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FREDDY MERCURY 9th May 2006 01:17

cpahka ,
You got it all wrong at cafe...... HKE will take over CPA ,get rid of those EMB's , reinstate the 49er's (all except one) , run the 744's to Canton and sack the management ....... How do I know all this? The tea lady told me so ! :*

MOETMAN 10th May 2006 11:53


omnipotent 10th May 2006 12:58

Haven't seen it myself, but understand yesterday's SCMP had an interesting article in it concerning HKE and Hainan Air. Old AT just can't get enough press. Am also hearing whispers in the restaurant about a HKE internal memo on the same subject, asking staff not to talk about things. How nuts is that, you put out an internal notice and then turn around and blab your face off to the newspaper!!!!! :confused:

mythbuster 11th May 2006 04:17

re: trouble at the top
Badapple ,
You may be right there. a CX F/O friend of mine told me he was recently flying with a certain check capt.( a well known opportunist) soon to retire who has been approached for the job. Damage control ? :ouch:

cpahka 11th May 2006 13:31

Latest, HNA group will turn HKE to become an airfreight carrier!!:ok:

omnipotent 12th May 2006 12:23

Sparky (besides demonstrating yet again HE belongs in a Snap On chest), continues to miss the point. So now we are to believe the current HKE CP is the source of your woes Sparky??? My son, it's time you stepped back, waaaaaaaaaay back and took in the BIG picture. Your (if you really do work there) CP is simply having his strings tugged by someone else. Go figure who that might be.

Still curious how a new company can set up so much uncertainty? I suggest you become familar with your company's org chart and take a look at the name on top. If what I hear about your bossman is correct, HKE will have a sh!tload of them (org charts that is)!!!!!

My latest intel still suggests a HKE machine will be sent over to Macau in the not too distant future. Who knows, maybe I'll be the one saying I told you so. :E

Badapple 14th May 2006 18:49

Enough is enough
Ok, Sparky et al......pick up your dummies and stop wasting time with the chirlish comments.

Listen up.

About a year ago I made my first post on this thread. In fact it was I who first labelled one of the long since gone participants a eunuch. Why? Simple:

A eunuch thinks he knows how it is done,

He sees it happening all around him,

But....he just can't do it himself...

This analogy applies to many of the actors in this shortlived fantasy called HKE. The lead actor being, of course, the little man at the top.

Back to my point... My purpose in contributing to this thread was in the hope of warning wannabes not to jump in with rose colored glasses but to see it as it really is; an opportunity to MAYBE get a rating and some experience. Not to expect a longterm and rewarding career. I remember one starry eyed contributor telling us that he wanted to 'pursue the dream'. Well, damn right it was a dream. Maybe more of a nightmare for many already that have decided that enough is enough.

Much to my amusement, and I am sure others, Sparkles is already telling us that "I told you so" . I only hope that he will exhibit the same humility when he informs us that he has also Fedexed his uniform back to head office. As far as changing CP's.....c'mon, do you really believe that? My learned friend Omnipotent is unrelenting in his attempts to instruct less experienced people in the ways of the management. Pilots are seen as bus drivers in this neck of the woods, and the cp rates very low on the food chain.

Over and out

touchengo 14th May 2006 21:15

Originally Posted by Badapple
I hear that your esteemed leader is now actively trying to poach a new cp from other companies in the region.........

Desperate measures indeed.

I believe that the guys at HKE have been ordered to keep their mouths shut. :}

Badapple 18th May 2006 01:25

Get out of the gutter
I continue to be amazed at how quickly people will resort to abusive language and childish outbursts.

By all means state your opinion; you are also welcome to criticise mine, but try and put yourself in your mother's shoes when you start to type. How ashamed do you think she would be if she knew how quickly her son or daughter had descended into the gutter.

I have never said anything on this site that I am ashamed of, or that is any way abusive.

Clean up your act or else I will be forced to come over to HK and wash your mouths out with soap.

My point.........HKE will always be, a smelting pot of low morale and dissention, resulting in a flight department with a massive turnover and a constant battleground between management and pilots.

