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-   -   Ghurka Rifleman PUN VC. Triumph! (Merged) (https://www.pprune.org/military-aviation/277365-ghurka-rifleman-pun-vc-triumph-merged.html)

Krystal n chips 27th May 2007 15:44

See below for media support. :ok:


By a remarkable coincidence,this Sat BBC2 has a repeat of Jeremy Clarkson's excellent prog on VC winners. Whilst ( regretably ) it will not be possible for those who made this decision to be made to sit down and view the prog, maybe they should be "advised" to do so and then have a simple Qand A session to follow.....something along the lines of "now do you understand what the award means and why that congealed lump of gristle between your ears purporting to be brain is clearly unfit for purpose? " should suffice.

Out Of Trim 27th May 2007 15:51

Petition Signed

I Welcome all Gurkhas into the UK. They deserve it!

228 OCU 27th May 2007 16:00

Is there a dedicated petition up yet?

I can't tell you how this disgraceful episode makes me feel; but if you have ever seen the T-shirt "When all else fails, vote from the rooftops" you'll have an idea!

If in doubt BANG OUT.

Chugalug2 27th May 2007 16:18

Boiiiing! The oaf who caused all this outrage has perhaps done us, and the Gurkhas, a favour. Never ones to plead their own case, it takes a cause celebre such as WO1 Pun's to realise the shabby way in which the Gurkhas have been treated over the years by this nation. In my book if they are good enough to fight, and often to die for it, they are good enough to live in it! Aye, and on a full pension to!
Further Borneo tales: said chum who was ALO pleaded with his Gurkha oppo Captain/Subeder to let him accompany them on a patrol. Great reluctance only overcome by reminding him of embarrassment of "overload" incident if it ever emerged, i.e. blackmail. Resulting agreement heavily hedged with conditions, principal one of which that he would have a Corporal/Naik minder for the entire patrol, who would stay with him and was to be obeyed without question. For the ensuing fortnight he was accompanied throughout by the same guy who was never more than two paces away, even for calls of nature!

Dan Reno 27th May 2007 17:33

If he could get to Mexico and swim the Rio or Canada and walk South, we'd be proud to help him! Hell, I'll drive up to Canada and bring him back accross!

F3Dentist 27th May 2007 17:51

WO1 Pun VC
I have never posted before, but this thread has enraged me to such a pitch that I must say something.

I can only offer a more recent example of working with Ghurkas. I came back from a tour in the Falklands last year, and while I was there i spent a week on 'facility improvement duty' with a group of Ghurkas. After a hard day lugging stuff about, digging, etc; i'd go home and lie down shattered, and they'd go to the gym to 'keep fit' (their words)! I have never met such a hard-working, devoted and cheerful bunch of chaps. They even put the loyalty and behaviour of our own servicemen to shame at times (not said easily).

The situation concerning WO Pun is unforgiveable. As for not sending him his own VC, surely the wishes of the original recipient outweigh the historical significance suggested by the museum. It sounds blunt, but surely they'll have it for years after he's gone. I hope the Museum is ashamed of its narrow-minded comments.

It goes without saying that e-mails are enroute, and the general petition is signed.

I would like to thank all the previous posters for bringing this to our attention.

A Sayers 27th May 2007 19:01

WO1 Pun
Posted to museum curator:
If what I read in the papers is correct, that you are refusing Mr Pun the opportunity to again wear his medal then you are of the same ilk as the individual who has refused him residency in this country. It would be within the realms of your ability to facilitate this great mans wish, especialy at a time when the government of the nation he served appears to have turned its back on him. In your shoes I would pay for him to be flown to the most convenient battalion, where he could take the salute at a formal parade wearing his medal. If this was in the UK I would join the long queue to buy him a drink and shake his hand.
If the story is true, I regret that the Regimental museum does not uphold the standards of sacrifice and integrity Mr Pun and his comrades display.
If the story is untrue please accept my most profound appology. I have never been so incensed as I am about Mr Pun's treatment which excedes the shoddy treatment of the veterans of the Brigade as a whole.
Yours aye
Andrew Sayers
Major BW (rtd) and formerly Pte

IntheTin 27th May 2007 19:09

Well done to Sycamore for bringing this to our attention over at the 'Rotorheads' forum.
Thank you so much. I have signed the petition and hope that something positive will come of all your efforts. :D

FloaterNorthWest 27th May 2007 19:45

This just highlights the state our country is in!

I intend to highlight this case to my Boss (a Lord and employer of Gurkhas) in the hope that he can rattle some cages.

I also intend to print it out and gve it to the Pole I had an argument with yesterday over her right to live in the UK and her right to all the benefits that go with it.

