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Will IB Fayed 25th Feb 2022 11:11

Originally Posted by Cury Lamb (Post 11189132)
First it was the hamsters, now they’re coming for our kids!!


I really can't believe this story is true, but I hate to say it, if I had a kid test positive (at that young age), it would be over my dead body he/she would be removed from me.

dabz 25th Feb 2022 11:16

Originally Posted by Will IB Fayed (Post 11190118)
I really can't believe this story is true, but I hate to say it, if I had a kid test positive (at that young age), it would be over my dead body he/she would be removed from me.

You Feel that, you say that but in reality if it truly happened to you they eventually would get your child and you would go to jail for assault of a police officer.

If you don't want your kids locked up, dont have them in HK right now.

Flex88 25th Feb 2022 13:09


Originally Posted by Will IB Fayed (Post 11190118)
I really can't believe this story is true, but I hate to say it, if I had a kid test positive (at that young age), it would be over my dead body he/she would be removed from me.

YOU are living in China which is fully controlled by the CCP and THEY make the rules.... Got IT !!!

8driver 26th Feb 2022 01:50

Originally Posted by JMock (Post 11189920)
won’t help

you still get separated

and your small child will be tied to the bed
chest, ankles and one wrist

Who treats children this way? It tells you all you need to know about the people calling the shots and the people following the orders. Burn baby burn, burn right on through. What's the count today? It's the only way out.

Flying Clog 26th Feb 2022 08:09

The only way 'out' is to abandon ship. Get your family and kids out of HK asap either way, even if you can't stomach changing jobs personally.

The problem with Cathay pilots is most of them have been there so long, been through some excellent high paid years, and still seem to think Cathay is the world's best gig. Which it was, until 2 years ago.

Now CX is a shadow of it's former self, and will NEVER improve. Every day you stay there is a waste of your life.


or don't, not my problem.

Oasis 26th Feb 2022 08:15

17000 new local cases today.
Still adhering to dynamic zero.

Sqwak7700 26th Feb 2022 14:18

If you still think this is about COVID you are living in the past. Look around the world at current events to see the way that new lines are being drawn. Do you really want to be stuck behind those lines when the main event kicks off? COVID was a warning shot, don’t let these lost years be for nothing.

Oasis 27th Feb 2022 15:44

I don't know where you're going with that but I'm readying my tin foil hat.

doolay 28th Feb 2022 03:18

With the way Putin is carrying on I’d say the end of the world IS nigh.

main_dog 28th Feb 2022 04:38

Originally Posted by Fac6 (Post 11191920)
Policies towards testing positive/close contact etc have changed and you can now isolate at home and do RAT tests there etc. Surely this is showing a move towards more relaxed and better things rather than the end of the world is nigh.

Unfortunately all these improvements towards a more rational covid approach are driven by necessity (ie running out of isolation beds at PB), not due to any sensible reasoning. In other words in some cases the right decisions are being taken, but for all the wrong reasons.

Which begs the question, when in a month or so the infections inevitably peak and start to drop and meanwhile they have built 100k isolation cells, will they go right back to unscientific and overzealous measures like 21-day look backs, three-week quarantine for inbound travellers, two weeks in PB after being discharged from hospital etc?

Unfortunately this all seems more bound up in ideology and face-saving rather than rational epidemiological control.

Flying Clog 28th Feb 2022 07:06

main_dog nails it.

How do you think things will play out when cases reduce, and now they have huge concentration camps built in HK? It's not rocket surgery.

Things will only get worse under China's zero covid idiocy. MUCH worse.

Get out while you can.

Additionally, it's time to choose sides, a la 1939, regarding the Ukraine.

China appears to be with Russia on this one. It won't end well.

