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flightdeckXXX 20th Nov 2007 16:32

yeah, stay on with MAS. Guys, life is so goood in MAS. No need to look elsewhere. Be happy. No bitching.

bungacengkeh 21st Nov 2007 02:16

flightdeckXXX...pls don't be so smug. With the declining greenback, your salary in kimchiland isn't going to be too great in the near future. With living in moderation and prudent spending the MAS widebody skipper's pay can go a long way. Besides we do not cheat on our fellow Malaysians...we PAY OUR TAXES!!! You guys make millions, do nothing but spoil the housing market, drive up inflation and make use of our lax tax laws at the expense of all the patriotic working Malaysians...shame, shame, shame

taufupok 21st Nov 2007 02:51

Aiya bunga, a lot of my tax ringgits previously went to Mara types who never paid back loans, useless mega projects and paying for our Mara students who think that Mara and gomen money are all melayu money to be used for free. Who pays the highest taxes....the hardworking level headed patriotic MALAYSIAN from Malaysia. Those of the TM era mentality has the colonial melayu victim complex thinking the average MALAYSIAN owe them a living because their royal ancestors sold their heart, soul and ass to the orang putih colonialists. So don't get hot under the collar with your reptilian green eyes at the tax free incomes of the deserving ones.

flightdeckXXX 21st Nov 2007 04:00

I do strongly agree with Cintan. Life in MH is so good. What's your problem...
But to hit hard onto the guys that have left, is uncalled for. The number of pilots left are just a handful. Thousands cross the causeway to Singapore to work, why not call them unpatriotic? You pay your tax where you earned. Millions that being sent back to the country does help Malaysia. Infact the gomen have Malaysia My Second Home for foreigner. Why? To boost up Malaysia's "eco no money".
Since you are the smartest guy knowing which direction the greenback is going, pls let me know. :{

tuan74 21st Nov 2007 07:06

Patriotic...??? Hahaha....:{:{

Just by living and working in MAS you called yourself patriotic...???:yuk::yuk:

Saved me the arguments...:}

Oyster Shucker 21st Nov 2007 23:03

Maybe I am barking up the wong twee!! but yer never know... as evident by the sporadic move of some senior and junior guys over the last ten years or so.

Life in Malaysia is quite comfortable for most I guess albeit conditions in MAS is severely eroding away. Vehicles, Home ownership, education, groceries and shopping is sooooooo expensive. How can you say the money goes a long way there. Keep dreaming bunga..

MAPA has little influence and the pilots group as a whole is weak.

Why make the ultimate decision as long as one is contented in some way.

The company and the government know this and will continue to exploit pilots goodwill until everyone has had enough and ready to make the call.

There isn't a big enough reason at the moment, and until then the same players will be contented with letting off some steam on this forum.

Is grumbling and whining going to change anything? I have my doubts. You might feel better though but you are just kidding yourselves.

The movement and migration of other races in the world is quite incredible and admirable.

Tough people go on and conquer the world.

Others stay behind with their 'sambal blacans', nasi everything, keretapi, special protection, scholarships, positions and power from the government.

This will not last forever and what will happen when the barriers come down?

If that's all that you guys want, then good luck dudes........you will need a lot of it.

jakals 23rd Nov 2007 16:13

MAS heaven
There are plenty of shortcomings and screwups in day to day life in mas.But if you look at it positively you can run circles an take full advantage to benefit youselves.Efficient airlines run their pilots to the bone and make sure you sweat for your 100 dollar bills .You might earn a bit less in MAS but you also sweat much less and have a lower B,P.The trick is to stay away from all the politicking and find your own niche .Treat flying as a hobby and your hobbies as work .For example chicks ,golf or whatever turns you on.Believe me it works cos I done it for manny years.My only wish is MAS dont wisen up an get efficient thus ruining my heavenly lifestyle.
Move to sandpit or kimchiland.?............Noway JOSE***LG***(LIFES GOOD)

Mat Tongkang 23rd Nov 2007 18:36

Have to agree with jakals on this one. Done that for over 30 years, sadly nothing much have changed.

