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ironbutt57 22nd Jul 2012 11:56

So RP, do your ALL your trainees get this conditional letter of employment issued by the AIRLINE?, and is it genuine?,and is it presented to the trainee prior to them paying for the course signed by the AIRLINE? or printed in the local print shop?

honestpilot 22nd Jul 2012 12:33

once again rp u REFUSE to read what i type

As u can see from the post GulfStream made the BA MPL is FREE for the students. So as a result they will only pick the best students. They will also go through procedures quickly and properly as after all it their money that is being spent.
That is what I wrote. Not just

Do research on that website. Any company would do research on their rivals but I guess that is everyone apart from Alpha.

So let me do it for u

The Multi-crew Pilots License (MPL) | FTEJerez

read that website and so that u do not make a mistake again I will quote the important section.

Currently, FTEJerez offers the MPL course in collaboration with airlines. If you wish to join our MPL course, you will have to successfully complete our airline partner’s selection process and if selected, you will benefit from the airline’s sponsorship.
So as u can see the airline PAYS for it. That is what a sponsorship is right?

I have problems on the promises u guys have broken, how it is k for u guys to break the contracts but not for us. When we first joined Shj we were told that our flying would be done in Shj. Suddenly because AAG could not maintain a flying line, sent us to Aus. Fine Aus is a good experience but I am talking about they way the business is handled.

I do not like how the contracts were made to sign late by several students. 7 months after they joined from what I have been told.

Finally I do not like how after these mistakes occur instead of apologizing u guys say '' liar liar'' or '' u are so full of s**t''

FInally Ironbutt

No they do not make u sign a contract with the airline before u join. Only after u have completed the MPL. Now what IF Air Arabia decides to pull out after u joined? Air Arabia are under NO obligation to take u. If they want they can just stop taking more students from AAG or just make them wait for a few months.

Just do not bother with AAG Ironbutt. Look at the number of unhappy students. Past or present. We are not ALL liars. I am a student and whatever has been said here is true. I not not unsure about anything. Instead of AAG correcting their past mistakes they are calling us all liars.

Which i hate. And yes, even after IF i get a job at AAG I will be here warning students about the risk of joining AAG unless i get the feeling that things are actually improving AND all the problems with the past students have been solved with. Hopefully I will have time to write such posts. :(

RP-C000 22nd Jul 2012 13:32

ironbutt57..nothing is made on a local shop... here is the proof of the relationship of AAG & ABY

Group | Air Arabia

Alpha Aviation Academy | Air Arabia

honestpilot.. really would be nice to see you soon in the ABY FO uniform.. then you can tell everyone what a waste the MPL course was for you. :=

honestpilot 22nd Jul 2012 13:52

once AGAIN RP u REFUSE to READ what has been asked! And, then u wonder why I get upset. U just refused to answer the questions.

So RP, do your ALL your trainees get this conditional letter of employment issued by the AIRLINE?, and is it genuine?,and is it presented to the trainee prior to them paying for the course signed by the AIRLINE? or printed in the local print shop?
That is what he asked. He was not asking if it is true that AAG and Air Arabia have ties or not. He is asking about the contracts?! How does ur link answer that question. It does not.

And you have not really commented on my post! Why!? Cause what I am saying is right and as usual u avoid commenting on it!

Lastly yes even IF i get the job at Air Arabia I will mention that AAG is not good and very risky to do an MPL with them!

vfenext 22nd Jul 2012 14:22

RP, it astounds me how stupid you are. You keep coming back here to defend the indefensible. The MPL that AAG is offering is a pile of poo and the dogs in the street know it. If you just stopped BS'ing the threads would just go away, but your constant attempts to say your piece means it goes on and on. You are doing more damage than good and with all the irate people at AAG this will never go away...until you do!! You have well and truly lost the debate so give up.

RP-C000 22nd Jul 2012 15:30

vfenext.. very nice choice of words.. personally attacking people on the forum. :=:ugh:

vfenext 22nd Jul 2012 16:13

You just can't give up can you. If you stop coming back then the threads will go away. The management of AAG must really love your version of PR.

honestpilot 22nd Jul 2012 17:00

RP u are the onewho personally attacks people. U and strato basically call us all liars

pfvspnf 23rd Jul 2012 09:17


Regardless of the screw ups in the beginning with AAG. Isn't the end result still the same? You are going to complete your line training with Air Arabia and most likely get a job given the current demand.

