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VThokie2 11th Jul 2020 10:27

I‘ll say it a different way. It’s poor form for someone with their first post (regardless of generation) to flippantly dismiss what some of the very level headed and experienced members of this forum has to say. And that’s in no way directed at you, I happen to agree with you assessment in the preceding pages.

Kennytheking 11th Jul 2020 10:35

Eish.....I'll say it then. Yes, it was an off the cuff comment but hardly worth the condescending diatribe you launched into. Don gets it and took it with the spirit that was intended. To use your own logic, you should zip it because the seniors here have spoken.

VThokie2 11th Jul 2020 10:38

Nope.... never said someone (new or not) can’t disagree.

FlightDetent 11th Jul 2020 10:50

This starts to read like something leaked from the Fragrant Harbour section...

14 6 11th Jul 2020 10:58

Originally Posted by VThokie2 (Post 10834525)
I‘ll say it a different way. It’s poor form for someone with their first post (regardless of generation) to flippantly dismiss what some of the very level headed and experienced members of this forum has to say. And that’s in no way directed at you, I happen to agree with you assessment in the preceding pages.

Ok, I think you are talking about respect towards seniors and I fully support you on that. However, it is virtually impossible to determine the seniority of posters on this forum. For all we know that first poster could have been a 95 year old Korean fighter ace, looking down on a boomer as a youngster (after his millennial great grandson taught him how to use the box of tricks). It is just a joke, but I hope it illustrates that first posts really does not mean anything.

VThokie2 11th Jul 2020 11:12

Yup that was the extent of what I was trying to get across!

Sandbagged 11th Jul 2020 11:31

Oh FFS, people’s lives are being upended and now there is a bitch fight about who said what, who called who a nasty name, who joined first, who’s been in the Middle East longest. Grow up. This thread is about more important things than subjective offense being taken by what appears to be some very fragile egos. Careers have been interrupted, if not terminated. Partners, children, whole lifestyles have been affected with social and psychological trauma that may last for years. Focus on that, not petty nonsense.

14 6 11th Jul 2020 11:40

There you go Sandbag, get it all out! That is how we will survive this, by venting frustrations, giving advice, sharing warnings......all on this forum.

Fired600 11th Jul 2020 11:42

Sandbagged :D, at last some sence

Flying Clog 11th Jul 2020 11:54

Good grief, I thought us in the Fragrant Harbour were a bunch of muppets. But you lot ... good grief!

Going on about he said, she said.. Seems a bit like rearranging the deck chairs on the titanic.

The last 20 or so posts should be cleared off by the mods.

Let's get back to spreading awareness of how badly EK has treated it's pilots. That's why we're reading this. Not schadenfreude, but more making notes so we can be prepared/avoid the same outcome.

14 6 11th Jul 2020 12:05

We all come back to this part of the interwebs continuously to find out what he said or she said. It is a free choice, if you don’t like it, just leave......sounds familiar, no?

delorean79 11th Jul 2020 12:22

Can you guys get a room?

This thread is about the latest developments regarding redundancies in Emirates and rumours about what it is to come.

I'm not interested in who is right or wrong about the 'pressing 2' subject, because both are right and both are wrong. That's what happens when you generalize. There were people unjustly made redundant because of their real sickness. The cancer example makes my blood boil. Cabin crew have ongoing pregnancies examples too.
And there were people with a target on their backs because of their unfair use of the sickness self reporting procedure. Some just used it sparingly to avoid this or that instructor on a PPC, or a command upgrade SIM or flight, others used it to avoid undesired destinations. Others to 'manage the roster' if they felt that they were flying too much. Others for parties or to attend concerts and similar. Some for all of the above. Were they the majority? I don't know. I prefer to think that they weren't but I'm not sure.