Oasis 28th Feb 2022 07:45

34000 cases today, wow.

hyg 28th Feb 2022 08:38

Originally Posted by Fac6 (Post 11191920)
The situation regarding children is indeed very sad but taking that aside, I tend to disagree with all this scaremongering that the sky is falling, HK is finished blah blah. Policies towards testing positive/close contact etc have changed and you can now isolate at home and do RAT tests there etc. Surely this is showing a move towards more relaxed and better things rather than the end of the world is nigh.

There was just news coming out today the VP of China just criticised the HK gov for not being harsh enough with its covid 0 policy... Someone would probably 'lose his/her head' if Chairman Xi can't come for the big ceremony on 1 July

KABOY 28th Feb 2022 09:11

Originally Posted by Fac6 (Post 11191920)
The situation regarding children is indeed very sad but taking that aside, I tend to disagree with all this scaremongering that the sky is falling, HK is finished blah blah. Policies towards testing positive/close contact etc have changed and you can now isolate at home and do RAT tests there etc. Surely this is showing a move towards more relaxed and better things rather than the end of the world is nigh.


Well, it aint too rosy, but sure we can say better things are ahead. Just like the same can be said for Ukraine and Myanmar. The difference will be what your perception of 'better things' is.

After the riots, things definitely have not been better for HK citizens......it becomes a new normal.

Oasis 28th Feb 2022 14:57

Funny, with Russia blocking its airspace to many countries, can you imagine the amount of business we'd get if we were actually flying anywhere.

Oasis 1st Mar 2022 12:57

At today's press conference:

Q: Are you still going to continue with "Dynamic-zero Covid" strategy?
Dr Au: Yes. And once we get the cases under control, we're going to bring back all the things we used to do, like aggressive contact tracing and compulsory testing.


Flying Clog 1st Mar 2022 13:09

Exactly. Like main_dog said.

It's not going to change any time soon in Hong Kong.

Stockholm Syndrome for those who remain.

Sam Ting Wong 1st Mar 2022 23:26

Originally Posted by Flying Clog (Post 11192802)

Stockholm Syndrome for those who remain.

Some don't like to work twice as much for half the money.

SOPS 2nd Mar 2022 05:47

The news for Hong Kong just keeps getting better. The US has just placed a “Do Not Travel” advice on Hong Kong.

GreenPill 3rd Mar 2022 10:35

Originally Posted by Flying Clog (Post 11192802)
Exactly. Like main_dog said.

It's not going to change any time soon in Hong Kong.

Stockholm Syndrome for those who remain.

One crew member mentioned that the first time they received a tracking bracelet (literally two weeks ago), they were so angry. Now it is “not so bad”. The new normal keeps sinking lower and lower.

8driver 3rd Mar 2022 15:02

Originally Posted by SOPS (Post 11193158)
The news for Hong Kong just keeps getting better. The US has just placed a “Do Not Travel” advice on Hong Kong.

Well that's just common sense.

Winemaker 3rd Mar 2022 17:08

So everyone in Hong Kong gets tested by the end of the month. Then what? I don't see the sense in this; what good will it do?

Oasis 3rd Mar 2022 18:20

Just slinging mud at the wall, let them get it out of their system...

ng_lan_fly 3rd Mar 2022 21:00

The end of Hong Kong's covid struggle is near right? Covid is treated as a seasonal sickness now, in most places. Time to realize the zero-covid strategy is nonsense?

Starbear 5th Mar 2022 02:37

From SCMP:

”Hong Kong now has the world’s highest Covid-19 death rate. What happened?”

seriously? shall we start with utter incompetence and arrogance?

Flying Clog 5th Mar 2022 06:11

That would be a good start...

Flying Clog 5th Mar 2022 06:15

Obviously the 'zero covid' policy was an extremely dumb decision. We can thank the morons to the north for that, and the sheeple of Hong Kong.

I blame the travel restrictions over the last 2 year for failing to expose HKG to other strains of COVID, creating a false sense of security, subsequent low uptake of vaccines, and when the woo flu finally and inevitably enters the city, the poo hits the fan.

