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-   -   Pablo Mason (Spelled M.A.S.O.N) Tribunal (https://www.pprune.org/rumours-news/365603-pablo-mason-spelled-m-s-o-n-tribunal.html)

soddim 17th Mar 2009 15:18

PBY - good post - you asked where the gentlemen had gone and I am ashamed to have to tell you that most of them have gone to live elsewhere. Our once well-respected great country is now populated largely by the great unwashed and it is not a class thing or an intelligence deficiency but an attitude problem. It is no coincidence that we are now deeply in debt and our children and their children will struggle - that is not solely the fault of bankers.

To get back to the thread, the only thing that matters in the Pablo tribunal is whether his company followed the rules because it appears that he did not.

A2QFI 17th Mar 2009 15:45

Part of PM's defence appears to be that he (PM) was treated unfairly and differently to the FO who was on the flight deck at the time. In what way might the FO be at fault in the circumstances being discussed?

flyboyTC 17th Mar 2009 16:15

As a matter of interest. How did MYT find out about Robbie Savage in the flight deck.

Did someone 'inform' the airline, other crew??

Roger Sofarover 17th Mar 2009 16:44


Part of PM's defence appears to be that he (PM) was treated unfairly and differently to the FO who was on the flight deck at the time. In what way might the FO be at fault in the circumstances being discussed?
I hope that is not true. As he was the Captain, the leader, if his crew behaved correctly then PM should give them 100% top cover. I hope a Captain is not trying to pass the blame for a decision onto the FO, that would be a shot well below the belt. What do the Pablo groupies (thanks everynowandthen ;) ) think of that if it is true?


I wondered that.

PBY 17th Mar 2009 16:47

I think, that if this is true, that would be a stupid line of defence. I agree with you. That would be like: "I suffer, why not let the rest of the people to suffer" as opposed to "nobody should suffer" kind of defence.

quant 17th Mar 2009 19:54

Crying foul: Pilot dismissed for letting Robbie Savage into cockpit

A commercial airline pilot red-carded for letting Robbie Savage join him on his deck insisted today that the midfielder had posed no threat to the safety of his aircraft.

phillipas 17th Mar 2009 20:58

Originally Posted by Double Zero
Pablo, as has been mentioned, seems a larger than life character who made 2 mistakes; first he flew Wartons' wonder bomber, second he upset people who - quite rightly - felt inferior!

The 2 mistakes Pablo made were that he:

1 - Broke the rules, without any real justification.
2 - Got caught.

Teddy Robinson 17th Mar 2009 22:00

3) worked for a UK airline.


andrewmcharlton 17th Mar 2009 23:47

Double Zero, that remark is a bit uncalled for whatever your feelings. Nothing like inciting racism unnecessarily. Bad taste.

goatface 17th Mar 2009 23:50

Would this be the great PM who now is a major contributer to a leading free UK G/A monthly rag?
Recently he wrote a highly professional (:hmm:) piece about how ATC should be considered a secondary function, based on his many years of experience.
Now he admits to all and sundry that, following his "resting" period from the industry, he was offered the chance of employment with a highly rated Charter Operator and managed to blow it all by (in his own words) not making any preparation for the Sim' check whatsoever.

An amazing admission of failure through his own arrogance and, reading what I have about him, he is worthy of everything he deserves.

AIRCRAFTSNAPPER 17th Mar 2009 23:59

Re; Pablo Mason
Perhaps a cheap way(try) to redundancy considering the takeover

Yorky Towers 18th Mar 2009 00:36

Pablo, as said by others earlier in their posts "he was a Legend" unfortunately for you, being a legend carries consequences: the chinless wonders keep snapping at ya ankles! I'll get shot down by them too for supporting you however, keep your chin up Paul believe me, you have more support out there than your aware of, whether you win or not! you were standing up for the same people who, are too frightened to stand up for themselves.

"Now, who out of you lot wanna quick fag up ere":E


Wingswinger 18th Mar 2009 07:25

Pablo, as has been mentioned, seems a larger than life character who made 2 mistakes; first he flew Wartons' wonder bomber, second he upset people who - quite rightly - felt inferior !
Some of you here may not know this: He not only flew Warton's wonder bomber, he also crashed one at the cost of several £m to the budget of Her Maj's flying club. He mishandled it at low level - something to do with forgetting to sweep the wings forward if my memory serves me correctly. Mistake number 3?

I didn't know him but I knew of him. I came across him a few times when I was on the swing-wing wonder-bomber. He wrote two books about his RAF career, both of which I read out of curiosity. I found them to be seriously cringe-worthy. The tone of them probably summed up the man. NSF (post 153) said he was a "legend" at Laarbruch. Legend he may have been to his fans but I'm afraid I thought him a pompous, self-opinionated and self-loving fool. Like "Maverick" in the film Top Gun, you wouldn't want him on your squadron. That said, if the tribunal finds that he had been ill-treated by MYT I wish him good luck because there is one thing about which he may well be right: We are led and managed by idiots these days.

Addendum: I've just read post 79. It seems his crash has already been mentioned. Memo to self - read everything before typing!

parabellum 18th Mar 2009 09:22

Double Zero, that remark is a bit uncalled for whatever your feelings. Nothing like inciting racism unnecessarily. Bad taste.

There is a very fine line between racism and realism.

Regarding the quote about rules, fools and wise men Bader may have spoken it but it was not an original from him and is often totally misunderstood by those looking for an excuse to break rules.
Fools require rules and will follow them blindly as they know no other way, wise men will probably know the correct way to proceed but if in doubt they have the rules to guide them to the same conclusion as the fool.
(As explained to me by an eminent professor of the English language).

Michael Birbeck 18th Mar 2009 10:05

Fair cop guv.
Let's face it. Mr Mason broke the rules and got caught. Who decides what one of the SOPs can be ignored in a standard operational environment? His erstwhile company had every right to dismiss him. That said, I hope he gets back into the air again soon. He is obviously a character of note and the world needs more of them.

captjns 18th Mar 2009 10:39

Fundamental question… would Captain Mason have invited the unauthorized person onto the flight deck if a CAA inspector were riding his jump seat? If not I would like to know why.

Can Captain Mason answer and prove with beyond a reasonable doubt he completely acted in accordance with his company’s FCOM as approved by the CAA? If the answer is yes… then case closed.

I’m sure that Captain Mason is a swell individual… however being a swell guy does it give him license to violate company procedures which are approved by the CAA?

Point counter point works on these threads… but could the issue regarding violating company procedures be successfully argued before the CAA and the airline?

cojones 18th Mar 2009 10:59

Yes, I've just read his self-autodestruct item in the Pilot Rag you mentioned.
Sometimes I feel some empathy with the man, at others I feel he's got what's coming. I don't know him, never met him, but there is a huge bandwidth of viewpoints here. You either love him or hate him, and you either want to sack him or promote him to MFO/DFO/CEO whatever you call it. When is the tibunal due to hand down its decision?

1.3VStall 18th Mar 2009 11:43


Are you absolutely sure he is a swell individual?

He comes across as an arrogant pr*ck, who took the p*ss and is now whingeing that he got his fully justified come uppance.

I wouldn't want be be SLF with a prat like that up front in the left-hand seat!

callum 18th Mar 2009 12:25

I found this video of him when he was in the RAF he is about 30 second in i think!
Handle bar mustash!
YouTube - Gulf War - Desert Storm (123 - 19th January, 1991)
I think its him?

The Real Slim Shady 18th Mar 2009 12:58

Double Zero

Your remark is odiously offensive. I trust you will apologise and withdraw it.

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