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caazimmer 15th Feb 2014 17:22

I think people are waiting to see who, if anyone, is coming out for the 15th round........

Blues&twos 15th Feb 2014 17:29

No-one will post yet....that's exactly what they'll be expecting us to do

Jonzarno 15th Feb 2014 17:42

Ah yes, Cato. The old not posting ploy. I know it well...... :p

Fly-by-Wife 15th Feb 2014 18:21

If you read the "URGENT NEWS : 11 FEBRUARY 2014- PLEASE READ TO BOTTOM" on the Proviation site carefully, you will notice that nowhere is it stated that Proviation has ceased trading. Just that credit card payments can no longer be taken.

"We are obligated not to ship any further orders" is the closest he comes to stating that Proviation has ceased trading - and since he has manifestly failed to ship so many orders in the past, this is hardly a deviation from his normal practice. Perhaps it also explains why the site is still operational - maybe someone will be foolish enough to pay by cash, cheque or PayPal, while he is "obligated not to ship any further orders".

It is also clear that he wants to shift all the refunding onto the shoulders of the credit card company - who he obviously feels is solely responsible for his predicament, and should therefore shoulder the financial burden. Nice.


caazimmer 15th Feb 2014 18:40

While he may think he can do this and get away with it, and indeed the card merchant is obligated to pay refunds, they will have their pound of flesh from him when the dust has settled.

It would seem from the raft of 1 stars that have appeared on Trutpilot, that the refunds are not, in any case being made.......

Jonzarno 15th Feb 2014 19:05


I doubt it. More likely the card company will just not pay him whatever cash they have collected legitimately on his behalf and write off the rest unless it's a really big amount.

caazimmer 15th Feb 2014 19:22

Then perhaps the Phoenix may yet rise........

Jonzarno 15th Feb 2014 19:28

I doubt that as well.

It's likely to be difficult to run an internet based business without the ability to take payment by credit / debit card and I can't imagine any bank offering them that facility!

caazimmer 15th Feb 2014 19:35

I suppose they only write it off as far he's concerned....then jack up their interest rates by .5%, and the rest of us pay his debts.....wonderful.

PaulKerry 15th Feb 2014 19:50

It should also be noted, that the recent 1* postings are not new orders. These are old orders which should have already been dealt with.

It is also interesting to note that since the flagging of the 1* reviews ceased, so did the 5* advertisements !

Their SafeBuy credentials are also now invalid. Is that because he told them he no longer needs their account or is it because they have finally kicked him to the kerb, too? I wonder.

They are still a member of the AEAS, however. :rolleyes:

Oh, and did anyone actually believe the hogwash he posted about me, by the way? I'm wondering just how much damage he may have done to my reputation. It may be that he has such a lack of credibility that even his outrageously libellous (and clearly untrue) postings won't land him in hot water as far as a defamation claim goes.

I hope that at least some of you enjoyed what Tracy Fu had to say, else she stayed up until one in the morning for nothing.


Jim59 16th Feb 2014 15:43

It's likely to be difficult to run an internet based business without the ability to take payment by credit / debit card and I can't imagine any bank offering them that facility!
What about PayPal?

abgd 16th Feb 2014 20:07

I noticed the slightly unthorough wording too and just tried to buy something - it didn't offer to take any form of payment.

Blues&twos 16th Feb 2014 20:35

Maybe the website has become self-aware? :E

cockney steve 16th Feb 2014 23:17

What about PayPal?
I think they ceased trading withProviation, a while ago....ISTR a post from a disgruntled customer, a while back, stating that PP had pulled the rug.

Philflies 17th Feb 2014 09:15

I've been given the run around on an order I placed back in November. They still haven't delivered, and it looks like they will never do so. As a company they have been utterly useless with regard to customer service and communication. I feel like they have just led me on and on, even though the writing was on the wall for the company.

It comes as no surprise that the note on the website says they have effectively ceased trading.

I really wish I had seen this thread before I placed my order!

PaulKerry 17th Feb 2014 09:30

If you feel that you were deceived into handing over money, I would suggest that you contact "Action Fraud" on 0300 123 2040 or Action Fraud | Report fraud and internet crime

The more first-hand accounts the police have from victims of his deception, the more likely they are to be able to secure a prosecution and the less likely it will be that Nick will simply move on and start all over again with another "company".

If they had been aware of the extent of his deception and the length of time that it had been going on (some three years, now), I'm sure they'd have been taking a very close look at his practices long before now.

Better late than never.


Tim Dawson 17th Feb 2014 11:30

Having read this thread all the way through, as it unfolded, I hope some sort of criminal prosecution is brought against the director(s) of Proviation because of the chronically poor way in which they handled customers and their business, which goes so consistently far beyond incompetence as to indicate fraud in my opinion.

