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maligno 7th Sep 2015 15:26

Hi Guys

You make me cry with your misery there, or actually, happy and proud of myself sending to the hell to EK and fleet managers and HR managers a few years ago.

Currently I am flying 65 hour a month, 13 days OFF strings + travel time, 14k per month as a 777 skipper.
Shall i apply as a DEC to return to the sand pit????!!!!:yuk::yuk::yuk:

Keep Slavering! and good luck!

I predicted all this rubbish 5 years ago...you are still on time to get out of there...

falconeasydriver 7th Sep 2015 16:44

Found this little nugget recently, remind any EK and ex EK types of any individuals contained within?

"Sociopaths tend to be nervous and easily agitated. They are volatile and prone to emotional outbursts, including fits of rage. They are likely to be uneducated and live on the fringes of society, unable to hold down a steady job or stay in one place for very long. It is difficult but not impossible for sociopaths to form attachments with others. Many sociopaths are able to form an attachment to a particular individual or group, although they have no regard for society in general or its rules. In the eyes of others, sociopaths will appear to be very disturbed. Any crimes committed by a sociopath, including murder, will tend to be haphazard, disorganized and spontaneous rather than planned.

Psychopaths, on the other hand, are unable to form emotional attachments or feel real empathy with others, although they often have disarming or even charming personalities. Psychopaths are very manipulative and can easily gain people’s trust. They learn to mimic emotions, despite their inability to actually feel them, and will appear normal to unsuspecting people. Psychopaths are often well educated and hold steady jobs. Some are so good at manipulation and mimicry that they have families and other long-term relationships without those around them ever suspecting their true nature."

Just a thought to ponder, the beer in Germany today tastes great :ok:

helen-damnation 8th Sep 2015 13:49

It gets worse!

Latest rumour, and it's only rumour at this time, is that 4 (ex?) Air Arabia Captains were being assessed for 380 DEC this week.

Another nail in the coffin IF it's true :oh:

glofish 8th Sep 2015 14:27


DEC from a narrow-body on to the holy grail of the airline world?
Where most of EK's T7 drivers apparently almost failed to transit?
That must send shivers down the spines of all Super skippers ....

To be honest, down mine too, if true. If we are looking at TP FOs paired with NB DECs and the system would work safely, it would only mean we are all not that special, wouldn't it? :{

I'll be retired by then, shouldn't care less, but I still would like to enjoy staff travel on EK.

So hopefully they know what they are doing! :rolleyes:

ExDubai 8th Sep 2015 16:45

Can't believe that.......... But hey, we're talking about EK :cool:

halas 8th Sep 2015 17:43

"Where most of EK's T7 drivers apparently almost failed to transit? "

Apparently almost bull****.


donpizmeov 8th Sep 2015 19:42

I believe a 380 sim was available where the 330 one wasn't.

Gloie think you're doing a disservice to the fellas that swapped fleets. The majority had no problem with the transition, and seem to be enjoying flying something modern.

Avid Aviator 8th Sep 2015 20:55

F/Os have not previously had their upgrades delayed due to DEC recruitment. Current (attempted) A330 DEC recruitment is the same, any qualified F/O - and they have lowered the requirements - has been upgraded.
If they take B777 DECs - and I'm not convinced they will - then this will be different, very different, to any past DEC hiring. If I was a junior F/O I would be off to EY or QR for my upgrade.
Interestingly, this wouldn't be the case on the A380 - again upgrades are happening there on min time, so hard to complain! Still can't believe they'd put DECs on their pride and joy, but if they did it wouldn't stop any current F/O getting their command.

BTW, Malingo: I might be doing 85+ hours a month, but I'm earning over $22K a month with 42 days leave (even if I have to take that as cash not time off). Think KAL leave is 0 days if you take 11 days off a month?
Ancient TREs would be 30% more than me.
Lots of problems at EK but pay is not one of them.
Keep it rational!

White Knight 8th Sep 2015 21:40

Originally Posted by Avid Aviator (Post 9110102)
F/Os have not previously had their upgrades delayed due to DEC recruitment.

Boll0cks Avid old chap... Go back at least a decade!!!!!!!

BigGeordie 8th Sep 2015 22:51

My upgrade in 2007 was delayed by about a year purely because of DEC hiring. I was one of the last FOs to be hired before the whole DEC thing started, anyone joining in the last 10 years knew the situation. Still doesn't make it right.

LHR Rain 9th Sep 2015 00:19

Yes just because pilots at EK supposedly knew about DECs doesn't make it right to still hire them, especially now.
Almost every single FO at EK has had their upgrade delayed by DECs weather they knew it or not.
On just about every occasion when the company hired DECs in the past it wasn't necessary and probably pre-planned. The same can be said for the present scenario times 10. Through the company actions or lack of actions the company is relying on DECs bailing them out again. Can't wait to see the what kind of experience the company will be attracting.
Is Emirates hiring Turbo-Prop DECs next?

glofish 9th Sep 2015 02:11

Everyone seems to be quite tense on this subject .... a sarcastic joke and poking at ourselves goes undetected.

