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N-1 20th Mar 2009 23:07

We are going mad. If we leave that so many security measurements invade our work there will come the moment in which mistakes are committed for not doing what they prohibit us to do, neglecting what we do.

To this step, we are going to end up by looking some at others with such suspicion and fear, that we will see terrorists for all sides and any brown person can be interpreted as a member of Al-Qaida although he should be an elder who comes from spending vacations at Palma with the bronze-coloured impressive tan.

Once I said to one of those safety guards that did not allow me to embark with a pack of shampoo and a shower gel that were over 50 ml of the authorized size, that if with these objects it could do an explosive appliance, my name would be definitively McGyver..... :}:}

We should give ourselves a break and come back to the mentality of the 70's, surely the economy will recover again if we do not get obsessed with things that have no sense at all.... and if it is not like that, at least will we be happier, or not?

Teddy Robinson 20th Mar 2009 23:10

Thing is ...
had this happened anywhere else in Europe .. it would have been a non event .. not even tea and bickies material.

Says it all for the UK way .. and I have to say as a brit working abroad it is B@llocks ... perceived threat ? ah like the tanks at LHR .. yeh right. YAWN.

Sure, his card may well have been marked from previous politics but "the rule", interpreted as only the UK does is about as relevant to flight safety as the confiscation of legal quantities of cologne because they are not in a plastic bag, and "no sir you cannot go and get a bag because we are here to enforce... ahem... the law"... you are then free to buy 1 liter glass bottles of vodka to take aboard :yuk:

"Oh and that bottle of water your 2 year old is drinking from in her buggy is illegal too .. give it to me or I will tear it out of her mouth"

"oh no is that toothpaste you have there captain" ??? !!!!!

Just for the record, I refused my UK CEO a jumpseat because it contravened the SOP's in force at the time .. for all I knew it was the security department playing games ... had tea and bickies for my trouble and the company procedures inexplicably changed the following week !!.

So guys, and girls, this whole debacle is PC no win nonsense.

Remember the millennium bug ? big problem, kept a lot of wasters in profitable work for a long and expensive time, and the actual problem ? ZILCH, it worked because of fear alone, an excellent if amoral marketing strategy, and one that the sceptered isle seems proud to inflict upon those trapped in or traveling to or from it.

Blinkered thinking, blinkered country .. what do you expect, but hey keep your heads down just in case.

Join Europe and get a life !!


clareprop 21st Mar 2009 04:52

Paul already has pop-up advert at the bottom of the military forum.
It's at the bottom of most of the forums. I guess it's a very simple response to some of the posts on here. :E

Dream Buster 21st Mar 2009 08:25

Pablo won on points
Teddy Robinson,

Superb post - says it all really.

Pablo won one points but could never win on the letter of the law.

Most entertaining though and will hopefully make a few muppets and muppettes think a bit.



Maximum 21st Mar 2009 09:40

"Who on earth is this man?" I ask one hostess. "He should be on the stage." "Oh, he's Pablo Mason," she says, sounding a little bit like Tonto revealing the identity of the Lone Ranger. "And he's VERY famous." And he is.

Squadron Leader Paul "Pablo" Mason became a national hero during the Gulf War when he spearheaded the hazardous series of Tornado bombing missions deep into Iraqi territory.
.........what ever happened to quiet, dignified modesty?:yuk:

StressFree 21st Mar 2009 10:58

Absolutelt SPOT ON, right on the money, more please

parabellum 21st Mar 2009 11:09

No more please Teddy, 'tis you who has their head in the sand, along with Stress Free.

foldingwings 21st Mar 2009 11:30

See post 4:


StressFree 21st Mar 2009 12:58

Oh God - I knew it wouldn't be long before someone like you popped up, you're the ruination of our once great nation..........:ugh:

hellsbrink 21st Mar 2009 13:22

Why, Stress Free? It doesn't matter how stupid you think the rules are, they have to be obeyed WITHOUT QUESTION. PB did not do that, and, especially due to previous behaviour which resulted in official warnings, was fired because of doing something that was against these rules. Note how his defence was a mere attempt at trying to prove a previous warning should not have been issued on a technicality, and effectively admitted the behaviour which caused him to be sacked (EASILY classed as Gross Misconduct, which generally is Instant Dismissal so any previous warnings could easily have been null and void anyway).