I am outraged!!!!


TeeS 27th May 2007 19:56

General petition signed, is there a specific one yet? I can't find one.


O27PMR 27th May 2007 20:10

I have just signed the petition...:ok:

FloaterNorthWest 27th May 2007 20:12

This is the man everyone should be emailing. I see that like most of the government he has neither military service nor had a proper job. Once I calm done I will be sending Mr Byrne an email.

[email protected] :mad:
Liam Byrne - minister for immigration and asylum
Liam Byrne MP is Minister of State for immigration and asylum.

Liam Byrne MP is responsible for:

nationality, naturalisation and citizenship
ID cards
departmental reform
He is also the Ministerial Adviser on management issues.

Liam Byrne previously spent a year as Under-Secretary of State for Care Services at the Department of Health.

Liam Byrne joined the Labour Party when he was 15 and was elected to the seat of Birmingham Hodge Hill in the by-election in July 2004. He lives in Birmingham with his wife Sarah and three children.

Liam was educated at Manchester University where he graduated with first class honours and was elected leader of the Student’s Union, and Harvard Business School where he was a Fulbright Scholar. He advised the Labour Party on general election organisation between 1996-7 before managing Labour’s national business campaign.

Liam began his career at Andersen Consulting and worked for NM Rothschilds before starting a venture-backed technology company in 2000. Liam is the author of Local Government Transformed (1996); Information Age Government (1998); New Strategies for Full Employment (2001); and Britain in 2020 (forethought, 2003). He was also co-editor of Reinventing Government Again (2004).

Liam is a member of Amicus, the Christian Socialist Movement, the Fabian Society and was formerly an Associate Fellow of the Social Market Foundation.

MrFlibble 27th May 2007 20:47

Im incensed - something like this makes me ashamed to be British. Petition signed.

In terms of MPs to contact, what about that Veterans minister that was involved in the Veterans Statue programme last week? Maybe we could contact him too.

Pilot Pacifier 27th May 2007 21:37

I have never been so disgusted with a member of this country who is supposed to represent the interests of the British public. Mr Byrne and co have probably never been, like most of us here, in the kind of dreadful situations that WO Pun and his fellow countrymen must have found themselves in. If it wasn't for his and the bravery of many others, Mr Byrne would probably speaking a different language right now.

WO Pun and all his fellow countrymen, in agreeing to serve this country should have every right to be a British citizen and all the benefits that it brings.

Not to allow him in because he "failed to demonstrate strong ties with the UK" is just unbelievable. I'm just speechless, he couldn't have possibly shown any more. Putting yourself in a position where so many gave the ultimate sacrifice, well, you couldn't show more commitment if you tried.

It is not often that I find myself embarrassed to say that I'm British. If I was to ever meet WO Pun, then I don't think that I could look him in the eye knowing how much this country has let him down...

And as for the curator of the museum, shame on you sir...

Petition signed, e-mails on their way...

GreenKnight121 27th May 2007 22:04

"Liam is a member of Amicus, the Christian Socialist Movement, the Fabian Society and was formerly an Associate Fellow of the Social Market Foundation."

A F*&king Socialist, of course!!!

If he had his way all service-personnel would be deported as undesirables.

Expect no help from him... in fact, expect him to file a complaint against you.

JessTheDog 27th May 2007 22:20

General petition signed, is there a specific one yet? I can't find one.
There will be this week, hopefully, Downing Street permitting. It is important to focus on Mr Pun's situation as his age means that the issue of Gurkha rights in general is sadly likely to outlast him. A campaign "surge" needs to put the pressure on right now, with specific reference to Mr Pun - as a Gurkha and holder of the VC -in order to force the government into immediate action.

I don't particularly care for the ministers we have, but we need them to work with us on this one.

Chugalug2 27th May 2007 22:41

Boiiing and thank you FNW, a friendly word of advice dispatched to dear Liam!
The various citations on this thread, including that of Rifleman Pun, VC, dwell rightly on the supreme courage of those Gurkhas. But there is another side that is also important to remember, and that is of their wonderful generosity and hospitality. Which leads me to my next tale!
A couple of years ago, Mrs C and I headed back down the M4 to the Cotswolds to attend a wedding. Having a little time in hand we made a slight diversion to an ex RAF base now occupied by the Army. We parked outside a house(MQ) that had been our first home, and made to take a photo or two before going on our way. The front door opened and a man came out asking if he could be of help. I realised at once that he was a Gurkha Officer, despite him being in civvies. We made our apologies, but explained that his home had been our home over 32 years previously. He immediately invited us inside. We demurred for it was 9 o'clock in the morning! He insisted, his wife appeared, she insisted, so we were ushered inside to an immaculate home that would have passed any AOC inspection, as though they had known of our visit for weeks! The house itself of course was at once familiar and different as any place not seen for so many years. We reluctantly had to leave as time was now short so exchanged details, and receive and send Christmas(!) cards to this day. Wonderful warm friendly people, but be very very glad that they are on our side! :D
Let him in!