MPL is new and there are going to be mistakes made but it is the future of training.

I dont doubt the fact that AAG needs to get there act together and stop thinking about more than just their bottom line but at the end of the day you are going to get on an A320 faster than any CPL/IR/ME holder who will have to wait years before he/she gets on the right sight of a jet.

honestpilot 23rd Jul 2012 10:45

yes agreed but why hide these mistakes. They deny them and call us all liars.

Then they do not want to rectify those mistakes! Is it fair that people here are saying that some students have been hard done by? yes, some may not have been that good but it is easier just to blame the students for any failures than to look at ways where AAG made mistakes.

That is what i do not like!

pfvspnf 23rd Jul 2012 11:30

The compass test is a bit of a joke, i agree and more due diligence must be done on the behalf of management to ensure that the selection process is stringent but none of this changes the fact that results have been accomplished through the program candidates have finished their line training and are now employed with Air Arabia.

Being a former flight instructor and examiner my self I realize that students learn at a different pace but sometimes you just have to make the call that someone is not cut out for this sort of program (that cant always be foreseen in a compass/psychometric test).

Focus on your type rating and line training material, dont occupy your mind with what happened in the past. This is aviation. Operators/Flight Training Units/Regulators all have major screw ups, we learn, laugh and eventually move on trying to make a positive change. Constant complaining about it doesn't it solve the problem.

honestpilot 23rd Jul 2012 11:39

If compass tests cannot tell if u will do well in flight school what is the point in them?!

I heard that someone scored less than 15 in his compass exam and was passed to enter the flying school!

15!! out of 35?!

come on anyone can say that this student will struggle! Not a laughing matter. That student has lost a ton of money and 2 years of his life after his flying was stopped.

If that happened to you or ur son I do not think u would find it funny!

traveller93 23rd Jul 2012 12:01


Perhaps you don't know that there are MPL pilots from AAG Clark that are still unemployed, contrary to all the promises made to them.

Enrolled in 2007, paid in full for the training, went through ALL the delays and management changes and are presently in limbo, without any interest shown by AAG to resolve the situations.

If AAG cannot fulfill their obligations, then the right thing to do is to reimburse and pay compensation to those people. Why don't they?

This thread is not about the merits or demerits of the MPL but rather about the AAG attitude towards those who have lost everything chasing a dream.

pfvspnf 23rd Jul 2012 12:19


I have worked with students who have struggled initially but have become world class airline pilots in time. I dont agree with compass testing and a score they give you out of 35 is not relavant if the student has the right attitude and is willing to put in the work to learn the material. It comes down to personality too, training is a two way street.

Im not defending alpha and the way the situation was handled but I do feel a single test shouldn't make or brake someones aspirations, that can only determined once training has started. MPL is no cake walk, regardless of your initial score it takes effort on the part of the cadet to excel.


What is the reason for them being unemployed? Did they not meet the standard?

From my understanding the partner airline is doing its best to indoctrinate all cadets that have completed the program successfully.

traveller93 23rd Jul 2012 12:26


Those pilots are from AAG Clark in the Philippines. AAG only placed some Indian MPL pilots in Air Arabia because they had a protecting clause in their contracts.

AAG doesn't care about the others. Why don't they manage to influence AA to accept the remaining guys for line training? They sure meet all the requirements.

Pure incompetence from AAG.

pfvspnf 23rd Jul 2012 12:42

Im not sure what went down in the Philippines but I can think of a few reasons why AA cannot accept those cadets at this moment in time :

- There is already a back log of cadets from the AAG Sharjah that need to complete Line Training

- The Clark cadets might have been trained under a slightly different SOP and might need to be retrained in the sim.

- Their currency would have definitely lapsed and would require retraining, flying is all about currency, if im out of it for a month , we all get completely useless.