Geragau 25th Nov 2007 23:31

For Chintan, jakals and fltdeck...all well and good in MAS and the salary goes a long way in tanahair. Inflasi is getting worse but with prudent jimat cermat measures, the skipper's gaji sure can stretch a long way. Alas, when the kids got to varsity age with some even some strong As but gomen did not allow them in the course they wanted we had to do twinning courses or overseas education for them.......now it hurts, even with the appreciating ringgit the cost of overseas ed is prohibitively high. Perubatan, kejuruteraan and othe plump courses more or less resab for the true soily bumis lah, even geragaus with bumi status find it hard to get in lah. So tax free dollars dirhams are beginning to look very alluring........

Oyster Shucker 27th Nov 2007 12:15

Wonder drugs

The trick is to stay away from all the politicking and find your own niche .Treat flying as a hobby and your hobbies as work .For example chicks ,golf or whatever turns you on.Believe me it works cos I done it for manny years
I must say that I don't agree with your way of living dude. The idea of 'Sticking one's head in the sand', bodekking bosses, bribing schedulers, adjusting rosters through back the door.. You might as well pitch your tent at the office. I'm sure other people are aware of your intentions when you're there. "Oh, here's so and so..... wonder what he wants this time...". Doing everything to suit your roster I'm sure... See it all the time..It may not be apparent now, but one day you'll see...:)....man that'll bring you and the group down one way or another. You call it a "niche"....ha! It is the likes of you that everyone is bitching about.

It may be fun chasing girls now but be prepared when they show up at your front door or call your wife on the mobile one day:)..Tell me then, if Life's still Good. You may have been at this game for a while, so have most of us dude..nothing new but there must be a more deeper meaning to all this.

I don't treat my professional career as a hobby. In fact, I treat it very seriously at all times. There's always something new to learn....and to have that unachievable "perfect" flight....Hmmmm...makes it very interesting digging the books deeper.

Hopefully the paying passenger will be lucky to survive the flight when they unknowingly fly with you...the hobby pilot.:)

Most people also think about their kids education which is prohibitively expensive...but not you obviously because of the 'bumi' scholarships maybe...Keep praying that MAS and the country don't wisen up...In fact just keep praying. By the way you live your life...well,,,keep praying..:) for everything.:) Have to agree with D'Almari here.:ok:

Funny lah you..... :)you funny lah....:)

Done that for over 30 years, sadly nothing much have changed.
...Exactly my point but with a different way of looking at the problem.
“I really don't think life is about the I-could-have-beens. Life is only about the I-tried-to-do. I don't mind the failure but I can't imagine that I'd forgive myself if I didn't try.”
-Nikki Giovanni

In short, you'll have to effect change, can't just expect it.

Well, 'nuff said.

WiraMelayu 1st Dec 2007 08:05

Wow, real serious talking here!

As for geragau, you are of bumi status but with the current strings of As many bumis are also entitled to places in the coveted courses. So the government has to choose; you win some, you lose some.

jakals 1st Dec 2007 15:40

If You Cant Beat Em Be One Up On Em
There you go again oister barking up the wrong tree.After all these years you have still not realized that mas is and will always be a flying circus.Better be like me up in the trapeeze act looking nice and pretty than being a disgruntled wild animal locked in a cage howling and growling for his rights and end of the day is only whipped and rewarded with a rotten piece of meat.
We are dealing with people lacking of possesiion of even a slither of integrity.What we have are crooks and vagabonds that no amount of education will ever rehabilitate.PERIOD.......I am not saying that we have to be like them but we have to be one up on them.
I love to live in malaysia and will continue to live here and will not be forced out of this blessed country just because we have a bunch of clowns running it in the name of justice,honour,fair play or whatever you want to call it.The system is rotten down to the core and there is just no way to surgically remove this cancerous growth.At best let it die a natural death.Even that doesnt cure the ailment cause its already in the genes and will reborn and be even more virulent next time round.
Moral of the story is you can play strip poker with this clowns but when it comes to the final item of clothing ensure the joker is always with you....AMEN

JaguhDunia 1st Dec 2007 19:05

Jakals, oh Tok Guru of the " kaki relax ". Way to go, I sure agree with you. Be one up on them is the way to go BUT JUST DON'T DO YOUR OWN COLLEAGUES IN WHILST ACHIEVING THAT!!!:D

Paishinel 5th Dec 2007 00:44

Jakals, you are right on the money. It's already in the genes, DNA and what have you.

