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-   -   Cathay Pacific Cadet Pilot Programme (https://www.pprune.org/south-asia-far-east-wannabes/378978-cathay-pacific-cadet-pilot-programme.html)

captain.weird 17th May 2011 13:16

And what about the job then as S/O? Did they still have to work for +/- 4 years like the iCadets or was that reduced to approx. 18 months?

GTC58 17th May 2011 14:00


FO is 14K/month
SFO is 18K/month

ap_797 17th May 2011 14:20


Thanks a lot for your reply. What you say with respect to the salary having apparently increased does make sense.

As for those instructors down in ADL, having racked up circa 2000hrs of PIC time, couldn't an option for them be to return to cathay, do their required bonded service (not sure how long this is?) and then move back down to Oz as that way they would have avoided having to repay the 'forgiveable loan' and are in a better position to apply to other airlines? Just a thought!

Also, with this forgiveable loan, after the icadets have done their required length of service (I believe this is 6 years?) are they able to walk away from Cathay with no liability to repay any of the training costs? (Obviously it'd be near impossible to find a job elsewhere owing to lack of PIC time but i'm just wondering how long a cadet has this 'liability' hanging over them for?).

One other thing, how much can S/O's expect to earn each year or month in duty allowances?

Thanks a lot guys for all your help. Some very informative posts in this thread! :ok:

Em773ER 17th May 2011 15:05


And what about the job then as S/O? Did they still have to work for +/- 4 years like the iCadets or was that reduced to approx. 18 months?
i'm not too sure about the 18 month period to upgrade from SO to FO for the instructors, highly doubt it. If DESOs had/have to do it for at least 3 years then my best bet is that they would have had to as well.


Also, with this forgiveable loan, after the icadets have done their required length of service (I believe this is 6 years?) are they able to walk away from Cathay with no liability to repay any of the training costs? (Obviously it'd be near impossible to find a job elsewhere owing to lack of PIC time but i'm just wondering how long a cadet has this 'liability' hanging over them for?).
yes and yes, they can walk away after the 6 years of service with no liability to repay the loan to CX, and yes it would be near impossible to find a job, and a pain to convert to JAA to FAA CPL. as mentioned before by lost&found, CX is definitely not an "hour building" airline.

One other thing, how much can S/O's expect to earn each year or month in duty allowances?
not sure if these below are correct for today, they were the rough figures back in 2008 maybe you can use them as a guide...

For pay issues the duty time is essentially blocks off to blocks on.
The duty pay depends on the number of hours.
SO $20 (0-55.9) $35 (56-69.9) $60 (70-84)
JFO $30 (0-55.9) $50 (56-69.9) $90 (70-84)

You will typically do 75+ hours per month. Therefore 75 hours would equate to A) 55.9 x $20 = $1118 + B) 13.9 x $35 = $486.50 + C) 5.1 x $60 = $306
A+B+C = $1910.50
hope that helps:ok:

depart5 17th May 2011 15:29

Hey scottb12,

I dont have first hand info but the 30 week programme is simply a modification of the 60 week programme for pilot who already have commercial licenses. It should involve basically a few hours of flight instruction and a check ride after that to see how well you learn new stuff or a new AC, then followed by the basic conversion process, ground school, MCC training etc ..

I'm on the second round of applying, where is your interview going to be?


ETOPS240 17th May 2011 18:40


It would seem that (perhaps due to your failure on the iCadet course) you have an axe to grind with the scheme. That's fine, you're entitled to your opinion.

First off, let me explain that I am not on the new scheme. I am happily (luckily) on an earlier rate. I'm merely bringing some perspective.

That said, seeing as you're quoting figures left and right (which you clearly have no foundation for); you show me which airline offers a higher NET salary to the newcomers than this. BA, TCX, Tiger, Singapore, EY, FR, EZ, even VS, and other carriers that require serious experience.

