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ACW599 13th Oct 2012 17:42

"RAF (insert name) sperm bank, duty w*nker speaking"

NutLoose 13th Oct 2012 18:00

Out of two, I'd give it one..

Rosevidney1 13th Oct 2012 18:19

"Hellooo, this is the Doctor Pringle Home for Wayward Girls, how can I best help you?" (Delivered with a bogus Scottish accent.)

Samuel 13th Oct 2012 18:47

There was once an RNZAF Station Commander, a Gp Capt Doug St George, who had the habit of ringing various sections and announcing "George here, can I speak to ...", to which the usual reply was "Gidday mate, howyergoin?"

alisoncc 14th Oct 2012 00:43

The "xxx" residence, Head Butler speaking.

Range Rat 14th Oct 2012 17:06

Good One
Submarine Pen. Duty Submarine. Is that U-Boat?

Range Rat 14th Oct 2012 17:10

Battersea Dog's Home. Duty Dog. WOOF!
Leeds Murder Squad. Who do you want Killing? Very 70's

Range Rat 14th Oct 2012 17:13

War Department. Want a Fight?
Promise I'll stop.Getting coat now!!!

taxydual 14th Oct 2012 18:04

At a certain 11 Group station in the 90's the Staish had a 'distinctive' accent. I had his voice off to a tee.

0430 (having taken drink) I rang the WOC Air Ops Desk.

"Wing Ops, SAC xxxxxxxx"

"Station Commander here, xxxxxxx"

"Morning Sir"

"Exercise Mineval, execute the Station Recall"

He did, without the return check call.

Boy, did I sober up quickly. After all these years I can 'fess up. Whoops.

Rigga 14th Oct 2012 18:33

208Sqn, Honington, when fitting Nuke Fairings (in a hurry) to Buccs:
"We've got more than 10% of the screws in - so that'll do a trip"

..and yes, we used that phrase much more often too:)

Others I remember...

T1ts on a fish;
Chocolate Fireguard;
Rocking horse Sh1t;
Chicken sh1t farms;

Stn Farm - Duty Pig
Stn Kennels - Duty Dog
Stn Cesspit - Duty Sh1t

Don't call me Shirley
Don't call me "Would I" Big-nose!
More tea? Vicar.
Baby's Heads

Engines, Chief...waiting for a Bowser.

...give me another fiver minutes and I'll have some more...perhaps.

Fox3WheresMyBanana 14th Oct 2012 18:41

and, as Rigga well knows

"Not me Chief, I'm airframes!"

used that one meself - airframes, driver, for the use of

dagowly 14th Oct 2012 18:59

SWO on warpath, finds Fg Off Bloggs walking around camp in uniform not up to unrealistic standard, rests the end of his pace stick into JO's chest

SWO - "Fg Off Bloggs, there's a piece of Sh1t at the end of my stick'

Bloggs - "Not my end SWO"

A fast pacing JO exits stage left.

chiglet 14th Oct 2012 21:49

City Morgue....duty corpse speaking
RAF Patrington.Diversion cell mid 1960s....
Binbook phone rings,
Me,[SAC] Hellooo,this is Jiiimmmy Young
Reply, Good morning, Wing Cdr Flying here...

zedder 14th Oct 2012 22:08

At a well known F4 base in the mid 70's I had the habit of ansering the line phone with 'Dogdyke pig farm, head pig speaking'.

Of course one day I had the two second silence and then 'This is OC Admin speaking, who is this?' To which I had the presence of mind to say 'I've just f....... told you, the head pig.' and quietly put the phone down followed by a rapid exit.

Investigations revealed nothing. We were a tight knit bunch.
Surely you mean nobody squealed.

sittingstress 14th Oct 2012 22:59

Ring Ring

"WRAF Block, duty screw speaking"

Fox3WheresMyBanana 14th Oct 2012 23:26

Once was involved in a fake medical procedure wind-up. The victim, Fg Off Bloggs, received a letter apparently from the RAF Chief Medical Officer, but didn't believe a word of it so phoned the number on the letter (which was genuine).
The CMO said "I send out a lot of letters, I'll check. Which Unit are you on?"

Ten seconds later the ops room phone rang
CMO "Is this a wind-up? What's the score?"

Thirty seconds later, crewroom phone rang
"Fg Off Bloggs? CMO here. This is a very important test, and I don't take kindly to having Fg Offs wasting my time with checks"

Top Notch VSO:D
Wind-Up continued to a most successful and embarrassing conclusion:E

AR1 15th Oct 2012 06:28

On the phone 'Do you have any idea who you're talking to'?
Well F*** Off then.. click.

Or whilst on overnight duty airman at St Mawgan..
Me: Hello is that JT T****L?
JT (sleepy): Ummmm Yes..
Me: Good Morning - it's 2 hours before your early morning call.

Or whenever anyone you know was on orderly dog and had to make a broadcast quickly dialing 252 to see if he'd remembered to take the phone off the hook...:)

sitigeltfel 15th Oct 2012 07:49

Overheard one morning at a certain ATC tower where the SATCO was a S/L Dear and the watch corporal had the surname 'Darling.'

"Good morning Darling"

"Good morning Dear"

.but only once :ouch:

Ivor Fynn 15th Oct 2012 11:17

Bruggen about 1992 ish, the station tannoy crackled into life one monday morning for the weekly test.

"standby for a test of the station tannoy,,, 1,2,4,3,5 - 5,4,2,3,1 - tannoy unserviceable - end of test"

I believe the prankster had a chat in his No 1 with hat.


Juan Smore 15th Oct 2012 12:16

No, but I've got a granny in the Wrens excused marching into wind.

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