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-   -   The Guvnor, exposed PPRuNer aka Neil Duncan Robertson is a convicted paedophile (https://www.pprune.org/rumours-news/93800-guvnor-exposed-ppruner-aka-neil-duncan-robertson-convicted-paedophile.html)

Genghis the Engineer 23rd Jun 2003 14:46

Thanks for the information - it did sound a bit tenuous and probably just dug up by the tabloid press to embelish a story that didn't need it, seems that surmise was reasonably correct.


SussexDon 23rd Jun 2003 16:34

Hi Danny
You and I met when with JM, you flew away a B757 from LGW to Lasham in December 2001. In the car going back to LGW late that night you explained your concerns about NDR and at that time I shared with you my concerns that he was a complete "con man"but now reading what he really was I am still in deep shock! Well done for all the effort and dedication to stick with this and see it through! FANTASTIC! :ok:
I hope we can meet again one of these days so I can share a beer or two with you all on me!

ETOPS 23rd Jun 2003 16:54

Well done Danny.
Just picked up on this having been away for a few days. This guy used to annoy me intensely with his idiotic ramblings to such an extent that I stopped reading anything he wrote. Little did I realise how much more serious a problem he was.
Do we know when sentencing is to take place and how long he might get? I don't like the idea that our justice system might hand down (say) a light sentence or a fine - children need protecting from this man for years, not months.........

btmtdi 23rd Jun 2003 18:57


Congratulations on seeing this through at personal risk to yourself - I hope that if I had been in your shoes I would have done the same.

I am glad that Pprune and its members have shown that ordinary people can make a difference.

In trim 23rd Jun 2003 19:30

I just want to add my support and congratulations. It was obvious from his posts that he lived in a fairytale world, but I had no idea of the full extent of what was happening, the personal threats to you, etc.

Well done, and let's hope they throw the key away!

btmtdi 23rd Jun 2003 21:32

Slightly less lurid coverage from a slightly more respectable source - The Scotsman


FEBA 23rd Jun 2003 21:53

Well done Danny
Of a list of the most abhorent crimes Paedophilia must be right at the top. Those that prey on the innocence of a child are the vilest of the vile. Children all over this land are now unable to enjoy an unfettered childhood where they should be able to roam and explore with impunity. Instead we have to keep them tethered and supervised at all times, take your eye off them for one moment and they're gone.
Living in the country I always thought that we were not exposed to these types of people, I was proved wrong. My daughter (2.5) and son (8) came home with a large cuddly toy. When I enquired where it came from I was told from a nice man down the road. A week later I was warned by a friend that works at a prison which houses sex offenders, that he had witnessed the behaviour of this man and in his opinion the children were being groomed in a classic paedophile manner.
The police were informed straight away and I haven't seen this fellow since. My eldest (12) suffers from Aspergers so I have some empathy this story and much admiration for what you have done.
Thank you

ironbutt57 23rd Jun 2003 22:14

Wow! good detective work..sure hope I never wind up in "Pprune's Most Wanted":ooh: :ooh:

btmtdi 23rd Jun 2003 22:24

sure hope I never wind up in "Pprune's Most Wanted"

the innocent have nothing to fear I am sure.

you are innocent are you not ?

Groundside 23rd Jun 2003 22:41

I have just read with interest your extensive coverage on the antics of Neil Robertson
during the mid 90's I came in contact with this guy twice , once in the UK when he outlined his plans for Lion Air,,,
and then again in South Africa, when I was given sight of his 'Degree' and his qualifications in child phsycology
I felt that this guy was a creep and a likely dreamer/conman...so there was no chance of wasting time with him.

But I couldn't , and didn't pick up the relevance of the Child Phsycology ...it seemed odd and out of place with his choice of working in aviation.... which with the benefit of hind site...coupled with my feelings about him being 'creepy',,,...it should have been bloody obvious!!....so the penny has now dropped.!!!!..

I am please to see what you have achieved with the benefit of your website...well done sir...you have done a valued service to our industry and to society... :) :ouch:

MarkD 23rd Jun 2003 22:57

wow - never mind prison, imagine what will happen to Robertson when MOL gets hold of him! (The Scotsman says NDR "posed as a Ryanair pilot)

Readability5 24th Jun 2003 03:33


Fantastic job. I hope you're proud of your own actions and the support of those around you. I met Robertson at the Old Bank and thought he was a bit strange - but I'd never have imagined this. Well done.

Caledonian 24th Jun 2003 04:38

Right OK.

I think we now get the point, the guy is a scumbag and deserves all he has coming to him, Danny has done a good job but lets put this to bed now with a padlock as there really is nothing more to be said.

Enough is Enough.

CaptainFillosan 24th Jun 2003 05:16


Why would you want to close the thread? Something upsetting you? Why does the thread offend you?

There is a lot more to be said. A lot more people are probably queing up to say it. They want to applaud Danny for his tireless efforts in getting this paedophile locked up.

So might I suggest that if you can't stand it, please leave and we will get on fine without you. Your opinion is not required really, is it?

Woff1965 24th Jun 2003 05:35

Well done Danny - a first rate piece of investigation - you should consider changing your name to Morse!

Fortunately not only was he a sick bas**rd but so clever he kept evidence of his crimes on his hard disk - thank God the little girl has been spared having to testify!

I will be suprised if he gets more than 10 yrs though,

Metro man 24th Jun 2003 08:35

If he has internet access in prison I'm sure he'll find this site usefull ;) http://www.spr.org/

StbdD 24th Jun 2003 11:18


because we aren't done extracting our vengance yet.

When we are, the thread will die.

God willing the awareness won't.


ghost-rider 24th Jun 2003 13:58

Well done Danny
As a father of a two year old girl, thankyou very much for exposing the sick b@stard for what he was.

This should get full publicity in the national press as a warning to other sick b@stards out there that they will be hunted down.

Hope he rots !

Celloistic 24th Jun 2003 15:21

Interesting, although a shade worrying for me is that over at airliners.net there are some who choose still to support NDR, offering him friendship and support - due to 'completing business to mutual satisfaction'; amongst other things.

Don't know how they sleep at night, but there you go - takes all sorts to make a world :confused:

rainbow 24th Jun 2003 16:00

And now at last, the beginning of the end.

An understandable first response by many of us in this matter is to call for or hope for retribution, vengeance and a violent atonement. A call for in fact a closing with injustice ... an uncivilised end.

Rather, let us meet this awesome evil not with more of the same... let us not debase ourselves to that... well, you get the idea.

I pray this vile creature lingers in durance vile forever and a day. And part of me wants violent punishment directed toward him. Yet another says 'Would that want make me better or worse than the crime or the criminal?"

Let Justice run its course.
Thank you Danny. Thank you PPRuNe. And thank you to those unidentified who assisted putting evil away.

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