Sorry, son. I hate to side with the scheme, but you're nothing other than a bitter failure. The fact remains, that despite the reduction in terms, it is still financially a country mile ahead of what else is out there. And before you start harping on about HK, I've lived in London and New York. Both of which are at least as costly as HK. Anyone with less than 7 kids can easily get by.

Back in your box, you're looking more and more idiotic by the day.

SMOC 17th May 2011 22:49

ETOPS240, when you say earlier rate, I take it you mean expat terms.

ETOPS240 18th May 2011 00:35

Dan Buster
I totally agree. My point isn't that I condone what's happening to conditions (in the industry as a whole, also). My point is that I understand why folks are applying for it.

In my opinion, they don't deserve to be shot down. Yes, advice - here and there - allowing them to become more informed, is a good thing. Certainly, the farcical remarks here about living in poverty are utter hogwash, and are embarrassing to hear from supposedly educated people. What's not a good thing, is shooting applicants down because you don't like what's happening to the company.

Let them be the judge of that. Give them decent information (good luck with that), and let them make their minds up. Respect their decision, because unless one is particularly blindsighted, it's an understandable one, and from their shoes, a good one.

The fact that the industry is changing for the worse at each and every airline is not the responsibility of the applicants.

I'm all for agreement on the industry, I just can't abide by people shooting applicants down, and providing utterly rubbish information in order to prove their points.

Em773ER 18th May 2011 00:43


I won't argue on this forum anymore. But thanks for your opinion. I don't have an axe to grind, particularly for the scheme, but for naive wannabes who haven't taken the time to do a little research to say the least, period. If one has taken the time to look at the info, and they really know what they are getting into, they can do what they want. I even have a few friends who are SOs now on the new scheme, and they knew what they were getting into, it works for them and they are enjoying themselves. And I agree that if you manage your money right, you can get by in HK on this package, just not as good as the other guy on expat terms doing the same job as you. (i dont know if one can easily get by with 4 kids though)

I'm not an icadet failure honest, it simply isn't my cup of tea. However, tell me this... would you be happy if you got offered the new contract? its easy to look down from up there where you are with expat terms, but if you really got offered this contract I doubt you would have the same attitude. The figures i'm pulling left and right are from previous posts by current CX pilots, not my own so if you have a problem with them, contact the posters. I even had the decency to quote them. Yes perhaps I don't know as much as you do, but at least i'm passing on what I know, and if its incorrect, I always say "correct me if i'm wrong".

you show me which airline offers a higher NET salary to the newcomers than this. BA, TCX, Tiger, Singapore, EY, FR, EZ, even VS, and other carriers that require serious experience.
Ok ill go get them right away sir!!!!. if you look over there the net salary for tiger and EY is .... :zzz: :zzz: :zzz:

collaudatore 18th May 2011 09:22

Does anybody knows if Cathay is currently recruiting/seeking SO?

Many thanks.

SMOC 18th May 2011 09:39


collaudatore 18th May 2011 09:50



SMOC 18th May 2011 10:01

(Google 0.17 sec).

scottb12 18th May 2011 10:10

Hey depart5 cheers for the reply! Yeh it sounds like it will be a bit repetitive for myself as I have already done my IR/MCC etc unless they want everybody to go through MCC training again anyway for everybody to follow the same SOPs etc but an MCC doesn't take 30 weeks neither does a type rating! Unless this is just a general time scale and they tailor it to everybody's training requirements. But then I do not understand why they advertise the short course with ATPL exam passes but you must have 1500 hours. Also the 30 week program doesn't say anything about requiring ATPL exams so I was wondering if the 30 weeks included learning for these also? I haven't been able to find any more info on this.

I have my interview in London. So I understand you have been through the interview before? or did you not get invited the first time? How much experience do you currently have?

scottb12 18th May 2011 13:10

RW 31

Try dropping them an email maybe not to ask them if you have been successful but to update your application if you have anything that may be of interest to them, I applied at beggining of year but I emailed them around a month ago to update my application as I now have more hours since I applied and they got back to me.

