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TWOL8 10th Feb 2006 15:27


Originally Posted by Pontius Navigator
Is he actually chosing which orders with which to comply?

More likely he is prioritising. Prioritising goes on all the time and at its basic level is 'not complying with orders'.

prioritising is fine, it's basically choosing the order in which you carry out tasks. To not do something because you think its beneath you is another matter entirely.

Tourist 10th Feb 2006 15:28

Thanks, you too.

OverTq 10th Feb 2006 16:28

My thanks to all my readers. you have lightened (a bit) a relatlvely quiet day. Don't forget to wash your cars this weekend (or get your wife to do it for you if you are an orficer!).

Pontius Navigator 10th Feb 2006 16:41

Funny that everyone has assumed the car driver would be male. What of the other sex? Their clothing is likely to be even less appropriate for car washing than someone who has just been dunking.

SirPeterHardingsLovechild 10th Feb 2006 17:26

Originally Posted by OverTq
I've been out of the RAF for 10 years. Talking to an ageing Sqn Ldr today, was a bit taken aback by the apparent loss of status of serving officers. He used an MT car for a journey to the dunker at Yeovilton, leaving home at 4am. Returned to base mid afternoon, refilled with fuel (why?) and took the car back to MT. An hour later he received a call from MT asking why he hadn't washed the car before returning it. Is it me?

You didn't mention whether the ageing Sqn Ldr went back to MT and washed the car or not.

The Helpful Stacker 10th Feb 2006 17:43

Originally Posted by Pontius Navigator
Funny that everyone has assumed the car driver would be male. What of the other sex? Their clothing is likely to be even less appropriate for car washing than someone who has just been dunking.

The Royal Air Force is an equal opportunities employer.;)

Pontius Navigator 10th Feb 2006 18:42

But the aging sqn ldr will not have the same opportunity to ladder his tights nor does he get the same uniform allowance. EO?

Kitbag 10th Feb 2006 21:16

Paraphrase- 'All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others'- Eric Blair

Giant Swede 10th Feb 2006 21:30

Cut the drivel, stop moaning and get on with your job. I do not give a monkeys what rank you are, we all know MT is mostly rubbish and SHQ is painful in the extreme. Set an example. But back to my first sentence, it is about time the "get on with your job" was performed to a higher standard by both MT and admin.:}

hobie 10th Feb 2006 21:57

Always remember my Grandfather telling me he never drove a car in his life .... if he needed one he just had someone pick up a car and drive him to wherever he had to go .... :p

mind you he started off in the RFC before service in the RAF so maybe things have changed since his time .... ;)

Washington_Irving 10th Feb 2006 23:24

Seven f:mad:g pages have been devoted to this crap? Jesus wept.

With all the other b0llocks that people have to withstand in service life today is this really the most worthwhile subject to discuss? Put the handbags away and get a grip folks- the pongos are laughing at you:


jEEZUS s***.. That has put my whole life in perspective...and I thought I had it tough bieng a disabled pensioner... I really feel for this guy.

FCWhippingBoy 11th Feb 2006 08:26

Hahaha! I don't know what they're laughing at with threads entitled ...

"Is George Galloway a total C**T?", "Bum Boy Barrymoore -off the hook again", "Posh burds: better in bed?" and my personal favourite, "wheres the wierdest place you've ever had a shiite?"

OK, anyone else noticed the intelligence level over there?!

Tourist 11th Feb 2006 09:38

So what

Washington_Irving 11th Feb 2006 09:47

I've got to admit that in general the banter is funnier over there in the Naafi Bar than the mil forum of Pprune (it's more like Jetblast after 12 pints of wifebeater). Over in the grown-up/professional threads your won't read about an officer throwing his dolls out of his pram and bleating on about having to spend two minutes waving a f:mad:g pressure washer around the outside of Vauxhall Astra. Or on the offchance that you do, it'll be their troops laughing about what a c:mad:t he is and how the tom with a chronic case of NSU takes the time to rim his coffee mug every day. There's a quick lesson in leadership for you right there.