So far I have been close to the mark.

Over to you Omnipotent

Sparkyplugs 19th May 2006 07:09

So I wonder how many will be requesting days off in early June????

Ha Ha......

But you can work for less flying a BIGGER machine!

:ugh: :ugh: :ugh: :D :D :D

SparkPlugs 21st May 2006 04:16

Badapple to the gutter
Well, you guys might want to read this quickly. It seems that mentioning the truth or any logic, will get your post ERASED by the moderator. Thank you. :ok:

Badapple with Impotent(ance), you guys are worse than us, we work here, we have a reason to bitch and moan. What about you guys. It seems like you guys need to get laid.

You say all this amazing stuff about HKE, we really don't care about you opinion, and Oh ya, come and wash our mouths out, funny part is you might be leaving your medical here though. Ha Ha. :} :}

All HKE Pilots, I want to start a list that we can all add to:
Topic what we think of Badapple and Impotent: (Let me START):D

1. Queers
2. Waste of time (to put it lightly) :mad:
3. .................

Come on boys.....

SparkPlugs 21st May 2006 04:18

Badapple to the gutter
Well, you guys might want to read this quickly. It seems that mentioning the truth or any logic, will get your post ERASED by the moderator. Thank you. :ok:

Badapple with Impotent(ance), you guys are worse than us, we work here, we have a reason to bitch and moan. What about you guys. It seems like you guys need to get laid.

You say all this amazing stuff about HKE, we really don't care about you opinion, and Oh ya, come and wash our mouths out, funny part is you might be leaving your medical here though. Ha Ha. :} :}

All HKE Pilots, I want to start a list that we can all add to:
Topic what we think of Badapple and Impotent: (Let me START):D

1. Queers
2. Waste of time (to put it lightly) :mad:
3. .................

Come on boys.....

Badapple 21st May 2006 06:14

Outstanding maturity
At this point I am convinced that Sparkplugs really is a good windup. As I said before, I will not wallow in the gutter with others but offer this piece of advice:

'It is better for one to remain silent and have people think that you are a fool than open your mouth and remove all doubt...'

And please, spare us all the schoolyard antics.......any more childish outbursts will be dealt with by the moderators as in the past.

You have been in this part of the world for a very short time and have a long, long way to go before understanding even the basics of life and work in Asia.

I suspect that your tour will be relatively short....

Badapple 21st May 2006 17:03


You mssed the point. My warnings have been directed, not to you, but to the wannabes.

As far as bitching amongst yourselves.......exactly my point.

My work here is done.

Keep your head down.......don't get involved in the politics..........fly safe

FREDDY MERCURY 25th May 2006 06:47

And another one gone, and another one gone, another one bites the dust..........? :oh:

H.K.Shuffler 27th May 2006 01:13

Freddy, you expose yourself ! :8

Sparkyplugs 27th May 2006 04:09

With a name like Freddy, it could only be one person!!!!...

No news on any more tech crew leaving!!!:ok:

MOETMAN 27th May 2006 10:17

No news on any more tech crew leaving!!!:ok:[/quote]

Don't be too sure, it could be me ....... stooges ! :p

Fly747 27th May 2006 10:19

You will get a few more after the Dragonair interviews!

SmartiePants 31st May 2006 04:22

Don't think many will be doing that. Why jump into a fire when you're in a perfectly good frying pan?.

