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northsteyne 5th Jun 2008 08:24

20 years Ragnar, It's the magic figure for looking at redundancy.:D
Just snag the **** out of the aircraft before you go.:ok:

Short_Circuit 5th Jun 2008 09:12

Fed Sec

Another issue to throw at Dicko is the removal of the cap on redundancy payments.

If one has put in 30 / 40 years of faithful service, every year of that loyalty should count toward renumeration.

Socket 5th Jun 2008 09:22

From a GA LAME
Several years ago I quit the ALAEA in disgust. The absolutely pussy representation was too much to take. I am still not real happy with the attention GA gets but I am very impressed with the way the current executive is handling this dispute. So impressed I am considering re-applying for membership.

I will wait however to see exactly what action is taken to support the guys penalized for doing as the rules dictate and the demands made in regard to the manager who tried to bully them into breaking the rules and then punished them for standing up for themselves.

I'd like to see nothing less than immediate termination of the manager involved and possible civil action against him personally. This goes to the heart of the whole dispute. Q management seem willing to do anything to achieve their ends, including breaking their own rules and punishing YOU if you don't follow suit, or punishing you anyway if you do break the rules. An honest person cannot win.

Anyway, rant over, good luck guys.:D

Short_Circuit 5th Jun 2008 09:50

It is a new team at the ALAEA.
At Qantas we are proud of our new representation.
They have restored our dignity.
No longer will you feel left out in the cold.
Come and join the strength of unity.

The Black Panther 5th Jun 2008 10:12

Socket wrote:

Several years ago I quit the ALAEA in disgust. The absolutely pussy representation was too much to take.
True Socket. The past leaderships were spineless. The last one was almost comical when we had to go back and vote again until we got the result the company wanted.

You showed pride to leave. This leadership has shook off the militant image that the scaremongers used during the election and SP is being very sensible and professional in his strategic moves. Wouldn't expect to see our leaders walking out of Tattersall's but so far there chess moves would make Bobby Fischer proud.

acslame 5th Jun 2008 10:29

If DC is looking to send these A checks overseas
then let him and black ban them when
they get back I say!!!!We usually have to fix
all the hold items when they come home with so
let them just sit there.
Just another winner QE decision
They still don't get it do they.
I for one am ready to walk for a few days.
I have had enough of these bloody liars!
I want 10% or 5%with Dc & mh's heads. let dicko choose!!!
Maintain the rage boys

sickofqf 5th Jun 2008 10:57

They can only send an A Check o/s if they can keep the aircraft schedule stable..............which so far they have gotten close to achieving......more disinformation from a troll I suspect............

If they could send the A Checks o/s ( where only the A check bit gets done....which is bugger all of a SYD a-check) they would have done it 2 weeks ago.........heck, the c checks coming out of HKG are basket cases because they don't send any spares up....because we don't have any......

And an A Check here and there won't fix the departure rates....today is a spectacular 49% on time........and dropping.......

BYE BYE Cock-sie
BYE BYE hangers on

PS, QF175 to LAX is today's candidate for the daily overnight failure to launch........another article in the Tele tomorrow........

max1 5th Jun 2008 10:58

Re your post 1972, I'd go and have a bit of a study on the AMA if I were you. If you want to find the most powerful professional union in Australia, this group would come close. Also Pharmacists, whilst you are at it.
Also, I'm still waiting on your thoughts on the events that led up to the American War of Independence, and your advice to the American Founding Fathers when they felt they were being dudded by their colonial masters.
Good luck to the engineers, you have community support, and I doubt PAF has even flown during this dispute.

vortsa 5th Jun 2008 11:05

One issue that is holding them back from sending Scheduled work OS is that you have to have appropriately licensed staff to certify. Its ok to use an MA to sign off defects but No No No not allowed any further then that.

Collando 5th Jun 2008 11:22

Exerpts from article from UK newspaper that is not worried about losing advertising deals.

The Guardian 4 June, 2008

QANTAS: Flying mean and nasty skies

Qantas further said that if it is not happy with the $1.5 billion "efficiency" program it has unleashed then more radical measures would be imposed. Workforce cuts may not be achieved exclusively through redundancies. Some of the airline’s functions would have to be moved offshore.

Unions rightly smell a rat. The talk of moving operations offshore is clearly directed at aircraft engineers who last week held stopwork meetings in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane. Members of the Australian Licensed Aircraft Engineers Association (ALAEA) needed to consider what to do about Qantas’ intransigence towards their modest 5 percent per annum pay claim.

In response to the latest action by engineers Qantas Chief Executive Geoff Dixon was suggesting a weird moral equivalence existed between the actions of workers and their bosses in the long-running dispute:

Qantas is using present legitimate concerns in the community about rising fuel prices to lock in some long-term gains for shareholders and their lavishly overpaid management elite.

The company has wanted to move major aircraft maintenance offshore for some time and get it done on the cheap. The threat to even higher profits posed by rising fuel prices is being used to strengthen their hand. The company has kept its Jetstar pilots on lower pay rates than their Qantas colleagues in the face of union demands for pay justice. What better way to quieten them down than an influx of guest worker pilots and crew? "We are in a global industry and we should be able to source a global talent pool," Jetstar CEO Alan Joyce told The Australian Financial Review, forgetting for a moment that a shortage of local pilots was supposed to be the sole factor behind the move.

Qantas has shocked the public with the strength of its language during the dispute with its engineers and revealed its ruthless drive for maximum profits — a drive it shares with the other owners of capital in our unjust socio-economic system.

