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denachtenmai 12th Oct 2012 16:38

Banter? or just leg pulling?
Just re-reading Jerry Pook's "Flying Freestyle" and came across the time he was on 208 in Bahrain.
He asks where someone was and the reply was "He's on the roof with a rat in his mouth singing "Death to Mussolini".
This got me thinking about some of the replies that were current when I was in i.e "Have you got a...... answered by "No, but I've got an autographed picture of the Queen doing a BF on a Spitfire! or "No, but I've got a sharp piece of string in F flat". Childish maybe, but we thought we were funny.
Any others out there?
Regards, Den.

Courtney Mil 12th Oct 2012 17:20

"He went mad so we shot him."

Courtney Mil 12th Oct 2012 17:21

During a carpeting.

"Sir, can I be in trouble for what I think?"


"Good, because I think you're a $&£*"

NutLoose 12th Oct 2012 17:40

No, but I've got a granny in the Gurkas



NutLoose 12th Oct 2012 17:42

You obviously think your talking to someone who gives a flying sh*t.

Geehovah 12th Oct 2012 17:50

F*** *** you red-nosed clown

A German diplomatic spokesman on 56(F) Squadron in the 70s

Craven Moorhed 12th Oct 2012 18:05

Infamous F3 pilot being arrested at Cranwell by RAFP Sgt, who was reading him his rights 'everything you say will be written down & read to Stn Cdr on Monday morning Sir'

F3 mate replies -
"stop hitting me copper!!"


5aday 12th Oct 2012 18:08

Falcon 109

Bless you and the horse you rode in on.


Fox3WheresMyBanana 12th Oct 2012 18:18

"Here's 10p" (....so you can phone someone who gives a sh!t)

FURNC "Fernk" (Geehovah's is so common in the military Adventure Training world that it's just an acronym)

"4" (bollockings by the AOC were so common on one squadron I was on that anyone returning from one just gave it a mark out of 10 when they returned to the crewroom)

Wander00 12th Oct 2012 18:37

OC PSF and OC Accts being Monday morning briefed by OCPMS - yet another barrage of tasks to be completed in an impossible timescale - "Only one problem, Boss", starts OC PSF, "The batteries are flat". I coiuld not believe OC PMS's next question. "Which batteries?".

Inevitable reply "The ones in my magic wand". Inevitable explosion and yet another meeting without coffee for OC PSF.

RedhillPhil 12th Oct 2012 18:55

"You're confusing me with someone who cares"

My last day, my very last hour with a certain international rail operator. Bloke gets off a train and whines about something so trivial and petty that it's an insult. (The train had stopped about twenty feet shorter on the platform than usual meaning that the door on the coach he was in didn't quite match up with the down escalater. The poor dear had to walk a bit.)
I listened, considered then said
"You know what, I don't give a f***".
The look on his face was priceless, I'd waited forty one years to say that.:E

Pontius Navigator 12th Oct 2012 19:55

Corporal self-anointed IT expert and my deputy:

"I'm not happy about that."

"You're not paid to be happy."

Boss: 5 minutes later, his ofice.

"He wasn't very happy."

Rock on Tommy, who gave a sh1t.

Melchett01 12th Oct 2012 20:00

Boss: "...do you think I'm running a f*****g circus here?"

Melchett: "well Sir, it's sometimes hard to tell with all the clowns"

Boss: "GET OUT!"

Melchett: cue much sniggering and point made on way out.

And during my UAS days when I suddenly found myself flying with the resident Axeman on finals and ever so slightly low and aiming short:

Instructor: "You can see the fence in front of the threshold can't you?"

Melchett: "Yes sir".

Instructor: "Well I'd rather you aimed for the runway and not the fence ... or are you trying to kill us".

Melchett: "No sir, just you".

My 'attitude' (Progress-Attitude-Technique) grades took a bit of a dip that term if I recall!

billynospares 12th Oct 2012 20:02

Got a granny in the Gurkhas with a no shaving chit or the old fav got a Boy Scouts hat without a brim

NutLoose 12th Oct 2012 20:37

And you can shove it where the sun don't shine


Call me old fashioned, but....


Sit on this and swivel ( as you give him the single digit )

Herod 12th Oct 2012 20:44

"I had one, but the wheels fell off""

"No, but do you want to buy a battleship?"

fantom 12th Oct 2012 20:54

What does your mother call you, Bloggs?

ericferret 12th Oct 2012 21:05

Heard in Bond helicopters crew room in a broad Scottish accident

I dinnae gie a f**k.

Followed in a BBC estuary english accent from a guy sitting quietly in the corner.