IHMO, any officer without stars or a flag who thinks that washing a car is beneath them should go and give themselves a good talking to, taking time to consider why the RAF has a reputation lower than whalesh1t among the other services because right now, girls, I'm ashamed to be associated with you.

I say again- get a grip.

Tourist 11th Feb 2006 12:25

"any officer without stars or a flag who thinks that washing a car is beneath them should go and give themselves a good talking to"

Erm..........So you do agree that some people are too good/special/important to be troubled with cleaning their own car?

You just disagree with the placing of the threshold at Sqn Leader/Midshipman.


jobsworth 13th Feb 2006 14:05

I can’t believe that I am replying to this thread but….

Just because a person who holds a commission, it does not mean that he/she has a better education than that of a person who does not hold a commission. I recently met a young chap who had joined the police with a degree and master’s degree in engineering. He did do well at school and by all accounts is a very smart and able person who would probably be looked down upon by the sharp flying end of a military arm.

If the rule is that you clean the vehicle after use, then you clean the vehicle after use. If you are unable to do such a task then I would worry if you were to be in command of an aircraft. If this order is deemed to be incorrect, do something about it, use your initiative and fix the problem, not just baulk at it being not right for you.

It’s a shame to see this attitude is still prevalent and only tarnishes the fond memories I have of being in the service. I would like to point out that the people likely to achieve this side of the fence are the smart ambitious individuals that are capable of getting stuck in and completing a task regardless of its nature.

The NAFFI Bar is a good laugh, well worth a look.

timex 13th Feb 2006 14:31

As I've already said the obvious solution to this (and probably the safer one considering how knackering I'm led to believe the dunker course is) is to get a driver to do the driving, that really is what they are paid to do after all.
Its 2 hours getting wet.........how difficult is that? Most of them could do with a wash anyway!!;) ;)

L1A2 discharged 13th Feb 2006 18:02

Thread drift ... dunker
At a fairly senior age I had to do the dunker and stass thing to do the job at a very secret base near Stonehenge.

Being a non/minimal-swimmer I was bricking it. The diving chaps at the dunker gave me a nice red hat and an extra diver to make sure that I came out of the skip at the required time. All went well, thanks to them I successfully (sp?) completed and was then self loading supernumary on a variety of flying machines, even got a log book ... :eek:

But when we returned to the secret base we washed the car ..... :)

Tourist 13th Feb 2006 19:26

I'm sure men of your advancing years shouldn't be bending down to wash cars Timex.

timex 13th Feb 2006 19:45

I'm sure men of your advancing years shouldn't be bending down to wash cars Timex.
Which is why you take a young officer with you........;) ;)

inditrees 14th Feb 2006 15:25

Ha Ha Ha Ha..........................................

Keep it coming girls, Blue Circle Airlines have done themselves proud with this bit of hand bag swinging.
What a gem this thread is, and it reminds me of why i became a civie.

Roadster280 15th Feb 2006 04:14

My 2 cents:

This comes down to respect.

Any self respecting SWO or RSM is going to pick up a junior officer for dirty boots. Any complaints from said officer and they will find themselves doing the "Axminster shuffle", receiving career guidance from the CO. Not their direct boss, so embarrassing said boss. It therefore doesn't happen very often.

Said SWO/RSM isn't going to do the same to a 20yrs-in Sqn Ldr/Maj.

Same for MT. Car's in crap order. Plt Offr Bloggs will clean the bloody thing. Sqn Ldr Smith won't. Any MT wallah who insists the Sqn Ldr does it wants shooting. Any MT wallah who doesn't insist the Plt Offr cleans it, similarly wants shooting.

