PPRuNe Forums

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-   -   The Guvnor, exposed PPRuNer aka Neil Duncan Robertson is a convicted paedophile (https://www.pprune.org/rumours-news/93800-guvnor-exposed-ppruner-aka-neil-duncan-robertson-convicted-paedophile.html)

Cpt. Underpants 21st Jun 2003 04:44

Bravo. I'll shout you you a few long, cold ones at the Aviation Club when you come to the FH, laddie. Good job.

master slug 21st Jun 2003 04:49

Nice to hear that thats another one off the streets

Well done.

10W 21st Jun 2003 04:58

Congratulations to Danny and all who helped out this sick and depraved individual.

Makes my skin creep to think that I have talked to him at Bashes and offered him beers and hospitality in my home at a Bash up here.

Lets hope the sentence fits the crime and he is removed from society for a long long time.

PA38 21st Jun 2003 05:07

I too questioned the Guvnor's authenticity and was threatened with legal action if I dared do it again!!!

All I did was call into question his "business" plan, it's a pity some people couldn’t see him for what he is...

But well done Danny, it's a pity YOU had to do it!!!

newarksmells 21st Jun 2003 05:16

Nice Job Sir
Having an 18 year old boy who could beat the crap out of anybody and doubly beat the crap out of perverts as well as a 13 year old girl, nice one Sir for stopping the Perv in his tracks.

I joined pprune relatively recently and was only able to see the comments after his arrest although I could not reply. It apperas this guy was like the U.K version of Baghdad Bob..or The Iraqi Minister of dis-Information...." There are no coaltion gangs in Baghdad !! "

Congratulations to all concerned.


maxalt 21st Jun 2003 05:41

Danny, the distraction of something as grotesque and bizarre as this on top of your busy enough life must have been murder. I hope you can put it behind you now and forget the ******.
Good riddance to him.

Faire d'income 21st Jun 2003 06:31

What an astonishing story. I like others had quarrels with him but I would never have imagined he was such a monster.

While I echo the comments about the police not acting earlier, the real legacy of Danny's efforts may well be the uninterrupted normal childhood a couple of potential victims may now enjoy.

That future for those kids is priceless. Well done Captain Pprune!

LatviaCalling 21st Jun 2003 06:36

Where other men dare not, Danny does. Congratulations to our own bounty hunter for putting it all in place and handing it to the reluctant cops on a silver platter. Yeah, I wonder about Robertson's prison life also. I think he'll need many jars of Vaseline. Thank God he's gone.


acmi48 21st Jun 2003 06:49

tragic.. shame on our profession but at least the people who really care stood up.. one for aviation .. thank you

Diplomate 21st Jun 2003 06:59


We've never met, but if/when we do ALL the beers are on me! Many thanks for persevering when I'm sure many others would have given up. You have undoubtedly saved many children from molestation by this pervert.


Four Seven Eleven 21st Jun 2003 07:01

Well done Danny.

It should not go unmentioned that you took on this man at considerable risk to yourself, not only in terms of threatened physical harm but also the risk to your reputation and the financial risks associated with legal action.

You are, Sir, a man of integrity, courage and honour.

We thank you and salute you.

unwiseowl 21st Jun 2003 07:25

As a ppruner, I thought The Guvnor had some value. As a human being he has none.

boredcounter 21st Jun 2003 08:11

Don't know how the hell you find the time!

Should I ever find myself at a PPRUNE bash you have a beer in the keg.

To think at one point I took the guv (not Danny) seriously, makes me want to puke and have a bath for days with sandpaper for a sponge.

Well done Danny, BTW, still take you seriously.


Secret Agent Man 2 21st Jun 2003 09:18

once sent a friend's CV for the africargo thing..

be a friend and pass the sandpaper when you are done,:yuk:

Kaptin M 21st Jun 2003 09:35

Congrats, Danny - the satisfaction of a long, played-out "game" of cat and mouse has finally paid not only you dividends, but has more than justified your "baby" - PPRuNe - as a USEFUL internet tool.

Without PPRuNe, I wonder if The Guvnor (his most used, and best recognised handle here) would have attracted sufficient attention?
He was, undoubtedly, an extrovert craving public attention, but probably never figured on it causing his downfall and outing as an alleged child molester, apart from his other fantasies in which he revelled here.

Perhaps this might encourage a few more longer term PPRuNers to "click here"...underneath your PPRuNe name...to demonstrate your true depth of support for Danny and his team. :D

RatherBeFlying 21st Jun 2003 10:49

Perv Roundup
Happily there's been an ocean between that perv and my children. Well done Danny:ok:

Today in Toronto the police arrested a suspected child murderer -- who has besmirched the name of the software developer profession, as if we hadn't enough ignominy already:uhoh:

And Andrew Luster, a fugitive from a 124 year sentence for multiple videotaped drug rapes was apprehended in Mexico and delivered to a California jail.

Too bad that's not the whole lot:ugh:

twitchy 21st Jun 2003 12:17

Well done Danny, this kind of person should always stay behind bars. They are threat to our civilised society. Keep it up buddy, a job well done.

mustafagander 21st Jun 2003 15:11

Top piece of work, Danny.

I find it a bit frightening to realise how normal these perverts seem - I had a few beers with him and many others at one of the lunches at the Old Bank of England a while back. The impression I gained of him was just a w*nk*r who knew b*gg*r all about the airline business.

I'd like to think he'll be spending a long time waiting "until her majesty's pleasure be known" in a less than salubrious institution. It would be nice if his cell mates were mighty upset by his antics.

This is one very sick puppy. :mad:

Boss Raptor 21st Jun 2003 16:03

A very evil, manipulative man from my own experience ...the likes of which I hope I never have to meet again...or at least next time will be alerted sooner!

Like many who came into close contact with Robertson I felt something was no quite right from the beginning but he was very plausable, 'gung ho' and a habitual liar...then the gaps started showing in his plans, his knowledge and his abilities...

Then further investigation, questionning, his activities and evidence uncovered the inconsistancies, lies in his business objectives although never at that time did I ever consider how the story would turn...until I was made aware later by a friend in the medical profession of the rather alarming pattern of stories/behaviour as to his darker side...

As one who was closer to this situation than most, with the exception of Danny, I can today say that I feel both pleased, relieved and relaxed that this last 2 years and in particular last 4 months awaiting Robertsons' trial are now over and I know his fate...

To the end I never ceased to be amazed by his antics and again had underestimated his actions that were revealed in Court as to chain of events in his final act...

I say again he was a VERY EVIL, MANIPULATIVE MAN...

Note: there are many more characters like him out there I am told and I hope people learn as I have from this whole saga, I think I would say that I can now spot them a bit better...hindsight is a wonderful thing...

iainpoll 21st Jun 2003 16:10


Huge, massive respect.

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