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Air Macau-money trouble

Old 13th Sep 2008, 01:25
  #81 (permalink)  
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Felt the sting, Hazel250? too bad. Some thoughts are universal and timeless, just like stupidity. Einstein said it all. Unfortunately we are no better today than we were when he said it. When I read all these posts, the great majority of them anyway, that phrase keeps coming to my mind. It is a shame to realise that a bunch of guys who call themselves professional pilots, who have the responsibility of human lives on their shoulders every time they exercise their professional activity, who are supposed to earn respect and admiration from the general public every time they put their lives in their hands, who are regarded as highly skilled and qualified operators of extremely sophisticated machines, who are supposed to be in full possession of all their physical and mental abilities, who are paid huge amounts of money to perform an activity that gives them pleasure and satisfaction, who should be grateful to the company that gave them a job, a type ratting, a promotion and the opportunity to improve their lives in a way they might never have thought possible, a company that, despite all its financial qualms (regardless of the reasons that brought it to this situation) is still paying the salaries on the 28th of every month and has been doing so since its first day of operation, are behaving in such an arrogant, disgraceful, unethical, childish, appalling, deranged and irresponsible way, in a display that only brings embarrassment to our professional group. I never thought I would live to see the day when such a big collection of self called professionals would make me feel ashamed of wearing my uniform in public, something I've always felt proud of. Damn you all for it!!
Yes, mister Hazel250, Einstein was right in his philosophical postulation, and I humbly recognise that I wouldn't have put it any better.
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Old 13th Sep 2008, 03:03
  #82 (permalink)  
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Mr. Alvega,

The fact that we all receive our salaries at the end of the month is not so much a privilege, but a right due to us by the fact we perform our work.

The fact that you feel a debt to the company for giving you your type rating etc., is wonderful sentiment, but most likely you had to prove your worth to the company and hence deserve their loyalty and respect. But that should not make you blind to the realities.

The current management did nothing to prove their capabilities prior to being assigned their positions.

I, like a lot of my colleagues, have proved my loyalty to AMU in the up and downs (for better and for worse), with all types of managers. What does it get me, a salary (which is a contractual obligation) a lapel pin (after 5 years), a small plaque (after 10 years) if I stay that long.

You say that I have to pay my respects to the company! But where is its respect for us, when they fail to provide adequate conditions for us? Simple example, look at their proposal for the wet lease of today and compare it to the previous one (never mind that we now know there can be even better as demonstrated a few years ago by Dragonair).

Where are the basic legal requirements for our training to be completed, all the ground courses that used to be provided that are no longer, and other that were never provided (like first aid, security etc.)? There are problems of greater liability, but it would not be appropriate to post them in a public forum such as this one.

As a professional you are under the obligation to analyse everything and to be able to differentiate the good and the bad and to continuously improve. Its obvious this is not the same for the higher management within AMU. Other than the previous Flight Safety Manager, when did one of your direct chiefs undergo training appropriate to their position?

If you hire knowledgeable people you can afford to cut some corners, but when you hire newbies (you could say, unqualified, inept, amateurish) you must pay the price, one way or another. We are now paying the price of not qualifying them appropriately.

Places such as this forum allows us to exchange opinions freely without fear of repercussion (so prevalent within the company), and if 1% of the discussion goes into making our life a little better than good. If not at least it allows us to vent a little steam.

