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TWOL8 9th Feb 2006 21:49

I think i have the issue just fine. If it is a matter of fatigue thats fine but as you put it, it was a question of loss of status of serving officers. Do you object to the fact that the cleaning had to be done, or that it had to be done by a Sqn Ldr. :)

southside 9th Feb 2006 22:01

This really is the funniest thread I have seen for a long time and to be honest it is showing the RAF as a complete and utter waste of time and money. Why oh why can't you lot organise for a car wash and petrol facilities at the drop off point? It doesnt take much to purchase one of those big car wash machines (the RN have managed to buy them easily enough). Come on boys, rather than mank and moan about life in the light blue why don't you get off your fat shiny ar$e's and do something about it?

ratty1 9th Feb 2006 22:08

Originally Posted by southside
It doesnt take much to purchase one of those big car wash machines (the RN have managed to buy them easily enough).

How do they get those big boats through it then?

Out Of Trim 9th Feb 2006 22:10

I just don't understand this thead -

Surely the Occifers would be provided with an Mt Driver to take care of all this type of thing.

I mean - surely they don't allow self drive! - How would that look!

-- I remember being ATC duty driver at RAF Manston during a Financial Moretorium around 1980 ish - ie. We had to book out the vehicles daily on foot! I kid you not!

We had two Landrovers so that meant we had to walk to MT twice!

Only Joking - we wer'nt that stupid - But refuelling was fun. Washing them! - what was that?

southside 9th Feb 2006 22:11

Youv'e clearly not been to Devonport and seen the sheds. You drive the boats in....wash em and then drive them out. squeasy peasy

ZH875 9th Feb 2006 22:46

Originally Posted by southside
Youv'e clearly not been to Devonport and seen the sheds. You drive the boats in....wash em and then drive them out. squeasy peasy

That's because it is more expensive to train bods like southside to wash things than to install decent wash facilities.

Melchett01 9th Feb 2006 23:10


During that time, they do exactly what they are trained and paid to do. When the SAC Scroggs in MT wants to get involved with leadership / management issues, secondary duties and being expected to cover multiple jobs, all taken as being part of your normal daily duties, then I think its fair that I do the washing cars thing.

Isn't that the job that officers are "trained and paid to do"

you cant have it both ways!!!!!
TWOL8 - yes it is the job that we're trained to do. Probably much in the same way that sorting out ALL aspects of MT is what SAC Scroggs in MT Flt is trained to do. I do my job, so he should put his 14th cup of tea and the Sun down and do his!!!!!! And yes that does include washing and refuelling,

DummyRun 9th Feb 2006 23:54

Motor Car washing
Just got in from my club to find a jolly huge tiff going on about dirty cars! 'parently seems to be a Gentlemen vs players issue. Landed earlier this week after a spot of the old night flying and thought the old kite looked a bit grubby so detailed a little man off do fetch me a bucket of hot, soapy water to wash the old girl down with. Then thought the bally, dirty old Houtchin thingy looks a bit grubby so gave him a good scub, jolly nice chap driving crew wheels even dropped me off near my car ! thought to self " what a splendid fellow you are" gosh, I realised as I disembarked the crew charabanc, best I follow you back to motor stable yard place so I can help you put your carriage to bed clean, ney,ney Sir he cried I'll take care or her for you........

Ihave a full LGV (HGV in old money) and would be more than happy do do a job swap with any 4-eng turbo-prop qualified MT employee. Oh, and I'll even clean the windows for him, It'll save him doing the third wave on NVG's with a windscreen that you wouldn't even drive your car home from work with!!

Come on boy's, as the arguement goes the Staish shouldn't wash his car but OC Ops should, how often do you think the SWO has washed an MT vehicle?

Methinks I detect a smell of burning and it doesn't smell of commissioned Tolpudddle resident.

Load Moving..........

Kitbag 10th Feb 2006 04:30

I was so amazed at some of rhe things being said on this thread I actually registered to make a comment myself. Perhaps a few more points to throw in the melting pot to keep things warm:

1. Most stations have 'Lease' cars, not hire cars- there is a difference, those educated with or without degrees can look that up.

2. MT orders are generally signed off by an Officer who is in charge of all logistics on a unit. Most probably a Wing Commander.

If this subject is so touchy, surely one could approach said WingCo and suggest a change?

As for the rest of the bleating, perhaps if you don't like following the orders (and that really IS the point) and can't be bothered doing something about them, you should get out :ok:

Delta Hotel 10th Feb 2006 05:12

Missing the point?
Am I missing the point????

I thought this was a PILOTs website. If so, I would recommend that the techies, stackers, adminers and other blunties go and find their own whinging website. Should a pilot wash a MT car = No. Why Not? Because he/she worked harder at school than the rest of you, and has better things to do with their incredibly important time. Go and get a life you wasters.......:hmm:

Any Comments?????

Kitbag 10th Feb 2006 05:22

Delta Hotel, Yeah, I'll bite:

From the intro to this forum

'A forum for the professionals who fly the non-civilian hardware, and the backroom boys and girls without whom nothing would leave the ground. Army, Navy and Airforces of the World, all equally welcome here'

Please try and remember we are supposed to work together.