TryHarder 18th May 2011 13:55

HK living costs

Could anyone give me some idea of the living costs out in HK? I may be interested in the Transition Training for Second Officers, and i was wondeering what sort of standard of living I might expect off a Gross salary of 45,000HK per month? I've heard that accomodation is very expensive and that saving money is difficult...

Is anyone who is living there able to give me some idea?


scottb12 18th May 2011 15:47

R31, I dont have the email to hand at the moment but I just replied to the same address from which I initially recieved my confirmation of my application from.

Voiceofreason 19th May 2011 04:32


Steer clear of complete naysayers at any event. There are plenty here who live just fine on the package. I'm with ETOPS 100% on this one - when compared to what else is out there, it's a pretty easy choice to make.

Many have quoted living costs here before, but I'll give it another whirl:
  • Housing - $15-$18k a month, depending on size/location. It'll be small-ish (700 sqft or so) for this price if you want to live in town, or slightly bigger (900 sqft) if you are OK with living a bit further away
  • Food - $3-5k a month depending on if you're single or not
  • Utilities - $2-3k a month
  • Phone/Internet - $1k a month (max)
  • Entertainment - tough one, but count on around $5-6k a month for a few decent nights out
  • Education - this is obviously not applicable if you don't have kids, but need to factor it in if you do (although CX pays a decent portion)

That should leave you with some savings and room for manouevre.

I'm curious about the forgiveable loan though - what have they told you about that?

ChinaBeached 19th May 2011 05:09

Just for fun.... LIGHTEN UP!
Hi, I've got some questions that anyone who can only tell me nice things can answer please. If there is any real truth, first hand experience or many tears of experience then don't answer! I think I already have my mind made up anyway, but here goes:

I just watched Top Gun and then Air Crash Investigations. As a result I now want to be a pilot and have the right stuff.

Does Cathy employ pilots?

Also, who is Cathy?

If Cathy is as nice as she seems, will she pay me? (It really doesn't matter anyway....)

What should I wear when I arrive for my first flight? I think the interview is just a formality. I have a really funny t-shirt with a dog getting it's nuts caught on a barbed wire fence!! They will love it!

Is it REALLY and TRULY and REALLY true the sandwiches are FREE?

Will I get to be a Captain in 2 years, or 3?

I think Cathy will be good to me. Is it true I can be based anywhere I want? After all, I REALLY REALLY REALLY want to!!! I think HK is a 2 hour drive north from my home in Majorca so it's pretty close anyway.

What is "seniority"?

I've done LOTS of research! But what are those other 140 pages all about on this thread?

I've never earned an income before so this is A LOT of money for the game arcade! I haven't considered any long term plans but everything is FREE!!

In 5 years is it true that I'll own my own 2500 sq ft apartment? I'll get a non factored $10k a month initially (they are SO NICE!) and only I've heard as much as a 3rd SO gets now when I become Captain (2 years?) so after all my research, where is the best place to park my cars and buy the apartment?

What's an "SO"? What does it stand for?

What is a forgivable loan? Does it mean if I say "Sorry, I really want to be a fireman now" they will forgive me?

Where is Adelaide? I think I have to go there for something. Is that true? WHY?

What is a P2X? Don't they know I ALREADY have a PSP!!!???

With all the research I've done, after 3 years I'll be a Captain on a Boeing 380 and about 15,000 hrs in my log book (what is that for anyway?). Can I use that to go back to Europe / America / Australia / NZ / Asia?? After all, I don't want to do "too much" study before telling them how passionate I am about my future!

I can't wait to meet the DFO, GMO and CEO and thank them!! What an opportunity! Apparently they really want to thank me instead??!! Something to do with the new 5 bedroom bungalow in Seminyak??

Does Cathy still sleep with the DFO, GMO and CEO because I don't want to be seen as being screwed or used!!