Oyster Shucker 6th Dec 2007 00:37

We have all had them before,

no matter where we are or what our goals may be:

detractors, glass ceiling syndrome mentalities,

people who tell us we can’t do it, and people who jump on each other

to reach the top of the cr@p heap.

Marcos, Estrada, Amin, TR, Pigmy, etc..they all rose to the top of the cr@p heap..just like you up there in the swing with a joker to save your as$..Hmmmmm. No thank you. By beating the crooks and vagabonds, aren't you being one yourself? The better crook maybe?
You can keep your circus, thank you very much. Been there in the dodol drums and quite happy out here in the wider world. By that I don't mean the web..;)

I've also received a couple of PMs from interested parties who are thinking about making the plunge. The call of 'a few up north and a couple down south" is still fresh in the minds of the dynamic few. Barking up the wong twee maybe,....maybe not. My target really is the few that are strong and adventurous enough to sample more of what you guys are missing out on.

Of course, I acknowledge that we are all different. "Some like it hot but they don't know how hot 'till they try" R. Palmer. So, to those who are happy and love it there, by all means...stay!!. Whinging and grumbling about this so and so, and that so and so, won't change a thing..Doing the same things over and over again whilst expecting a different outcome is crazy by definition. For goodness sake, we are flying now aren't we. Imagine what most people were saying about human flight not so long ago.

Your long haul bust AIP/AIC flight and duty time limits big time!! I know you guys get credited half the flight time on long haul routes whilst other airlines get full hours plus overtime!! Double to triple pay after 12/14 hours. Getting exploited then given some money for it, is not a payrise dudes. How about the legal implication? You guys don't accrue P1U/S hours for the purpose of getting command hours criteria as FOs are only P2 endorsed.To get P1U/S, you must be a P1 endorsed FO. All that cost savings is dangerous to the travelling public, don't you think?

Right hand seats ( First and Second Officers ) get paid more than your -400 Captain.What more a -400/380 Captain. Even CX sim intructors get almost $1M ringgit/yr. They are able to afford more life. By life I mean...anything!! Money is neutral anyways. It depends on what you do with it. You can increase your investment portfolio, be it shares, real estate, business, amanah saham, kebuns and dusuns??. More frequent family holidays,...skiing, touring USA,Europe and South America. Mountain climbing, cruzing, spending a couple of months in South France, owning your own aeroplane, private schooling for the kids,surfing, scuba diving, skydiving...man....there's so much more out there dudes/ dudettes..:) Just open up your minds a wee bit more. You'll hit a pole sooner or later stumbling with eyes wide shut.

Some try to console themselves by accepting that the cost of living there is cheap. I disagree. It is quite the opposite actually. After all we don't all just eat Roti Chanai and Teh Tarik for brekky or stay in the kampungs or wear sarongs...Noooo... everyone wants their Armani, Rolexes (even the girlfriend wants one....minimum gold strapped oysters);). Local and Japanese 2 liter cars for over a hundred grand??? Mad!! A six liter luxury car in the states is only $30G odd. $60Gs for Waja???How about the UK? UAE? even AUS? A bottle of Dom is how much again??? $900 bucks...Jeez... It's just over $120 in the states..How about cameras, Videos, TVs, Mercs, Bimmers, Shoes, Navbags, Ipods, Laptops, Pocket PCs, Phones, GPSs.....blah blah blah...the list goes on...... In short, you guys may be locals there but you sure don't live local. You can't stretch too much they stuff they pay you with. In this global age, our living is becoming very similar and you guys are so underpaid for doing the same job. Inflow (Global) must be greater than outflow (Global). Getting paid local and having to afford life (global) is opposite to the required equation.
Sadly, that is the reality that most accept. I did not, do not and will not.

Other than the weather (too warm and humid), the nyamuks that eat people alive, I too love the blessed country and do go back every couple of months or so for some R&R and great food!!:ok:. Family life is great and definitely up and up.

