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Raj Merlion 29th Aug 2007 05:36

Hi Wooblah, the reason why he is still in the game is that he is like a hyaena...kill the small ones and grovel at the feet of his superiors. The classic coward but a big bully.
If people all stand up to such bullies, they will shrink away, but MAS and ex-MAS people are too weak and yellow!
Of course he has his own hunting packs, fellow low lifes helping and supporting him. So be tough and despatch these miscreants to their rightful place amongst human trash heap.

As far as MAS is concerned I think morale has sunk to a new low. There was a glimmer of hope a couple of years ago but things have gone pear shape again! As for MAPA leadership, the voices calling for caution are very wise. I do know the current mob running the show and I do know they harbour great ambitions ala the camel! Be forewarned is to be forearmed.

tigerwood 29th Aug 2007 08:23

Hello Wooblah,

A case is still on going in the court of law. As of now, the M of U is in the hand of the judge, It's part of the evidance document that the court accepted for this particular case. Otherwise, it would have been thrown out long time ago. So, I won't say it's a piece of toilet paper as you have said. This is something good to MAPA members.

Brianigham 29th Aug 2007 15:05

Hi Captain Wooblah: I know what you mean, I had always thought that the MOU was just a book to be more like a guide.
I have been told that the MAS pilots MOU is a contract and is binding on all parties and will hold in court. They have apparently checked with the lawyers. I guess a test case would be good eh. he he.itch itch.
I think its about time the guys here test the system. The number of violations is ridiculous.
I also see the points made about Captains sons in the system through the cadet programme. Hmm....different points of view I guess. I actually would love it if my son could follow in my footsteps if he so chooses.
While I have flown with some gentlemen ( Capts sons ) as mentioned earlier.......I guess there is and will be some where the acorn did actually fall not too far off the tree.
After reading this thread..... I have found an all new level of respect for the G string. Yeah.....he sure screwed things up.
Point to note as well........ There was a "team" involved in MAPA signing the FRCL off. Heard that "mismangement" was offered something after he put his signature on the piece of paper. Then again......there was de "Charma" involved as well. You bet I was upset. Was one of the earlier ones to go EY.
Raj..... you really think even this bunch of guys are going to do the hat trick. That will be real sad for us guys here at MH , who are not voting with our feet.
Once bitten twice shy.I am nearly ten times shy now bro. Just how do we spot them. How on earth are we going to pick the right people to lead MAPA.
Was there ever a time when the leadership @ MAPA was good.

Paishinel 29th Aug 2007 22:52

Mapa membership number
Hi Tiger, you must to able to confirm once and for all whether g-string twisted arms to acquire a more prestigious lower membership number of a retiree as alluded in the Jet Airways Recruitment in Malaysia thread.

tigerwood 30th Aug 2007 19:12

Paishinel, you want the truth? The answer is YES. I knew the number he took...but I wish to leave it as it is.
Anyway, MAPA is still important to MH guys. It's up to the members to make it a strong and respected entity. If MAPA is down, it's the members' fault. I won't blame those guys using MAPA as stepping stone for personal gain as the members are the one that allowed such thing to happen. You have the VOTING POWER. Use it wisely...of course if only you are wise.:cool:

kamarulhitam 2nd Sep 2007 12:38

Aha, leaving things as it is becomes part of the malaise someone had pointed out. MAS people accept this sort of crap and the management plus their stinking bedfellow pilots will continue to dish out crap. The obvious condoning of unhealthy practices posted on another thread on corruption and nepotism in MAS is appalling to say the least.

mohdawang 3rd Sep 2007 01:15

Heard from a former colleague now in KAL that the g-string thingy has something to do with a word pun rhyming with the guy's user name. Can any one in kimchi land confirm?

Paishinel 3rd Sep 2007 06:02

the truth
Tiger, thanks for being up front with the truth now. If the truth had been known earlier, many of the blind would have seen that pariah in a different light. What a cheap fake? Mapa prez cheating to look good with a more " senior " membership number:ugh::ugh::ugh:

bungacengkeh 4th Sep 2007 19:14

Weren't Capt. klepto and camel both done in by g-string up in SEL? Heard from someone gstring squealed to KAL mgmt about klepto after feting him to a dinner? Alteon Korea was alerted to camel's presence to be chopped. Camel & gstringh...must have been some snake fight!

