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-   -   SIA Cadet Pilot - All Batches, Merged (https://www.pprune.org/south-asia-far-east-wannabes/185397-sia-cadet-pilot-all-batches-merged.html)

Psnake 9th Nov 2008 05:20

is that a joke or is it for real ??????? :E

shuchim 9th Nov 2008 13:03

if it is over they they must intimate us first throw e-mail ...i dont think:= it is over guys

sq111 9th Nov 2008 13:23

when it comes to rejecting candidates, especially cadets SIA does not response. They receive tonnes of cadet applications and u guys think they will respond? if u are not selected, or if the program is not going ahead as mentioned, then no point speculating cos u r likely to receive no replies at all.

Remember, they have no obligation to revert unless they are proceeding with your application.

adnancoolin 9th Nov 2008 15:46

If they have scrapped, they dont need 2 send email individually, its just automated. So if btw the prog is scrapped v will surely get an automated mail. n also the adv is still dere on there site, u can log on n check ur status- which is still showing ur submitted appln!!!

Anand_Chennai 11th Nov 2008 09:27

Yes i have applied for SIA
Hey hi.. i have applied for SIA.. nd i m frm chennai... Nd regarding te CV i dont think there should be a kind of a Pilot CV>>

Is there any kind of material ...can any 1 help me with... has any1 written tht exam in the past...

Pls advice..
Waiting with anticipation


hitmanishere 11th Nov 2008 13:45

Hey hi.. i have applied for SIA.. nd i m frm chennai... Nd regarding te CV i dont think there should be a kind of a Pilot CV>>
Is there any kind of material ...can any 1 help me with... has any1 written tht exam in the past...
No offence buddy..:} I just cant make out what you are trying to say here....

raj40149430 11th Nov 2008 17:55

4 u hitmanishere
"No offence buddy..http://static.pprune.org/images/smilies/badteeth.gif I just cant make out what you are trying to say here...."

I am really scared tht my fnd hitmanishere can make out with thngs:D
Learn the language:ok:

metallicwings 11th Nov 2008 20:01

Hey buddies,

It hardly matters whether there r tonnes of applicants but auto-generated mails are always on. Even when they included "additional information", every applicants were intimated through an auto generated mail, so if the cadet pilot program is not on anymore, there shall definitely be an auto generated mail posted. Its still on but ya, what I can tell you from my personal experience with such programs is that they hardly recruit guys with no flying experience. They boldly advertise to say that no flying hours required but they hardly stick to it. I tried out my luck with the Etihad cadet pilot program but never worked out for me, but at least they were kind enough to at least let you know that "Your application has been reviewed an has been rejected" but now with SIA, they even dont hold that obligation. I just hope the aspiring pilots get through if they really deserve it.

I wish all the best to all!!!

By the way can anyone put light on the interview panel. I mean, should they come from Singapore or shall it be their representatives from India itself? I'm scared just because I dont know how to swim and that was a clause in the additional information column. I just hope its not among their pre-requisites!!!

su47 12th Nov 2008 00:03

There's nothing wrong with hitmanishere's post - it's a conversational, informal use of English. I can't figure out what Anand's trying to ask (or say). It might help if people spelt everything out instead of omitting letters.

I'll try to answer - there's no pilot CV unless you're already flying and have the hours to back it up. That's why the college takes in Ab Initio - send in a CV the same way you would to any other company.

There will be an aptitude test if you pass the first round of interviews but there isn't any real way to study for that - either you've got it or you don't. The only exams you'll have to take are after acceptance by SIA.

Hope that helps. All this information is already in the thread so do spend some time searching for it first.

Anand_Chennai 12th Nov 2008 09:15

I apologise
Hey Guys,
Sorry with my bad English :O.. and what i meant was said perfectly by someone there, thanks buddy ....where there is nothing like a Pilot's CV for a Newbie..

Can anyone let me know what need to be learn't for these kind of Cadet Program since this is gonna be my first time..

Please advice,


metallicwings 12th Nov 2008 14:32


To be pesimistic, you should consider yourself very lucky if you are at all called for the interview. It seldom happens that a lot have been called for the interview. If you remember SIA coming up with a Cadet Pilot Program for India only last year, there were many applicants but only a few were called for the interview. Well, now being optimistic, u should be prepared to answer at least the principles of flight and questions related to general aviation.
But can someone help me in guessing if swimming is a pre-requisite as I really dont know how to swim and I have confessed that in the "Additional Information", would be glad if someone can answer!!!

AiRBuS_380 12th Nov 2008 15:01

game over for that... no swiming = no interview.

thanks for being trueful with the system.

good luck!

great way to fly

metallicwings 12th Nov 2008 15:15


r u really sure about that because had that been a pre-requisite, dont u think it should have been written in advance as the minimum height required is mentioned. n if u r sure about that, how did u come to know about it? These assumptions are purely based on my thoughts, is it the same with you?

AiRBuS_380 12th Nov 2008 15:39


YA, im sure.... 50m of swimming is a requirement. for all SQ cadets this can be seen in the application form prior to goin to an 1st rd interview.

good luck to you guys. I do not assume as asumming will "make a ass out of you and me"... factual information only. Read my previous postings and you will know why.

hope you guys here go do some read up on all threads prior to asking and waiting for people to spoon feed the answers to you guys.

great way to fly

metallicwings 12th Nov 2008 18:31

Hey airbus_380,

which application r u speaking about, well the career portal online mentioned about 100m of swimming but anyways both affect me adversely but u can rather be modest in replying whether u assumed or not, may be all this while i sit and n watch ur threads n finally when i figure u out, u turn out to be all "****", n one more thing, u know, one who boasts knows very little!!!:hmm:

sq111 13th Nov 2008 00:26

Airbus_380 is right, cant swim, no chance! Even cabin crew have this requirement.

There are tonnes of info here and please do a search before posting answers. And u Indian wannabes have started another thread and still add post to this thread, please, once u start another thread, stick to it!

and Rem SIA dun owe u guys any answer, and u guys just expect everything to be in black and white, like Swimming requirement. Use ur brain, if it is not a requirement, why would it be ask?

I hope i dun have to fly with u guys in future. 3-4 years back, i have wannabes who PM me and ask question with humility and give me my due respect, and no surprises that many are now FOs.

hewland 13th Nov 2008 01:04

Was that necessary??

Hey airbus_380,

which application r u speaking about, well the career portal online mentioned about 100m of swimming but anyways both affect me adversely but u can rather be modest in replying whether u assumed or not, may be all this while i sit and n watch ur threads n finally when i figure u out, u turn out to be all "****", n one more thing, u know, one who boasts knows very little!!!http://static.pprune.org/images/smilies/yeees.gif

Do you really have to call airbus_380 "****" ? That's just plain rude!

hewland 13th Nov 2008 01:13

I sent you PM
Hi AiRBuS_380, I sent you PM. Did you receive it?

sq111 13th Nov 2008 01:25

bloody rude
Yes Hewland

Extremely rude. Really hope I wun see him 3 years down the road in SQ aircraft!!!

They way he talks like SQ owes him a living! Come on, just a cadet wannabe and talks like a Chief Pilot!

on_the_right 13th Nov 2008 01:34

"I hope i dun have to fly with u guys in future. 3-4 years back, i have wannabes who PM me and ask question with humility and give me my due respect, and no surprises that many are now FOs"

SQ111, what due respect are you talking about. You think that just by the virtue of being a pilot, people should start respecting you? what an insane joke!

And guys please feel free to post on either thread for information, noone owns this forum.

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