A Bond helicopters spokesman said today, (reverting to a pseudo scottish accident)
"I dinnae gie a f**k"

The joys of working within our diverse culture

stumpey 12th Oct 2012 23:03


Thanks folks:D

thing 12th Oct 2012 23:23

Someone clever but useless= like a bowler hat with sleeves.

SWO doing his rounds sees a slovenly airman some distance off.

'AIRMAN' shouts the SWO.

'SWO' shouts the airman and runs like buggery.

At a well known F4 base in the mid 70's I had the habit of ansering the line phone with 'Dogdyke pig farm, head pig speaking'.

Of course one day I had the two second silence and then 'This is OC Admin speaking, who is this?' To which I had the presence of mind to say 'I've just f....... told you, the head pig.' and quietly put the phone down followed by a rapid exit.

Investigations revealed nothing. We were a tight knit bunch.

Fox3WheresMyBanana 12th Oct 2012 23:49

Random phone answering was a sport on any fighter base, certainly during the Cold War.
Favourites I have heard include:

"German High Command. Countries invaded, Poland our speciality"

"Sharp End. Duty Point speaking"

"Who do you need killing now?" (in bored parent-to-teenager voice)

"Already done it, do keep up" with the phone immediately replaced.

"Fg Off Bloggs' Social Secretary. To whom am I speaking?" especially if Fg Off Bloggs had just had 3 calls in the last hour.

Also common was answering the phone pretending to be someone else in the crewroom. This could backfire. I was once handed the phone with the instruction.
"Pretend you are me. It's the Staish on the phone wanting to speak to me, and I've just answered pretending I'm someone else!"

..and especially if you were right next to the phone and answered it halfway through the first ring.

"xxx Squadron, sorry to keep you waiting."

si. 13th Oct 2012 02:41

I recall having a 'mono-directional frank exchange of views' with one of my junior officers once, when he interupted, "Sorry, I was miles away there, you were saying......" I can laugh about it now, but the sense of humour by-pass opened wide at the time....

Then there was my annual appraisal by the Wing Co, as a junior squadron officer, which read. "Flg Off McGhie blah blah blah....... As for leadership, I wouldn't follow this officer out of idle curiosity. Blah blah blah...... In short, I wouldn't recommend this officer for further promotion, and suggest any future pay rise becomes effective when he does....." Oh how I laughed when first shown this....:rolleyes: Shortly before being informed I had been promoted and posted to another unit, and the 'apprasial' had been hatched by a few staff officers, in the bar the night before.....

AGS Man 13th Oct 2012 06:14

A famous line attributed to Batchy Atcherly went something like this.
Driver: Good Morning Sir
Atcherly: All I require from you Airman is a salute, not a weather report!

denachtenmai 13th Oct 2012 07:26

"No, but do you want to buy a battleship?"
This brings back memories of when we lived in 8 man rooms.
Anyone who was asleep when the squadron revellers returned from a bash was fair game, poking them till they woke up and saying " do you want to buy a battleship?" the conversation (if you could call it that) depended on who it was in bed!
If he was game, then the reply was "what colour" this then went on via "grey" to "how many guns?" "how many cooks", you get the drift until one participant gave in.
If the sleeping person was, shall we say, lacking in humour, then any number of outcomes was likely, including being thumped!
Regards, Den.

NutLoose 13th Oct 2012 08:07

Random phone answering was a sport on any fighter base, certainly during the Cold War.
Others were

Stonehenge, Chief Druid speaking

Battersea dogs home, how may I help you.

CoffmanStarter 13th Oct 2012 08:12

Battersea dogs home, how may I help you.
Also ... Battersea dogs home, Chief K9 speaking. :ok:

BEagle 13th Oct 2012 08:15

This is a tale I once heard which, if it isn't true, really ought to be:

One Happy Hour at an RAFG aerodrome the phone rang. "SDO please"...

Now, Germany is 1 hr ahead of the UK and the beer had been flowing for a while....

"SDO speaking"
"This is Air Chief Marshal (XXX) at the MoD, I wish to speak to the Stn Cdr!"
"Is it. Is it really. Well, f**k off, Noddy!", replies the SDO, assuming it's one of his mates winding him up, then puts the phone down.

Come the Monday morning...

"Flt Lt (XXX), the Stn Cdr wishes to see you in 5 minutes...."

"Flt Lt (XXX), did you tell ACM (XXX) to do something rather rude on Friday evening?".

Having admitted his guilt, Flt Lt (XXX) is told that he must report to the MoD and apologise. So at not inconsiderable personal expense he has to make his merry way to the MoD and is directed to the ACM's outer office. Where he waits....and waits....and waits. Finally he is ushered in and stands to attention in front of the ACM, who is looking through some papers. Eventually the ACM looks up and says:

"Flt Lt (XXX)?"
"Yes, sir."
"F**k off back to Germany, Noddy!"