Akali Dal 5th Sep 2007 22:37

Bollywood fling?
Well not real bollywood but underground ( black market ) bollywood. There are a lot of " comfort " ladies masquerading as bollywood stars or wannabes. Mind you, they look dishy but can be quite trashy. Many foreign " richies " are caught unaware but there are savvy ones who fool their friends with these birdies...their naive friends go " whoa " at these dishies. Great to have them hanging around at your parties tho' for cheap thrills!

OKhalsa 6th Sep 2007 00:44

bollywood comforter?
Righto! Bollywood comforters! Well at I.I's 50th birthday bash some 8 years ago I did see one of these comforters hanging onto g-stringh...it was indeed a lame droopy attempt to impress but I think quite a few were wise to that!

Tiger...naming and shaming that creep at the time when he twisted arms to get the MAPA " seniority " number then might have save the FOs their travel privileges as he wouldn't have been so brazen. I wished MAS pilots had been more informed and made better choices then.

Was told that Capt. Klepto was indeed done in by g-stringh, not sure about camel...wouldn't be surprised if he indeed did it.

Mat Tongkang 6th Sep 2007 03:22

Aha! gstring and bollywood comforters! Sadarjis, thank you and keep it coming!

Yes, he did turn up for II's birthday party with such a comforter in hand. Saw that but didn't thought it was that comforting!

camelbird 8th Sep 2007 03:46

Past and Present
The past few group of exco's,vice pres.,pres. of mapa have their weakness but the toad and gang were the worse because they affect alot of pilots and when they got the managment post for selling out the pilots, they made it worse by turning the screws on the pilots working condition. At least the new guy at mapa has some sincerity ,trying to do sometime good for the pilots. Just remember who the toad's salesman was, who con alot of junior pilots to vote a certain way.:ouch:

JaguhDunia 8th Sep 2007 09:19

The rot in MAS and MAPA
Once the gangrene set in, it stinks all the way. The rot in MAPA started to fester intensely with the reign of the so called kondeyless bhai g-string. He and his side kick charma fiddled and ravaged the whole psyche of the association; so much so that ( as someone remarked in another thread ) the whole pilot community was left psychologically damaged. Like abused children they accepted all the crap thrown at them; even worshipping their abusers. Their critical thinking went down the toilet and so have their self esteem...they accept corrupt and shady practices with nary a shrug, so the bhai and gang milked the system to the maximum until the camel used all the abuses as ammunition to mount the infamous ayatollah takeover which left MAS pilots in a cess pit. On the broader front MAS itself stated decaying and haemorrhaging around that period. Once the rot started it needs a miracle to reverse the effects. Toady, whose - lan learnt very well from gstringh and charma and we are left to nurse the putrefying flesh from the first infection.....

Barney Rock 10th Sep 2007 03:23

g stringh
Mohdawang...I was alerted to this post by a friend trolling this S A & F E forum. When I was east in the land of the morning calm some years ago there was indeed a loud mouth from " truly asia " who had a name rhyming with g-string and I think he is the guy implicated here and in the thread about Jet Airways recruitment from that country. A snaky fella with lots of baggage I believe......and loads of tall tales!

ngapsayot 16th Sep 2007 20:21

gstringh in kimchiland
Heard over the grape vine that gstringh botched up a landing in NRT ala sekali, scraped the engine pod; found it during the walkaround and kept quiet about the whole thing despite flying the stricken plane the next leg. It was found out by the next crew....excuse, FO flew it! Amazing that this ass is still in the game...the powers that be in SEL must surely be so blind and dumb!