JessTheDog 27th May 2007 22:51

23 June is the anniversary of Mr Pun's heroic action.
The Gurkha memorial is located between Embankment and Horse Guards.
Some sort of vigil or commemoration would be appropriate on this particular Saturday, watch this space: http://www.arrse.co.uk/cpgn2/Forums/...start=405.html

Robert Cooper 28th May 2007 01:18

you may be interested to read what Mr. Pun's solicitor posted recently:

They didn't even give him an interview. We gave them a booklet about his herosim and full detials of his VC. They even had his army service book, which his CO described him on discharge as having an "exemplary" record and that "his gallantry speaks for itself". Can I be honest, I suspect they didn't even read his application and supporting statement properly. They got a full list of his illnesses. It just sticks of a rubber-stamping job. I don't personally blame any individual, as the Government has to take the can on this one.

We intend making direct representations to Liam Byrne, the Immigration Minister, so that it hits his office first thing Tuesday. HRH Prince of Wales (President of the VC & GC Assoc) received a couriered letter on this on Friday.

Listen there are many Services forums out there. I've been trying to follow them all, but it's difficult to catch everything. I just tried to join RAOConLine, but it takes time for your sign-up to be approved. So if you are members of other forums, can you please tell them my firm and my client really appreciates what is being done and what is being said in support of him. It restores my faith in this country. Maybe you can post these thanks on other forums and also tell them to tell their friends about this snub to the Gurkhas and about www.vchero.co.uk . I would be grateful if you could thank the RAF and Royal Navy, as well as all the Army forums for the help to my client. Honestly, your emails will shake the Immigration Judge and the Government.


Kieran O'Rourke
Howe & Co Solicitors
Ealing, London

Petition already signed and more emails going out. Keep revs up.

Bob C

Tigs2 28th May 2007 03:57

Bob C
Thanks for your support mate. As much as we like yank bashing we only do it when we are bored:) The support of you and your collegues at this difficult time in our military history is appreciated. Rest assured as much as we think that G Dubya (and Tony Bliar) is an asshole, when it comes to you guys on the ground (or in the air/sea) we are with you 100% of the way.
A message sent to the said Mr O'Rourke

Mr Kieran O'Rourke

Thank you my friend for your kind support on what is a moment of disgrace in our military history. I would be grateful if you could enquire/register (the intent) if we the people of PPRuNE and AARSE can assemble together as a body on the 23rd June at the Gurkha memorial in London (Does this have to be a formal request or just a notification to the City Of Westminster Police) for the purpose of illustrating our condemnation of not only this decision, but also the adverse treatment of the Gurkha community in general.
I live in central London and am willing to help in any organisational capacity whatsoever. We have enough support now in the Mil community to make this an overwhelming winner.
Call me a Cynic, but i feel that PM Bliar has been waiting (ney baiting) this one, so that he can go out on a high with the population. If that is the case i do not give two hoots(whatever that means:) ) all i care about is exploiting this whole situation to ensure that Mr Pun VC and all of his erstwhile collegues in the Gurkha regiments recieve rightful access to the United Kingdom and its care and services.
Yours Thankfully
(Have flown the Gurkhas on many occasions and they, like our boys, are top notch)

50+Ray 28th May 2007 05:07

Petition signed. E mail sent to curator expressing my profound opinion of him. Blood boiling. What a bloody disgrace.

YesTAM 28th May 2007 06:33

Email sent to Australian Returned Servicemens Association. I've suggested we try pressuring the Australian Government to invite WO1 Pun to Australia, after all, it is an election year..

luoto 28th May 2007 06:34

Ref support. I posted on ARRSE my views and would rather not kill Mr Fyne's server here with a "me too" message until I have more substance to write. Plus, maybe it is better for people to get writing instead.

Old Ned 28th May 2007 08:17

I fully agree. Watch Bliar make capital out of letting this very gallant gentlemen come to the UK just before the ex-PM and his dismal family leave to spread rhubarb around the US on lecture tours. Oh what an appalling government we have, and Broon will be no better. Let us keep up the momentum and do not forget the newspapers. If the Sun (:mad:) was on our side Bliar and Co could not refuse.