Thanks for any advice, cause I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY have to done so much study and mum and dad are so proud of me already!

ixg888 19th May 2011 05:59

The Grob
hi guys greetings of peace!

anyone knows where can we find a good read in the net about the grob..
its vx vy vr... limitations .. weight and balance envelope.. or simply its POH

lost&found 19th May 2011 06:51



Housing - $15-$18k a month, depending on size/location. It'll be small-ish (700 sqft or so) for this price if you want to live in town, or slightly bigger (900 sqft) if you are OK with living a bit further away
a whopping 900sqft, what to do with all that space!

Em773ER 19th May 2011 10:01

@chinabeached :D :D very nice!!

don't forget the free flight to HK Cathy gives during stage 2 ;)

SMOC 19th May 2011 14:22

When it boils down to it, there are two cultures here.

1. Thinks a 700sf flat is reasonable living including a family and it's more important to drive the latest BMW. So the fact that the CX package allows them to live alone in the same size apartment is a vast improvement.

2. Thinks a 3 bedroom home, garage, a yard with enough room to kick a footy and save for their first car is reasonable.

Which group are/were you?

The cadet package is aimed at group 1 and group 2 with shiny jet syndrome.

A cadet package with a low cost carrier is better than this deal, at least you actually fly once you graduate.

Wait till you're in the lobby of a hotel and a guest comes up to you thinking your are bell boy of the hotel, the one stripe jacket doesn't really cut it.

PS @chinabeached classic :ok::ok::ok:

SloppyJoe 19th May 2011 17:37

Ha ha, yeap happened to me more than once. Can you tell me where the toilets are? What time is check out? Also happens in the airport, can you tell me where to check in for air france? Can you help me with finding my lost luggage?

ChinaBeached 19th May 2011 23:56

Will those questions be asked in the interview?

Jay_solo 20th May 2011 09:31

Roster control/flexibility for an SO
I read you fly 2-3 trips a month on average. But as a SO, does the crewing department allow you to bid for trips or even swap trips with another SO?

And do you have to do a standby each month?

carl_g 20th May 2011 11:09

Cadet Program
Wow I don't know anything about flying and lurk here for fun.
You guys going for the cadet program should think about it more.

It would be like someone applying for my occupation (police officer)
and accepting a low paying job that involves only taking notes and maybe working the siren, and doing this for years. We would not respect you from a career point
of view because of your "flunky" status and when you go to another force to apply using your experience they would just laugh and recommend you apply and start from square one. You would not be invited to coffee or swing shift parties due to our embarrassment on your behalf regarding the career path you've taken.

But! You get to ride in a police car and wear a uniform. Isn't that cool? No. The novelty wears off and it's your passion for the job (if there is any left after dealing with the politics of the job) and your long term achievments, professional contacts, friendships, and approaching retirement that keep you going. I only compare this to my occupation because I can relate to it but am sure others can apply their jobs to this scenario as well.

Do any pilots here agree with this simplistic comparison?

Victor Wong 20th May 2011 12:58

i know a guy appied march 2010, receive a 1st interview email in march 2011. he is based in sydney. so it is still possible to be selected.

good luck

aile_striker 21st May 2011 03:27

rumour is they are having so many applications since opening up to international applicants that it normally takes about 8 months (give or take) for your application to be processed.

ChinaBeached 21st May 2011 03:42

Aile.... Tell me more?!!!!! I am REALLY passionate about this breaking news!

Just one question, the TWO THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND TEN posts before yours on ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY ONE pages..... what the hell are they all about?

Can you really get online and apply from "anywhere"?