Fly safe, and don't be so pompous.
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Old 13th Sep 2008, 05:18
  #83 (permalink)  
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pfff...Alvega, for sure, you'll never reach the Einstein level...
Anything to tell us about the Air Macau's situation? That's what we are interest in, not about your feelings about
the UNprofessionals pilots of Air Macau, like you call us or them.
We know that you only live for your proud of the uniform. Of course you are a professional pilot.
I would like to see you flying with a t-shirt or a short...without bars you are lost!
You are for sure the kind of guy, after the flight going to BNU, Park&shop , La uniform!
because of course you need to be valuated. People can see you, on the street with your nice AMu uniform,
then you fell proud and professional!...
Yeah, yeah, first typhoon, you are the first to call sick, first drop of water you request a deviation of 100nm,
...yes I flew with you!
So this post is about Air Macau financial trouble, rumours, and news...not about your feelings.
You are free not to open this post! Why you are still posting here?
...anyone has rumours or funny news about Air Macau? Fresh news about the wet lease?
Something very pleasant? Not any personnal feelings about professionals pilots?
Cheers...See you around Taipei tonight!
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Old 13th Sep 2008, 07:04
  #84 (permalink)  
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So my dear Hazel250, you think that yourself and the likes of you are the only ones with the right to post here. Judging by what has been written so far, you seem to be running out of inspiration. Suit yourself, I will not dwell in a dialog based on personal attacks and useless gibberish that you so much seem to enjoy, sorry old chap, not my style. By the way, I will not be in Taipei tonight. Nice try.
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Old 13th Sep 2008, 08:08
  #85 (permalink)  
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SuperBadass, finally a post without personal attacks and infantile scribbling. My compliments for a breath of fresh air in this swamp of smelly and infected posts. I am inclined to agree with almost all you've written here, just a few remarks though:

The fact that we all receive our salaries at the end of the month is not so much a privilege, but a right due to us by the fact we perform our work.
You don't seem to have ever suffered from the situation of working for a sinking company where the salaries are being held back for months in a row. Lucky you. I hope you never have to experience that situation.

...look at their proposal for the wet lease of today and compare it to the previous one (never mind that we now know there can be even better as demonstrated a few years ago by Dragonair).
Don't always believe what you ear or read here, most of it is gossip with the purpose of destabilising even more the present state of affairs.

...but when you hire newbies (you could say, unqualified, inept, amateurish) you must pay the price, one way or another.
Don't forget we were also newbies once. Give them time and they will mature like we did.

Fly safe, and don't be so pompous.
If I wanted to sound pompous I can assure you I would have put a lot more effort into it. That was not my intention. I take pride in my profession and it hurts to see so many bad examples from people that fail to realise how they are hurting the image of our community for lack of self respect. It probably was too easy for many of them and they fail to realise that it wasn't always like this, and it probably won't be again in the near future.

Best regards
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Old 13th Sep 2008, 10:29
  #86 (permalink)  
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Alvega, not in TPE tonight...of course you called sick, again!
Anyway, I don't feel the right to be the only one to post here.
But if you want, you can open a new subject called " My feelings about the AMU professionals pilot."... it's your right!
I'm not running out of inspiration, you only exhaust me with you lovely feelings!
One thing you have to remember:
It's not because you get a salary on the 28th that you have to open your legs , and accepta all kind of conditions.
The type of guys like you destroy the industry, by accepting anything in the name of the proudess, ...
I'm doing also my job, but I'll never accept to open my legs because of a salary on the 28th. This kind of job, they are many girls doing it in Macau.
You think AMU respect you, as a real professional pilot?
Let's talk about home base ticket, or sim allowances cuts, ... for them, you are just a bus driver.End of story.

Nothing personnal Alvega, but against the people of your type!
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Old 13th Sep 2008, 15:28
  #87 (permalink)  
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Hazel250, you missed the target again. Keep trying, you'll get there eventualy. Definitely we are not in the same range of frequencies. I rest my case with you.

Have a nice life.
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Old 13th Sep 2008, 17:16
  #88 (permalink)  
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I can only agree with hazel250. Guys who bent forward just to look good to management are guys without backbone and balls!
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Old 14th Sep 2008, 01:01
  #89 (permalink)  
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B747-800, if by having balls and backbone you mean hiding behind a nick and shooting haphazardly in the hope to hit some target, you need to think again. judging by your posting history on PPRuNe, you are really omniscient and ubiquitous. I would like to see where you and those you relate to will be when the time comes to take a stand. Normally your kind vanishes into thin air in those circumstances, I've seen it before and I'm sure I will see it again and again.
Get a life, maybe you'll find a better use for your balls and some exercise for your backbone.
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Old 14th Sep 2008, 02:15
  #90 (permalink)  
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@sylversurfer get a life first and earn your hours and stay out of talks of grown ups.