Having said that, after reading the recent "poor me" diatribes by one of those directors, I did start to wonder about Paul Kerry's credentials. I didn't wonder for long (I have never given money to Proviation so this thread is purely for entertainment) but it was quite scathing and makes it appear that Paul is not everything he has purported himself to be.

PaulKerry 17th Feb 2014 11:39

Please, tell me what I purport myself to be (or, at least what I have purported myself to be prior to Nick's accusations because to the best of my knowledge, until that point, I had made no claims regarding my background or expertise).
Hint: Nick's claims of what I purport to be are figments of his own imagination (other than being self-employed and having a full schedule, that is).

I would also suggest that you take the time to listen to the MP3 file that I posted. It contradicts Nick's claims quite clearly.


stevelup 17th Feb 2014 12:55

At 42 minutes long, I doubt anybody has listened to it (!)

PaulKerry 17th Feb 2014 13:05

The first five minutes will be enough to demonstrate that Nick isn't telling the truth. Toward the end of the recording, Tracy talks about Nick's attitude.

Either way, unless I have actually made claims regarding my credentials or my background, how can I possibly be deceiving anyone with respect to my credentials or my background?

However, Nick's assertion that I am working illegally is dishonest and libellous.


aerohopper 17th Feb 2014 13:25

Time to move on ?
I have occasionally peeped at this thread - and ( on the face of it) the right result has been secured. So well done Paul K

99% of forumites don't know 99% of the others on here and 99% take any personal 'jibes' with a big pinch of salt . - Frankly , who cares if PK isn't who he says he is ?

The Proviation debacle falls into a different camp as forumites were having a direct relationship with this firm (...& seemingly a very unsatisfactory one)

Time to move on.

caazimmer 17th Feb 2014 18:30

Time to move on?

Whilst I respect your views, I do not consider it is yet quite time to move on. Having been bitten by this firm, I would like to see a rather better secured outcome than presently exists.

Short finals perhaps, but it's not over till the parking brake is set.

PaulKerry 17th Feb 2014 18:37

As per the usual pattern, a number of the recent negative reviews have been flagged and a 5* review followed.

Surprise, surprise (!)


caazimmer 17th Feb 2014 18:57

Another reason why it is not yet over.. why bother with doing that?

Like painting the door when most of the house has apparently fallen down. or has it.....?

cockney steve 18th Feb 2014 11:41

@ aerohopper It's my understanding, purely from this thread (and a couple of PM's woth Nick Ross) that Paul kerry was purely a customer of proviation.......until the point where he was played for a fool and warned that there would be consequences if this unethical behaviour continued

It is very apparent that Proviation was used as a vehicle to generate inward cash-flow,whilst meeting as few outgoing commitments as possible ,needed to keep the deceit running.

There was a clear pattern to the complaints, the steps needed to secure a refund or the ordered goods,and the continuing battery of excuses for "problems" with Paypal and card-merchants.
I have never made any claim to be anything other than an Aviation enthusiast who has had a lot of experience running small retail customer-facing businesses.

Whilst trying to give the clearest possible warning to disaffected victims of Proviation's "business" I tried to avoid making any libellous statements against Nick Ross or Proviation.
I have yet to receive a notice of intended prosecution, so it's fairlysafe to say my comments and statements were honest.

Paul Kerry...the true identity behind the Nom dePlume is not relevant.-

Showed hard evidence that he had a genuine grievance, that he was not alone and that the true nature of dealings with Proviation was being manipulated in the Public Domain, with the clear intention to decieve potential customers into placing orders .

FACT.....Money was habitually debited in full, immediately. FACT.... complaints were met with lies, stonewalling or totally ignored.
FACT.... The issuance , or threat thereof, of a Court summons, would bring full restitution with promptitude.
FACT.....I, and others, have copies of private conversations with "Poor, misunderstood" Nick which show quite clearly that he was warned that his conduct was unethical and could well be construed as Criminal....he chose to ignore any advice ...

I despise ripoff merchants, conmen, those that prey on the naive, weak or gullible. I hope I've helped save a few people from getting their fingers burnt.

Justice has yet to be served.

Lukesdad 18th Feb 2014 14:54

As someone who had been on the receiving end of the customer experience with Proviation some time ago (credit card company refund) I would like to express my thanks to PaulKerry for continuing to pursue the company via this site and whilst it can never be a happy conclusion for any company to cease trading, let us hope that it's demise will save any more unwary consumers from losing money.

Blues&twos 18th Feb 2014 18:04

What Cockney Steve said.....plus that the "time to move on" philosophy is precisely what many businesses with dubious practices rely upon to continue trading. Make it as inconvenient and difficult as possible for the customer with a problem and most will eventually give up and go away, writing off their lost cash in the process.

Don't let the buggers off the hook.

