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-   -   617 Sqn Grave Vandalised! (https://www.pprune.org/military-aviation/634087-617-sqn-grave-vandalised.html)

just another jocky 18th Jul 2020 18:14

Originally Posted by flighthappens (Post 10840693)
The fact that the word was being used as a C/S in the 90's, but particularly on CONUS shows a lack of understanding. For the record, I didn't get it either (I just knew it was a naughty word, not to be said) until I moved to the US and understood the deep hurt inflicted across multiple generations, and the continued lack of social equality.

Have a great day!

It was a Sqn Ops c/s, so unless someone decided to eavesdrop, no-one would hear it. But I agree that in hindsight, not the smartest thing to have done.

You too.

just another jocky 18th Jul 2020 18:20

Originally Posted by Bob Viking (Post 10840676)
I understand how Sqn history and loyalty works. I am also an avid reader of all VC exploits and have undying respect for all who have earned it. Indeed as a past member of 6 Sqn and 419 Sqn I know what it is like to serve on a Sqn who can boast a VC among their alumni.

I have total respect for Gibson and fully respect his right to have called his dog whatever he wanted. My opinion of him is not changed by his choice of canine epithets. My opinion of you for standing up for what you believe in is also unchanged (though some people may well form a different opinion).

I just cannot abide the N word and all it stands for in the modern era. I honestly do not think a memorial plaque with that word on it belongs on an RAF station in 2020. It should live in a museum, where it can be viewed in a better context and contribute to a wider discussion.

I realise we will never agree on the matter but, just as I promise not to view you as a racist, please don’t see me as a modern luvvie, snowflake who wants to erase history. Far from it. But I draw the line at the N word in this context.


M8, I do understand your point of view, I think. And do understand that someone might be offended by viewing the word, but then surely that should lead them to learning more about it and why it is still there, and not assuming it is just some racist slur. Perhaps they would learn of the heroic deeds of those men and lead them to learn of the heroic deeds of 125,000 mostly young men (average age 22yo) and of the 55,573 who were killed to give them their freedom.

Or they could assume it's just a racist slur, like a lot on here.

We shouldn't be afraid of the past, nor should we assume offence on behalf of others we don't know.

fltlt 18th Jul 2020 18:24

Originally Posted by flighthappens (Post 10840693)
The fact that the word was being used as a C/S in the 90's, but particularly on CONUS shows a lack of understanding. For the record, I didn't get it either (I just knew it was a naughty word, not to be said) until I moved to the US and understood the deep hurt inflicted across multiple generations, and the continued lack of social equality.

Have a great day!

Yet walk around south LA, Chicago, Detroit, New York, the casual use of the N word surrounds you, used by the younger black folks as a throwaway greeting/salutation/derogatory term as the situation(s) require.
They certainly aren’t offended by it.

just another jocky 18th Jul 2020 18:28

Originally Posted by BBK (Post 10840705)
What I’m trying to illustrate that the gravestone was not vandalised at all. The new one, assuming that the one shown is that on the right, has the same text as previously. Only the name of the dog has been omitted. Does that qualify as rewriting history? All this outrage over a minor change that in my opinion was quite sensible given the evolving political climate.

Bing and Tashengurt made a very good point that it would be unacceptable for a serving member of the RAF especially from an ethnic minority to be faced with such a racially abusive word. Also, like Bob V I just find it unacceptable and insulting.

One last point I’d like to make is that it’s disingenuous to suggest that this word has only become unacceptable recently in the light of pc or woke culture. I first heard the name of the name of the dog probably in the late seventies from my late father. He was Vulcan ground crew on 230 OCU in the fifties so was well aware of the history of 617 squadron. He was quite clear to me that it was highly insulting to use that word. There you go, a lesson in treating your fellow men and women with a modicum of decency and respect from someone who would now be 86.


M8....a), they messed up the new one by dropping a full stop so it doesn't read correctly now. b) why are we afraid of the past? We should be holding up true examples of racism (and sexism and everything else bad) to show wrong they were. The second we erase, we lose the chance to show how unacceptable these things are today.