I too Contributed, Tried and left. :ok:
Pe pe je le, 'sal kan bahagia :O (picked that up whilst cutting my flying teeth, many seasons ago..)
Keep them PMs coming. Happy to point you the compass

Mat Tongkang 9th Dec 2007 23:05

Aiya Oyster, money and all those nice things....good for you. However there are others who prefer a quiet, easy life. So get off your pulpit and not be so condescending. I have Rolex and Armanis too; but from Petaling Street and Golok? Piracy? Talk to the poor folks in sweat shops producing genuine Gucci, Nike etc and see how they ( as well as we ) slave for the first world gluttons in the name of free trade!!! Like wise you slave for your first/second world masters ( by proxy,maybe ) in probably posher environment under an illusory " better circunstances " but then it is still " fattening '' the goose for the pate!! Over in tanah air, it is the kucing kurap getting table scraps. That's the way " The Establishment ' in both the first world and third world work to keep the whole world in " organised chaos " for the ruling class to perpetuate their hold onto power.

nostep 10th Dec 2007 03:04

Mas Wings
Hot off the press:

Just heard that MAS is in Palenstine doing law exams for all new pilots for MAS Wings hmmmm I thought so many cadets and private pilots waiting in the system. No doubt to do with low pay I wonder if MAPA ,
if fact anyone knows?

Geragau 14th Dec 2007 23:46

A cursory look into the Fragrant Harbour forum finds some ex MH people involved in some kind of power struggle and vendetta. Semi-private mail from MAPA forum was used to stir up ****. Another kind of MH/M'sian malaise. Likewise that's what I hear about MH blokes in EY and EVA. Over in Jet Airways and KAL I heard some formewr big guns were trying to upstage Richard in Mumbai. Not nice at all!!!!

Mat Tongkang 16th Dec 2007 02:08

Aiyoyo...semua bhais like that lah. Capt beer, latuk g-tringh and all the charlie chappatis are like that. The stories you heard them bad mouthing others are sometimes so well woven that those who do not know these people well are so easily taken in. Many years ago at I.I's 50th birthday bash some bhai with some bollywood " star "( I believe someone say bollywood comforter! ) make wild pronouncements and bad things about his fellow colleagues.......well luckily some of us know about that piece of work, so we know it was unbelievable slander. I guess Capt beer learned well from the latuk and employ the same modus operandi!!!

As for RS, good luck and best wishes.

Oyster Shucker 20th Dec 2007 23:54

Ye ke??????

ngapsayot 27th Dec 2007 20:51

Word from the fairways where the bhai teed off that yoy m*****f**kers at MAS are very ungrateful; had he ( as MAPA prez ) not saved you guys from earlier Camel moves your lot could have been worse!!! He singlehandedly prevented melayunisation of MAPA...se what happen now, you lalangs!!

Sireh 30th Dec 2007 20:55

Well ngap you must be talking about that creepy ex MAPA prez who someone referred to as g-stringh up in SEL. Now for a little old info most old timers know about; this so called kondehless bhai has equally diabolical " gurus ' not exposed yet namely "charma" and king arthur. They plotted a lot of the shenenigans in MAS and MAPA, besides doing despicable things to fallen colleagues and friends. Old timers may recall king arthur bedding a friend's wife moments the poor guy left for a nightstop flight..tralala la lalala; ala speedy gonzalez.
So capt beer must have also learnt a lot; now MAS pilots and MAPA members; find ou more and LEARN. Don't be ignorant and be led blindly. Get out of this malaise of tidak apathy.

Geragau 31st Dec 2007 05:03

MAS pilots & MAPA members learn? I think not!
Signed for 1.5%+15, then voted kondehless bhai in who sold off pilots, then capt magic , then pigmy.........etc.
Then whine, curse, swear and then throw up arms in tidakapathy.

JaguhDunia 14th Jan 2008 00:54

MAS was and still is a wonderful place to work in, notwithstanding the management and MAPA creeps whose shennenigans had been covered at length in previous posts and other related threads. Jakals is right; ignore the ****, play round the rotten system and be happy FOR YOUR OWN SANITY!

Generally management blokes and ambitious fly boys can't see beyond their own arses except for short term gains and cheap thrills of " wowing " neighbours and friends on their " positions/status ". Remember years ago some newspaper articles bout MAS " Boeing test pilots " on the B777 taking the old mamak to Aswan Dam? Well that was an example of cheap thrills that delight those " jaguh kampungs ".