Guys, they will do whatever it takes to get metal airborne.
Until it comes down a tad faster than anticipated and even then it will never be their fault.

migair54 9th Sep 2015 07:49

If they hire DEC it will be very discouraging for many F/O, and another thing is that i´m not sure if they will find so many DEC with rating in B777 or A380 willing to join EK.

I think the new minimums are the correct way if they can't find pilots, get more pilots and slowly upgrade the ones in house. otherwise altering the seniority will create some problems, many F/O that currently are not so unhappy could start considering to go.

Few days ago I got an email from EK that I have been shortlisted and placed in a holding pool, but I think they sent that email to almost everyone that applied.

The shortage of pilots is going to affect many airlines and I am sure more airlines are going to follow EK.

nakbin330 9th Sep 2015 09:29

Apply to the outfit down the road and you'll be placed on a nine month waiting list! Much like it was here in the not too distant past.

Pulkdahulk 9th Sep 2015 10:17

How are you guys finding inductive reasoning and critical thinking assessments for Type Rated Boeing applicants. While the former is a stronger point, the latter is a weaker area and need to know how to better improve on the critical assessment part. I have purchased some online assessments but need some help from guys who struggled with it initially, but became better!

If interviews has a 15Q, 10 mins time out for the tests for example like above, so how many Qs are you guys getting it right or what should one do basically. Answer with accuracy if you can't finish all the 15 in 10 mins ?

Am NOT Sure 10th Sep 2015 16:21

What does your judgment say? Take chances and risk errors or be prudent and stick to accuracy ? Btw there's a thread about the ek interview

No comment ...

METARHIMS 11th Sep 2015 14:21

I applied to Emirates earlier this week and unfortunately I made a mistake when I answered "Job Specific Question" #3. I answered "none of the above", when my answer should have been "2000 hours or more on multi-crew multi-engine jet above 10T with 4000 hours total time".

Once I got the "keep trying, but not now" e-mail the day after, I realized my mistake and changed the answer.

Any ideas when Emirates may look at my application again? American, mid 30s, B-737 type and time, excellent record, currently bizjet.

Kapitanleutnant 11th Sep 2015 14:39

American….. I heard the US airlines were hiring like… 400 pilots per month!!!

Mid 30's…. Meaning you'd have a career of 30 year career with a major in the US.

737 Type… Even SWA no longer requires this.

Dude, are you Daft? You want to come to Emirates???

Have you not read all the horror stories at this place? I say with sincerity… You really have no clue what you're getting into here. NONE!

Not trying to give you sh*t but… wow… really?? Do some reading!!! All the US guys here are screaming to get out and go back to the US.

Yet… with all the posts about what Emirates is really like…. you still want to come here?

All the best to you, man. Hope you get what you want.

I'll check this board about 6 months after you're hired and see what you think then, ok?


cerbus 11th Sep 2015 16:55

I don't know what your thinking or reasoning is METAR but have a serious re-think about joining Emirates. It is every bit as bad as pilots are voicing on these threads.
Have you heard about the U.S. Majors? Give them a try first then if you are un successful go to Ethihad or Qatar but there are at least 5 very good airlines in the U.S. that are worth going to.

ibelieveicanfly 12th Sep 2015 01:31

Of course the grass is greener somewhere else!
Do not listen to frustrated pilots who always firmly believe that the grass is greener somewhere else!
Come and join Emirates because we need more pilots to relieve our workload,to improve our bidding system and to upgrade the senior F/Os.
The EK package is not perfect and has been depreciated unfortunately.

OnceBitten 12th Sep 2015 05:46

Grass? What is this Grass you speak of????

Biggles78 12th Sep 2015 06:09

Originally Posted by Dropp the pilot
Intriguing. You do realize there are only 10 types of people in the world? Those who can understand binary and those who can't?

Sorry Dropp but you are wrong. There are actually 11 types of people in the world. Those who can understand binary, those who can't and those who don't care. :eek:

harry the cod 12th Sep 2015 09:16


"All the US guys here are screaming to get out and go back to the US".

Strange, just recently flew with one very happy US citizen. About to upgrade after 4.5 years onto the triple. 5 years ago he was sat right seat on RJ earning a fraction of what he's about to clear and having to endure a long commute too due to the huge cost of living in NY. Kids recently enrolled into school of choice. Wife good job. Plan is 10-15 years until children finish then will re assess. Even thinking of buying here with market dropping.

I'm not selling EK, merely trying, as usual, to put perspective into an often one sided and emotional biased argument. It very much depends on where you've come from and what the future may potentially hold. Despite your opinion and a degradation in overall pay/work/lifestyle balance, working here is still an excellent option for many.

Not all of our US colleagues want to leave, just a larger number perhaps than other nationalities. Ironically, the Brits appear to be taking the lead for leaving here. With all the rain, tax and immigration issues they face, things must be getting bad here!

Before you respond, a question to you. Are you not American yourself? Why are you not joining those desperate screaming Americans when you can just walk out the door into the 400 jobs a month you claim are available?