Anyone that is a child of the 80's, 70's, 60's and onwards back is aware of how society was then. We all should have known better, but that's easy to say today. Yes, respect to yr Dad, but cultural racism is difficult to erase and takes time.

Bob Viking 18th Jul 2020 18:30

We know where you’re going with that comment. But the one vital fact you’ve missed is that it would be black people saying it to other black people. That is their prerogative. Though it would be much easier to deter everyone from using it if nobody were to use it.

As a white person I do not have the right to use that word and I’m fine with that.

Please don’t use that last comment as your argument in favour of the dog’s name. Others have put forward far more eloquent arguments.


SOX80 18th Jul 2020 18:35

I think the amount of traffic on this thread kind of makes the point for removing the name. Like it or not the word was offensive in the 19th century, it was offensive in 1940 and it is offensive now. For many the word has come to epitomise the subjugation, abuse and marginalisation of an entire race. Clearly many don't care if people are offended by it but you must admit it is a huge distraction from the Dambuster's story.

just another jocky 18th Jul 2020 18:53

Originally Posted by SOX80 (Post 10840727)
....but you must admit it is a huge distraction from the Dambuster's story.

It is when people keep brining up a very minor part of a much bigger story.

Originally Posted by SOX80 (Post 10840727)
Clearly many don't care if people are offended by it....

Clearly? Who exactly?

And many people may be offended by your implied racism when you have no facts to support it. Woke liberal/left populism and bullying is no substitute for a proper discussion, and neither is attempting to delete the past.

Islandlad 18th Jul 2020 18:55

Originally Posted by SOX80 (Post 10840727)
I think the amount of traffic on this thread kind of makes the point for removing the name. Like it or not the word was offensive in the 19th century, it was offensive in 1940 and it is offensive now. For many the word has come to epitomise the subjugation, abuse and marginalisation of an entire race. Clearly many don't care if people are offended by it but you must admit it is a huge distraction from the Dambuster's story.

Agree. 617 is not the only squadron in the RAF. This thread, when read by outsiders, puts quite a spotlight on the institution which clearly does not want to be seen as racist. Removing the plaque and replacing it with a less offensive version does not change the history. Insisting that it is not offensive and should stay does not look good in 2020. We all know the history. If these comments continue it may look easier to disband 617 and go for number in sequence. 617 are way out on their own in the list of active squadrons. The film will never be re-made for one reason. The Squadron could have a short future for that same reason. As I said before - catch up and shut up!

SOX80 18th Jul 2020 19:18

Originally Posted by just another jocky (Post 10840736)
It is when people keep brining up a very minor part of a much bigger story.

Clearly? Who exactly?

And many people may be offended by your implied racism when you have no facts to support it. Woke liberal/left populism and bullying is no substitute for a proper discussion, and neither is attempting to delete the past.

I don't actually have a problem with offending people, i don't think people should be banned from saying or using words. But as an organisation we should be aware if and when we are offending people and decide if we want to go down that road. In this case I think the RAF has probably made the right decision. Of course woke/liberal populism can go too far (and often does) and it will always come down to a judgement call which not everyone will agree on. An whilst we are having a proper discussion, here is a question, is the RAF institutionally racist? CDS seems to think we have a problem https://www.independent.co.uk/news/u...-a9561421.html . I have seen some pretty racist stuff during my time in, whilst out east recently and briefing some SF troops a discussion on PID of enemy combatants came up, "don't worry sir, if the're brown knock em down" was the response, tongue in cheek maybe but only a bit. In the crew room the other day "if blacks want to get in to the RAF they should try harder at school and stop stealing stuff". And I have been guilty of plenty of casual racism in the past.

fltlt 18th Jul 2020 19:49

Originally Posted by Bob Viking (Post 10840723)
We know where you’re going with that comment. But the one vital fact you’ve missed is that it would be black people saying it to other black people. That is their prerogative. Though it would be much easier to deter everyone from using it if nobody were to use it.

As a white person I do not have the right to use that word and I’m fine with that.

Please don’t use that last comment as your argument in favour of the dog’s name. Others have put forward far more eloquent arguments.


