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Coastrider26 7th Apr 2006 15:00

I am sure inflightfeather made a sarcastic comment bout it. But no worries everybody got an email today to apply for the function of line training captain to bad they're no positions available as multi milionaire. :cool:

SparkPlugs 7th Apr 2006 15:55

It just seems Morale is on a real low. DO we want another Line Captain Accepting the 5%, I thought we wanted to stay UNITED. GUESS, We are all talk. Sad, but give it time, ANOTHER Captain Planned to LEAVE SOON.
That would make it NUMBER 3.......:mad:

Coastrider26 8th Apr 2006 01:33

Hey Sparkplugs,

This was captain # 3 and I wouldn't be suprised if the new guy would be on a "B" scale.

omnipotent 8th Apr 2006 02:06

Pity it has come to this so quickly, but as I've posted before, the head man over at your place isn't fit to be involved in aviation whatsoever.

On a more recent note, I hear one of your jets is due to be parked in Macau in the not too distant future, for the exclusive use of a certain special someone. :ugh: Will believe that if and when it actually happens.

SparkPlugs 8th Apr 2006 05:01

I stand Corrected, Number 4 Should be Leaving us SOON.
ONCE again, its another day, I GUESS the pending trainee First Officers should now be done by OCTOBER - BESIDES WHO WILL GRAB the GIAGANTIC 5%.
The SAGA continues. :uhoh:

mythbuster 8th Apr 2006 08:14

Poisoned Chalice
Yes. For 5% who will be next to drink from the Poisoned Chalice ?:yuk:

SparkPlugs 8th Apr 2006 23:27

FOLLOW the FOLLOW ME, You are barking up the wrong tree ! We HKE Pilots are very very SATISFIED with our WORLD CLASS PREMIUM Contracts: Look what it includes:
e) NO 13th MONTH
Now tell me, who would leave this for KA....

Bill Smith 9th Apr 2006 02:59

Spark Plugs, Don't know if you work at HKE or not. Judging by a couple of discrepancies in your post I would say it was the later.
To mention someone by name in a public forum is very poor form.
If you do work at HKE I'm sure the individual concerned would be more than happy to talk to you! :yuk:

Peak Tram Driver 9th Apr 2006 03:26

Spark plugs
If you are are so unhappy at HKE, go back to your previous job, which I am sure was not on a jet.You knew the deal before you joined HKE, so dont whinge now.

SparkPlugs 9th Apr 2006 06:03

FAIR, FAIR :sad:
Unfortunatly, fighting a battle alone can be hard - Guilty as charged.
Pulling away from the contractual agreement set and signed is also poor form. An agreement is an agreement, hence the runners.
BACK Stabbing 5%ers, also bad form .....
PS: Enlighten me with the discrepancies.

MOETMAN 9th Apr 2006 07:04

Spark Plugs ,

Coastrider26 9th Apr 2006 08:24

To my knowledge the company is working on a loss of license insurance. There was an email in our mailbox last friday.

Bill Smith 9th Apr 2006 09:19

Strange I have medical insurance for all my family.
Supplied by the company and cards for all members.
If this is a case of differing contracts then maybe it needs to be looked into.

SP If you do work at HKE and are insinuating that I have been "Backstabbing 5%ers" I would be happy to discuss it with you at anytime in person.

mythbuster 9th Apr 2006 13:11

Yes. The medical insurance is under review as are many areas , none of them good for us. So shortly your cards will be worth zip. Take off the rose glasses , we have to help each other and not persue our own adgendas . Get real Bill !

mythbuster 11th Apr 2006 07:19

sparkplugs, give Bill a chance , he still has the training wheels attached :{

MOETMAN 11th Apr 2006 11:57

For 747-400 rating , commuter roster and Mc Donalds... We're loving it !:D

touchengo 15th Apr 2006 05:34

Looks like I made the right decision. Sounds like you guys have a few problems. Good Luck.

Badapple 16th Apr 2006 09:49

An Apology
I must apologise......I was wrong in my earlier post about this company. It actually took less time than I thought for the fantasy to deteriorate into a reality.

I wish that I had been more strenuous in my warnings about the ultimate fate of what was a golden opportuntity for many a young pilot seeking that first step into jets. I just hope that you guys haven't lost hope. Remember, not all companies are bad...just the ones asociated with the incompetent nephew of a great man.