Pure idiocy. Self inflicted.

minglestar 5th Mar 2022 07:44

How dare you expat pilots wish ill will
towards HK people and the elderly especially, so that cases-hospitalization-deaths would increase. You expat guys and gals want the COVID to spare like wild fire in HK and overwhelm the health care system and forces the government to open up travel again and relax the prevention measures. Which you think return back to pre-COVID high pay and lifestyle. You expats want the locals to suffer for your own benefits. What an evil, selfish and narcissistic bunch.

COVID-zero policy and strict measures had kept HK and China safe over the past 2 years. No point to abandon it so that foreigners can profit from the relaxation, either via pay or lifestyle. You live in HK , you are subjugated to the laws of HK. If you don’t like it, please leave. No one is holding you back, except your inner-self knowing you will not get back the same job, pay, lifestyle in your home country as you are currently enjoying in HK.

All the talks of a mass exodus of expat pilots are just that - talks. All talks and no action. Please do leave HK, there are 100 others in the line up to fill any position you are vacating. There will be no pilot storage; it is delusional myth invented by the pilots. Everyone knows it, despite all the downward trend in compensation and perceived lack of the freedom in HK, CX is still one of the better gigs out there. HK has wonderful lifestyle that’s attractive to young single guys and gals from world over. As long as you are not being political, HK is a great place and lots to offer for young expats. (And why would outsiders want to come to HK and be political and stir up trouble. You are a guest in HK , so know your role and don’t cause trouble. The fight for political freedom are HK’ers fight; don’t need interference from foreigners.) These young single expat pilots are ready and willing to take your job at any moment’s notice. Yet you are here complaining the job , company , and the city.

Rie 5th Mar 2022 08:06

Originally Posted by minglestar (Post 11194963)
How dare you expat pilots wish ill will

ou expat guys and gals

Please do leave HK. You are a guest in HK. The fight for political freedom are HK’ers fight; don’t need interference from foreigners.

Well judging by your location you would now be considered an Expat and as such probably should lose the attitude you have and realise the city is barely even for the Hong Kongers anymore. The Mainland has flooded in and corrupted ever corner of HK. Also the other problems from other nationalities becoming PR and overrunning the cities gangs etc.

Oasis 5th Mar 2022 10:12

Originally Posted by minglestar (Post 11194963)
How dare you expat pilots wish ill will
towards HK people and the elderly especially, so that cases-hospitalization-deaths would increase. You expat guys and gals want the COVID to spare like wild fire in HK and overwhelm the health care system and forces the government to open up travel again and relax the prevention measures. Which you think return back to pre-COVID high pay and lifestyle. You expats want the locals to suffer for your own benefits. What an evil, selfish and narcissistic bunch.

COVID-zero policy and strict measures had kept HK and China safe over the past 2 years. No point to abandon it so that foreigners can profit from the relaxation, either via pay or lifestyle. You live in HK , you are subjugated to the laws of HK. If you don’t like it, please leave. No one is holding you back, except your inner-self knowing you will not get back the same job, pay, lifestyle in your home country as you are currently enjoying in HK.

All the talks of a mass exodus of expat pilots are just that - talks. All talks and no action. Please do leave HK, there are 100 others in the line up to fill any position you are vacating. There will be no pilot storage; it is delusional myth invented by the pilots. Everyone knows it, despite all the downward trend in compensation and perceived lack of the freedom in HK, CX is still one of the better gigs out there. HK has wonderful lifestyle that’s attractive to young single guys and gals from world over. As long as you are not being political, HK is a great place and lots to offer for young expats. (And why would outsiders want to come to HK and be political and stir up trouble. You are a guest in HK , so know your role and don’t cause trouble. The fight for political freedom are HK’ers fight; don’t need interference from foreigners.) These young single expat pilots are ready and willing to take your job at any moment’s notice. Yet you are here complaining the job , company , and the city.