TrafficPilot 18th Feb 2014 20:16

Have been following this thread since the beginning...luckily am not a victim of Proviation. Thanks to all contributors for helping me to avoid them!

During an idle moment earlier I thought I'd see if I could order something off the Proviation website and amazingly I've managed to order a Bose headset for £684 WITH a confirmation email received just now. And no..I didn't put any card details anywhere during the order process.

So I look forward to receiving my FREE Bose headset sometime soon...

cockney steve 19th Feb 2014 10:10

@ traffic Pilot
Please let us know when you get an email

"your details have been forwarded to us, please send £684 in a brown envelope........."

TrafficPilot 19th Feb 2014 16:03

"Dear Mr **********,

Your order of 18/02/14 has been cancelled. We would like to thank you for
considering us and we are sorry to lose your custom. In most cases, if your
order didn't ship, you will not have been charged and we will void your

Please note that a refund can sometimes take up to 7-10 working days to show
in your account, taking into account bank lead times at each end. PayPal
refunds are usually quicker."
Ah what a pity. Was looking forward to a new free set of headphones. Took them three hours to cancel it though. I wonder if they take bitcoins..:p

PaulKerry 19th Feb 2014 17:52

Tobacco is the unit of currency where Nick belongs... ;)


caazimmer 19th Feb 2014 19:58

I understand that the Haight & Ashbury dollar has a certain following also .......

Jonzarno 19th Feb 2014 21:28

I wonder if they take bitcoins..
It's a question of give and take: you give and they take..... :{

PaulKerry 20th Feb 2014 10:34

This is interesting...

On this website Home - Proviation Air Express which is:

Owned and Operated by Proviation Ltd
Carters Yard
Frenchs Avenue
VAT No. GB 985 4229 81
... it says:

Service Update
Thursday, 20th February, 2014
Normal Operations

Is that so? :hmm:


Jonzarno 20th Feb 2014 11:00

From the web site:

Proviation Air Express has at its disposal a worldwide interline network,
The Post Office? DHL?

Don't tell me they're now "drop shipping" transport?! :ugh:

cbarge 28th Feb 2014 13:55

No answer and no refund since one year...
Hi there,

I'm posting here as it seems that my case is a desperate one... I ordered something to proviation about one year ago. They told me to wait as it was not in stock and after a few months I finally managed to get in touch with them asking for a refund. However, nothing ever came back into my account and now it is too late to claim it to my bank. Obvioulsy no answer from proviation through phone or emails...

Any piece of advice that could help me on that one.

Thanks in advance...

stevelup 28th Feb 2014 14:33

The only advice I can give you is next time, don't wait a year before trying to resolve a problem like this.

Your only option is to pursue your credit card provider or bank, but they are quite likely to say you've left it too long.

caazimmer 28th Feb 2014 14:51

Hi Cbarge,

Sorry to hear your story, happened to me too. Did you pay by Debit card, or by Credit card?.
If the former, you have only 120 days to claim, although it may be worth trying your bank, and throwing yourself on their mercy, you have little to lose.
If you paid by Credit card, it may be more hopeful, since I believe, unless the law has changed recently, that you have 6 years to sue the company, (probably pointless in this case), BUT, the card provider is liable for the same period.
All may not be lost, I wish you good luck!

Blues&twos 1st Mar 2014 10:30

Hmmm. Despite everything, proviation are still telling dissatisfied customers that it's not their fault. It quite simply does not take weeks for a debit card refund.
One of the not-refunded reviewers has understandably complained after ordering and not getting a Saitek x52 Pro joystick...the company have replied claiming they had "worked closely with" the supplier to try to get a delivery. Now, given that these items are in stock now, directly from the Saitek website (only 5 left!) for the same price, I suggest that maybe "working closely with" has a totally different definition in Nick's world. He also claimed that they never intended to deceive......

Whatever you may think about the integrity of the company and it's owner, their intentions are utterly irrelevant to the customer.

But this is just going over old ground I guess.

The Saitek x52 Pro is on special offer on Proviation's website, and was presumably still for sale prior to the not unexpected cessation of trading.

PaulKerry 1st Mar 2014 11:47

Did not intend to deceive?

If I deliberately perform some action in full knowledge of what the outcome will be, to claim that the outcome was not intended is a stretch of the imagination.

If I put a gun to someone's head, knowing that pulling the trigger will result in their death. I could not possibly claim that I did not intentionally murder the victim if I follow through by deliberately pulling the trigger.

Likewise if I knowingly fail to do something in full knowledge of the consequences of my inaction.

Nick's website has deceived many people into handing over money.
He has consistently failed to correct this and given that he has gained financially from his inaction, in full knowledge of the consequences of both his action of claiming that he has stock which he clearly does not and his failure to remove such deceptive entries from his website, I find his claim to be dishonest.


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