Says it all really

Game of hardball still on!!!

wanty 5th Jun 2008 12:14

Originally Posted by Short_Circuit (Post 4160956)
It is a new team at the ALAEA.
At Qantas we are proud of our new representation.
They have restored our dignity.
No longer will you feel left out in the cold.
Come and join the strength of unity.

Hey short circuit, I too am stoked the way the NEW executive have restored unity among the ranks and I too am now proud to be in the association for the first time in years and years.

Question though, you sure you haven't done a stint in the states on one of those religious evangilist shows, praise the lord amen brothers, lol:ok:

wanty 5th Jun 2008 12:20

Originally Posted by vortsa (Post 4161135)
One issue that is holding them back from sending Scheduled work OS is that you have to have appropriately licensed staff to certify. Its ok to use an MA to sign off defects but No No No not allowed any further then that.

They no longer have the option of sending work overseas. lol, apparently all the overseas workers are now here in Australia signed up on contracts with Newport aviation ready to take our place if we walk.:ok:

Millet Fanger 5th Jun 2008 12:52

I think most of you punters are ignorant to the A/C maintenance financial savvy that the present QE management has. Let's do a quick quiz to see if I'm correct! Which is the most advantageous financial option?

A) Fly an empty 747 (Let's call it EBX) to Hong Kong for a SA check (fuel at record prices). Check to take 6 days to complete with an ATP required to fly empty A/C back to base. Airfreight spare parts or pay inflated prices to MRO because you sold off your own spare parts store. Ground A/C for 3 days after returning while you make it serviceable / clear 20 odd hold items. Leave full equipped heavy maintenance hangar empty at base. Lose flexibility of A/C availability.

B) Carry out SA check using that empty hangar. Max 3 days - A/C serviceable. No fuel / flying costs.

Now most would think it's a no-brainer, B). Wrong. QE management will tell you that A) is the correct answer. Why? Because you have failed to take into account the bonus received for closing down the world class maintenance facility. Sure, costs in the future will be astronomical. Sure you will lose scheduling flexibility. Don't forget though, you have the bonus in the bank, and, what the heck, you probably won't be around in the future. Besides, if you screw your workforce you might be able to save a bit of that lost money.

SeldomFixit 5th Jun 2008 13:17

Just out of interest - what do other carriers in Australia do as far as EBA's go ? Are they on individual agreements ? Do they pay better or worse than QF ? What size EBA increment would be considered an industry standard nowadays across the Aussie Engineering landscape ? :confused:

cpiom 5th Jun 2008 20:11

Neg Feedback, yes I have re-read your previous posts and fail to see any relevance or in actual fact, intelligence, worthy of replying to.
As I have previuosly said we the passangers don't care who causes us inconvenience, when we are told it is the mechanics, as far as we are concerned it is you! In the last couple of weeks that is the same announcement that comes over the PA over and over again.
In a previous post I said I supported you with some reservation and you have now lost that support, well after the name calling and one sided, un-intelligent debate offered by you and your militant mates I am sure you have lost further support. Case in point, the same minority of people write against their employer constantly.

PS. CPIOM's exist on Boeings might want to look them up, although maybe not the same acronym.

The Mr Fixit 5th Jun 2008 20:50

No longer the Spineless Jellfish association

Strong Leadership, Strong Membership

Give him hell today boys and take no prisoners

PS : CPIOM - one letter more and your acronym could be myopic in other words welcome back Wingers

PIOT Bord 5th Jun 2008 22:08

10 Qantas domestic flights departing from Sydney were cancelled yesterday. Two possible reasons for that. They either didn't have enough serviceable aircraft, or their yield management planning went berserk. If it's the former, management have messed up - still flying plane beyond their used by date or a lack of personnel to fix them. If it's the latter, demand for flights has deteriorated at an amazing rate - an announcement should be made to the market. Which is it Geoff? The silence is deafening!

The Black Panther 5th Jun 2008 22:34


The passengers of QF21 were not alone in their frustration. Yesterday a Qantas flight to Singapore was grounded, a flight from Brisbane to Los Angeles was delayed for 13 hours and a Sydney to Auckland service was cancelled.
It has heightened fears Qantas's international operations are on the verge of total breakdown.
Smh.com.au was inundated with emails from furious Qantas passengers, many of whom vowed to tear up their frequent flyer cards.
"Bring on Emirates, bring on Singapore Airlines - while Qantas's fat-cat executives give themselves another pay-rise, we get shafted," one customer wrote.
The worsening delays have coincided with the dispute between Qantas management and the company's engineers. Industry sources told the Herald that overtime bans imposed by the engineers are the straw which has broken the airline's very fragile back.
"Oh Murray, what have we done?"
"It doesn't look good does it David. Let's not spoil our trip worrying about those naughty engineers. Do you have the Emirates tickets for Monte Carlo. Margo called earlier, she is meeting us there"
'Where's Geoff?"
"He's at a meeting today, I think he's catching BA again latter tonight"

Syd eng 5th Jun 2008 22:48

Is the meeting on for today?
Or has Dixon again tried to play a bluff card and has nothing in his hand. Lets push him till he tries to bluff with an all in gamble.

Dockie 5th Jun 2008 23:15

Melbourne heavy and workshops had a meeting on wednesday night with 3 "managers" MB, PD and DV. I do not respect or trust these "managers" and everytime they speak I assume that they are lying, and I couldn't believe it they are still threatening us. Whatever question was asked, the answer was ' it depends on the outcome of the LAME's EBA' If the number 3 is mentioned at the meeting today its time to take 2.

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