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slackie 28th Jan 2009 21:45

A couple more from those CBs over Matamata during the Walsh 09


Got the horn 29th Jan 2009 01:06


Another picture of the CB from the rain radar. Choice ow!

toolowtoofast 29th Jan 2009 01:20

that looks like time/date i was on the lake - tops at that time on the radar certainly into the FL45 range! FL50 + was the forecast, so not too far off!

no wonder the wind was a little cool........

b_sta 29th Jan 2009 01:35

So you could have just flown over the tops then :}

Konev 29th Jan 2009 01:46

stirling falls, milford sound on aproach for 11.


bushy 29th Jan 2009 02:28

Not a very violent thunderstorm if those Cessna's survived the exposure to it. Cessna's blow away in violent weather.

Magoodotcom 29th Jan 2009 03:25

Speaking of storm pics!
Took this at YSSY last February just before they rolled it into the hangar...you shoulda seen the hail! :eek:


SM227 29th Jan 2009 05:22

You call that a storm?

This is a storm........Queeensland style:E

Almost overhead YBAF, December 08'


Lasiorhinus 29th Jan 2009 05:25

Originally Posted by toolowtoofast (Post 4680166)
tops at that time on the radar certainly into the FL45 range! FL50 + was the forecast, so not too far off!

Whats the fuss about over such a tiny little storm? Fly over the top of it!:E

morno 29th Jan 2009 05:45

I love it when the Sigwx Chart for Aus show's CB's with a base of XXX and a top of XXX, :E. Too flippin high. And here's these Kiwi's getting excited over a pissy little storm, :}.


Warbo 29th Jan 2009 08:50

Grab Hercules and put together another video clip for us D.
Now who could you be......?:confused:

The sad news is that Hercules had one adventure too many and won't be making too many more videos.:(

Oh, and to keep things on track, what aircraft type is this?

chimbu warrior 29th Jan 2009 09:46

what aircraft type is this?
Dunno Warbo, but I am really intrigued as to how you steer it (apart from rudder).

Don't see any stick............so my guess is an airship.

Am I close?

the wizard of auz 29th Jan 2009 09:50

I was going to say blimpmobile too......... studied the photo, decided on what I was going to guess and scrolled down........ bugga....... I got beat to it. possible its a hovercraft as well???????

kingRB 29th Jan 2009 09:51

twin engine and an ASI that reads 60 midway.... gotta be an airship

how do they control pitch apart from power? is it a big trim wheel style thing?

Warbo 29th Jan 2009 10:49

Too easy! It's the Holden blimp. I was lucky enough to get a ride in it when it came through a while back. Pitch is indeed controlled by a big 'trim wheel style thing' next to the pilot's seat.

NZFlyingKiwi 30th Jan 2009 01:02

I was going to suggest an Ekranoplan? :}

ForkTailedDrKiller 4th Feb 2009 09:21

Its a bit wet in N Qld!

Here's the high road bridge over the Burdekin R at Macrossan (near Charters Towers) with a bit of a "fresh" going down the river (4 metres over the bridge)! It was a couple of metres higher than this yesterday, but the weather was too crap to go flying.



Burdekin Dam


I hear that there is a bit of a water shortage down south!

Ever wondered what a dam wall looks like with 6 M of water going over the spillway?



Note the public road on the left and right of the pic - runs along the base of the dam wall! Anyone for white water rafting?

The road/rail bridge between Home Hill and Ayr.

Dr :8

Jabawocky 4th Feb 2009 10:09

OMG, that was not VFR Ops was it Forkie?:eek:

Tea and Bikkies for you I can tell!


Desert Flower 4th Feb 2009 10:41

Water wasn't too darn far below the railway bridge either!


7mile 4th Feb 2009 11:00

Forky, incase everyone else forgets, I will thank you for the photo's.


Peter Fanelli 4th Feb 2009 11:25

FTDK you might have to swap the GPS's for life jackets for a while. :)

PyroTek 4th Feb 2009 11:47

This photo was on the way back from Cherrabah, in Jaba's "Plastic Parrot".. after a night of rain!