Ace Springbok 17th Sep 2007 01:17

Engine pod scrape in NRT
Very true, I remember that incident. It was CRIMINAL not to report such an incident! He got away with the help of an ex kenyan snake of gujarati descent; this snake delta delta is a kimchi brownnoser perpetually parking himself up on the 7th floor of the oc building hoping for some management positions...........at least that was the case when I was still there a couple of years ago. It was indeed fortunate the mechanic and the other crew detected it, otherwise the blame could have put on someone else especially if subsequent landings encounter similar wind/ or nearly similar landing attitudes ( but not that far as to scrape the engine pod; no doubt AIMS report, FOQA analysis could have ascertained who the culprit was ). No report to tower meant that should a piece come loose during the scrape on the runway, other planes taking off/landing could have been endangered like the Concorde in Paris!

Mat Tongkang 24th Sep 2007 01:41

Can the boys in Kimchi land confirm Ace's allegation? It sure is serious; I am ashamed that a fellow M'sian is involved; but then this is that kondehless miscreant! Tsk, tsk,tsk!!

WiraMelayu 25th Sep 2007 12:41

Over some steaming teh tarik, someone did confirm that the kondehless arse did indeed prang an engine pod into the runway at NRT sometime ago. Did not report to anybody during that short transit ( I believe was SEL-NRT-SEL ), hoping it will be pinned on somebody else. Unfortunately, he managed to get away with it after some intense lobby on his behalf by a fellow snake from kenya or somewhere. Can other kimchi drivers confirm this?

MAS Guy 25th Sep 2007 13:54

MAPA is a Joke and run by clowns!

Barney Rock 25th Sep 2007 23:18

Willful unreported Engine pod damage at NRT
My understanding was that he did not escape; vigilance on the part of maintenance and the later crew found the damage caused in NRT. Of course he tried to deny it and pin it on someone else but the AIMs report showed the bank angle at touchdown.

However intense bootlicking and arse licking on his behalf by dd, that kenyan snake masquerading as an oz adder got him off lightly. Whoa, reptiles of the same kind hissed together!

Molokai 26th Sep 2007 01:47

Is this the same bloke mentioned in the Jet recruitment in SEA thread? Maybe Kaptin M can tell us about reporting such dangerous individual to the Japanese Safety authorities. I sure wouldn't like to be taking off or landing after someone with any fuselage or engine pod contact with runway and not reporting. Any part coming off can cause damage to other aicrafts like the catastrophic Concorde fiery crash at CDG.

Paishinel 26th Sep 2007 01:56

Barney and others formerly from Kimchiland....you must really enlighten us on the going ons over there. With the current recruitment drive, many peolple are making a bee line for SEL; would be great to get a real low down on the place before one commits to moving there.:hmm:

Brianigham 26th Sep 2007 16:48

Mas Guy wrote:

MAPA is a Joke and run by clowns!

Pray....please tell sir. details details details.;)

Mat Tongkang 27th Sep 2007 07:53

A lot of guys knows the background of the MAPA people. The prez did harbour ambitions of being in top management and was in a quasi management position sometime ago despite misgivings about his technical and command ability. Many were shocked when his " patrons " made him A330 SIP even though years ago he shut down a perfectly good engine merely due to a spurious oil pressure warning light WITHOUT crosschecking the actual oil pressure gauge and other parameters. As usual he was let off without barely a whimper from flight safety ( under the infamous camel then ). So you see, these blokes have hidden patrons and unseen hands protecting them as they go about being " sleepers " in the dark play of MAPA/management tango. A guy who did not have hidden support wouldn't have been let off that easily, especially by the camel.
So guys, delve deep and research before you put your total faith in MAPA.