Or, written for most iCadets to "get":

yo all yez homies.me n me crew gonna do fly'in stuff 'cauze fly'in ROCKS! n all.when me n me peeps slip on in ta cathy 4 da gig n say stuff like "yo waz-up" all da chicks gonna go "yeah, yooz rock!" n all!!all yooz haytas out dair n all yooz dorks beta chill cauze we rock n yooz dont.but me peeps n me wanna no yo waz-up n how do yez becum pilots enyway?i'm gona be jus like m&m n p-diddly n 50cent wit me own crew n stuff like dat!!!!all yooz beta look out!!! c yez in da cocpit captin!!!!!!

Mr_T 23rd May 2011 05:04

I was sent a email 2 weeks ago saying "we are pleased to advise you that you are shortlisted for the Stage 2 Interview".

Im still waiting to hear, anyone else in the same boat?

flyinryan76 23rd May 2011 17:37

Hey Mr. T,

Yea, I'm in the same boat as you... still waiting for a date on the stage 2. Did they give you a date yet?

Mr Fusion 23rd May 2011 18:30

Originally Posted by ChinaBeached
Aile.... Tell me more?!!!!! I am REALLY passionate about this breaking news!

Just one question, the TWO THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND TEN posts before yours on ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY ONE pages..... what the hell are they all about?

Can you really get online and apply from "anywhere"?

Or, written for most iCadets to "get":

yo all yez homies.me n me crew gonna do fly'in stuff 'cauze fly'in ROCKS! n all.when me n me peeps slip on in ta cathy 4 da gig n say stuff like "yo waz-up" all da chicks gonna go "yeah, yooz rock!" n all!!all yooz haytas out dair n all yooz dorks beta chill cauze we rock n yooz dont.but me peeps n me wanna no yo waz-up n how do yez becum pilots enyway?i'm gona be jus like m&m n p-diddly n 50cent wit me own crew n stuff like dat!!!!all yooz beta look out!!! c yez in da cocpit captin!!!!!!

Well... Most of the posts in this thread are from trolls like yourself. There's no "Troll Filter" that I know of... But I have a solution: You could stop acting like a petulant child, swallow your pride and get over it. The boat has sailed on CX. Move on. :cool:


I'll repost this because it got buried under a lot of nonsense:

I interviewed last month for the "transition" CPP job in HK. If you'd like some info. on it I wrote a gouge. PM me if you'd like it.

Take care everyone! :)

flyinryan76 23rd May 2011 20:55

Mr. T - I apparently didn't read your post clearly and missed the fact that you said you got a reply two weeks ago. Did you interview in SFO by any chance?

Mr. Fusion - check P.M.'s

NoseGear 23rd May 2011 21:03

Aim High?
Aiminghigh, your either an idiot, a troll, or a hypocrite if you really believe your username.....probably all three:ugh: Your post smacks of SJS and a general lack of decency, evidenced by asking current CX pilots if "we've all had it easy throughout life". Quite the opposite actually, most of us have done the hard yards in GA and the Military, ie poverty and hardship, to gain the requisite experience necessary to even be invited for an interview with CX. Having done those hard yards, made it through the recruiting process, the training and upgrade process and being suitably remunerated (yes, I know:rolleyes:) we expect to be paid what we are worth. Yes, like a king. Show me a king who has anything like the responsibility we have every day?

If you can't see that, then bugger off till you can.:yuk:

The breathless, headlong rush here is vomit inducing to watch.:ugh::yuk::rolleyes: All the excuses I see paraded out just as pathetic, and your attempts to avoid and justify ignoring the advice by current, serving pilots living and working here are even more so.

You will be sorry, probably sooner rather than later, for accepting these T and Cs. So be it, just don't expect a shoulder to cry on.


Mr Fusion 23rd May 2011 22:25

Originally Posted by AIMINGHIGH123
What`s wrong with a 700 sqft flat?? I live in a 450 sqft 1 bed flat in London with my gf and we think its perfect size. So many people on this forum expect to live like a king from day one, have you all had it that easy throughout life? I would jump at the chance to even have an interview with CX and would be very happy with there T+Cs if offered.