As for those misguided individuals who have equated "doing well at school" with being an Officer, I take pride that those who know better have corrected them. In the specific case of Aircrew, aptitude counts considerably. You can be a duffer at school with (I believe) 5 O levels or whatever they are called now and qualify for an SSC. This has been evidenced by some of the ATROCIOUS grammar and spelling of those posting. You must, however, have the aptitude to be a pilot. This does not imply superior-being status, and certainly not man management skills. However, it isn't possible to climb the greasy pole too high without these skills.

Holier-than-thou attitudes earn a good spading or jerry-canning in your doss bag. Not a mistake to repeat.

I was an Army sergeant. I served on a couple of RAF stations in my time. Two great years of my life. I'd defend the Royal Air Force as much as the Army. It's so sad to see bickering like this thread. Be ashamed gentlemen. Officer or not.

Wyler 15th Feb 2006 13:01

8 pages on cleaning a poxy car.



basuto72 15th Feb 2006 17:55

I agree, lets put this to rest.

Airman, clean the soddin' car.

Kitbag 15th Feb 2006 21:50

Sir, with respect, you got it dirty, you clean it (IAW MT orders)


Climebear 15th Feb 2006 22:07

Sir, with respect, you got it dirty, you clean it (IAW MT orders)
Just out of interest - who signed the orders (ie who is giving the order). Is it:
a. The MTO? If this is a junior officer, mod civilian or even a contractor and do they, therefore, have the authority to either issue an order to someone more senior or, in the case of the latter 2, issue and order.
b. The Stn Cdr? If it is then he/she would, most probably, be aircrew. So you can get this thing sorted out in the wonderful aircrew brotherhood (or sisterhood).
c. Anyone in the command chain in between a and b. In which case pick your own subsequent course of action.
Mind you, having picked up corpses and bits of corpses and loaded them onto the back of a lorry, I can't see what all the fuss is about. It's not the worst job in the world.
The worst job in the world is, of course,

collecting Winston Churchill's bogies

Widger 15th Feb 2006 22:18



Rev I. Tin 15th Feb 2006 22:20

I have just deleted my initial post before submitting because I suspect it would have added some petrol to the flames, and my boss knows who I am on these forums.
To summarise, without the 'due respect' I wouldn't clean anyone's car in the same vein I wouldn't clean their personal weapon!

Would look forward to the orderly room aswell. No doubt followed by the redress.

Gone are the days of subservient oiks. Clean your own car/rifle/hoop!

Bless your exhaust pipe.

It's a laugh in the RAF, us lucky few that got in!

Kitbag 15th Feb 2006 22:21

Climebear, you are nearly correct. MT orders will come under the realm of OC Eng (as was when people knew what was going on). If officers feel the order is inappropriate there are clear and well trodden paths to have it changed. Seems to me that frankly only a very few feel it beneath them (and therefore attempt to change the order) or the SO1 has the policy that if you get it dirty, you clean it, or maybe the lower orders of the officer cadre haven't the energy (or wit) to suggest change other than on this little bunfight. Personally I think a quick trip to the local car wash is well worth while, especially in the winter.

BTW Widger, top pics :ok:

BEagle 15th Feb 2006 22:48

Perhaps the technique demonstrated by the excellent Jeremy Clarkson should be considered as the optimum method for washing MT vehicles?




Mud Clubber 15th Feb 2006 23:06

There is a class system within the forces, including the RAF. Moan about it as much as you like, it is there and as officers it is our job to uphold this divide as a pillar of military discipline. Officers are accommodated separately, travel separately and, most of the time, socialise separately from the Men and long may it continue.

Officers are, in general, busier than most. The exception being the swathe of blunties I see fleeing the station at 1645 each and every day. I certainly will not be dictated to by an increasingly large junta of union-men SNCOs that are determined to waste the valuable time of front-line aircrew.

When I return an MT wagon, I will certainly ensure that it is clean inside and all litter is removed, but washing it is not my job. That is for MT Flt to sort out. Perhaps they could do it between cups of tea/games of pool/darts?