As the astonished Flt Lt turns to leave, the ACM announces with a grin:

"I was once a fighter pilot too!"

CoffmanStarter 13th Oct 2012 08:23

F3WMB ...

Also heard ...

Delivered in a monosyllabic voice ...

"You have reached XXX Squadron ... Push 1 for Death and Distruction ... for all other enquiries please hold the line" :ok:

thunderbird7 13th Oct 2012 09:25

Squawk box in students crewroom CF:

"Bzzzzzzzzzzz! Stude for a job"

Reply from sundry studes sitting around waiting to fly:

"Bzzzzzzz! He's not here"

NutLoose 13th Oct 2012 09:29

F you and the horse you rode in on..

Clothing stores, how can I help you.... Sorry, you have the wrong number, you have got through to clothing stores, you need to phone xxxx to get XYZ squadron (clothing stores number)

Samaritans, how can I help you.

Let me show you the Golden Rivet....

Melchett01 13th Oct 2012 10:17

This thread got me thinking and at the risk of thread drift, one of the best - possibly the best put down - I have ever heard was from my Philosophy tutor during A-levels when he commented on my end of year report:

"His presence has been more of an absence and judging be his performance in the recent examinations, I can only assume that he is saving his brain for something more important than thinking".

He may have had a point and it is amusing that it is probably the only thing I can remember verbatim from A-Levels. But equally, I have quite successfully made my way in the world without reference to the works of Aristot, Plato, Kant and the like!

NutLoose 13th Oct 2012 10:44

It'll do a trip

Good enough for Government work.

Ali Qadoo 13th Oct 2012 11:09

Intstructional Technique
I can do it, the aeroplane can do it, so why the f*ck can't you?

And seeing that no one has answered fantom's question:

What does your mother call you, Bloggs?
Bloggs: Cuddles, sir.

Uncle Ginsters 13th Oct 2012 11:52

Walking to lunch with a mate "Bloggs" at the large Oxonian hub when met on the footpath by the SWO:

SWO: Sideburns, Flt Lt Bloggs?

Bloggs, with no hesitation: it's not my fault Mr. Xxx, my family have genetically high ears.

TT2 13th Oct 2012 11:53

Many years ago young Mr G who had discovered that his best mate was knobbing his girlfriend and suffering associated sense of humour failure.

'Ring ring' "What the f88k do you want?"
"Do you know who I am?"
"Your attitude will bring repercussions young man"
"Is repercussions some sort of French food? Anyway, f88k off"
(The phone system was on tannoy).

Many questions asked and the guilty never dubbed in.:ok:

CoffmanStarter 13th Oct 2012 13:16

A story once told to me by a certain Pete Stone (sadly no longer with us) when he was a F/O on Lightnings... I had known him since Air Cadet days ... I suspect it was he that was involved ... :}

Day of the AOC 's inspection ... a young P/O makes a quick dash to the mess for a "cronk". Owing to the urgency of the situation the said P/O promptly enters Trap 6 without completing pre-flight checks ... business done ... the P/O let's out expletives at the lack of loo paper. An authoritative voice from Trap 1 shouts "in coming" upon which an airborne loo roll arrives in the P/O's lap.

The P/O whilst washing his hands hears the bolt slide open on Trap 1 ... out steps the AOC in all his finery wearing a big smile !

Best ...


jayteeto 13th Oct 2012 15:30

230 Sqn in the 90's. Fg Off ***** in Crewroom....... Anyone know the number for clothing stores? Jayteeto: Yes 7200
Dials number, answered, "Station Commander"
Fg Off ***** looks and me and shouts "Bast**rd!! Sorry, no, not you Sir"

Tashengurt 13th Oct 2012 15:37

"War office. Wanna fight?"

Wizzard 13th Oct 2012 17:12

Ring ring!

"Dr Barnardo's - duty B@st@rd"

Krystal n chips 13th Oct 2012 17:15

Gutersloh...431 M.U....J/T Bloggs gets called to take a phone call. " for the M.U".... so we all go...Bloggs, just ahead of the pack fails to notice a very rare event...the most rancid piece of malignant humanity I ever encountered in the RAF in the form of our Flt. Sgt making a trip out from Bruggen.

Bloggs, blissfully unware, proceeds to do a less than credible Irish accent impression answering in the name of said F/S...and adding his own opinion as to the intellect/ personality / family history / sexual activities etc of said F/S by way of clarification.

The room went very quiet....briefly. We watched.... from a distance.

Unfortunate timing as they say.

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