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Old 22nd Oct 2005, 08:00
  #41 (permalink)  
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Sadly, I can confirm notutae was involved in the C210 accident in Namibia.

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Old 23rd Dec 2005, 11:44
  #42 (permalink)  
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Wasn't "Coops" the old chief pilot of Troppos?.......troppos has never paid their pilots fairly.....and they work hard...very hard for their money.....even beyond their flight and duty times......

Be careful if you work for troppos......especially with "Coops".....if you're not part of the "Boy's" club he'll go after you.....just be strong enough to stand up for yourself and keep your integrity...he's known to backstab his own friends.....

RL.....well...he's a gutless.....and never keeps any of his promises.....if my memory is correct he promised a sheety wannabe pilot that if he (the sheety) worked in the hangar and fix his aeroplanes he would give him a flying job.....only to be sacked by "Coops".....RL claims to be a christian.....but never acts like one......

Hey RL....doesn't the bible say you should a man (or woman) fairly?.......

I'm sorry to hear about the lost souls from the metro.....I just hope they (RL/TROPPOS) don't cover this one up like they did with the navajo the crashed in yam island......
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Old 24th Dec 2005, 05:21
  #43 (permalink)  
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How did this post lead you to a position of slandering an ex Chief Pilot of AT.

Boy it looks to me like you are treading on very thin ice here!

Accusations of operations outside of Flight and Duty Times! Naturally you have proof of this if some one elects to challenge you on your accusation

Accusations of,( If I have read the intent of your post correctly ), an abuse of power in the position of CP by singling pilots out that were not part of "the boys club". Could it be that there were standards issues that were identified and focused on? Could it be that the pilot/s concerned were not blending in with the other crews and were actually causing an internal problem that needed to be dealt with?

Accusations of a cover up associated with an over run on YAM. What exactly are you suggesting was covered up and by who?

Spineless name calling and aspurtions of dishonesty of the owner of AT, based on an alleged promise of flying work.

All these accusations and aspurtions are a big call. I know Coops personally from my time on Horn, I also know plenty of crew that have worked under him and generally most have indicated nothing close to your claims.

I do however know two pilots that worked for AT that claimed to be victimised by Coops, and that becasue they were not in " the boys club" they were targeted over standards issue and were continually subject to reviews and additional line training.

Well if you are one of those pilots, think long and hard before you go making any further aspurtions in a public forum. Because if Coops wants to take this matter further by way of defamation. I will be only too happy to stand up in court and provide my observations as to standards and deficiencies with these two.

The post was about AT and you happily turned it into a personal attack on an ex Chief Pilot.

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Old 24th Dec 2005, 19:05
  #44 (permalink)  
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Geez who would imagine that someone in GA would be encouraged to exceed duty/flight limits! Ha!!! good one.......
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Old 25th Dec 2005, 04:06
  #45 (permalink)  
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I flew in the Torres Straits around this time and know the two pilots to whom you refer, and judging by your response there's only one person that you can be.

Not only is Monk's post accurate but, IMHO, also quite reserved and a long way short of slander. Especially about the CP, who would routinely carry around a mouth guard and challenge his pilot's to a fist fight.

splatman, you are a nasty, bitter, snide little man. You earned this reputation in the Straits and it is the reputation that still precedes you.

Before mentioning legal action against those who would cast aspersions (I assume that's the word you meant). I would suggest you think about the damage that you tried to inflict on the careers of your work mates by very publicly casting your own aspersions.
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Old 25th Dec 2005, 04:54
  #46 (permalink)  

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Yes, I too feel moved to join this thread and help spread the spirit of peace and goodwill to all men so apparent from the postings here.

Ahh, GA in Oz!
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Old 25th Dec 2005, 11:16
  #47 (permalink)  
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Sorry if I caused any offence....these are just stories I have mentioned 2 pilots....but I heard there were around 6 pilots who suffered the same consequence.....I do not want to put anyone down but does that mean I can't talk about things that have happened? intention was not to defame the CP but to warn people.....if you are fair as I would assume you would agree with me that work place harassment and bullying is not a nice thing to experience.....especially when someone who is in a vulnerable position....(young pilot desperate for flying hours).....etc.....

I'm sure your dealings with the "Coops" was a good one.....but that is just your perspective and your relationship with he deals with others is dependent on their perspective and their relationship.....have you worked under "Coops"? you know whats its like to have him as a CP?....

There is no malice in my post.....I just felt for the people who have experienced harassment and bullying at really destroy their self esteem....their performance at work deteriorate and even their home life also suffers.....


