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-   -   Ghurka Rifleman PUN VC. Triumph! (Merged) (https://www.pprune.org/military-aviation/277365-ghurka-rifleman-pun-vc-triumph-merged.html)

fabs 30th May 2007 09:35

Another MP to add to the list - Mr Paul Truswell MP for Pudsey!

DeKd 30th May 2007 09:59

Linda Gilroy, Labour MP for Sutton, Plymouth has received a letter - if she is interested???

xraf 30th May 2007 10:51

Job done
Just emailed Hazel Blears. One of the MPs for Manchester and Minister of the Crown!

I'm proud of PPRUNERs today!:D


Tigs2 30th May 2007 10:53

Howes and Co the solicitors dealing with this, got these photos yesterday.

Mr Pun is very unwell, but wanted to say thank you for all the support that he has recieved from everyone. A fit young man with a digital camera was duly dispatched to run up to 4000m. Mr Pun is holding a copy of a poster that one of the lads on ARRSE designed three days ago.


Keep up the pressure:ok::ok::ok:

matty31 30th May 2007 11:08

Liam Fox
Have emailed Liam Fox as he's my MP and recieved this reply.

"Thank you. Your email has been sent on to Mark Harper MP who deals with matters regarding veterans.
Ione Douglas (Mrs)
P/A to Dr Liam Fox MP
Shadow Defence Secretary
Cheers Matt

Old Ned 30th May 2007 11:11

Top Photos
Tigs 2

VMT for the pics. Please Mr Pun stay well enough to be brought to the UK!

xraf 30th May 2007 11:12

Add Ian Stewart, MP, Rt Hon Ian McCartney, and Buckingham Palace to the list.

Get the folks around you interested too, we've all got an MP!


Polikarpov 30th May 2007 11:17

Can now add John Butterfill (Con, Bournemouth West) to the list.

sycamore 30th May 2007 11:28

E-mailed Bernard Jenkin- Shadow Defence Sec over the week-end...awaiting reply. Syc

Tigs2 30th May 2007 11:38

Rod Liddle

Firstly thanks for your support. There are sixty pages of very interesting info on the site frequented by our pals in Green. For latest developments i guess pages 40 onwards will do you. Thanks again.:ok::ok:


dum_my 30th May 2007 11:56

Rod Liddle's welcome interest in Gurkha Pun VC reminded me that Rod is a former Editor of the BBC Radio 4 Today programme.

Please email the Today programme here:

The more times the better.

RatherBeFlying 30th May 2007 12:00

That first picture of Mr. Pun reminds me of my mother in her last days.

The ministers and MPs need to have that picture shoved in their faces.

I pray that he holds on long enough to make it to the Chelsea Hospital to get proper medical care -- even though it is obvious that the locals are doing their best with what little they have in one of the poorest countries on Earth.

kluge 30th May 2007 12:07

Petition signed.
Notice spread to Gurkha contacts in HK. Those here in 97 will remember how our Govt left them high and dry.

Davey Emcee 30th May 2007 12:08

Reply from my MP
Thank you for your email and I have received a great many in similar vein. I shall do all I can to get justice for this man and I thank you for writing.
Kind regards
Colin Breed
Member of Parliament for South East Cornwall
Liberal Democrat Treasury Spokesman

woodring 30th May 2007 12:09

I Emailed my MP David Cameron and recieved a very prompt reply from his office.He has already contacted the Home Secretary about this matter and has promised to keep in touch.
I hope he takes this opportunity to question this pathetic excuse for a government in depth, about it's commitment and obligations to those who serve in it's Armed Services.

sycamore 30th May 2007 12:10

Perhaps `Danny..and the Moderators`, that well-known `Old` rock -group could publicise the Petition on a few of the other well-travelled Forums...as a sort of `VC Aid`.... might be worth a Knighthood,..! Syc..:ok:

Ann Oyd 30th May 2007 12:35

Add another MP to the list
Have recieved a letter back from Keith Simpson MP (Con) Mid Norfolk to my email 48 hrs ago. He is a avid military historian and agreed that Gurkhas are the finest soldiers about. He has forwarded my email to the Home secretary and will reply again as soon as he hears back from the skiving low life :mad: scum of that department (my words not his!!!).

JOE-FBS 30th May 2007 12:37

As I cannot find any reference to this story on the BBC News web site (Big Brother is there, of course), I have tried to bring it to notice via the "Have Your Say" page. I don't know if more people doing this will help but the page is:


cornish-stormrider 30th May 2007 13:13

Can we not get someone with a pair of brass balls over in AT to arrange a slight detour on the way back on the afghan express??

It wouldn't take much and if the crew sold their story to the tabloids it would cover the fuel and some medical care .......

