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CamOnRed 4th Apr 2010 07:34

Hey - anyone know when the first of the capability bonuses will be paid. I thought it was supposed to be 1 April - perhaps I don't qualify after all?

Arm out the window 4th Apr 2010 08:17

I think the words from the travelling roadshow were something like "It'll happen around April and October each year, but the system needs time to process it so maybe a couple of pays after that..."

Something like that - shouldn't be more than a month or 6 weeks, I'm guessing!?

vortexaction 4th Apr 2010 12:09

So I'm not the only one suprised not to get a bonus on 1 Apr! Has anyone else been paid yet??

Naked_recommiting 5th Apr 2010 08:00

1 April
Just checking to ensure the irony of Defence paying you a bonus on the first of April isn't lost.

Are all Airforce pilots entitled, or just fast jet?

Pera 5th Apr 2010 08:15

Another ADF pay stuff up. 6 months wasn't long enough for them to figure out who they owed money to.

Victor India 5th Apr 2010 08:29


Nothing to do at all with aircraft type qualifications. King Air and Hornet pilots can qualify equally.

Purely those pilots without an initial pilot training based Return of Service Obligation (ROSO) who haven't taken the Military Super related 5 year retention benefit.

Some specially qualified ACO (Navigators) also qualify, not sure of the details though.


Naked_recommiting 5th Apr 2010 08:41

So its bonus or super 5 year benefit, not both? That doesnt make a lot of sense.

To help me catch up - 'a bonus that isnt targetted, but general in nature, ensuring it is sufficiently watered down and consumed by administration to cause little pause for thought during ones exit?'

How's that?

Cap'n Bunghole 5th Apr 2010 09:18

There was some info put out a couple of weeks ago saying that the timeline for payment would be about 2 pays after the due date. This is because a snapshot needed to be taken of eligible members ON April 1st.

Settle down everybody. You will get your money.


Ducksarse 22nd Apr 2010 00:39

...........still waiting............maybe it was an April fools day joke.

On another matter, what happened to the mass exodus we were expecting? Still yet to see mass recruitment by the airlines.

blumoon 22nd Apr 2010 03:45

Isn't it ironic
Quite ironic that the 'retention' benefit for aircrew is late!:}

But then again, we should probably give the pay system a break since this allowance was only known about from Oct09 so it is probably fair enough we will have to wait over a month to get anything (from 1Apr10)....:suspect:

That green green grass is poking through the fence more and more each week :ok:

dostum 22nd Apr 2010 10:00

I heard a vicious rumour this was being looked at as part of the SRP savings. If you read the document in the PACMAN carefully, it allows them to change the amount of capability allowance even though the figures have been put out for the next two years eg. zero!

Not many people would be eligible anyway: you have to be out of ROSO and not have taken the MSBS retention benefit. It will just end up enriching all the old SQNLDRs and WGCDRs who were staying anyway.:DOh, and those laterals who came here with no ROSO, and jumped onto the highest pay increment as well.

CamOnRed 22nd Apr 2010 11:07

Well they had better get cracking - even if it is only a 'keep the faith' bonus. I understand DP had a mini panic over a small number of recent resignations to go to VB.

oldm8 22nd Apr 2010 12:31

Are all Airforce pilots entitled, or just fast jet?
Ha Classic! I must have fallen asleep whilst they were talking about the knuck retention bonus.

The "exodus" is a myth. It is just using emotive language to describe the rise and fall of pilot numbers that has happened before and will happen again. Those who think the RAAF will suffer if you leave are deluded, there are plenty lining up to take your job when you leave.

The world will keep turning...

Captain Sand Dune 23rd Apr 2010 00:20

Got my letter today.:)
Said nowt about knucks.........

Ducksarse 26th Apr 2010 23:02

Congratulations Sand Dune, who are you going with? I put my apps in during Feb but haven't heard anything yet, how long did it take for them to contact you?

Got an email from DP regarding the $$$. It looks like it is on the way just a bit late.

Anyone else see the irony of taking the retention cash while applying for a job elsewhere? :}

Captain Sand Dune 27th Apr 2010 05:07

Hmmmmmm......can't be assed flying airlines, GA pays a pittance, so I'll guess I'll stay where I am.:cool:

ozbiggles 27th Apr 2010 09:35

won't where you are change next year.....and the next year after that:}

Pera 10th May 2010 00:21

the timeline for payment would be about 2 pays after the due date
Are we moving to monthly pays :). What a debacle this has been. They better have it right!

blumoon 10th May 2010 02:59

It's Coming
I believe it will be in the 15May pay... :cool:

D-IFF_ident 27th Aug 2010 22:34

Are there any laterals out there who were told by the roadshow folks that they would get the ACA, as the only ppl who wouldn't were those under 'Initial pilots course IMPS' (sic)?

Only to find that they were also excluded - by the Lateral IMPS?

If so - please PM

CamOnRed 19th Sep 2010 12:49

RAAF Pilot Shortage?
Given the low separation rate far too early to suggest there might be a shortage, but as there were no pilot promotions to Squadron Leader this year apparently the Air Force is now short!