I don't think anyone is wishing ill towards HK people, and don't forget we are HK people as well. We live here legally, often own property and pax taxes, where we were born should not matter.
Don't succumb to racism.
No-one wants to have the healthcare system overwhelmed or anyone to suffer, but the (in)actions of the government cause this to occur due to their inability to persuade the elderly, who are most at risk, to vaccinate. The government did not act.
You can not keep a city locked isolated like an island forever and expats, as tax paying residents, have a right to ask for what they want.

Covid zero policy has delayed exposure to the virus and kept the city safe for the duration, but this extra time was squandered by inaction.
We would have come out like roses if this time was used to get the elderly an vulnerable vaccinated, but there was little effective action.
Now we find ourselves actually at a disadvantage, because we are still now dealing with a covid-19 outbreak, as many other countries are lifting restrictions.
Opportunity missed.

'If you don't like it, leave' - Many are leaving or have left, but people have a right to complain so they will take that option instead. You don't get to say what people can and can't do.

You must not be an insider, as anyone in the company will know that there has been a mass exodus.
We are not "guests" in Hong Kong, we are tax paying residents with rights and opinions.

Sam Ting Wong 5th Mar 2022 13:47

Well, no surprise. There hasn't been a pandemic in the history of mankind without blame on foreigners..

Flex88 5th Mar 2022 16:52


Originally Posted by minglestar (Post 11194963)
How dare you expat pilots wish ill will
towards HK people and the elderly especially, so that cases-hospitalization-deaths would increase. You expat guys and gals want the COVID to spare like wild fire in HK and overwhelm the health care system and forces the government to open up travel again and relax the prevention measures. Which you think return back to pre-COVID high pay and lifestyle. You expats want the locals to suffer for your own benefits. What an evil, selfish and narcissistic bunch.

COVID-zero policy and strict measures had kept HK and China safe over the past 2 years. No point to abandon it so that foreigners can profit from the relaxation, either via pay or lifestyle. You live in HK , you are subjugated to the laws of HK. If you don’t like it, please leave. No one is holding you back, except your inner-self knowing you will not get back the same job, pay, lifestyle in your home country as you are currently enjoying in HK.

All the talks of a mass exodus of expat pilots are just that - talks. All talks and no action. Please do leave HK, there are 100 others in the line up to fill any position you are vacating. There will be no pilot storage; it is delusional myth invented by the pilots. Everyone knows it, despite all the downward trend in compensation and perceived lack of the freedom in HK, CX is still one of the better gigs out there. HK has wonderful lifestyle that’s attractive to young single guys and gals from world over. As long as you are not being political, HK is a great place and lots to offer for young expats. (And why would outsiders want to come to HK and be political and stir up trouble. You are a guest in HK , so know your role and don’t cause trouble. The fight for political freedom are HK’ers fight; don’t need interference from foreigners.) These young single expat pilots are ready and willing to take your job at any moment’s notice. Yet you are here complaining the job , company , and the city.

Hong Kong is literally a trashed/failed city state, innocents are now dying unnecessarily in large numbers, thousands of companies and businesses bankrupted, and it wasn't the bogeyman "foreigners" who did it, it was the incompetent muppets in Hong Kong bending over to the equally incompetent morons to the North of which I highly suspect "minglestar" is one of and in a high ranking position.. You can't fix STUPID :ugh:
Moron "minglestar" ( from Canada ) obviously DEPARTED Hong Kong for a reason... Sad but expected that idiots like this immigrate to other unsuspecting countries and take their stupidity with them..

GreenPill 5th Mar 2022 23:31

Mangled ⭐️. I had come to believe that only SCMP had Fujian-based patriot bots. Quite the xenophobic rant. Bravo.

cxflog 6th Mar 2022 00:13

Originally Posted by Flex88 (Post 11195226)
Hong Kong is literally a trashed/failed city state, innocents are now dying unnecessarily in large numbers, thousands of companies and businesses bankrupted, and it wasn't the bogeyman "foreigners" who did it, it was the incompetent muppets in Hong Kong bending over to the equally incompetent morons to the North of which I highly suspect "minglestar" is one of and in a high ranking position.. You can't fix STUPID :ugh:
Moron "minglestar" ( from Canada ) obviously DEPARTED Hong Kong for a reason... Sad but expected that idiots like this immigrate to other unsuspecting countries and take their stupidity with them..