I was lucky...I still have the application letter that didn't get sent. Things are still not grate here in Macau but at least we know where we stand.

Bill......don't defend the indefensible. You only lower you own dignity.

touchengo 18th Apr 2006 15:45


Desperate Co's can be found 10 deep at the local tip. Experienced Capt's are a lot more costly. When YOU have paid the price of experience you will be less likely to want to bend over . :oh: Ref. William Blake (The Price Of Experience).

omnipotent 19th Apr 2006 00:15


Not negative, just realistic and judging by the posts on this thread, it appears I may not be the only one taking this view. Do me a favor, should you actually have time prior to the locks being changed on the doors, send me a pm so I can walk over and watch the house of cards implode.:=

Badapple 20th Apr 2006 01:16

Grow up , Boy

I don't know what your experience level is but I suspect that it is reasonabley limited, therefore I would say that you are standing amongst some very tall trees. Where were you 19 years ago when I started in this business? Have I met you in the 7 countries in which I have worked? Were you ever my copilot during the 8,000+ hours that I have spent in the seat?
Were you ever with me during the countless times that I was a 'risk taker'

I think not.

I will not enter into a personal attack on you but will offer some advice....

Grow up, listen more and talk less, and please start using the manners that I am sure that you learned as a child. Dont be the grubby little man that others perceive you as.

There endeth the lecture....

SparkPlugs 20th Apr 2006 04:20

Badapple, don't put ur resume on PPRUNE, you still won't get a job with us. With all ur mighty 7 continent expirence how come your posting on the Hong Kong Express Forum, shouldn't you be with Cathy or some major carrrier, OH, I forgot your over qualified for them.
MYTHBUSTER - Fair enough, with your comment, i take responsibility. It just seems like instead of standing together as a group, we need to fight our battles seperately, We have issues that need to be resolved, Having OMNIPOTENT and BADDAPPLE attack us from day one, not acceptable.
PS: BADAPPLE, you need to retire, no more continents left for you - :}

omnipotent 20th Apr 2006 14:37

Sparky, Sparky, Sparky :ugh:
You really don't get it, do you. Were you to have more experience in industry (and I honestly think you're still VERY wet behind the ears), you'd be capable of reading past what you see as the obvious blasts in my posts and those of others. You are being given, in a roundabout way, consistent insight into the general workings of your top man at HKE. Take off the rose colored glasses for just one second and think about what's been posted. Do you honestly believe we all sit around thinking about which operator we should pick on next??? :yuk:
By your own admission, your outfit has issues that need to be resolved. You would do well to consider, in objective a manner as you can muster, what is driving these issues to surface in the first place. I'm fairly sure YOU weren't the cause of these "issues", so you really ought to think about how they came to be in the first place. Conducting that exercise, without personal bias, may well lead to you look much more closely at your senior management (one chap in particular) and realize who the source of your troubles really is.

Badapple 21st Apr 2006 07:58

Unprofessional to say the least
I am relieved to see that the posts containing people's email address has been removed. That behaviour, in my opinion, would be grounds for dismissal.

I am astounded at the immature and unprofessional antics of some contributors. I only hope that they don't carry that attitude into the cockpit.

Badapple 21st Apr 2006 10:40

No need

I sympathise with your feelings but no need for the foul language. You only degrade the quality of your arguements. Leave the profanity to those who 'sparkled' for the briefest of moments before descending into obscurity

SeaEagle 21st Apr 2006 15:07

I think HKE has great potential in this booming region. It would be nice (perhaps naive) to think that others recognize it as well. Even though there are some real challengers, cultural, political, environmental & technical to name a few. Why can’t we work together to realize this potential.

We choose to be a spectator and mock from the side line, or a participator (& team player) and a accept some responsibility in achieving a good outcome for all (company, clients & employees).


freightdog81 21st Apr 2006 15:18

SeaEagle get your heads out of the clouds and smell the fish.

mythbuster 22nd Apr 2006 03:32

talk is cheap
Sea Eagle,what about the real issues posted here earlier regarding contract and conditions of service changes , rostering inflexability etc. which the company has no intention of addressing. I would say you are being naive, unless of course you are on the outside monitoring all from the comfort of your retirement villa, then of course you are free to don the rose coloured glasses. :cool:
I suspect you have been cruising the coast too long.

Coastrider26 22nd Apr 2006 06:11

Talk is cheap??