Any signs of "movement at the station" - ie people getting jobs?

rapiddescent 21st Sep 2010 13:24

No jobs to speak of 'Cam on Red'.

Cathay have gone down the cadet path. Pay peanuts, get ...... (you get my drift)

Economy has yet to pull through I reckon. Defence knows this - the floodgates will not 'open' as many would like - and even if they did, as Oldm8 said in an earlier post, there will always be someone ready to take your job.

I am not holding my breath, (unfortunately)

Lost Again.. 28th Sep 2010 08:51

Seen some leave this year. Couple of QFIs to various organisations plus one or two others, there's definitely recruiting going on.

Lag between 2FTS and getting onto type conversion is getting worse. We had some turn up last week and are not starting conversion until 2012 2nd quarter, at the earliest.... Great way to see skills perish. Also defeats purpose of 10yr ROSO when first year or so is spent manning an OPS desk phone.

gobbledock 28th Sep 2010 09:37

A number of RAAF boys, particularly ex Navigators who couldn't cut out a career path in the Forces have gone to CASA recently. Perhaps those who failed in the Air Force think they can fix commercial aviation ??

Arm out the window 29th Sep 2010 21:26

Or perhaps they applied for jobs and got them, quite a conspiracy that!

blumoon 14th Oct 2010 05:39

Any word on when/if the next Capability Allowance will be paid? :confused:

No news.... I'm a career pilot! (for this month:ok:)

TheAngryIbis 14th Oct 2010 07:06

Yep, my chain of command passed through the info that Oct 28 was the day, with a fallback of the pay after, which was straight off the OARS website.

I'm a career man until the phone rings...

blumoon 14th Oct 2010 11:04

Nothing like a 'retention'/Capability benefit being paid late (1Oct)

How ironic :}

marguerita 18th Jan 2011 09:44

Thought it was about time to crank this thread up again!

Understand there were a few letters of offer from Virgin on Christmas Eve to current RAAFies - any rumours about numbers leaving?

Arm out the window 18th Jan 2011 19:51

Well, I just did, but not to Virgin - back to the old northern stamping ground. Cheers all!
And though some may scoff, I'll put an ad in for that southernmost flying school too - not such a bad place as many make out, in fact much fun and satisfying flying can be had...:)

Delta_Foxtrot 19th Jan 2011 06:02


Have you reached homeplate yet?



Arm out the window 19th Jan 2011 20:38

Made it - PM coming your way.

bankrunner 20th Jan 2011 11:47

Originally Posted by gobbledock
Perhaps those who failed in the Air Force think they can fix commercial aviation ?

CASA itself needs fixing, never mind commercial aviation.

Ducksarse 21st Jan 2011 03:48

The slow trickle continues. I know of about half a dozen over the last 6 months. All to the same place.
More with apps in, some waiting for the red rat though, word on the streets is that they may start recruiting again towards the end of the year. I doubt the flood gates will open but the trickle will continue.

Keg 21st Jan 2011 04:20

...some waiting for the red rat though, word on the streets is that they may start recruiting again towards the end of the year.
Have also heard that from a few different sources internally. Of course, that's today's plan. It may be different on Monday.

Captain Sand Dune 21st Jan 2011 05:19

Plenty of ex-RAAF drivers sniffing around for reserve slots, or even to get back in full time.

oldm8 21st Jan 2011 22:43

I heard 4 from ALG got jobs recently (last few weeks)

Anyone confirm?

Lost Again.. 26th Jan 2011 05:38

Not sure on total job offers from ALG however we did lose 5 guys of QFI and/or SQNLDR types in last few months last year. Usual suspects of LCC, overseas jobs, work holiday or changing career's.

C130H was facing premature retirement as Shell advertised for 8 jobs in Sep. Not sure how many FENG's applied however the manning situation was pretty grim if more than 1 or 2 were successful.

ozbiggles 26th Jan 2011 06:23

After the show of loyalty by the RAAF to the hard working Caribou FLt Engs upon Caribou retirement they would be well advised to take any good job offer outside the Air Force.

Avgas172 26th Jan 2011 10:04

quote: Runaway Gun, Before anyone else cries about the pay in GA etc, please remember that the boys and girls in the military (not just the aviators either) have to do alot of other dangerous and boring tasks. Some of them get shot at too, whilst defending Australia, and some of them die in accidents whilst in uniform.

Yes, I agree that all aircrew should be paid more, and that includes GA and the Regional Airlines. But military people don't necessarily get it any easier.

Yes RG and in the last few dozen years, around 500 + PA have died in transport related accidents on the way to work, at work and on the way home (Aust Bureau of Statistics) in Australia. That in no way lessens the job the Mil guys have to do but its a job, and the overall risks are no more or less than a Driver punching a 6000 tonne 2 km long missile @ 115kmph in the dark, through the nullabor desert every day of the week, hoping like hell the track is still there.

PS I have 2 Boys in the Mil & 3 Police officers still in the service, and I still s**t my self when the phone rings in the night

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