H.K.Shuffler 31st May 2006 04:29

HKE Pilot Attrition
There will be a big departure beginning of next year. Believe me ! :eek:

tomcat21 31st May 2006 16:49

Is HK express the same company as Cr Airways?

mythbuster 2nd Jun 2006 04:06


No. it's the poor cousin :{

GANKER 7th Jun 2006 10:15

I lived in Townsville for three years and you better take the refuellers advice as I have done on many occasions:}
If you are single you can maybe survive on the money, otherwise you are better off in Aus flying for a regional! That is money wise. If you just want to fly a jet then go for it!
Up to the individual but I wouldnt class it as a career airline.
Good luck to all:ok:

MOETMAN 8th Jun 2006 04:21

Another day in paradise.... NOT!
:= Anyone with a remote interest in this "outfit " would be well advised to read all the posts on this thread carefully. The Townsville refueller is correct. Ask yourself why most are trying to leave and resignations are on going. All is not what is being presented at interview , there is nothing on the table but a stale fish sandwich and plenty of spin from a dubious c.p. :mad: .

pinkflaps 9th Jun 2006 01:04

Haveyou seen...
Hi, guys
:ooh: Have you checked Rishworth's site for 170 crew??
Is that a better choice??

FREDDY MERCURY 9th Jun 2006 14:17


Should not your handle be Pi*s flaps ? :p

H.K.Shuffler 10th Jun 2006 01:22

pinkflaps, :confused:

Rumor has it, that the Indian company Rishworth is representing negotiates a reasonable deal. Then when you arrive in country they advise they can’t meet their commitment and give you their terms and conditions. Which are significantly less attractive. Not a good look, if true.

Care to comment?

mythbuster 10th Jun 2006 13:56

Pink Flaps , Hey, they must be using the Hong Kong Express model on how to win friends and influence people. But somehow I doubt it , pilots rated on orphaned aircraft are in far too much demand (sic) , just ask Embraer. By the way , if you are a girl pilot don't bother applying to HKE , the chief pilot only likes boy pilots.:(

omnipotent 10th Jun 2006 14:40


You are TOO funny man!!!! :D

aero_smith 6th Jul 2006 01:11

can anyone tell me , is hongkong express hiring pilots ?

Peak Tram Driver 6th Jul 2006 14:29

this week they hired the pilots laid off from Metrojet. Good to see the boys wont be on the streets too long.

Stormsurfer 7th Jul 2006 06:31

Just talked to one of my buddies at HKe......

They have 32 pilots and only 4 aircraft. Money is slow as their aircraft is never full with pax ! I guess the answer is not good until the situation improves !

Coastrider26 7th Jul 2006 08:58

I know it's difficult to get the facts right but the planes are ocasionally full however the pax load really fluctuates. As far as the new guys concerned I think they'll be happy to have a job and a paycheck.

Taggert 23rd Jul 2006 09:45

So can anyone shed any light on the ad placed for B737NG Captains and F/O's on Friday with HKE? Pay, conditions, allowances, routes? Are things still as bad as they seem given whats has been posted earlier or are things getting better?:confused:

VFRIFR 23rd Jul 2006 17:06

Hi, anybody knows how's it going with the chopper boys, is it just as bad as with you guys? Does HE and HKE share the same managers? Sorry to post thread here but don't seem to get any replies thru' Rotorheads.:rolleyes:

Mark Six 24th Jul 2006 05:07

HE, HKE, Heli Hong Kong, East Asia Airlines - all the same company. The Hong Kong based helicopter side of the business was closed down at the end of 2005. Macau based operation still runs the S76's between Macau, Hong Kong and Shenzhen.

VFRIFR 24th Jul 2006 20:45

Could it be that they pay the pilots so little that they could not afford to live in Hong Kong and had to move to Macau?:{ :ugh:

Mark Six 24th Jul 2006 22:12

Um, actually no. The S76 operation (East Asia Airlines) has always been based in Macau. The Hong Kong operation (Heli Hong Kong/ Heli Express) was always based in Hong Kong. No-one moved anywhere.

VFRIFR 25th Jul 2006 13:00

Sorry, just joking. Actually I'm a rotorhead working in Africa on a 6/6 weeks rotation and I'm exploring the possibilities of spending more time with family on a permanent base in Asia; that is without taking a paycut, if you catch my drift.:E

So will somebody please let me know what's the deal for rotorheads in HeliExpress,... pay, allowances, benefits, etc, etc. Will the contract ensure a decent life for an expat family in Macau with some leftovers for savings?:ugh: Do they offer type rating training?

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