@alvega thanks for the "nice" words of yours. I wouldn't tell you who I am and where I am but I am pretty close around you man. So watch with whom you are talking face to face in the future.
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Old 14th Sep 2008, 04:29
  #91 (permalink)  
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It`s time to get the house in order!!

Enough bla bla bla !!!! it`s getting boring.
Let`s focus on the real things and where are the mooncakes this year? I know it`s not in our contracts but we should have it to celebrate the mid autumn festival! Reports saying that VPFO predicting difficult times ahead kept all the cakes bellow his desk .
We should all sign a paper again but this time to get our mooncakes back.
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Old 15th Sep 2008, 06:29
  #92 (permalink)  
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I agree with you 100%. These posts do give an insight into this airline and it's characters, some of them totally without scruples.

One such character was a nordic guy who left Air Macau for Indigo some time ago. He had no scruples. He took pride in telling everybody how he had married his american wife just so that he could get a Green Card to stay in the USA as an instructor. After spending some time in the US flying pocket jets, he came to Air Macau convinced that be possessed some sort of superior set of skills and was better than his colleagues. He was neither liked by his instructors or his peers. This First Officer, frustrated by no one else recognizing his self thought superior set of skills and experience, then channeled most of his time and energy into undermining the work being done by others.

Always looking out for a quick fix instead of willing to put in the hard work and wait in line for his turn like everyone else, he decided to go to Indigo to attempt Direct Entry Command. But for this it would suit him to leave Macau with some Cat II approaches on his records.
Approaches those that he didn't have but that wouldn't stop him. He just followed that great Chinese Proverb "If you can't do it, fake it" (Ancient chinese proverb commonly used in Zhuhai / Shenzhen )

So after a flight, without the Captain knowing, he decided to just add a couple of CAT II approaches on the paperwork. But it so happened that the Captain found out what he had done and was furious by this despicable act. The pilot was later called into the CP's office, in the presence of the Captain who had been victimized. He gave some lame excuse for his act and sheepishly apologized. Contrary to the Captains desire for justice, Management decided not to take this case any further as this pilot had already submitted his resignation letter and was scheduled to leave. No use in pursuing this issue any further.

But in the same way that the postman always rings twice, the crook always strikes twice. A couple of weeks later the aforementioned pilot does it again. After doing the first two legs in a total of four, he makes up a story of how he is feeling ill and cannot continue the flight. A replacement is called and he leaves the cockpit, telling the Captain he will deliver the flight documents to the flight operations dispatch before he signs off. Of course by the the time those documents reached the operations dispatch they had some add-ons already. Another two non existant manual CAT II approaches marked down on the flight plan, just for his own personal benefit.
Faking illness to get a way to get the flight folder to himself so just that he could forge at free will after the papers had already been signed by the Captain of the flight. All this after having been caught doing precisely the same thing just weeks before. Machiavellic isn't it...
Unfortunately by the time that the second Captain found out that also he had been betrayed by this Judas of the Cockpits, he had already left for India.

But good to know that this gentleman is now in the holding pool for Emirates. The world is a small place. I'll personaly make sure that Emirates Recruitment Office gets a copy of the letter written by the airline to the local Civil Aviation Authority stating that this particular pilot had commited forgery more than once and asking for the immediate suspension of his licence. I'm sure that Emirates will appreciate avoiding such characters. It isn't like Air Macau that takes in all the riff-raff now is it...Pity that Indigo is not so thorough with their background checks. One phone call to his previous airline would have been enough to find out the scoundrel they had just hired. I'll make sure Emirates doesn't commit the same mistake. Justice shall be served, Insh'Allah.

I have no pity for the pilot who cheats his fellow pilots, trying to get one over, thinking he's smarter by commiting fraudulent acts.
You just knocked on the wrong door buddy. You should've stayed in hiding in India...