Sorry BV, I wasn’t going anywhere with that, just a statement of fact.
The older generation of African Americans, at least the ones I hear, are somewhat bemused that white folks have taken up the BLM message. Add to that their view is that unless the black community itself gets its act together, no amount of slogans/chants/marches/money/wokeness will make any change.
Thats it, no other agenda, sorry.

Old saying, sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.

Not to defend any position for/against, however it does seem an awful lot of folks like to spend their time pole vaulting over mouse turds.

Somewhat curious though, why any color person should anyone be denied using any word in the English language, there are many, many more offensive/vile/demeaning words, should they all be assigned an only x, y, z, color can only say which one?
Having done that, would you then recommend working our way through every other language in the world to remove ours and theirs?

Again, pole vaulting over mouse turds.

If that is your choice, fine.

Bill Macgillivray 18th Jul 2020 19:57

Seems to be getting out of hand (OK, I am of the older generation but I do not condone racism in any form)!. One of my best mates in 1962 at Wyton was a Trinidadian Flt. Lt (AEO), the "insults" flowed both ways and we remained (along with many others) best mates until he died. He must have been one of very few coloured aircrew officers in the RAF in those days but (in my opinion) he was one of the best in all ways and, to my current amusement, a great fan of Gibson and his dog ! Times change, but do not judge anyone by their colour, only by their actions !


fltlt 18th Jul 2020 20:07

Originally Posted by Bill Macgillivray (Post 10840766)
Seems to be getting out of hand (OK, I am of the older generation but I do not condone racism in any form)!. One of my best mates in 1962 at Wyton was a Trinidadian Flt. Lt (AEO), the "insults" flowed both ways and we remained (along with many others) best mates until he died. He must have been one of very few coloured aircrew officers in the RAF in those days but (in my opinion) he was one of the best in all ways and, to my current amusement, a great fan of Gibson and his dog ! Times change, but do not judge anyone by their colour, only by their actions !


Indeed, having many friends from around the world, a few of them in countries not renown for humor, the vast majority will give and take, humor helps break down barriers.

Before anyone jumps on the you are a racist, nope, treat each human I meet with respect, everyone deserves at least that.

ShyTorque 18th Jul 2020 20:24

Rick Stein, the famous TV chef, used to have a dog called Chalky. His name was mentioned many times in the programmes, which are still shown.

Surely, in balance, these references should be bleeped out. Somebody, somewhere, must be offended.

LOMCEVAK 18th Jul 2020 21:40

I would really like to know the opinions of black people on this matter, that is the people for whom this word would be offensive in current times. I would further sub-divide this into those who are knowledgeable of Operation Chastise and those who are not. Perhaps those who are in touch with black friends could canvass their opinion? Unfortunately, my black friends are all abroad but as soon as I can travel on holiday I will certainly discuss this with them. If they would be offended by the use of the dog's name on the original plaque on the memorial then I most certainly would respect their views and agree that it was right to replace it. However, if they felt that it was not offensive to them then I would consider that it should not have been replaced. I am not a person who is offended on behalf of others but I always respect the views of those who may be offended in situations such as this.

There has been no direct statement as to who made the decision to replace the plaque. I have seen one comment that it was the West Lindsey Council but cannot confirm this. Does anyone on here know?

What has happened to the original plaque? It is a historic article that should be preserved in an appropriate context. My suggestion would be that it should be kept by 617 Squadron with their other memorabilia but I am sure that there are other very suitable places.

somewhereout 18th Jul 2020 21:42

Some proper dinosaurs on here. Its just a dog, its name is offensive now and was back then to those offended by it. History is just history, stop looking back on it with rose coloured specs. Its nice to look back on and an easy motivational tool but dont pretend the influence of anyone involved in this story changed the world, it was small potatoes. Move on, the vast vast majority of you werent there.

Blue_Circle 18th Jul 2020 22:23

Originally Posted by LOMCEVAK (Post 10840800)
What has happened to the original plaque? It is a historic article that should be preserved in an appropriate context. My suggestion would be that it should be kept by 617 Squadron with their other memorabilia but I am sure that there are other very suitable places.

It would be best kept safely in the RAF Museum stores along with thousands of other historic artefacts.