Perfectly summed up Flex

krismiler 6th Mar 2022 01:14

Panic buying in supermarkets and mass lock downs were taking place 2 years ago in the rest of the world, which is now opening up and lifting restrictions. Most countries are treating COVID as endemic as they realise it can't be eliminated and we have to live with it.

A similar city state, Singapore records around 15 000 new cases a day but only about 1% are hospitalised, 0.1 end up in ICU with a handful of deaths.

Soon, HKG will be more isolated than North Korea because it won't open to the rest of the world but will be closed off to China due to the current outbreak.

Fly747 6th Mar 2022 04:32

Correct Kris, and what is upsetting is that this vain attempt to be cleverer than the rest of the world has ended up with the same result that could have been achieved two years ago. They persecuted pilots, they prevented us from seeing family outside HK, they stopped the kids going to school, the list goes on. And at the end of the day what did they achieve that was different or better?
Now on top of all this failure they are proposing mass testing and a continuation of restrictions to pursue the impossible Zero Covid.

Will IB Fayed 6th Mar 2022 06:41

Maybe Mingle has a bit of a point. Any expat left in Hk clearly thinks the job and country as a whole is better than their own country? They did me a favour and got rid of me, happy days.

Flying Clog 6th Mar 2022 07:03

Originally Posted by minglestar (Post 11194963)
How dare you expat pilots wish ill will
towards HK people and the elderly especially, so that cases-hospitalization-deaths would increase. You expat guys and gals want the COVID to spare like wild fire in HK and overwhelm the health care system and forces the government to open up travel again and relax the prevention measures. Which you think return back to pre-COVID high pay and lifestyle. You expats want the locals to suffer for your own benefits. What an evil, selfish and narcissistic bunch.

COVID-zero policy and strict measures had kept HK and China safe over the past 2 years. No point to abandon it so that foreigners can profit from the relaxation, either via pay or lifestyle. You live in HK , you are subjugated to the laws of HK. If you don’t like it, please leave. No one is holding you back, except your inner-self knowing you will not get back the same job, pay, lifestyle in your home country as you are currently enjoying in HK.

All the talks of a mass exodus of expat pilots are just that - talks. All talks and no action. Please do leave HK, there are 100 others in the line up to fill any position you are vacating. There will be no pilot storage; it is delusional myth invented by the pilots. Everyone knows it, despite all the downward trend in compensation and perceived lack of the freedom in HK, CX is still one of the better gigs out there. HK has wonderful lifestyle that’s attractive to young single guys and gals from world over. As long as you are not being political, HK is a great place and lots to offer for young expats. (And why would outsiders want to come to HK and be political and stir up trouble. You are a guest in HK , so know your role and don’t cause trouble. The fight for political freedom are HK’ers fight; don’t need interference from foreigners.) These young single expat pilots are ready and willing to take your job at any moment’s notice. Yet you are here complaining the job , company , and the city.

Hilarious post mingestar!

Clearly a wind up, or is it?

If it isn't, my lord, you are a perfect example of the fustercluck in Hong Kong, and you're welcome to the unmitigated disaster it has become. Hong Kong as a world city is finished.

And yes, I did leave, after 20+ years at Cathay, to a MUCH better quality of life, and I couldn't be happier.

I'll never step foot in Hong Kong again. It was great while it lasted, but now it's just another Chinese crap hole city. Oh well.

skyboss 6th Mar 2022 09:29


Originally Posted by minglestar (Post 11194963)
How dare you expat pilots wish ill will
towards HK people and the elderly especially, so that cases-hospitalization-deaths would increase. You expat guys and gals want the COVID to spare like wild fire in HK and overwhelm the health care system and forces the government to open up travel again and relax the prevention measures. Which you think return back to pre-COVID high pay and lifestyle. You expats want the locals to suffer for your own benefits. What an evil, selfish and narcissistic bunch.