Do I think that they deserved to be made redundant for that? Hell no, except for the 'all of the above' kind of guy or the abusers. It's not fair for the rest. But these kind people exist in every organization. There's people that choose to use all tricks, fair or unfair, to their advantage, and they don't care about the one that is called at 3 in the morning to report for a Shanghai, Kabul a Lusaka-Harare or a 4 am PPC or Command Upgrade LOE. I was the one they called in 'all of the above' kind of cases. But that is not the subject of this topic. We can open another thread to discuss about it, and you can imagine in which side of the discussion you'll find me at.

Sandbagged 11th Jul 2020 12:22

Originally Posted by 14 6 (Post 10834595)
There you go Sandbag, get it all out! That is how we will survive this, by venting frustrations, giving advice, sharing warnings......all on this forum.

Mark Twain was right, “Never argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience”

146, you completely missed my point. It’s not all about you. I hereby apologize for my unsuccessful attempt to inject some maturity and empathy into a discussion on terrible events affecting good people.

14 6 11th Jul 2020 12:39

Name calling is a sure sign that you have nothing further of value to add.

White Knight 11th Jul 2020 14:13

Please. Enough nonsense! Back to the THREAD TOPIC... I'm sure it's not just sickness that leads to being chosen for redundancy; Performance, Fuel uplift, Attendance, Use of 2 etc and thrown together into some sort of computer algorithm. WE on the coalface will never know...

GKOC41 11th Jul 2020 14:56

Originally Posted by Kennytheking (Post 10834341)
I find it very poor form to accuse someone of being management just because you do not like his message. Argue the point, not the man. I will side with the novice on this one and say it. You are a free person and are welcome to judge content however you like......that is your right. The reasonable amongst us do not use join date to judge content but rather reflect on the message itself. The point that the novice is making is that there are a bunch of old hands here are often pounding their own agenda(generally how bad it is at emirates). It doesn't mean they are credible, just clamorous;

That said, I like most of what Don has to say. He is probably one of the most level-headed here. Unfortunately 146 seems to have hit a nerve even though he does have a point, one which I agree with.

I think it is disgusting and unacceptable that they are handing cancer sufferers warning letter and now redundancy letters. It is nice to see some push back against in the UK against Easyjet's plan to use sickness as a metric for it's upcoming cuts. It is totally inappropriate in a safety sensitive environment. That said, 146 makes a good point when he says that some of our colleagues actively use "pressing 2" as a method of re-arranging their roster. This is not an acceptable practice and instead of actually dealing with the culprits fleet have use their standard "lets punish everyone" approach.

Easyjet had a pretty good non punitive FRMS so using sick as a measure to get rid goes against best practice.

Easyjet now have an Ex Ryanair COO and part of the CV19 deal is 'productivity' improvements - e.g. throwing out the fixed roster and turning off the FRMS I suspect

And if sickness is used then no crew will ring in sick for fear of another cull.

Crap times all round

fatbus 11th Jul 2020 15:07

Safety is and will be reduced caused by HR . What a mess the industry has because me . The bean counters are rubbing their hand together loving the future. Management might not be sleeping well when ELOM data starts indicating some frightening stuff .

Im sure EK is not the only one but to toss out SE/STC/TRE on mass will prove to be huge safety error. The holes are lined up !

WB1900 11th Jul 2020 16:48

i know some guys who had been ****** by the trainer on their command or a sim - guess what these trainers are still here - some goods ones are being shown the door

and I think getting punished once for a slap should be enough - but not here it keeps sticking on your a.... even it not your fault just because nobody cares

pettycashblings 11th Jul 2020 17:14


I'm sorry, but this is the reason why people don't take these forums seriously.

Singling out people on your 'should have been sacked' list has grown part of the culture amongst many in this airline. I have heard it on a CRM day , from the instructor himself to the class detailing the lack of ability of an individual who was involved in an incident.

I wish you all the best.

EchoKilla 11th Jul 2020 19:01

Also expect new T&C very soon for all “new hires” which I’m sure will be made up of all the folks that’s complementing the heck out of the “greatest employer” of all time on LinkedIn for getting fired....... :ugh:

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