i can see why you were booted out of Sin! to be honest with you, for a person like you, you will not survived in any of the asian airlines!

Booted?? From where?? More delusional ranting. Show me any link or quote which backs you up. You don't KNOW me, or anything about me, but you want to THINK you do. The essence of self-delusion.
And your crap English is on display yet again.
You appear to have a low IQ.

nothing wrong with these airlines, it's you that's the problem. if you were employed by any of the US airlines, you must be "scab"! i can see you would desert your union brothers for your own gain! THIS IS YOUR PERSONALITY AND A LOSER THAT FAILED IN ANY CATEGORY

Boy, hehe, the hysteria is building. LMFAO.
I can almost hear your shrill little screams from here, and those tiny heels, drumming on the floor....

what makes you think i am singaporean! how many times that i have to tell you that i am not from singapore!

Ohhhh, just something about your insane hysterics? Your lack of English? Your delusions of grandeur? Your failure to convince? Your general arrogance? Your defensiveness? Your hypocritical racism? All that stuff. Yeah.
Maybe you aren't though. Who cares? Not me!
You drew the battle lines, now live with them.

let me see here, you've lost your job in your home country and singapore was generously enough to give you a job, so why can't yopu appreciate it? at least Singapore give you a chance to stay current and put the food on the table! nobody force you to sign the dotted line, isn't it! now, i know what will you say-i am from sin!

*Sigh* Yet more waffle. Do you ever give up? You're making this all up as you go along. Do you realise how insane that makes you sound? Do you realise that (even in the Sandpit) they don't hire insane people to fly aeroplanes [I hope!]? You are digging a deeper hole for yourself by the minute.

speaking about assumptions! geeeeez! guessed that 1 min of time here talking to a biggot like you is a waste of time!

Bigot is spelt with one 'g'.

for someone that failed in real life there is nothing to be ashamed of but failed to recognized and learned from it then its called "embarassement".

You've made the word 'recognise' into past tense again when it should be present tense here. In fact, the whole sentence doesn't scan. Putting 'failed' with 'to recognised' in this sentence is an elementary double error of tensing. It's quite a common phenomenon in Singlish, and many regional Chinese English speakers with only a rudimentary or slang ridden grasp of the English language.

Look, I'll help you out here - this is how you should write it.

"For someone to fail in life is nothing to be ashamed of, (comma!) but failure to recognise, (comma!) and learn from the failure, (comma!) is an embarrassment".
[hmmm...only if you say so....:rolleyes:]

Note - there is no second 'e' in embarrassment. Spelling!! Tsk Tsk.
I've cleaned up the syntax as well to try make it scan properly. Although it’s still a poor conjugation. You really should consider replacing the comma with a full stop and making it two separate sentences.

Final point – remember to use a Capital ‘S’ when you write Singapore. Spelling it with a lower case ‘s’ could be considered as a veiled insult to the nation.

By the way, aren't you embarrassed at your failure to recognise your poor grasp of English? Take your own advice and learn to try harder in future.

Say Hi to your BFF NavySeal when you see him!

Pilot_Recruit 5th Oct 2010 15:01

You guys realize there is only one way to settle this - who can hold their breath longer under water!

Meccano 5th Oct 2010 15:07

He'd win. He's so full of hot air.

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