I have heard the same story as well.....I heard on one occasion the CP even encouraged some of the pilots to take a fellow pilot who was known to be a bit messy in the shared accomodation "out the back and teach him a lesson"


If these stories are true then it is of great concern....if they are false then I apologise......

Anyway...hope everyone has a safe xmas and a great new year!!
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Old 26th Dec 2005, 22:27
  #48 (permalink)  
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these are just stories I have heard
I think that is exactly the issue! Perhaps some restraint in the text of your post would have been more appropriate. Like " I have heard that an ex CP did this or did that" rather than making statements that lead others to think your statements are based on actual knowledge or observations.

I do agree, there is no place for such actions in the workplace but is this the place to make such claims when they can not be defended or cross examined?

No offence taken on my part from your post, I just believe this type of post is typical of an issue within GA, people are only too happy to pull the knife and act without properly thinking thinking about what they are about to do.

And speaking of such actions Frickman you have a pm, hopefully you will answer, or I will just have to live with your petty name calling.

Grow Up
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Old 27th Dec 2005, 05:20
  #49 (permalink)  
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After reading all the replies, I usually would not get involved but I feel compelled to answer to some of these hearsay and rumours if you will.
I spent almost 2 yrs with A/T based in HORN with the occasional CNS visit to make sure I remember how the real people live and what real coffee taste like. Sorry "Hairy" but your coffee was top notch at 5am before the CJ pickup.
In regards to RL, When I joined the company i was given the full run down. Based in Horn, take it in turns for 100 hourly return to CNS, sharing living quarters and so on. He put everything on the table and he even mentioned "I know you already have 500 multi, so i dont expect you to stay 1 yr, although that would be nice". Everything was done on a gentlemen's agreement. I made my intentions clear that from A/T I would like to go to airlines ot at least turbines, prefereably something 50 seater or so. But I did say to RL " I will give you 12 months after that i shall start firing off CV's".
In the time I was there he endorsed numerous amounts of pilots, whom most didnt have the minimums for RPT as stated in the CARs. Most were lacking in multi time or night time, but RL made them do CHRTs until they had the minimums requirements.
RL knew guys were using A/T as a stepping stone to bigger things and i guess this is where paying for the training was borne. I cant blame him really, as it probably difficult for him to recuparate his initial outlay when guys bail on him. I have been there in CNS when guys came looking for work. they always say I will do anything, some even said I would pay for my endorsement, God knows I rememeber how difficult it was to get a Bongo or PartialAviator endorsement. Not many places in Oz do it.
Anyway all Im trying to say is I found RL to be a true gentleman and definately someone I would go back and work for or recommend for guys to work for.
Bully, how are you mate? Glad to hear you got that elusive jet job. I remember during our ICUS sessions you always dreamt of flying the B737. i agree the turaround times where sufficient, only problem was closing boarding and always one bloody pax who decides to turnup as you start number 1. Delays were usually pax related, they always told to get to the airport on time and usually we do a flyover to let them know we have arrived but it never seemed to sink in. Hope you're enjoying VB.
In regards to Coops, once again I have nothing but good words to say about the man. As a CP, I found him to be fair and to the point. he didnt hide anything and pay credit where credit was due. He gave you an arse kicking(verbally) if you needed it. He made sure that we all got our equal times to come to CNS and relax a bit and even offered to stay at his place. lovely meal cook but him or his lovely lady(P).
This so called boys club i read about, its total crap. Standard day was daily aircraft, fly, leave the aircraft clean. it's respect for you mates. Like any other guy I hated cleaning the planes as much as the next guy. But that was what the job entailed, so we just did it. It kept everyone happy and those who didnt started to cause trouble for themselves.
About the pay, yes it was lower than other companies but then again we have our rent and utilities paid for, which can be astromical up there. Specially with guys leaving the aircon on, i think during there career up there. So in hindsight, the had we been paid more and asked to find our own accom, then im sure we would have been further out of pocket.
Getting to CNS was always a bone of contention. i guess in everyone's eyes it just didnt happen enough or for long enough. Having said that I do recall several times where RL or Coops has offloaded freight in order for the boys to get there food(beer) up to horn, or they put in on the Sunnies flt.
Thats my two cents worth. Being up in the straits is what you make if it. If you're use to Lygon street cafe and that lifestyle, which admittedly i was, it's all a shock when you get there. In three words.....IMPROVISE, ADAPT, OVERCOME.
i wish i could go back and do a few flights up there now, not saying i want to go and live there again.

In regards to the accident in Namibia, can i just confirm it was the Doogie from 2000. According to the name mentioned by Woomera it appearst to have been him???????????????
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