This elderly hero simply MUST be allowed to spend his last years in relative comfort not least because he doubtless walked for days to attend the selection board in Nepal to join the regiment in the first place and his valour on behalf of a small country that was not his own. HM has at least 2 Gurkha orderlies who are on duty during investitures, and she doubless takes a dim view of the whole sorry mess.

Your Majesty, if you access PPrune, please inform Bliar that you are not amused!!

Old Ned 28th May 2007 08:35

My Letter to HMTQ
With Humble Duty.

Your Majesty,

I beg to inform you of my disgust at the decision by your government to refuse the entry into this country of Rifleman Tullbahadur Pun VC, late of the 6th Gurkha Rifles. His Late Majesty King George VI would doubtless be appalled at the insensitivity of Your Majesty's goverment's action.

May I respectfully request that Your Majesty informs the Prime Minister of the strength of feeling among Your Majesty's loyal subjects.

uncle peter 28th May 2007 09:52

Google search brought up this article


If indeed the VC was taken for "safe keeping", even at the mere hint of impropriety the MoD should return the VC.

This Govt has increasingly proven itself to be morally bankrupt. I am personally in favour of an out and out return to blame culture so we can villify the halfwit that made this outrageous decision.

More publicity needed. Thoroughly ashamed :sad:

soggyboxers 28th May 2007 10:39

I'm sorry to say that I only came upon this disgraceful story today. I was born in this country and served in the Royal Marines, but in my view this brave old man has closer ties with Britain than I do - after all, he was prepared to sacrifice his life in the war. If he, and men like him, had not been prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice, I would probably not be speaking English today.

e.e. cummings had it right:

A politician is an arse upon which everyone has sat except a man.
e. e. cummings
I have signed the petition and sent an e-mail to the Queen. I hope that justice is done he is allowed to come to this country - it should be his right, not something for which he has to beg and be denied by some petty official who is not even worthy to lick his feet :mad::mad::mad:

forget 28th May 2007 10:58

I may have missed it but has this man been asked for his position on this - if he even knows about it. Direct link for his e-mail here -



SmilingKnifed 28th May 2007 11:06

This would seem an appropriate moment to highlight the efforts of http://www.gwt.org.uk/

I think a gathering of serving and retired personnel on the 23rd is a sterling idea.:ok:

Trinity 09L 28th May 2007 18:16

Email sent to all those that are able to criticise & shame this feeble govt.:ugh:

Tigs2 28th May 2007 18:24

I have been speaking with Mr Pun VC solicitors several times today. The great news is that this morning, the solicitors, via a couple of Gurkhas in their office were talking to Mr Pun VC. He has been told of all of the support that has been displayed on PPRuNe and ARRSE. The words were that he is overwhelmed and his spirits have been raised beyond belief. He has been sent a copy of every single post on the two forums, and said that the papers "will be put up on his wall in pride of place".

Lads and lassies be proud of yourselves. This will get a result and in the meantime, please be aware that in Nepal right now, we have all made an old man, and hero of THIS nation a very very happy man indeed. Well done.

Below is a great piece of work by one of the guys on ARRSE who has gathered info on who has been contacted about this situation.

People Power in action I just LOVE IT:ok::ok:



Senior Partner, Martin Howe - Howe & Co.
Kieran O'Rourke - Howe & Co Solicitors email: k.orourke @ howe.co.uk

Discussion Forums:

Rum Ration
Rear Party
RAF Trade website,RAF Armourers: www.bombheadsworld.co.uk/
MoD Oracle Forums
Channel Four News Forum

Facebook profile:

!! If your kids use MySpace, Facebook - now is the perfect time to see the power of kids on the internet !!

Link to thread page with PsyWar.Org's Poster to print and display:


British Armed Forces Federation (BAFF)

Media Articles or websites:

Gurkha Petition: http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/gurkhas-rights/

Emails to judge hearing appeal:












BBC News 24 - news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/4995300.stm

Radio 5 Live phone in Saturday 26 May - evening - Stephen Nolan. www.bbc.co.uk/fivelive...olan.shtml

Jon Gaunt from Talksport has got the story on his website:


Forces Organisations:

Veterans Agency

Public Figures:

The office of HM Queen Elizabeth II
Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II

email address: www.royal.gov.uk/outpu...e4835.asp#

HRH The Prince of Wales

The Viscount Slim

Dr Andrew Hall OBE, HM Ambassador, British Embassy Kathmandu email: britemb @ wlink.com.np

Richard Beeson

MP's contacted (with responses):