ForkTailedDrKiller 4th Feb 2009 12:15

A bit wet between Ayr and Townsville!

One of my places of employment. Earlier today there was 3 metres of water over the road and 2M of water through the cattle yards in the foreground! The road makes a useful "flood strip" - but alas, not for the Bo!

Similar scene to the one above, but from wider out. Burdekin R in the foreground, Lolworth Ck in the middle ground, cattle yards, and homestead on the hill. For the history buffs, Ludwig Leichardt's "camp of the three rocks" that is mentioned in his diary is just off the trailing edge of the wingtip - under a couple of metres of water!

"See and be seen" at work! A bit crowded along the Burdekin today. Spot the chopper - make and model?

Oh yeah, for you people down south - see that grey stuff in the distance - we call that rain! :E

Dr :8

PyroTek 4th Feb 2009 15:02

Would it be the speck just behind your wing and up a bit?
My guess, from the oh so sh!tty quality/pixellation...
Hughes 500?

I think I'm probably wrong, but it's an attempt...

Dixons Cider 4th Feb 2009 20:44

stirling falls, milford sound on aproach for 11.
Nice one Konev. very nice indeed

morno 4th Feb 2009 23:25

Forky, the interesting thing is that all that water going over the Burdekin Dam, is only considered to be "moderate" flooding, :sad:.


ForkTailedDrKiller 4th Feb 2009 23:56

the interesting thing is that all that water going over the Burdekin Dam, is only considered to be "moderate" flooding
morno, at Ayr/Home Hill that is true. If you look at the pic of the rail/road bridge between those towns, the Burdekin has been known to break its banks there on many occassions. I think the difference is that the Bowen R, which comes in below the Burdekin Dam is not in flood.

Different story upstream of the dam, where the flood level is second only to the BIG one in 1946.

Dr :8

The Green Goblin 5th Feb 2009 00:01


I really miss looking out on that wing :(

First real aeroplane I ever flew.......... bloody ripper

Section28- BE 5th Feb 2009 06:16

Spot the chopper - make and model?

Is this one anywhere near the mark???- thoughts and best wishes to all affected in a situation that needs attention, trust that the hardware and relief needed is forthcoming to you all in a timely fashion......

rgds all
S28- BE


Image attributable to/courtesy of "unknown" in the Gulf??- recieved it on an all points bulletin today.

ForkTailedDrKiller 5th Feb 2009 06:58

Is this one anywhere near the mark???
Ahhhhh, Colour - check! Make - check! Model - check! Could just be the one!

Lively looking group of friends gathered round there, S28-BE!

Dr :8

Chadzat 5th Feb 2009 08:22

bah, they are just sleeping off a big night!

In all seriousness, best wishes to anyone who lives/has interests up there.

ratso 5th Feb 2009 10:25

Thanks for these great photos of the wet.

Have you got any more

ForkTailedDrKiller 5th Feb 2009 10:51

Have you got any more
Geez Ratso, got lots of pics but there is a limit to how much interest one can wring out of the "water, water everywhere" theme! I think I have posted the best of them.

Mrs Forkie took this one - she thinks its pretty cool!

Dr :8

triadic 5th Feb 2009 11:40

What a top thread...! Thought it was about time I made a contribution now that I think I have sorted out how to post a picture! Will have to see what I can dig out of the files!

1st one... aircraft is easy, but where?


Section28- BE 5th Feb 2009 11:43

Three more to go with the good Dr's



Peter Fanelli 5th Feb 2009 11:47

Now you guys flying out over the flood waters ARE carrying life jackets as required for overwater flight right?

I seem to recall the pilot of the 210 that ditched in 2 feet of water in Lake Eyre some years ago got into trouble for not having life jackets.

triadic 5th Feb 2009 11:49

Speaking of weather !! If it's not mud, it's dust of course!



triadic 5th Feb 2009 12:50

A few contrasting locations.. ...From what?
...any takers??





Jet_A_Knight 5th Feb 2009 20:44


1st one: Wilton??

2nd one: Hay

torsion 5th Feb 2009 21:14

C is Saab onto 24 Griffith

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