Vortex Hoop 18th Jul 2020 22:34

Originally Posted by Islandlad (Post 10840737)
Agree. 617 is not the only squadron in the RAF. This thread, when read by outsiders, puts quite a spotlight on the institution which clearly does not want to be seen as racist. Removing the plaque and replacing it with a less offensive version does not change the history. Insisting that it is not offensive and should stay does not look good in 2020. We all know the history. If these comments continue it may look easier to disband 617 and go for number in sequence. 617 are way out on their own in the list of active squadrons. The film will never be re-made for one reason. The Squadron could have a short future for that same reason. As I said before - catch up and shut up!

Comments like these on Sqn numbering demonstrate quite clearly that you have no idea what you are talking about. Please stop labelling those who have served as racist, as it is obvious you have not.

Tashengurt 18th Jul 2020 22:36

One thing I have observed us that the discussion on this thread is much healthier than the current trend of just labelling every contrary view as an 'ism' or shouting it down without any engagement.

Nil by mouth 18th Jul 2020 23:12

"A person of Colour", is a ridiculous term!
I am a person of colour, I happen to be a fair skinned easily sunburned pinky colour:

I received a whatsapp today from my sister in law that her son (a serving officer) has just paid £1000 for a black labrador puppy.
The veterinary check has revealed that it has only one testicle!
Should he name it Adolf?

mopardave 18th Jul 2020 23:13

Originally Posted by Islandlad (Post 10839332)
I have though about not responding to this thread. What I write will not be received well by many contributors. Here we go.

What the men of 617 did that night was heroic. They deserve the title. Sadly their memory and legacy will be tarnished because of a racist name given to a dog and the code word used that night. Any attempt to defend it and say it is not racist by some convoluted arguments will put you in the racist camp today. If you try to defend it you are quite simply a racist.

By all means argue with me. It is your right. A right the men of 617 and all the others who fell to protect that freedom , and still do, have given us. But I send you a warning. If you carry on down this path, the attention will turn from the 'grave' of a dog, to the Squadron itself. If you push back on the grave marker, I predict that 617 squadron will be the next target.

Was Guy Gibson a racist? Probably. But one of the 'soft' racists who gave his dog a controversial name. It's what the world was like then. We can all think of examples of our own 'soft' racism and that of previous generations. Let's see it for what it was. Don't defend it and accept the world has moved on for the better. If you argue with me you will turn the spotlight on the Squadron itself. The days of 'soft' racism are long gone. Today you are just a racist.

And by you I mean anyone who attempts to defend any of this today. Do so if you wish. Others are trying to address histories racist undertones. Changing the grave marker goes some way towards that. It does not change history, it recognises that the past was not always a great place. It's the same past that men and women gave their lives for, fighting the evils of Naziism.

The world has moved on. Catch up and shut up.

Very kind of you to allow anyone to argue with you................and then you tell them to "shut up"! Freedom of speech is okay, so long as it's yours, right? Cheers mate............I bet you're a right laugh on a night out!

fltlt 18th Jul 2020 23:32

Lomcevak, we have some friends over tonight for supper, one of the married couples is African American, late 50’s. The husband is ex US Army.

I asked if they would mind reading through this thread, give an opinion on the subject matter.
Husband had an inkling about what the RAF was, wife no idea.
Before they did, let them browse a condensed version of the dams raid.

The husband appeared to read most of it, the wife just shook her head and disappeared into the kitchen.

When he had finished, and please, nobody get offended at this, his opinion was “So this N...... is supposed to be upset about a black dog in the 1940’s called N....... why? They would be really upset if I told them what we called our pet stray dogs in Desert Storm!”

Now, I understand that is only one persons opinion, but it’s a start. Be interesting to hear what others opinions are.

Islandlad 19th Jul 2020 03:10

Originally Posted by Vortex Hoop (Post 10840820)
Comments like these on Sqn numbering demonstrate quite clearly that you have no idea what you are talking about. Please stop labelling those who have served as racist, as it is obvious you have not.

OK - have it your way. If the media turn against the RAF, and they could easily, it may be 617 consigned to history. This is seriously controversial stuff in these times. Petitions to keep an inflammatory word on 'public display' in the middle of the station, where it has to be guarded by a 6ft fence? Seriously?