MP for Aberdeen
Michael Howard
Lady Hermon MLA
Steven Webb, the MP for Northavon
Fiona Mactaggart
Julian Brazier MP
Paul Flynn, Labour chappie for Newport West
Norman Lamb MP Sheepshagging North or where ever the hell I am
Iris Robinson
Rev Ian Paisley
Francis Maude MP
Micheal Fabricant
Humfrey Malins MP
Greg Clark (Con)
Andrew Rosindale
Mark Field MP
reg empey (uup)
peter robinson (dup)
Jeremy Hunt MP
John Maples (Conservative)
Bill Olner (Labour)
MP Michael Ancram (hard copy letter)
Gerald Howarth MP (Conservative MP Aldershot) ack 15 mins later.
Linda Gilroy - MP for Sutton, Plymouth?
Celia Barlow MP for Hove (Lab)
James Duddridge - Tory MP for Rochford and Southend East
MP for Salisbury, Robert Key
Siobhan McDonagh MP for Mitcham & Morden
Steven Webb MP
Fiona Mactaggart (Lab)
George Galloway
Alan Ried MP
john reid
David Ammes MP
Tom Watson MP
Russell Brown MP
Derek Twigg MP
Menzies Campbell
Anthony Blair PM
Jeffrey M Donaldson MP DUP for Lagan Valley
Charlie Kennady
Sarah Mccarthy-Fry MP Portsmouth North
Pete Wishart MP
Martin Salter MP for Reading West
Mark Field MP
Jim Fitzpatrick MP - Ack by email.
Ben Bradshaw (Lab)
Alan Duncan MP
Alasdair McDonnell, Belfast South (SDLP)
David Wright (Lab)
Tony Cunningham MP (Lab)
David Cameron MP
Boris Johnson MP
Gavin Strang MP
Heyes ?
Paul Burstow MP
Alex Salmond, First Minister
Annabel Goldie
Sir George Young MP (ack by email)
Lembit Öpik
Angus Macneil MP (replied in mins)
Mark Lancaster TD MP (replied 01:30 - top man)!
Nick Harvey MP
Bob Russell MP
Willie Rennie MP

Media Out:


- TV

BBC News 24
Sky News
ITV News
C4 News
ITN newsdesk
Scottish TV News

- Radio

Christian O'Connell of Virgin Radio
Jeremy Vine @ Radio 2
Neil Pringle at BBC Radio Southern Counties Sussex Breakshow
Radio Ulster
96.4 The Eagle - Guildford
Town 102 FM
Radio Devon

- Newspaper

Mick Smith of the Times
Audrey Gillan (Guardian)
Aberdeen Press and Journal

- Internet

"Suggest a Story" link on the BBC News website

Home Office email:


BEagle 28th May 2007 18:27

Perhaps an e-mail to [email protected] copied to [email protected] and forwarded to http://www.royal.gov.uk/output/Page3776.asp might be appropriate?

Brian Dixon 28th May 2007 18:40

I've sent e-mails to the following:
The Office of HM the Queen
James Arbuthnot MP
Sir George Young MP (reply received by e-mail).
Lord O'Neill of Clackmannan
Liam Byrne MP

Downing Street petition also signed by all the family.

There's also another thread on a non-military bulletin board:

Good luck with everything and unreserved respect to Mr Tul Bahadur Pun VC

Brian :ok:

Tigs2 28th May 2007 19:07

Fantastic Thanks!
How did the reply from Sir George Young read??

Gweedo 28th May 2007 19:52

WO1 Pun VC
Petition Signed, Letter sent to the Queen

matty31 28th May 2007 20:17

Petition signed
Petition signed also sent an email to Lord Ashdown as I know he has had a fair bit to do with the Gurkhas in the past.



Archimedes 28th May 2007 20:44

Now I've sorted out a computer glitch, letter to Tony Baldry to be composed.

William Hague and Liam Fox can have a letter/e-mail each while I'm about it too.

Anyone here live in the constituencies these chaps represent, so that they can each get a 'concerned constituent' type approach in addition to 'letter from random voter'?

JOE-FBS 28th May 2007 21:54

I am not aircrew or even military (failed OASC to be a Engineer in 1983!) but as the gentlemen concerned is being kept in touch:

Good luck to you Tul Bahadur Pun VC, I have emailed my MP plus all the contacts given on this site.

YesTAM 29th May 2007 00:10

Unashamedly bumped.

Tigs2 29th May 2007 00:27

For goodness sake do not be ashamed. There are only two threads on this forum that affect mens lives, and this is one of them. Keeping this at the top is an honerable thing...... Thank you !!! All of the other threads are horse **** in comparison.l Mr Pun VC we will bring you home if that is your desire!!

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