Pontius Navigator 10th Feb 2006 06:31

TWOL8, I repeat my point if the CONTRACT RULES state . . . the the contractor can REQUEST.

I agree the military MTO can sign ORDERS on behalf of the wg cdr in charge of technical equipments - I lost track of the name after it went from OC Tech Wg :) - then the sqn ldr ought to obey them if they can do complied with legally.

For a 4am start, let us assume a 5am at MT, then the cleaning process MUST be completed by 1600. How long was the drive? 2 hours each way minimum? Breakfast and Lunch. Dunker. Not many hours left in the day.

Does that MT section provide PPE and instruction on car washing? I repeat the point, H&S and EP rules are non-negotiable.

Other points about relative value of work are also true, an none of this officer-airmen cr*p. It is EXACTLY the same arguement that the airmen have been advancing for 20 years as to why they should not do gate guards.

The Helpful Stacker 10th Feb 2006 06:38

Originally Posted by Delta Hotel
Am I missing the point????

I thought this was a PILOTs website. If so, I would recommend that the techies, stackers, adminers and other blunties go and find their own whinging website. Should a pilot wash a MT car = No. Why Not? Because he/she worked harder at school than the rest of you, and has better things to do with their incredibly important time. Go and get a life you wasters.......:hmm:

Any Comments?????

And the tired old quote shall arise again from the ether, although this time accompanied by a couple of other usual suspects.


theboywide 10th Feb 2006 07:28

Originally Posted by Kitbag
I was so amazed at some of rhe things being said on this thread I actually registered to make a comment myself. Perhaps a few more points to throw in the melting pot to keep things warm:

1. Most stations have 'Lease' cars, not hire cars- there is a difference, those educated with or without degrees can look that up.

2. MT orders are generally signed off by an Officer who is in charge of all logistics on a unit. Most probably a Wing Commander.

If this subject is so touchy, surely one could approach said WingCo and suggest a change?

As for the rest of the bleating, perhaps if you don't like following the orders (and that really IS the point) and can't be bothered doing something about them, you should get out :ok:

So your telling pilots who have multi-million pounds worth of training to leave the RAF over MT being too lazy to wash a car. Its arseholes like you that cause us to have such a retention problem. Get a grip

The Helpful Stacker 10th Feb 2006 07:37

Originally Posted by theboywide
So your telling pilots who have multi-million pounds worth of training to leave the RAF over MT being too lazy to wash a car. Its arseholes like you that cause us to have such a retention problem. Get a grip

No I think he's actually telling people who can't (or won't) follow orders to leave.

Service personnel can't pick and choose the orders they wish to obey.

As I've already said the obvious solution to this (and probably the safer one considering how knackering I'm led to believe the dunker course is) is to get a driver to do the driving, that really is what they are paid to do after all.

BTW, before any wag comments on how I can manage to reply to these posts whilst being so over-worked (or some such quip) I'm currently sat at home with Scarlet Fever.

Matt Skrossa 10th Feb 2006 07:47

'BTW, before any wag comments on how I can manage to reply to these posts whilst being so over-worked (or some such quip) I'm currently sat at home with Scarlet Fever'.

Scarlet Fever, isn't she one of your MT drivers? Are you providing her with your favours so that she will wash your car when you return it to MT? Please let us know the truth!

Pontius Navigator 10th Feb 2006 07:49

Is he actually chosing which orders with which to comply?

More likely he is prioritising. Prioritising goes on all the time and at its basic level is 'not complying with orders'.

"Though shall sign the order books every month" - does this mean before you go flying on the 1st or within one month of the last time you signed them?

Historically it meant that the signature had to be there every month before you flew and of course whenever an order changed. In practise the orders were signed, read or not, but the new orders were always read at least once.

Ideally you sat down and read the orders cover-to-cover. In the MT case this would include the driving of bowsers, refuelling aircraft, towing trailers etc 'cause you signed MT orders, not MT orders for the vehicle you are to take today.

In all tasks we prioritise. "Return this F6000 to PSF by . . . " "Fly a 4-ship . . ." OK one is fun writing devastatingly funny comments that you can put on Pprune as pearls of wisdom and the other is deadly boring - flown once flown 'em all.

Just joking:E

The Helpful Stacker 10th Feb 2006 07:50

Originally Posted by Matt Skrossa
'BTW, before any wag comments on how I can manage to reply to these posts whilst being so over-worked (or some such quip) I'm currently sat at home with Scarlet Fever'.
Scarlet Fever, isn't she one of your MT drivers? Are you providing her with your favours so that she will wash your car when you return it to MT? Please let us know the truth!

Nope, its just the delightful Scarlet Fever illness that my daughter has managed to catch off some filthy child at her nursery then pass on to me.

Tourist 10th Feb 2006 08:08

Probably incubated in the filth on some dirty MT car that the lazy Mt scrote couldn't be @rsed to clean!

scan 10th Feb 2006 08:09

To save all the hassle why did said Sqn Ldr not take his own car and claim motor mileage on a 1771? Then get hi:ouch: s kids to wash his car.