Using any opportunity to type the word on this thread. Oh it's OK because the RN named a ships cat back in the day. Ha ha - we used the call sign in the 1990s and it didn't go down well.

Of all the film's of heroic raids that really could do with an update and CGI makeover, it's the Dams Raid. And what's the first brick walk they hit? The name of the dog. Today it has racist tones. They are not even under tones. 3 dams 3 code words. Use the other one? No. It's the name of 'the' dog.

As for claiming its a 'war grave', talk about disrespect in a thread about respect of the countries past fallen!

Originally Posted by mopardave (Post 10840841)
Very kind of you to allow anyone to argue with you................and then you tell them to "shut up"! Freedom of speech is okay, so long as it's yours, right? Cheers mate............I bet you're a right laugh on a night out!

If I was on a night out and this conversation was had in public I would walk away. You are skating on thin ice here. It's not about my opinion. Even I don't care about my opinion. I'm not telling you to 'shut up' to curtail you freedom of speech. Im exercising my freedom of speech to strongly suggest you pick another bit of history to go to the wall over.

Then I read how important the dog is to 617 and I think I could be totally wrong. Are they prepared to risk disbanding the Squadron over this? Maybe.

Originally Posted by just another jocky (Post 10840536)
But then it's not the name of the dog that was important, it's the dog that was important....that's a big distinction in this case. The dog was important, still is to those current and ex-members of the Sqn, and it had a name. Yes, it is very unfortunate that it had a name that carried disrespectful, hateful connotations, but it was of the time as has been explained so eloquently on here by others. But it was his name.

If the media and BLM focus on this ....

Après moi le déluge

Good luck!

George Glass 19th Jul 2020 04:02

Originally Posted by Islandlad (Post 10840929)
OK - have it your way. If the media turn against the RAF, and they could easily, it may be 617 consigned to history. This is seriously controversial stuff in these times. Petitions to keep an inflammatory word on 'public display' in the middle of the station, where it has to be guarded by a 6ft fence? Seriously?

Using any opportunity to type the word on this thread. Oh it's OK because the RN named a ships cat back in the day. Ha ha - we used the call sign in the 1990s and it didn't go down well.

Of all the film's of heroic raids that really could do with an update and CGI makeover, it's the Dams Raid. And what's the first brick walk they hit? The name of the dog. Today it has racist tones. They are not even under tones. 3 dams 3 code words. Use the other one? No. It's the name of 'the' dog.

As for claiming its a 'war grave', talk about disrespect in a thread about respect of the countries past fallen!

If I was on a night out and this conversation was had in public I would walk away. You are scating on thin ice here. It's not about my opinion. Even I don't care about my opinion. I'm not telling you to 'shut up' to curtail you freedom of speech. Im exercising my freedom of speech to strongly suggest you pick another bit of history to go to the wall over.

There is nothing quite so futile as judging one generation by the standards of another. The Cancel Culture is the most pernicious , illiberal, pseudo intellectual, virtue signalling drivel to be created in this sad post modern world. I have zero confidence that the so-called Western World has the wit or the courage to defend its values anymore. Its over folks. The future belongs to China.

V-Jet 19th Jul 2020 05:58

Originally Posted by George Glass (Post 10840936)
There is nothing quite so futile as judging one generation by the standards of another. The Cancel Culture is the most pernicious , illiberal, pseudo intellectual, virtue signalling drivel to be created in this sad post modern world. I have zero confidence that the so-called Western World has the wit or the courage to defend its values anymore. Its over folks. The future belongs to China.

Perfect summation.

Seems Gibson's dog spawned a TV series!

Spartacan 19th Jul 2020 07:22

For the record the word 'niger' is the Latin nominative masculine singular for the colour black. It is pronounced with a long 'i' as in 'neeger'.

Gibson would have learned Latin at school so given that the dog was masculine the literal translation of 'Nigger' in the context he used it would have been 'black dog'.

There is no suggestion that the term was used was used as a derogatory reference to African Americans.