I understand your reasoning. Perhaps like me you are currently working a dead-end regional job for minimal pay and zero housing allowance, health insurance, retirement, etc. So this offer compared to that sounds fantastic yes? :)

But the current "housing allowance" if you can call it that begins at HK$10K/mo and tops out at HK$36K/mo. as a Senior Captain 7. In 2007 the real housing allowance began at HK24K/mo. and the people I know there are already way past HK$36K/mo. It is a very large difference, and if you are looking to make a career of CX you have to look pretty far into the future and ask if you can raise a family comfortably on that compensation.

Mr Fusion 23rd May 2011 22:30

Originally Posted by NoseGear
Aiminghigh, your either an idiot, a troll, or a hypocrite if you really believe your username.....probably all three Your post smacks of SJS and a general lack of decency, evidenced by asking current CX pilots if "we've all had it easy throughout life". Quite the opposite actually, most of us have done the hard yards in GA and the Military, ie poverty and hardship, to gain the requisite experience necessary to even be invited for an interview with CX. Having done those hard yards, made it through the recruiting process, the training and upgrade process and being suitably remunerated (yes, I know) we expect to be paid what we are worth. Yes, like a king. Show me a king who has anything like the responsibility we have every day?

If you can't see that, then bugger off till you can.

The breathless, headlong rush here is vomit inducing to watch. All the excuses I see paraded out just as pathetic, and your attempts to avoid and justify ignoring the advice by current, serving pilots living and working here are even more so.

You will be sorry, probably sooner rather than later, for accepting these T and Cs. So be it, just don't expect a shoulder to cry on.


Wow... So much hatred. Sounds to me like you're the one that needs a shoulder to cry on. :(

ChinaBeached 24th May 2011 02:11

1) get a sense of humour;
2) the CX ship has not sailed at all. It is rapidly sinking into a sewered, putrid quagmire due the weight of the likes of yourself hoping, trying & crying like an immature naive child to make it so. That way these "standards" can be at the suitable entry level for your attitude, morality, maturity & skill level.

My ship hasn't sailed, far from it. I just refused, twice, to sail on the type of ship you want to be on.

And the others who have been "fast tracked"!! Sane people scoff at emails stating "you have been fastracked / selected for this great opportunity!". They are viewed as rip-off schemes & shonky scams generated from countries with loose laws. But if the same comes from CX? "Shortlisted"??! Yet none of you ask why....

Fusion, "trolls" are bottom dwellers living on scraps beneath bridges. Nah mate, that's for the likes of you believing that is a good lifestyle & existence. Those of us with a spine, integrity, experience & knowledge don't want the likes of you polluting our industry. Because until you drag the rest of it & us down to your level you will not be satisfied. Justify your pathetic reasoning as much as you can & will, but you will & always will be a septic scar on all that others achieved in the past at CX.

And still the droves of immbecilic posts will come asking questions insulting to the intelligence of what used to be called a professional airman. Call or email the damn flying school if you want to know which aircraft CX utilise in ADL! Look up the damn regs about license conversion!! Speak to a financial advisor about the contract at CX & a probable financial situation in 20+ years!! IDIOTS!!!

But least of all don't take the advice of ANYONE that with international airline experience at CX or other! It may detract from your naive short cited & ignorant short term plans. (Now look up "irony").

But of course, it's all FREE!!!!!!!!!!

Mr Fusion 24th May 2011 04:41

Originally Posted by ChinaBeached
1) get a sense of humour;
2) the CX ship has not sailed at all. It is rapidly sinking into a sewered, putrid quagmire due the weight of the likes of yourself hoping, trying & crying like an immature naive child to make it so. That way these "standards" can be at the suitable entry level for your attitude, morality, maturity & skill level.

My ship hasn't sailed, far from it. I just refused, twice, to sail on the type of ship you want to be on.

