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SW1 6th Mar 2022 12:14

Unfortunately its an attitude many people have, if you ever bother to read some of the comments on the scmp. "If you don't like it leave" :mad: left by the way

Goldeye 6th Mar 2022 12:17

Yes, proud nationalism has always worked in turbulent times.

CovidRefugee 6th Mar 2022 14:02

I never really understood why the expat community accepted the casual racism that is rife in Hong Kong. Look at how Philippinas/ Indonesians DHs are treated by the 'locals'. Modern day slavery sanctioned by their HK government that would never be so overtly tolerated elsewhere.. Indeed look at how the 'locals' used to treat the mainland Chinese. The looks of disgust in Citigate as their rich relatives from the North hoovered up useless luxury goods. After the global disaster that China has caused why anyone would be a proud nationalist is beyond me.

Flex88 6th Mar 2022 14:32

Proud Nationalism ??

Originally Posted by Goldeye (Post 11195557)
Yes, proud nationalism has always worked in turbulent times.

Sure worked for Mao right ?? My goodness "some people" are thick :sad:

missingblade 6th Mar 2022 16:40

MINGLESTAR is clearly trolling you lot with some fairly obvious sarcasm. Sadly most here seem to lack the mental capacity to grasp this...🤦🏻‍♂️

Sam Ting Wong 6th Mar 2022 22:21

Originally Posted by CovidRefugee (Post 11195588)
I never really understood why the expat community accepted the casual racism that is rife in Hong Kong. Look at how Philippinas/ Indonesians DHs are treated by the 'locals'. Modern day slavery sanctioned by their HK government that would never be so overtly tolerated elsewhere.. Indeed look at how the 'locals' used to treat the mainland Chinese. The looks of disgust in Citigate as their rich relatives from the North hoovered up useless luxury goods. After the global disaster that China has caused why anyone would be a proud nationalist is beyond me.

I made a very different experience in my many years here. I found the people of Hong Kong extremely hospitable, modern, efficient and well organised ( minus last 2.5 years). I was always treated with respect and fairly.

Compare the society to any other international community. Where is it better? Where in the world do you have less tensions, less hate crime, less violence between locals and foreigners? Additionally, I have definitely seen more arrogant impatient gweilos treating locals with contempt than vice versa.

The helper issue can be seen from different angles. A large number of poor and unskilled workers are able to work and provide for their empoverished families. Would they be better off without the job? Yes, there are cases of abuse, but you need to put that into perspective. There are 300 k foreign helper in Hong Kong, compared to that the case numbers are very low. Many locals have been trialed and sentenced for abuse of their helper, I am pretty sure not very common in many of the other host countries. And speaking of abuse and extortion: how many of US pay their maids minimum wage and only give them the minimum leave? When has your helper last seen her family?

"Unfriendly" faces at Citygate? I wish where I come from this would be the only reaction to foreigners..

I think we would be well advised to be a bit more self-critical. None of us bothered to learn Cantonese, 99% of us have no real social contacts to locals, we do not integrate well. Nevertheless we ask foreigners in our home countries to adopt our values, to learn the lingo, to assimilate.

Proud nationalists? Many brave locals are now in jail or in exile, millions protested in the streets over the last years. Hong Kong people are the victims not the culprits in this dirty game.

Piet Lood 7th Mar 2022 02:51

it’s very painful for me to write it, but I agree with you 100% here.

Sam Ting Wong 7th Mar 2022 04:20

Now I am really worried :-)

Oasis 7th Mar 2022 07:38

500 plus case in China today, let's wish them good luck with Omicron.

Rie 7th Mar 2022 10:11

Originally Posted by Oasis (Post 11195883)
500 plus case in China today, let's wish them good luck with Omicron.

500 has probably been 10 times that every day for the last two years just in guangdong.

Winemaker 7th Mar 2022 12:55

From the New York Times today......

China is facing its biggest coronavirus outbreak since the early days of the pandemic, with more than 800 new cases reported over the weekend — almost as many as were reported altogether during the previous week.

Most of the new infections have been fueled by the Omicron variant, which has been identified in nearly a dozen major cities, including Shanghai, Xi’an, Suzhou, Qingdao and Wenzhou. A few cases of the Delta variant have been reported near China’s borders with Mongolia and Myanmar.

“Right now the epidemic situation is severe and complex, with many uncertain factors,” said Wu Jinglei, the director of the Shanghai Health Commission.

The current surge, while smaller than recent waves in other countries like the United States, Germany and South Korea, is the biggest challenge to date to China’s “zero Covid” policy.

The rise of infections, including new cases reported over the weekend in 17 of China’s 31 provinces, has occurred as China’s leaders have gathered in Beijing for the National People’s Congress.

Oasis 7th Mar 2022 16:32

I need more popcorn.