Rev I. Tin 15th Feb 2006 23:18

My, you listened to all the lectures at Cranwell didn't you?


eagle 86 16th Feb 2006 04:46

Remove your fish'n'chip paper/paper cups/used condoms/vomit but apart from that the MT erks clean it.
To the bitter and twisted lower deck personnel on this site - pull your heads in - there is a rank structure in the armed forces and I would say the middle level of this structure, at least in the air forces of the world, do more - take more risks - and have more onerous tasks. An old and bold RAAF rigger once told me - "being in the Air Force is great - the officers are the ones that do all the fighting".
If we had no rank and we were all Misters then I can assure you some Misters would be more senior than others!
And don't get up me for ignoring females - I am trying to pretend they don't exist at the sharp end!

C130 Techie 16th Feb 2006 07:22

Forces Class System
Mud Clubber

I agree that there does still appear to be an officer/others class sytem in some areas of the RAF. In general it appears to be upheld by a few pompous @rses like yourself. In this day and age of reduced manning and higher tasking we all have to knuckle down and get on with the job in hand which sometimes means everyone getting their hands dirty.

The vast majority of the officers that I work with wouldn't give your class system the time of day and these officers cover the broad spectrum including aircrew. I also believe that this is representative of the majority of officers in todays RAF

I am all for discipline and leadership but this is born out of respect that is earned it is not a birth right or class system throwback. If you choose to treat all below you in the chain of command like serfs then I am not surprised that you have met with the 'junta of union men SNCOs', they are probably trying to protect their hard working troops from idiots like you.

If the MT orders say wash your car then wash your car, stop bl00dy whingeing and get a life


insty66 16th Feb 2006 09:21

I wish people would stop posting on this thread it's making folk look stupid (and many don't need any help on that score).:E

off topic but has anyone noticed southsnide dissapeared when tourist restarted postin? Coincidence? We should be told!

I know I know:ok:

Tourist 16th Feb 2006 10:45


There is personal and there is nasty.
And that's just nasty!

thelynxeffect 16th Feb 2006 13:02

Originally Posted by MightyGem
Maybe not, but an Army pilot washes his own aircraft! Professional pride.:rolleyes:

I only wash mine cos if i don't the tiffy gets a sad on and limits our flying, nowt to do with pride

insty66 16th Feb 2006 18:37

I accept you are not he and apologise.:O :O

He has gone quiet though.

bu88er done it again

Mr C Hinecap 16th Feb 2006 20:34

I have watched this thread with a knowledge of the dirge it would produce. As someone who has actually been an OC MT, I can say you lot moan and whine. Managing the difference between 'want' and 'need' is jolly fun. What you wanted was a gold-plated, mink lined service. What you needed was 4 seats, an engine and some diesel (single fuel concept). It was funny how expectations and variation between want and need increased with the regular working altitude of the customer :E

Almost_done 16th Feb 2006 20:45

Originally Posted by Mr C Hinecap
I have watched this thread with a knowledge of the dirge it would produce. As someone who has actually been an OC MT, I can say you lot moan and whine. Managing the difference between 'want' and 'need' is jolly fun. What you wanted was a gold-plated, mink lined service. What you needed was 4 seats, an engine and some diesel (single fuel concept). It was funny how expectations and variation between want and need increased with the regular working altitude of the customer :E

Well put and can this be an end to this debate, we as a Service have far more pressing concerns to worry about than 'should I wash a car', while funny and has been an enjoyable debate, it has shown the pettiness that is still prevalent in our whole rank structure.

If the orders say the driver cleans the vehicle, the driver cleans it, PERIOD.

Ergo, if the high and mighty Sqn Ldr didn't want to wash it then he asks for a driver, if not then he signs the vehicle out knowing full well the MT orders for that Base and complys with them per his annual signature on the afore mentioned MT orders.

Oh yes it's the 'Union Junta' that help to keep you flying Mub Clubber, if you're not happy with that fix then your own jet, if you are so important.

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