Brianigham 28th Sep 2007 15:08

I say " Mat tongkang" that was not the kind of details i was looking for la.
That may have happened quite some time ago. I probably wasnt around yet.
Don't think Kamil is a force at all now though.
The current prez has done so much for us la. We got that 25% pay rise on basic and some 60% on productivity.....i forget details. So many many issues are settled and are being settled.Prductivity is now tax free. The other senior exco guys have also put their neck out for us and we have not lost a single thing in our MOU for a long time now.
Even the previous exco was not too bad la. I think all teams suffer from fatigue. We then have to pick from amongst ourselves people who are capable of holding the fort for the next few years. I remember the time when Johan was president. He was very very instrumental in putting MAPA in good shape. Boy did he grow some grey hairs. Even Nawawi did us some service. The truth of the matter is us the boys need to open our eyes and see clearly. Many blame Nawawi for the loss of ten days in annual leave. I actually met Nawawi and Nik after their meeting with HR with the final deal, before they put it to the floor. They were not happy at all with what they had to present to us. I know they did hella ve lot of work. I told them outright that my vote was no! Reject!, but the mandate was then to bring it to the members.
We as a team voted yes. We did it to ourselves. The reason for that is that generally speaking "as a people" we are spineless. There are times when we have gotta be good followers. The presidents put their necks out when they call for the book to be adhered to. Mind you we are in boleh land. The pilots dont waste a single breath in accepting the first Under table deal. Therefore .....no strength. Of course there are a few hardcore fellas who will stand behind the people they voted in. This is what keeps us going la bro.
The other option is for us to vote with our feet.
I am really saddened by many of the post about and from guys who have left MH. Those who are still here salute you guys and always wish you blue skies and green backs, however we always end up seeing postings comparing those who have left and the daft who stay.
Not all who left are the cream of the crop, of course now with lenny going, thats a lot of cream wasted la. Kudos lenny!
There are some real great blokes who are still around. Some of us like myself ( not ace la , just plain ol line pilot), who are actually living our dreams. Sure .....comparatively the cash is a little sad,but I look forward to every flight. I can still conjure up a few "sardine packed" taxi rides with our set, the great card games. The late night chats and innocent walks down by the riverside KCH with the girls.Nowadays we take the sampan across the river for some good seafood. Its still a very nice place to work, when you take your eyes away from the rot thats happening with admin.
Some of us who are from around KL, get to have dinner at our parents place and with our inlaws. The kids grow up with gramps and tug along to the golf course to be awed and spoilt silly by the old men.....
When dad goes in for that angioplasty ( god forbid ) we pick the phone up and tell the FM "geng" ......its done!
Of course there is the -ve. The new lords have decided that pilots now report to 2 lady bosses who are not pilots. Well thats sad. Now we have these 2 questioning pilots on why they do this and that.The legacy of the MAS pilot is fast drawing to a close. What we need is a U turn.
I seriously belief ( like the miss usa NC) thata osama the time we lose out, but a if we helpa countries like the south africa and eyeraq, we will one day be able to pick ourselves up.
If you are ex MH......wish us well la bro.
Wish us a good flight ops team and a good mapa team, then we can build up to a good MH team.
It just must be done.

EY777 28th Sep 2007 20:41

Well said Brianigham.

I for one believe some of these posters are "old school".Very bitter indeed.You reap what you sow :}

I have fought the fight & now looking after my family's welfare.For those that stayed to fight on, all the best & good luck, unfortunately, my view is that you guys now are in a deeper rut & mindless conspiracies.

Brianigham 28th Sep 2007 22:55

Thank you bro. EY777 from the land of.....aaaah berianee how I miss thee.
And the deeper rut is quite evident. Boy do we need some help from the ballot box!
And to all my Ex MH friends "Salute/Salams/Bonjour'.......Gee..."kimchi? I guess.:O All the best to you guys. Selamat Hari Raya to all my muslim friends.:ok:

flightdeckXXX 29th Sep 2007 03:06

I would agree to some of what Brainigham said. But for one thing I must disgree is about the signing away our 10 days annual leave. He did not explained enough to the members the value of that 42 days which equivalent to 30 days (after minus the 2 days of weekend per week of leave). And with road show during the satay party, neither him and his exco try hard enough with the campaign to reject (as what you said that he was not happy with the final offer). Also, when he got into the management post together with his right hand man, both doesn't seem to acknowledge that wearing two hats is no good to the welfare of the association plus his credibility as the President. How would you feel if every Prez and his men wearing two hats and still claim that they are on your side? If it's OK with him, it must be OK for the present Prez and the future one.

boltak 29th Sep 2007 04:00

Some of the issues may be history but they say that those who fail to learn from history will repeat the same mistakes. And if keep making the same mistakes then how to move up the learning curve? Maybe be like the management. From Crew Mismanagement System graduate to Idiotic Crew Management System and now doing post-graduate Completely Mismange System (hopefully not) How many millions down.