Chugalug2 30th May 2007 13:39

JoeFBS wrote:

As I cannot find any reference to this story on the BBC News web site (Big Brother is there, of course),
Doesn't come as a big surprise I'm afraid, as the "British Military" are themselves seen as an Alien Force by the Beeb Agenda Scribblers. Foreign troops that constitute a part of the British Military are therefore doubly alien. Until the British Broadcasting Corporation is itself universally seen as now alien to traditional British values, I suggest you look for such reports in other sections of the News Media. Parts that the Beeb despises would be a good place to start, you know the sort: Channel Four News, Sky News, the Daily Mail, etc.
Let him in!

SpotterFC 30th May 2007 14:10

Petition signed and info also placed on the Fighter Control Association web site.

A Sayers 30th May 2007 14:49

The great thing about proportional representation is that I can (and have) emailed all my MSP's
John Swinny SNP
Elizabeth Smith Conservative
Claire Baker Labour
Richard Simpson Labour
Murdo Fraser Conservative
Ted Brocklebank Conservative
John Park Labour
Christopher Harvie SNP

Old Ned 30th May 2007 15:05

Senior Army Officers?
Are there any senior army types who have been known to swan about in ghurka uniform? It seems that Letters to the Times from a Gen Hardly-Worthit may raise a few eyebrows and these chaps do have many contacts. I suppose for pension reasons CDS, CGS, CAS and The First Sea Lord are keeping shtum.

Have followd Joe-FBS advice and emailed the BEEB. Told them I was a rabid lefty who hated the establishment (not true of course) but that should get their attention!!

If and when the Mr Pun VC situation is sorted, one way or another, could we maintain the momentum for all ghurkas please?

Old Ned (older by the minute)

Tigs2 30th May 2007 15:42

Old Ned
The sad thing is mate that

I suppose for pension reasons CDS, CGS, CAS and The First Sea Lord are keeping shtum.
Is really no excuse on their part. Once you get to 3 * my understanding is you automatically recieve a 100% pension for the rest of your days, even if you cause trouble. These guys should be causing holy hell about this. Maybe as their pension is safe, they worry about their knighthoods. Good job Mr Pun was a different character eh!

dum_my 30th May 2007 16:04

The Governor of the Chelsea Hospital is General (Retd) the Lord Walker.

He must be the same Gen Walker who was CDS from May 03 to Apr 06, and was CGS before that.

A Sayers 30th May 2007 16:19

To LB. the secretary of state

I am writing in support of Mr Pun VC who is appealing against the decision to refuse him admission/residency of this country. I understand the reason for your decision is that Mr Pun VC has not shown himself to have strong links with this country. I request you exercise your discretion and redress this gross miscarriage of justice.

A VC holder has already demonstrated to excess his commitment to the way of life, values and beliefs that we hold dear in the UK. But for the likes of Mr Pun VC we would not be in a position to enjoy these privilidges. Mr Pun VC's service to this country over many years amounts to the stongest possible link. That the gentleman should also be prepared to take action that would almost certainly result in the loss of his life in order to support our interests is, I would suggest, the strongest link humanly possible. In contrast individuals who hold values abhorent to our varied cultures and beliefs are routinely allowed the right of residency. Mr Pun VC and his fellow Gurkha's embody the best in British multi-culturalism. To deny him entry is an abuse of the intent of the law.

Each year our government supposedly subscribes to the belief:

They shall not grow old as we who are left grow old.
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,

It would be a fitting tribute that the government should remember. Based upon the decision you have taken it would appear that government memories are short. Admitting Mr Pun VC would be an act not only of justice, but also recognition of the sacrifice of millions like him. Not just the vast number of Gurkha casualties, but the dead of all OUR forces, including more recent losses. To reject Mr Pun VC's appeal would be a slap in the face for all our service personel, especialy those now on active service.

I hope that you will decide in Mr Pun VC's favour and allow the values of integrity, honour, courage and justice to be seen to exist within the British government. Whatever we can do for Mr Pun VC in his hour of need, it cannot compare with the 'Valour' he was willing to display in the interests of us all.

Yours aye

Andrew Sayers

Exrigger 30th May 2007 16:26

I have received a response from my MP, apparently representation has been made to the Minister at the Ministry of Defence about our disgust over the treatment of Mr Pun VC, I also added a bit about our own service personnel who are currently not getting the medical support they should, so that will fall on deaf ears there then.

Brian Dixon 30th May 2007 16:46

looking at the Royal Hospital Chelsea website ( http://www.chelsea-pensioners.co.uk/home.asp ), the entry criteria seems quite straight forward:

Becoming and In-Pensioner
To be eligible for admission as an In-Pensioner, a candidate must be a former non-commissioned officer or soldier of the British Army who is:
1. In receipt of an Army Service or War Disability Pension for Army Service.
2. Normally 65 years of age or over; exceptionally a candidate may be admitted under this age if he is suffering from a seriously disabling, incurable but not immediately life-threatening condition requiring long-term care
3. Free from any obligation to support a partner or family
Also eligible for admission are any former officers of the British Army who meet the criteria provided they served for at least 12 years in the ranks before obtaining a commission or if they were awarded a disablement pension while serving in the ranks.
Why not get the legal team to submit an application on Mr Pun's behalf, and see what the response from the hospital is?