The Helpful Stacker 10th Feb 2006 08:17

Originally Posted by Tourist
Probably incubated in the filth on some dirty MT car that the lazy Mt scrote couldn't be @rsed to clean!

Thankfully my daughter would never come into contact with some God awful scally brat of an MT wallah as we live in our own home well away from my place of work.

Patch brats, as bad as ginger children?

El-Dog 10th Feb 2006 08:31

I wonder how many RAF wannabees have read this thread and are as we speak running to the RN recruiting office!!

Tourist 10th Feb 2006 08:49

Unfortunately, a lot of the RAF wannabies are posting on it!

The Helpful Stacker 10th Feb 2006 08:57

Originally Posted by Tourist
Unfortunately, a lot of the RAF wannabies are posting on it!

Apparently some Army ones too.

Tourist 10th Feb 2006 09:07

I may have flown with the Amateur Air Corps on occasion, but I feel I must point out that the Army is in fact the only service I have not had a commision from!

Kitbag 10th Feb 2006 09:21

Tut tut Boywide, such language. The simple point I was trying to make is that orders are there for a reason. If they are inappropriate then there is a simple process to get them changed, until then they apply across the board- simple military discipline I thought.

BTW, surely the policy makers are responsible for retention issues- New Thread anybody?

Combine Harvester 10th Feb 2006 09:30


I believe the correct wording would be:

'The only Service in which I have not held a Commission'.

Oh dear, I fear I'm getting more like Morse every day. Still, nearly opening time.

Strictly Jungly 10th Feb 2006 10:32

Still banging on.........
about MT and now taking in Scarlet Fever, Ginger personnel etc etc...........how the long winter evenings must fly for some of you.............:ugh:

RAF_Techie101 10th Feb 2006 10:37

It actually started off as as myself and Helpful Stacker not being too impressed at said Sqn Ldr complaining about having to wah his MT car purely on the fact that he WAS a Sqn Ldr...

Since I vanishe dto work at 4 yesterday afternoon it appears to have blossomed into a variety of different angles on the subject...

Climebear 10th Feb 2006 10:55

Combine Harvester

Do you think that Tourist would have been able to write coherently had he 'tried harder at school'?

Combine Harvester 10th Feb 2006 10:57


You may suggest that; I couldn't possibly comment. Anyone fancy a pint?

The Helpful Stacker 10th Feb 2006 11:02

Originally Posted by Combine Harvester
You may suggest that; I couldn't possibly comment. Anyone fancy a pint?

Why not. I'll get some erk to fetch it for us.


Combine Harvester 10th Feb 2006 11:16

Good show. Have him 'cut away' and make it so; mine's an IPA! Ah, I seem to have neglected to bring my wallet with me. Have the chap settle with the landlord and I'll put in a good word for his 6000.

Tourist 10th Feb 2006 11:17

Ooh.......Social Climbear...............is that another nibble.....http://bestsmileys.com/fishing/3.gif

Climebear 10th Feb 2006 12:15

Tourist (just visiting earth)

The words pot, kettle, and black spring to mind.

Boogeyboard 10th Feb 2006 13:18

With a modicum of respect Tourist (and a modicum, I'm sure, is all you deserve) the status of the services today only reflects the abuse of priveledges clearly expoused by the likes of numpties like you in the past.

Whatever the lack of priviledge the guys are experiencing today, you are to be held responsible and accountable. Wherever you were based I would lay good odds that it is a better place for you having departed.

Tourist 10th Feb 2006 14:55

And another!http://bestsmileys.com/fish/20.gif

CashMachine 10th Feb 2006 14:55

Hey, I'm back. Got banned for a week for some reason, the moderators won't tell me why!
Anyway, onto the topic
The simple answer is - if you don't want to wash a vehicle when you return then ask MT for a driver as well. However, if you want the convenience of driving it yourself and not having to sit there for 4 hours making small talk with some LAC MT driver then self-drive and put up with spending 10 minutes washing the car (or take it into the local car wash and pay for the cheapest wash!).
Of course there is another issue, all the MT washes I've ever seen have a bin full of cold water that had some wash fluid added sometime in the last month, a couple of brushes with hardly any heads left and a cold water hose, so you end up with a vehicle that was dirtier than when you went in! And of course there is the H&S issue, especially in the winter months when the water on the floor freezes.
MT do issue hire cars as well, usually if you want a one way journey. These, of course, don't need cleaning when you've finished with them.
Oh, and you "highly intelligent" officers out there, remember the old addage - the Army and Navy all go into battle together, we switched on Air Force erks send you lot to do the dirty work while we go back for another cup of tea!!!!! Who's the intelligent ones then?:ok:

Tourist 10th Feb 2006 14:59

My god, it's like the Grand Banks!

Climebear 10th Feb 2006 15:07


Your attempts to cover up your inadequacies by claiming that your condescending and/or poorly constructed posts were merely a grand fishing expedition appear to have failed.

Have a nice weekend.

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