Had the dog had white fur he might have called it 'Albus' - 'white dog.

If it had had brown fir he could have called 'Fulvus' or 'Spadix'.

If it had been auburn or redidish brown he might have called it 'Zingiberi' but that might have raised a few eyebrows in the Mess is it's a neuter noun and could have attracted some banter.

Obviously, in today's terms that could be seen as offensive to red heads and that's really dodgy as they can be really feisty about having their race treated humorously as I know being married to one!

George Glass 19th Jul 2020 07:28

Originally Posted by Spartacan (Post 10841011)
For the record the word 'niger' is the Latin nominative masculine singular for the colour black. It is pronounced with a long 'i' as in 'neeger'.

Gibson would have learned Latin at school so given that the dog was masculine the literal translation of 'Nigger' in the context he used it would have been 'black dog'.

There is no suggestion that the term was used was used as a derogatory reference to African Americans.

Had the dog had white fur he might have called it 'Albus' - 'white dog.

If it had had brown fir he could have called 'Fulvus' or 'Spadix'.

If it had been auburn or redidish brown he might have called it 'Zingiberi' but that might have raised a few eyebrows in the Mess is it's a neuter noun and could have attracted some banter.

Obviously, in today's terms that could be seen as offensive to red heads and that's really dodgy as they can be really feisty about having their race treated humorously as I know being married to one!

Quite so.
But you have made the mistake of adding context and complexity.
The new Red Guard will have you in a re-education camp for that.

ExSp33db1rd 19th Jul 2020 07:43

Quote.........The dogs name is irrelevant.
So leave it alone you cowards. As one who served in the RAF at Scampton I'm disgusted. BLM Black Labradors Matter.

MG 19th Jul 2020 07:56

Yes, context that is just not relevant to the argument. Trying to explain its etymology doesn’t take away the fact that the word is consired offensive. Here’s an idea, instead of just making a simple change to a headstone, let’s give everyone Latin lessons. That’ll solve it.

George Glass 19th Jul 2020 08:05

Originally Posted by MG (Post 10841032)
Yes, context that is just not relevant to the argument. Trying to explain its etymology doesn’t take away the fact that the word is consired offensive. Here’s an idea, instead of just making a simple change to a headstone, let’s give everyone Latin lessons. That’ll solve it.

But it is relevant. Where does this end ? Do you have a list of monuments, books , literature, art etc. you are going to take personal authority over ?
Isn’t it obvious where this ends ?
Shall we all just break out the hammers and knock the noses of everything we find objectionable ?
We have been here before.
It ends badly.

brakedwell 19th Jul 2020 08:13

Originally Posted by George Glass (Post 10841035)
But it is relevant. Where does this end ? Do you have a list of monuments, books , literature, art etc. you are going to take personal authority over ?
Isn’t it obvious where this ends ?
Shall we all just break out the hammers and knock the noses of everything we find objectionable ?
We have been here before.
It ends badly.

Exactly, G Glass. One of the reasons we fought the Nazis in WW2.

MG 19th Jul 2020 08:13

No, it is not relevant, as the dog isn’t relevant to the telling of the story. It was a pet, it wasn’t anything more. Would we be having this discussion if it had just been cremated or if it had been a tortoise? All of this affection for the past is because we’ve all seen the film and an animal actor did a good job of looking cute.

SOX80 19th Jul 2020 08:19

Originally Posted by George Glass (Post 10840936)
There is nothing quite so futile as judging one generation by the standards of another. The Cancel Culture is the most pernicious , illiberal, pseudo intellectual, virtue signalling drivel to be created in this sad post modern world. I have zero confidence that the so-called Western World has the wit or the courage to defend its values anymore. Its over folks. The future belongs to China.