If you can ignore those pathetic manoevres of equally pathetic " big league ' wannabes and the general malaise, get on your job and be happy with fairly decent gaji then MAS is indeed a nice place!

ssangyongs 1st Feb 2008 03:49

helo uncle....

who is this guy? :ooh:

ngapsayot 2nd Feb 2008 04:46

DYMM Sri Paduka Baginda Altan Silap!

Chrome 2nd Feb 2008 19:18

Who is this guy?
Someone who's been on the RHS for far too long.

ssangyongs 3rd Feb 2008 04:44

do you think he's a MH pilot? Life FO

Chrome 3rd Feb 2008 11:51

What's your point?
Why are you asking us? And why did you put this up? I don't really care but I just don't think it's appropriate.

ssangyongs 3rd Feb 2008 15:04

the pic is just a tip of the iceberg. His pics surfaced on the net recently..all steamy pics, each with different girls (God knows if they're FAs)...that's why i ask if he's a MH guy..if he's one of the Malaysian Hospitality guys then he must bring a shame to the company. All the girls pics they look Malaysian..

i wonder if this guy is the one (Bhai)

Mat Tongkang 4th Feb 2008 00:44

No, not the poondeh bhai. This one looks like a jamu powered stud, but alas the bhai is a dud!

icemanfx 4th Feb 2008 02:21

What they were doing were between consented adults, none of others business.

Unless you are certain you are holier than him. What comes around goes around.

ikan_terbang 7th Feb 2008 04:45

Good on you man!
To the man in the pic.......I dont care who you are. Having different FA's in my arms would be a pilots dream.....I couldnt be bothered what he does.

mohdawang 7th Feb 2008 06:12

Dream? Hahaha...nightmare looming amongst the dark reaches of your dreamworld!

This bhai you guys alluded to; is he the datuk in the Jet recruitment thread sometime back?

chintanmanis 9th Feb 2008 00:26

Mohdawang, you must be referring to datuk g-string, ex-MAPA prez, Jet Airways honcho in the 90's and now with KAL where he scrapes engine pods!

GlueBall 9th Feb 2008 14:13

MAS is losing stars
Heard that you guys are going "Low Cost 5-Star", so no flat beds in business class, and no first class in the 772s nor in the Buses. Looks like Datuk Idris is cutting corners trying to make an extra buck. The B737 interiors are all ragged out. I feel sorry for all the hard working cabin staff who will be asked to make chicken salad out of chickensh!t. It's a sad story to see how one of the best asian carriers is getting mauled by short sighted management. :{

bungacengkeh 18th Feb 2008 00:48

Idris has to do what he has to do. Cut off some fat and unnecessaries. MAS has to show some decent profits; you guys know that.

Chintan, is the datuk gstringh still scraping engine pods or masala bottoms with curry?

GlueBall 18th Feb 2008 01:27

Idris appears to be doing a lot more than just cutting the fat at MAS, he's cutting corners in passenger service and he's changing the superlative 5-star product the carrier enjoyed 4 years ago.

Besides the worn out interiors of his 734 fleet, most of his 744s need paint jobs. I see, for example, that the "2007" of "Visit Malaysia Year 2007" cheatline is crudely painted over, like a handyman with a paint brush.

A colleague of mine recently had travelled KUL-AMS with final destination to ZRH. MAS had intentionally delayed the departure by 90 minutes to "wait" for a few late arriving connecting pax from its PER flight.

Needless to say, by accommodating those late pax MAS had saved some hotel costs, but it had propagated this delay into its AMS sector and screwed those pax who had subsequently missed their connecting flights at AMS.

To be sure, if ever MAS is to recover as a full service 5-star carrier, it will take years to undo the shortsightedness of the current management.

Mat Sabo 6th Mar 2008 00:21

From Business Times report, MAS seem to be doing good. Are the goodies gonna be shared. End of March and April bonus?

MasMamak 6th Mar 2008 06:47

RM851million profits!
Congratulations guys! Looks like bonus time....get the expectations up!

As for bunga, gstringh seem to be licking curry from masala bottoms, ie if you are referring to the bhai who used to be at Jet Airways.

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