Brianigham 29th Sep 2007 09:40

Yes you are right Flightdeckxxx. I have talked to many people about this over the past few years. Those who were working closely with MAPA during Niks time actually were very much against the idea of accepting the deal. Most other people I talk to about this episode seem to share your sentiments bro. That there was not enough proper understanding on what we were about to sign away. It was very very clear to me though.

There were no satay parties after this offer bro.It went straight to the EGM.I remember very clearly that Nawawi actually reiterated that if they ask for leave we must stand firm and say NO. Bro.....nobody was standing. PungKH resigned from training....who else?. What else. Let me tell you bro... I was an FO who lost all respect for the Captains I flew with that did not want to make a stand. Sad bro....if you were around during that time I am sure you saw what happened.

Wearing 2 hats: Yes this I agree. They did not seem to think that this was a problem. Hmmmm This should not happen. The funtion and priorities of higher management and MAPA leadership overlap only very very very rarely.

We all have our own perceptions on people who are in MAPA leadership and that is our individual right. The Pilots in management have also never ceased to amaze us with the speed at which the forget how to take care of the boys.....and you know what ....that is their right.

It is our right however to decide if we are going to be taken for a ride by any of them. In all things.....pilots really need to stick together and use that brains we are supposed to have. All the best to all of us.

flightdeckXXX 29th Sep 2007 13:19

Bro, what to do...Looking at the loss, for every 3 years, it's 36 days (12 X 3) which is equivalent to a month's salary. And if one in the company for 10 years, it's 120 days, which means a loss of 4 months salary, bro... Many of us were looking at short term gain as compare to long term loss. That was the stand that most pilots made at the time. So, they made their stand...On which side do they stand? You know lah...

Cheers bro, and Happy Raya.

P.S. didn't know he left training coz of this. Anyhow, heard the KimciLand made him as LCP and now as Auditor. Syabas Fredie!

Brianigham 30th Sep 2007 13:09

Yes bro, from what I remember, which may be flawed due passage of time, he was one of the first to rise and will forever be remebered as a patriot. Miss him much! :D....thanks for the update. very happy for him.

flightdeckXXX 30th Sep 2007 14:26

Brianigham, you are right. The EGM was conducted right after the offer given. However, as MAPA Prez and exco members that deal directly with management team during the negotiation, it's him and his team to clearly explained why the annual leave should not be reduced to the management. No need to get the mandate of the members. One must understand that pilots get:

1. no weekends
2. no public holidays
3. no overtime pay even working on public holidays (unlike all other ground staffs.)
4. missing much of the festive holidays due to extra flights during that period
5. bonded for career progression/promotion (no bond for ground engineers for type rating course/training. Ground staffs at times were sent for some sort of training/courses on company's expenses)

Looking at it, that 42 days is just a thin layer of icing on the cake to compensate for what we are not getting.

flightdeckXXX 30th Sep 2007 14:57

loss of oil pressure
Dear Mat Tongkang,

One must understand that loss of oil pressure whether it is genuine of not, a shutdown is required. One cannot assume that the fault is spurious once the warning LOP light and pressure gauge confirmed it, even if the oil quantity is full. But one can keep the engine running if the oil pressure is good (and no LOP light) even the oil quantity indicated zero. I believe (this was many years ago, haven't flown the 73 since then), the checklist required us to check the oil press gauge also, not just the LOP light before shutting down the engine. It does not ask to check the oil quantity. Of course if the quantity is zero, and oil press is low and LOP light ON, it's a sure case due to loss of oil in the engine that cause the oil pressure to drop.

I may miss something here. Correct me if I'm wrong or my statement here is not accurate.