The Eyes of Truth speaks only the truth and nothing but the truth. Anyone from Air Macau can corroborate this story as being veracious.

Last edited by Eyes of Truth; 15th Sep 2008 at 16:52. Reason: Gramatical errors
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Old 15th Sep 2008, 07:28
  #93 (permalink)  
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I agree entirely with u..Alvega is so POMPOUS... but empty inside him..
Hey Alvega if I were u I would be listening for winds of change man...listen to the wind..u and ur Pizzeria frds... a huge storm is approaching..better u and ur frds find shelter somewhere..
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Old 15th Sep 2008, 08:20
  #94 (permalink)  
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Devil drumbeat

You absolutely right man..they have no balls at all..lets wait and see...what happens when Ops Management is gone..they will change the dressing coat very quickly as good RATS they are....I hv a guess... baby sitter qualification is not enough eh eh eh...
Listen to the wind guys..listen to the wind...Huge storm approaching AMU..big changes..listen to the wind..3 names storm one after the chance for those RATS man..they have a huge bill to pay for the bad they have done for AMU eh eh eh eh eh
Hey pizzeria guys...better get gonna be a very bumpy eh eh eh eh
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Old 15th Sep 2008, 09:16
  #95 (permalink)  
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...Eyes of thruth... You hit the bullseye!
Gromgutom...I hear that you were so stupid, you log 2 CATII from MFM-SZX-MFM...real ones, on CAVOK day...(And I'm not joking!)
So the upgrade with the indians never happend!
I'm not suprise at all!
Hope for you EK never 'll never heart a such things!

......I want my mooncake!
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Old 15th Sep 2008, 15:25
  #96 (permalink)  
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I M wondering...what would happen if it comes to knowledge of the Portuuese AACM Inspector.... better not, otherwise the bastard....i can imagine....
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Old 16th Sep 2008, 06:44
  #97 (permalink)  
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Chhhhht...No one must know it in AACM!
It's a AMU public secret!
Gromgutom, why did you remove all your post and answers?
For once it wasn't a rumours, but just the truth!
Never mind he'll comes back with another nickname!

Today the crew mngmt calls me back for my passport, telling me , they have a 5 stars hotel in PEK for the crew. Newly built for the Olympics!

For my girl friend (who's officaly registred on my blue card), no ticket!
And for the housing and per diem, same, same!
And for my passport: same, same...I keep it!
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Old 16th Sep 2008, 07:28
  #98 (permalink)  
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Indeed Hazel250

Gromgutten / TJ did in fact remove all his posts and went back into hiding. Scared that Indigo and Emirates will find out what a little weasel he is.

Justice has been served.
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Old 16th Sep 2008, 13:42
  #99 (permalink)  
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Congrats Hazel250

Hey mate,

You seem to know everything that is going on in your world. But please, if you want to improve your simple and lonely life, you can start with some English classes. Just a thought...

If you dislike your company, you should be the first one to leave. I think that people like you are poison for any company in the world. Perhaps you have tried to move on to the dessert yourself but unfortunately you and your great knowledge have not been able to get along the day of the interviews and you are now stuck in what seems to be to you a ****ty company and a ****ty place to live.

I feel sad for you my friend, and even more for your company. I hope they find out who you are soon so someone can kick your ass! Cheers ! Keep smiling and enjoy your beautiful Far East!

And one more thing, why the hell do you hate the P and the B so much?
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Old 16th Sep 2008, 21:54
  #100 (permalink)  
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isnt this post titled Air Macau Money troubles . It now seems a personal vendetto against one pilot ,,, whomever he is and then someone new on the post telling everyone to take English Classes. Isn`t "dessert" something you eat???

Anyway back to the real stuff. Is NX going to survive or is it not. Oh and by the way I am sure not everyone does actually want to go to the desert.

Some are very settled and happy in Macau. Also the "grass is not greener on the other side of the field you know" definately not in the desert haha!

Oh and perhaps if those of you intent on killing eachother on this thread
should note that NX is not the only Airline with money troubles. Only the
big mega carriers seem to be riding the storm...
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