COVID-zero policy and strict measures had kept HK and China safe over the past 2 years. No point to abandon it so that foreigners can profit from the relaxation, either via pay or lifestyle. You live in HK , you are subjugated to the laws of HK. If you don’t like it, please leave. No one is holding you back, except your inner-self knowing you will not get back the same job, pay, lifestyle in your home country as you are currently enjoying in HK.

All the talks of a mass exodus of expat pilots are just that - talks. All talks and no action. Please do leave HK, there are 100 others in the line up to fill any position you are vacating. There will be no pilot storage; it is delusional myth invented by the pilots. Everyone knows it, despite all the downward trend in compensation and perceived lack of the freedom in HK, CX is still one of the better gigs out there. HK has wonderful lifestyle that’s attractive to young single guys and gals from world over. As long as you are not being political, HK is a great place and lots to offer for young expats. (And why would outsiders want to come to HK and be political and stir up trouble. You are a guest in HK , so know your role and don’t cause trouble. The fight for political freedom are HK’ers fight; don’t need interference from foreigners.) These young single expat pilots are ready and willing to take your job at any moment’s notice. Yet you are here complaining the job , company , and the city.

wow another nationalist unveiled his existence. Normally I am not writing on this forum, but you are asking for a response. Most of your text is nationalist bs. We all wish and hope that Hongkong people will get through this very difficult time and that the damage and loss of life is as small as possible. How dare you to accuse us of such ill thoughts. We came here, because we are International, we don't have the borders in our heads and hearts. We love to work in a multicultural, multinational environment. That is still the beauty of working for Cathay. So, think about all your words. It is "one word, it is one voice " and we are in this together. We expats love Hongkong the same you do.

KABOY 6th Mar 2022 10:46

Originally Posted by minglestar (Post 11194963)
How dare you expat pilots wish ill will
towards HK people and the elderly especially, so that cases-hospitalization-deaths would increase. You expat guys and gals want the COVID to spare like wild fire in HK and overwhelm the health care system and forces the government to open up travel again and relax the prevention measures. Which you think return back to pre-COVID high pay and lifestyle. You expats want the locals to suffer for your own benefits. What an evil, selfish and narcissistic bunch.

COVID-zero policy and strict measures had kept HK and China safe over the past 2 years. No point to abandon it so that foreigners can profit from the relaxation, either via pay or lifestyle. You live in HK , you are subjugated to the laws of HK. If you don’t like it, please leave. No one is holding you back, except your inner-self knowing you will not get back the same job, pay, lifestyle in your home country as you are currently enjoying in HK.

All the talks of a mass exodus of expat pilots are just that - talks. All talks and no action. Please do leave HK, there are 100 others in the line up to fill any position you are vacating. There will be no pilot storage; it is delusional myth invented by the pilots. Everyone knows it, despite all the downward trend in compensation and perceived lack of the freedom in HK, CX is still one of the better gigs out there. HK has wonderful lifestyle that’s attractive to young single guys and gals from world over. As long as you are not being political, HK is a great place and lots to offer for young expats. (And why would outsiders want to come to HK and be political and stir up trouble. You are a guest in HK , so know your role and don’t cause trouble. The fight for political freedom are HK’ers fight; don’t need interference from foreigners.) These young single expat pilots are ready and willing to take your job at any moment’s notice. Yet you are here complaining the job , company , and the city.

You are totally correct in your view. The expats need to realise the horse they have ridden hard for so long is now tired.

The colonial management also needs to take heed, this is now an airline part of the Peoples Republic of China.

It is time for the proud nationalistic generations to step in and assist the airline through these
turbulent times.

The question you need to ask is, who is best suited to lead this airline?

Don't attack the staff, attack the management.

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