Things in the company are not the best to say the least. But if somebody takes the effort to send an email to all the flightcrew to get things organized and you talk to the guy to hear only 6 people replied.

I can only think of two sentences applying to the situation we're in at the moment:

- Divide and conquer
- United we stand

And please don't get me started about :mad: :mad: rostering.

RILAX 22nd Apr 2006 09:09

Coast check your email :cool:

Coastrider26 23rd Apr 2006 02:48

You, guys sound like a bunch of girls, find me if you can, it sounds like you guys are more interested in finding the voice of truth than accepting it. That i must say is a commendable feat.

Who is the girly girl here now??? Atleast some of us have the b@lls to say who we are. Where as you are still looking for them..(ps if you need a microscope there are **** loads of toys r' us around.

Coastrider, we know how upset you seem to be with the Head Chief Pilot, United we stand but no time to fly, you need to keep your head buried in th books instead of being on PPRUNE.

Actually you're quite right there I should be studying on a beautiful day as today.:{

So that should give you some more stuff to think about all day and reply to pprune while the rest of us are out there enjoying the sunshine...

Those who dare win.

MOETMAN 23rd Apr 2006 08:42

It is a shame that the management pilots are unwilling to lead by example. But when you take the "Queens Shilling" , well you know the story , I'm all right Jack ;)

omnipotent 23rd Apr 2006 09:33

Gee, there's a surprise
Management pilots not leading by example. Alas, a condition endemic to aviation organizations unlucky enough to have a certain bossman.

If anyone thought this chap was going to change his ways just because he's involved with a fixed-wing airline as opposed to a rotary-wing service, I'm afraid I've got bad news for you.

Take the rating and run boys, you don't want to be there when the music stops.

SparkPlugs 30th Apr 2006 03:15

:mad: Omnipotent,

You might be right take the rating and run, sounds like you did that too, i guess thats why you hate the top dawg here. With that kind of attitude no wonder you seem soo disgruntal. You have a lot to learn.

Freddy Mercury, with a name like that do you even have a mother....ha ha.

TC Fitz 6th May 2006 06:18

...with more to follow. With the company not going anywhere in a hurry, a useless dfo and a eunich for a cp, and lots more on offer elsewhere, why the hell would you stay?

omnipotent 6th May 2006 15:21

100 days
So, this thread started on 27 January. It's now 06 May. Lets just call it 100 days to keep it simple. By my estimation (info provided by this thread), in that time, 4 or 5 Captains have resigned from HKE. Anyone care to confirm/deny???

HKE have, I think, 3 aircraft. Now, I'm not a rostering guru, but having THAT many commanders jump ship in such a short time CANNOT be a good thing for a new enterprise. So what are we to make of this? I'll let others who claim to have all the answers provide that little insight.

TC Fritz,

You get two thumbs up for the word of the day................."eunuch". I just about pi$$ed myself laughing!!!!! :ok: :ok:

Blown Seal 7th May 2006 13:23

The Townsville refueler has reliably told me today that some gents from Hainan Airlines were shown around the HKE office this morning, maybe another potential buyout on the cards????

Sparkyplugs 7th May 2006 16:55

So let me get this straight.

HKE have decided not to start up another airline in Macau, But to consolidate with only 4 aircraft instead of expanding.
They keep flying to destinations that KA compete, when there original business plan was to goto secondary airports with no competition!
They cancel numerous flights lately due lack of crew and lack of pax loads.
4th Airplane due to arrive in a few weeks.
Hainan Airlines had an office tour over the long weekend.


I just got off the phone to the Townsville Refueller and his theory is that you don't have enough crew for 3 airplanes even though your 4th is arriving soon.
Management not wanting to pay any new hired pilots the same wage as offered last year. Which =NO CREW
He says there is not much money left in the Kitty and that they are probably trying to sell you as a going concern.
Couldn't be worth too much. Aircraft are leased. So whats an AOC worth?
You could be Screwed!:{ :{
Could be called Hainan CR Express Airways Soon.

mythbuster 8th May 2006 00:36

Never mind the bollocks........
Sadly , the spin of this thread is on target. It would appear wiser heads have come seen and departed and more will soon be doing same.
As for the Eunuch CP , I think that is one thing we can all agree on. Yes I'll give it the word of the day also :ok:

cpahka 8th May 2006 13:20

A lot of "news" just heard at cafe, HNA take control and B738 to replace EMB plus lease the B744 from other source for HKE, got any idea?!

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