Pointer 12th Sep 2015 09:59

Pilots leaving because..
The main reason the Brits are leaving for greener pastures (wetter and colder) with a mediocre aviation market there is the simple reason that the "better" half hates it here.. Hearing most of the Brits that I fly with saying things that reflect the opinion that everything British is either better, bigger, or greener (ok, I'll give them that one) makes it for a difficult time here.. The wife's are leaving in drones.. Husbands wanting a commuting roster.. Just not working out, then everything turns sour if you can't be with your loved ones, understandably so.

So I agree with Harry on this one, It always looks greener on the other side of the fence.. but either side has its brown patches.. Just be careful not to step in too many of them.

For the new joiners or those thinking to join.. Please.. Please.. have a sincere talk with your spouse about coming here.. make sure she/he will WANT to make it work..

Just pointing out the obvious..

Pointer :E

misd-agin 12th Sep 2015 10:24

Pointer - KL can't reply because the movers are packing his stuff right now. Fact.

Buddy two days ago - "new FO on my last trip was a former 777 CA at EK."

Lots of factors in deciding to leave the U.S. for EK, or any overseas job, and reasons not to, with the current hiring spree in the U.S.

SOPS 12th Sep 2015 10:36

Yes, I confirm, the last private correspondence with KL said he was due to go about now.

dhc8d 12th Sep 2015 12:19

Is dhs 29 700 a month not enough for a decent living in dxb?
Hi everyone
Is dhs 29 700 a month for f/o not enough for a decente living in dxb?
Is it a net salary?
Accomodation is provided by EK but do you pay for electricity and water bills?
Is the education support allowance covers it all or u still have to add some from ûr pocket?

Thanks a lot in advance for your answers.

my salami 12th Sep 2015 12:26

1) Yes.
2) Yes(if no kids).
3) No.
4) It depends.

dhc8d 12th Sep 2015 12:32

Thanks very much for answering so quikly
1)yes means it´s enough?
2)what do u mean if no kids?

Thanks again.:ok:

Pointer 12th Sep 2015 13:24

Lowered requirements Emirates
2) if you have kids in school, you most likely will get some Educational expense deduction from that "net" salary, as well as tickets used, medical expenses whom might not be covered 100%, etc..

dhc8d 12th Sep 2015 20:30

Thanks to all for the aswers
What´s the minimum an F/O can expect with two kids?
Thanks again

jack schidt 12th Sep 2015 20:45

Put simply, an FO salary is sufficient to survive on and that's exactly it, survive you will, save you probably won't until you get your command (after the DECs have taken all the slots).


dhc8d 13th Sep 2015 12:39

I'm just looking for a number so i can have a clear idea of what to expect
And jack if this number is fine just to "survive" in dubai so what´s for you to correct number for a decent living?

AlanPardew 13th Sep 2015 12:56

Originally Posted by dhc8d (Post 9114603)
Thanks to all for the aswers
What´s the minimum an F/O can expect with two kids?
Thanks again

A divorce.

Plane_Sailing 13th Sep 2015 13:08

As an FO I have a decent car, good lifestyle , occasional holiday , good school for kids, , nice villa, no utility bills, small amount in provident fund, good health insurance and send €1000 home a month to pay expenses. Emirates has its problems but the pay is pretty good even for an FO. They have had small pay increases that don't keep up with inflation but Ryanair hasn't had a pay increase for over 10 years.
The problem with emirates is the mixed type of flying is very tiring, the leave system and availability is crap and the time to command is very uncertain. If you can live with these things then emirates is a good place to be.
I'm ready for a lashing from the usual people to say how wonderful it was 10 years ago, but it's not 10 years ago so get over it.

Global Nomad 13th Sep 2015 13:29

Nothing's changed from 10 years ago, just different problems.

SOPS 13th Sep 2015 13:54

May I put my thoughts in here? I am sure by many I will be howled down.

But everyone seems to be forgetting that the main reason for being an ex pat is to make money.

What happens in reality is, the local pilots make more than the Expats ( good luck to them).

But the whole reason of moving to the ME seems to have been lost. You go to make money.

Hubris in EK and Dubai has changed this.

Deep and fast 13th Sep 2015 14:09

OK here's a question. How many new pilots will it take to ease the roster to a reasonable level and how many are the company trying to recruit?

I have to agree with SOPs, the whole point of leaving for pastures green is... Well that it is greener, I would be looking at a 5year pay cut to go there so it's more pastures brown. Pay won't increase until they're looking at pilot shortages of Chinese proportions.

bogeydope 13th Sep 2015 14:39

Dream on if you think we'll be flying less, no matter how many we are hiring in the future!

Secondly, for most of the P2F types, this place is as close as it gets to "nirvana".
For the rest of us it's closer to " the cream of the crap", although that might even be a stretch............:ugh::ugh::uhoh:

donpizmeov 13th Sep 2015 15:21

Another 10 aeroplane growth for the remainder of the financial year. Last wash up was told they were hiring 230 new pilots for the remainder of the financial year. Even not including people leaving that's not enough to fix leave and roster problems.

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