And the others who have been "fast tracked"!! Sane people scoff at emails stating "you have been fastracked / selected for this great opportunity!". They are viewed as rip-off schemes & shonky scams generated from countries with loose laws. But if the same comes from CX? "Shortlisted"??! Yet none of you ask why....

Fusion, "trolls" are bottom dwellers living on scraps beneath bridges. Nah mate, that's for the likes of you believing that is a good lifestyle & existence. Those of us with a spine, integrity, experience & knowledge don't want the likes of you polluting our industry. Because until you drag the rest of it & us down to your level you will not be satisfied. Justify your pathetic reasoning as much as you can & will, but you will & always will be a septic scar on all that others achieved in the past at CX.

And still the droves of immbecilic posts will come asking questions insulting to the intelligence of what used to be called a professional airman. Call or email the damn flying school if you want to know which aircraft CX utilise in ADL! Look up the damn regs about license conversion!! Speak to a financial advisor about the contract at CX & a probable financial situation in 20+ years!! IDIOTS!!!

But least of all don't take the advice of ANYONE that with international airline experience at CX or other! It may detract from your naive short cited & ignorant short term plans. (Now look up "irony").

But of course, it's all FREE!!!!!!!!!!

Ouch. I must've hit a nerve. Again with the misplaced anger. Might I suggest:


I'm sure they have a chapter open in your country too "mate." ;)

Do come back and see us when you're back on your meds and stable. :ok:

ChinaBeached 24th May 2011 05:37

Ha! You confuse anger with pitiful despair at the bottom feeders who want to keep digging lower.

You applied and FAILED a far far lower standard of interview than your predecessors!!

3000 hrs TT, 2500 hrs CRJ and kids with ZERO hours beat you into a job??!! :D:D:D

Attended one in HK a couple weeks back (never had an initial interview) and was turned down.

My background:
- USA Regional FO
- 3,000 Total Hours (2,500 in the CRJ7)
- Nuclear Engineering major (probably a dead give-away as to who I am )
Yes, a failured nuclear engineer & now failed iCadet. Hide all loose & sharp objects when depressed, my 2 cents worth.

For me, it was just another example of how my services are worth less than the generation before me: Shareholders demand continually increasing profit margins, so the front-line workers get squeezed more and more.

Thank you Capitalism. :middlefinger:
And yet you ASK / BEG to be treated like this?! What's more argue against the likes of us trying say the same damn thing! We know it, see it, and oppose it. You know it, see it & seek to be a part of it. Such integrity? Or more of a sell-out?

(Where's the middle finger emoticon?)
I & many thousands of pilots have one for you.

The negative comments related to this job are (understandably) posted by people who have a better job now, whether it be with Cathay or someone else. Good for them. But keep in mind you don't have their job: Criticism is easy to dish out when everything's good with numero uno.
So you "understand" the negative comments you say? Obviously you say one thing but do another. Maybe the personality psych testing revealed too much in the CX interview?

"Everything good with them" you say. No. The wannabe but failed sell-outs like you have & continue to ensure things will not be the same & our collective terms & conditions are lowered.

I almost laughed at the final interview when the HR rep said "okay, so let's say you take the job, and yeah it'll be fun and exciting for the first year or two..." FIRST YEAR OR TWO?!? Try the first half-hour into my first ID..) this job may not be for you.
And yet STILL you applied & chased it! And what's more tell others to do the same? You tell others to take what you laugh at. Do you have any character or integrity at all?

If (for some reason) they actually raise it again, and you don't get that raise, and there's better opportunities out there, tell them to f*** themselves and find a new job.
Ummm..... But wasn't it CX who told YOU "to f*** (yourself) and find a new job"????

Such wisdom. Join low & hope? "Better (LONG TERM) opportunities"? Dozens of posts highlighting them but laziness, ignorance, naivety & arrogance prevents anyone from looking.

So, there's the caliber of iCadet failure offering advice & direction. Fella, if you're going to granstand have the runs on the board first.

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