Brianigham 30th Sep 2007 18:05

You are absolutely right. It was their job to impress upon management that the offer was not acceptable, however we, the people, took that "right" away from them. We insisted on seeing the final final offer and did not give them the chance/mandate to reject it before tabling it. Nik on the night before the EGM was already deflated.( we had a little arguement about the offer) He knew it would be accepted. But still I shouldn't make excuses. The package ......if sold well enough on the correct points ( which is the exco's responsibility/ie to correctly educate) I believe, could very well have seen different results.
Its a real bummer! But thats what we have today, a measly 32 days.....that is....if you get it....ha ha ha . What a pain in the neck.
I remember running around telling everyone I knew to reject it, but with such low salaries.....if you remember those days.....anything to get a payrise was acceptable. We were desperate to see the money.
It was, and to a certain extent still is the mentality of many pilots that you must "give away" something.....to get a payrise. They call it "give and take". Wrong understanding of the phrase, I'd say.
Shock treatment is sometimes required to wake people in this comatose up, and realise that we are not that low. I am glad that many of these people have woken up since. remember the Last MoU, there were some folks who were only too eager to give up FRCL travel for a payrise. You don't need to sell the shirt on your back, MH pilots.
We live and learn. One sure thing that is a must have , is strong togetherness and higher self worth. The attrition of our colleagues to greener pastures was that shock treatment. It emboldened many of us and we are now able to look beyond the 4 grey walls that surround us.( I know, I know we still chose to stay within these walls) This realisation is power. At least we realise that while we are here we can actually get a flower pot and "fruit basket".
Whether you stay or go, pilots worldwide have it in their hands to get the picture right within this next few years before the tide changes.
All the best to all of us.

Marcellus Wallace 1st Oct 2007 01:42

Brianigham - from your style of writing I can guess who you are kawan. We may have shared many conversations at the top floor of the Hyatt BKI or the flightdeck of the "Super Ranger". San Francisco?

I still miss my extended family and friends and of course the food.

Most of us have no ill feeling towards MH and guys who remain in MH. We may be critical at times maybe because we loved or still have a soft spot for it and hope for it to do better. There are still a lot of guys with talent.

Your quote
"Not all who left are the cream of the crop."

Ignore the guys who post with venom and like to compare - they are probably some of the more immature ones boasting about their new found wealth - but have forgotten where they come from. They are beginning to sound like sour cream.

By all means leave if you wan't to but do it properly. I paid my dues. It's bad karma to do otherwise - it may catch up with you some day.:ok:

Brianigham 1st Oct 2007 13:07

Thank you Marcellus Wallace,

Ha Ha Ha .....lets keep it a mystery bro.....no fun la otherwise.....Super Ranger.....yes of course......13th floor BKI ....most definitely.....but frisco....aiya.....wasn't that blessed bro.:O

Points noted sir, and well appreciated.

We have a new stream emanating from good ol MH "airline pilot training school," flowing out to the shores of AA X.

I wish them well. You guys heard who is back ya! The main man himself!

I have a scarry good feeling about AsiaX. With the right angle, they could do pretty well.

oztrekker 3rd Oct 2007 23:07

For fltdeckxxx and others, I was in MH during the time of the engine shutdown due to only LOP light...I think that Mat Tongkang meant that only the LOP lite illuminated but the skipper did not confirm with oil pressure reading ( the oil pressure gauge did indicate normal pressure ) and indeed shutdown a good engine. I was one of the expat B734 instructor then and I couldn't believe that the skipper was later made instructor on the B734 and then SIP on A330. No doubt people do improve after mistakes made and should be given the benefit of the doubt, which I would gladly extend to any pilot. However I was involved in the investigation of the incident and I was indeed amazed at the lame excuses, belligerent attitude and complete disregard for genuine post incident counseling on good airmanship. Hence I do understand M T's reservations and I do sincerely counsel young uns to heed " old schoolers " input. Cheers & good luck!

MAS Guy 4th Oct 2007 05:36

Remember the case of a Captain pushing CB in until it burn, then straight away being promoted from 737 to 747. So in MAS, if u F/U, u will get promoted if you know which a** to lick!

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