- A Foreign MPL might not be recognized under the UAE Civil Aviation Authority . (You would have to look up the Civil Aviation Regulations for that)

- The Memorandum of Understanding was probably between AA and AAG Sharjah and it might not be easy to get cadets from other countries.

These are just guesses but I do hope that those cadets find a solution. I would most certainly like to know what exactly happened.

aakhan 23rd Jul 2012 21:09

Well the cadet scored 12 out of 35 in his compass scores when Epst recommends minimum of 24 out of 35. This cadet was well below the limit and actually failed the screening test but was instead issued a letter that he successfully completed the pilot assessment test. He got a score of 1 out of 7 in two sections which strongly indicated that he will face problems in his core flying and even if he put in his best effort he will not be able to complete his core flying in 70 hours.
Compass scores are relevant because the cadet did do well in his ground school but could not fly as predicted by compass and thus wasted 2 years and DH 300,000 ++ Alpha did play with this cadets time and cheated him of his money. Would you like to be in his shoes. He did not lack motivation or the right attitude and was better than his mates in ground school but lacked the physical skills or the aptitude to become a pilot which came across clearly in his compass scores. Alpha should not have taken him but they did not care since they just were interested in getting his money. If he was aware of his compass score do you think he would have joined Alpha. He came to know about his pathetic compass score after one year when he had finished his ground school and started his core flying.
Alpha not only enrolled him but indicated by issuing the letter that he had the ability to become a pilot contrary to his scores. This is misleading and incorrect since you cannot expect the candidate or his parents to understand the pilot selection system. Cadets should be able to trust the advice of the flying school and for sure i warn cadets not to make the mistake of joining Alpha and trusting Alpha. Why have a sham selection process just take in anyone who walks through your door.
Infact i will go a step further and say compass tool which is used successfully around the world is unethically being used by Alpha.

pfvspnf 23rd Jul 2012 22:32

I have done the compass test before;

- Flying the flight directors and the heading indicator along with the speed tape for a couple of minutes cant tell you much about a persons abilities.

If Alpha did change the results, that is not ethical.

What were the issues that came up in the core flying stage? If he did well in the groundschool he would have had his instrument procedures down before he got in the airplane. Was it the basic handling? Circuits? Radio Work? - All of these things can usually be fixed , especially if a person has the ground knowledge covered.

honestpilot 24th Jul 2012 03:31

From what i heard he struggled in multi tasking. For example if he was asked to fly at 5000ft he would be able to do it. If he was then asked to fly at 5000ft and maintain N he would struggle a bit. The plane was also not in balance and he flew one wing down most of the time.

When he came to the circuits he struggled as a result. He would not be able to do more than 2 tasks at a time.

He also scored poorly in the multi tasking part of the compass exams. In his ground school he was good. I was with him for 3 months and he did well in all his exams. He scored about 89% avg and he did not learn the question bank.

If u say that the compass is not important then why is it that compass companies have a recommended pass mark of 24? He apparently scored 11? And he failed at flying. Does that not tell us that we should heed what the compass companies recommend?

aakhan 24th Jul 2012 05:28

Well his compass scores were kept confidential and not revealed to him but he was instead issued a letter saying he had successfully completed his pilot assessment which mislead him to believe that he had the aptitude to become a pilot which he lacked. You dont learn at you own pace in Alpha since this cadet was removed after 23 hours of flying and on the request of his parents given another 10 hours a total of only 33 hours when he had payed for 70 hours of flying and Alpha decided to keep rest of his money. Alpha continues to make mistakes but will not compensate cadets for the mistakes made by them. If in two sections of compass he had got 1 out of 7 how could he complete his core flying in the required 70 hours. Before he joined he should have been told about his pathetic compass scores so that he could have made an informed decision. Cadets with low compass scores are high risk cadets and should not be taken and no other flying school will do it but Alpha is unique. I can assure you there will be many cadets with low compass scores sitting in Alpha who will not be hired in the end by Air Arabia for no fault of theirs and they stand to lose huge amount of money.
Alpha makes the mistakes and gets away easily having made naive cadets sign a one sided contract which was handed down to cadets 5 months into their training when the cadets were left with no other option but to sign. In my batch of 9 two have already been removed and who benefits with their entrenchments is Alpha.

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