Just a thought.

With much respect for your hard work so far.

fireflybob 30th May 2007 16:54

I share the indignation expressed by all - email sent to my MP and petition signed.

matkat 30th May 2007 20:03

Absolutely disgusting way to treat this Hero, TBH this government has made Me ashamed but nothing like I feel now, not anger but deep dismay that We have given someone (sorry maybe thats not the right term) the power to treat this exceptional Man in this way, however it was should be routed out sacked and sent somewhere unpleasant as a reward.

JOE-FBS 30th May 2007 21:37

A mate of mine has suggested this as a relevant direct contact, the Entry Clearance Officer in Nepal

[email protected]

Hoots 30th May 2007 21:57

Petition signed, Angus Robertson MP e-mailed.

This country really is stooping to new depths.

Mr Pun is now in his hour of need. He demonstrated the highest values and bravery in the service of this country, it is now payback time!!!

Not only should he be allowed entry immediately, but should also have an apology from the highest levels.

Solid Rust Twotter 31st May 2007 09:16

While W/O Pun is in desperate need, your PM is in my neck of the woods hobnobbing with those who openly support Mad Bob. The priorities are seriously out of kilter and unless something is done you'll continue spiralling ever closer to the drain. How can someone of W/O Pun's calibre be judged unworthy by those spineless sycophantic jellyfish we allow to regulate our lives to our detriment? They lack the worth even to lick clean the floor upon which W/O Pun walks.:ugh::*

Old Ned 31st May 2007 09:21


I hear you, but I was under the impression it was only Marshals (5*) who never retired (eg, lived out their days on full pay). 5* rank was binned to fall in line with NATO (No Action Talk Only) I believe.

I think the current Service heads are all knighted so perhaps it is the House of Lords (while it is still there) they are aiming for and not saying anyting to upset the Labour Loons.

Old Ned

Old Ned 31st May 2007 09:24

Now, now Solid Rust Trotter, say what you mean. (Good Show Sir):D:D

fabs 31st May 2007 09:52

Reply from my MP

Dear Flight Lieutenant
Thank you for your e-mail. I am aware of Tul Bahadur Pun issue and have written to Tony Blair, John Reid and Des Browne with my views supporting the campaign.
Paul Truswell

forget 31st May 2007 10:11

Daily Mirror today :ok:


By Stewart Maclean 31/05/2007
JOANNA Lumley yesterday revealed VC hero Tul Bahadar Pun helped save her father's life - and she demanded he be allowed to live in Britain.

Absolutely Fabulous star Joanna, 61, backed the Mirror's campaign for brave Gurkha Pun, who has been banned from the UK despite collecting the military's highest honour for his heroics in World War Two


TheSmiter 31st May 2007 10:21

The campaign gathers momentum:

Dear Mr **********-******,
Angus Robertson would like to thank you for your recent e-mail regarding
Mr Tul Balahadar Pun, he too shares your concern and is horrified by the
current circumstances.
Mr Robertson will be in contact with you directly in writing at the
earliest available opportunity.
With best wishes in the meantime,
Carron Anderson

Carron Anderson
Parliamentary Officer to Angus Robertson MP
Shadow Scottish Minister for Defence & Foreign Affairs
Really hope we can do something for this heroic soldier before its too late.

Old Ned 31st May 2007 12:11

Never thought I'd ever say "Well Done Daily Mirror" :ok::ok:

(JL is lovely though)

JamesA 31st May 2007 12:37

W.O.1 Pun to England - Now
I, like many of you, was appalled to read of the treatment given to this hero. I think his bravery can only be imagined by most of us.

Not to allow him the treatment he more than deserves is bad enough, but to compound it by not allowing him to wear the medal, shows complete disrespect for the man and his deeds. Were I British, I would be ashamed to admit it. I don't think I want to say I served in the British forces.

When I served in Singapore, a lot of locally enlisted airmen admitted they only joined to get a British passport in return for five years service. I had always thought that this was a standard offer to any foreigner serving in the British forces. I don't know the minimum term the Gurkhas sign on for but, I was always of the impression it was for a lot longer than five years. Therefore, why are they not automatically entitled to receive a passport and entry to Britain?
Unfortunately, as a foreigner, I do not have a British MP to lobby, must try Brussels. Have signed the petition. Perhaps this petition could be coupled to the military hospital one (another disgusting move by the British government).
Perhaps T. Bliar does not want W O 1 Pun to see the state of the NHS.

I imagine the good warrant officer would be welcomed by the Chelsea Pensioners and make a valuable addition to their ranks, as would any other members of the Gurkhas.

Britain needed them, still does. Look after them.

Footnote to TB - Stop cutting their numbers, sign up more of them before somebody else does. Just a thought.

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