Sorry mate, that's life. He screwed up, is paying for it (since he has to pay the costs too) but conveniently got some nice publicity for the inevitible book/after-dinner speeches/TV shows which will no doubt be coming up.

newt 21st Mar 2009 13:36

Suggest you guys read the thread in the Mil section. PM gets no sympathy there!

Airborne Aircrew 21st Mar 2009 14:26


Remember the millennium bug ? big problem, kept a lot of wasters in profitable work for a long and expensive time, and the actual problem ? ZILCH, it worked because of fear alone, an excellent if amoral marketing strategy, and one that the sceptered isle seems proud to inflict upon those trapped in or traveling to or from it.
You really need to engage your brain before you open your mouth. Failing that you should learn to hush up about things you clearly have no understanding. The "Millenium Bug" was, indeed, a problem... It was the thousands of hours of hard work put in by those "wasters" that made it appear to be nothing to ignorant twits like yourself. :rolleyes:

Ten West 21st Mar 2009 14:31

+ 1 for Teddy. :ok:

James7 21st Mar 2009 15:08

Spot on Teddy

Costs are not generally awarded at Tribunal case's

hellsbrink 21st Mar 2009 15:25

James, and others backing Teddy

Please, pray tell us what the agreement about the ranting of Teddy has to do with the fact that PB BROKE THE DAMNED RULES and was punished for it?

Don't you think the debate about what these rules are should be taken elsewhere as they have nothing to do with the actions of someone who thought he was so far above everyone else he was disciplined for Gross Misconduct on two occasions prior to this one? Now, most people don't get a second shot at a gross misconduct offence, it's "pack your stuff and get out NOW" so why is there support for someone who seems to have taken great pleasure in deciding which rules actually applied to him?

That's like you saying "I know the speed limit outside the town was 60mph but I saw no reason I shouldn't do 90mph as the law does not apply to me". Do you think you would get off with an excuse like that, especially on more than one occasion? Of course you wouldn't, so no matter how much you think the rules are an ass they are there to be followed, with no exceptions or excuses, unless you are happy to get shafted for not following the rules.

There are ways to persuade people to change rules, deciding unilaterally that they don't apply to you is not one of these ways.

captjns 21st Mar 2009 15:45

Here’s the question of the day… for those who think that Mason was mistreated...
Can somebody justify violating company SOP’s, or Civil Aviation Authority Regulations?
Is really that complicated?

glad rag 21st Mar 2009 15:59

Is really that complicated?

No, not to free thinking and wise individuals! :mad:

PS Teddy for PM!:}

16024 21st Mar 2009 16:08

Here is how to do it.
YouTube - The Pilot - TAC.tv

Dream Buster 21st Mar 2009 17:23

Breaking rules...

I lost count of the number of times I was invited to break FTL 'rules' by crewing in order to make the paperwork add up - can somebody tell me the difference between all of these 'rules'?

I also 'bent' a good few 'rules' to get the job done but have no doubt that if I had got found out - there would have been little sympathy.

That's the system and yes, I know you all do the same...

The first five words of the ANO: 'An aircraft shall not fly.....'

DB :\

hellsbrink 21st Mar 2009 17:58

Did you accept these "invites"? If so, you still broke the rules and would have paid the price IF caught, as you admit by if you had been caught when "bending" rules.

The bottom line is that PB not only threw the rule book out the window with Robbie Savage (whe was quite capable of flying to various other places during his career, why was this occasion different?), he had also been disciplined twice previously for his behaviour, involving rule breaches (stripping to your kecks can be enough for an Indecent Exposure chatrge to be laid at you, so if that ain't breaking the rules I don't know what is), and he found out that you only get three strikes before you are out.

Why is that so difficult for some to understand?

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