I think (and yes I am a white guy, this is not my fight) that the point of the BLM stuff is that we should look a bit more closely at our history and not judge it purely through the sphere of our own culture. Slavery was not OK in the 19th century, and, particularly in America, the treatment of black people was and is not OK. But I also get the problem with Cancel Culture and Non Platforming of anybody who doesn't agree. I think Obama puts it quite well:

Do I think the name of a dog on a gravestone is actually going to offend people? Probably not, there is plenty of real persecution going on that is far more worthy of attention. I suppose I don't think it is a massive deal either way, I do not think it is the 'thin end of the wedge' and next we will have remove any reference to the colour black and tear down statues of Churchill and Baden Powell because they once said something racist. Likewise I think a few adjustments here or there like removing the statue of a slave trader or removing a racist word from a gravestone is probably OK. I'm kind of 60/40 on the gravestone, mostly because I think it has become a distraction and fighting to keep it does not put the RAF in a particularly good light. There are some battles against the woke brigade that are worth fighting, i'm not sure this is it.

George Glass 19th Jul 2020 08:41

Its pretty simple really.
Add a plaque with a disclaimer explaining the context.
Then leave it the f@#k alone.
Obama is spot on.

Easy Street 19th Jul 2020 08:54

I'm kind of 60/40 on the gravestone, mostly because I think it has become a distraction and fighting to keep it does not put the RAF in a particularly good light. There are some battles against the woke brigade that are worth fighting, i'm not sure this is it.
My bold. I think you are confusing posters on here with the RAF. It could have become a distraction had the RAF not just got on with replacing it; the RAF is not fighting to keep it; there is no battle as far as the RAF is concerned. What private individuals wish to argue is up to them.

SOX80 19th Jul 2020 09:03

Originally Posted by Easy Street (Post 10841072)
My bold. I think you are confusing posters on here with the RAF. It could have become a distraction had the RAF not just got on with replacing it; the RAF is not fighting to keep it; there is no battle as far as the RAF is concerned. What private individuals wish to argue is up to them.

I agree, RAF plc is not fighting to keep it but there is a petition, and you can see the headlines if someone were to get hold of it "Forces personnel fight to keep racist memorial" or words to that effect.

LOMCEVAK 19th Jul 2020 09:13

Originally Posted by fltlt (Post 10840847)
Lomcevak, we have some friends over tonight for supper, one of the married couples is African American, late 50’s. The husband is ex US Army.

I asked if they would mind reading through this thread, give an opinion on the subject matter.
Husband had an inkling about what the RAF was, wife no idea.
Before they did, let them browse a condensed version of the dams raid.

The husband appeared to read most of it, the wife just shook her head and disappeared into the kitchen.

When he had finished, and please, nobody get offended at this, his opinion was “So this N...... is supposed to be upset about a black dog in the 1940’s called N....... why? They would be really upset if I told them what we called our pet stray dogs in Desert Storm!”

Now, I understand that is only one persons opinion, but it’s a start. Be interesting to hear what others opinions are.

fltlt, many thanks for asking the question for me and please pass on my sincere thanks to your friends for taking the time to educate us all!

MG 19th Jul 2020 09:28

Educate us all? One couple’s view? Really?

Penny Washers 19th Jul 2020 09:36

[QUOTE=Nil by mouth;10840840]"A person of Colour", is a ridiculous term!

Quite so. And before that, 'coloured' became a non-approved term. However, all that is changed: 'Black' is the word used on all the Black Lives Matter posters and placards, so it must now be perfectly all right after all.

There is a very good item on BBC World News today (look under Africa: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-53444752) which describes the part played by African slave traders in capturing and selling their own countrymen to the white slave traders. They thought it was perfectly usual and reasonable to do so - in fact some thought it was ordained by God.

So stop the pot calling the kettle black, leave Nigger alone, and let the snowflakes gibber on until they find something else to get uptight about.

Vortex Hoop 19th Jul 2020 09:49

Still a terrible decision by the Staish. I suppose this is what happens when you put Scopies in charge of flying stns! (Master Warning: Banter). I am sure the petition will be ignored, but at least we didn’t go down without a fight against the PC idiots.

partsvn 19th Jul 2020 09:53

It's been said so many times on various posts " We should learn from history not erase it "

What does puzzle me however regarding the word nigger is that it's ok for a black person to call another black person nigger but not a white person. Now, how black do you need to be to use the word. Could someone with mixed race parents use it.

The original Nigger's memorial stone should be reinstated and the replacement put in a museum to show future generations what a sad place the 2020 World is becoming..

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