Sleepsleep 8th Mar 2022 03:41

Originally Posted by minglestar (Post 11194963)
How dare you expat pilots wish ill will
towards HK people and the elderly especially, so that cases-hospitalization-deaths would increase. You expat guys and gals want the COVID to spare like wild fire in HK and overwhelm the health care system and forces the government to open up travel again and relax the prevention measures. Which you think return back to pre-COVID high pay and lifestyle. You expats want the locals to suffer for your own benefits. What an evil, selfish and narcissistic bunch.

COVID-zero policy and strict measures had kept HK and China safe over the past 2 years. No point to abandon it so that foreigners can profit from the relaxation, either via pay or lifestyle. You live in HK , you are subjugated to the laws of HK. If you don’t like it, please leave. No one is holding you back, except your inner-self knowing you will not get back the same job, pay, lifestyle in your home country as you are currently enjoying in HK.

All the talks of a mass exodus of expat pilots are just that - talks. All talks and no action. Please do leave HK, there are 100 others in the line up to fill any position you are vacating. There will be no pilot storage; it is delusional myth invented by the pilots. Everyone knows it, despite all the downward trend in compensation and perceived lack of the freedom in HK, CX is still one of the better gigs out there. HK has wonderful lifestyle that’s attractive to young single guys and gals from world over. As long as you are not being political, HK is a great place and lots to offer for young expats. (And why would outsiders want to come to HK and be political and stir up trouble. You are a guest in HK , so know your role and don’t cause trouble. The fight for political freedom are HK’ers fight; don’t need interference from foreigners.) These young single expat pilots are ready and willing to take your job at any moment’s notice. Yet you are here complaining the job , company , and the city.

Wumao detected
Paragraph 1
(1) COVID to spare like wild fire?
(2) wIsH iLl wIlL What? Like COVID vaccines don't exist?
(3) What about saving hospital beds for the really severe COVID cases instead of filling the beds up with people who just have a few coughs.
(4) Border opening is not just for expats but to protect city resident's mental health, who would not like a vacation abroad without having to stay in a hotel for 3 weeks on the return trip? You want to re-make the nightmare in the maritime sector in aviation?

Paragraph 2
(5) Profit from the relaxation? Wow, how do you get paid for vacations tell me please. Plus not just foreigners locals want to have vacation too
(6) ... you are s u b j u g a t e d to the laws of HK ... , yes subjugated that is why BOTH locals and expats are fleeing using whatever methods they have. We don't like censorship.
(7) The last 2 lines have the same energy as blue ribbons spouting "yOu wIlL bEcOmE sEcOnD cLaSs cItIzEn iN tHe uK!!1!!11!!1" This shows how little research he/she has done too, look at all the COSxx threads

Pagaraph 3
(8) There will be no pilot storage? WHAT??
(9) I have yet to see anything on this site about "pilot shortage". Same for r/flying.
(10) The weird spacing BEFORE and after the commas... Hmm, does not look like a mistake someone from Canada would make. (At the time of writing he/she set his location to Canada.)

Did you get your 15 social credits?

Oasis 11th Mar 2022 08:46

Since China is calling the shots in Hong Kong, it may be interesting to see that they are having an Omicron outbreak too, let's see how China will cope.

Oasis 13th Mar 2022 07:41


prickly 20th Mar 2022 10:09

Originally Posted by minglestar (Post 11194963)
How dare you expat pilots wish ill will
towards HK people and the elderly especially, so that cases-hospitalization-deaths would increase. You expat guys and gals want the COVID to spare like wild fire in HK and overwhelm the health care system and forces the government to open up travel again and relax the prevention measures. Which you think return back to pre-COVID high pay and lifestyle. You expats want the locals to suffer for your own benefits. What an evil, selfish and narcissistic bunch.

COVID-zero policy and strict measures had kept HK and China safe over the past 2 years. No point to abandon it so that foreigners can profit from the relaxation, either via pay or lifestyle. You live in HK , you are subjugated to the laws of HK. If you don’t like it, please leave. No one is holding you back, except your inner-self knowing you will not get back the same job, pay, lifestyle in your home country as you are currently enjoying in HK.

All the talks of a mass exodus of expat pilots are just that - talks. All talks and no action. Please do leave HK, there are 100 others in the line up to fill any position you are vacating. There will be no pilot storage; it is delusional myth invented by the pilots. Everyone knows it, despite all the downward trend in compensation and perceived lack of the freedom in HK, CX is still one of the better gigs out there. HK has wonderful lifestyle that’s attractive to young single guys and gals from world over. As long as you are not being political, HK is a great place and lots to offer for young expats. (And why would outsiders want to come to HK and be political and stir up trouble. You are a guest in HK , so know your role and don’t cause trouble. The fight for political freedom are HK’ers fight; don’t need interference from foreigners.) These young single expat pilots are ready and willing to take your job at any moment’s notice. Yet you are here complaining the job , company , and the city.

If it wasn't for foreigners HK would still be just another sh*#y rock on the coast of China. They created this city, they gave asylum to millions from China, they gave those refugees a life, education and an opportunity. They created CX and turned into what was once one of the worlds best airlines. Who has destroyed Hk, who has destroyed CX?, not foreigners I can assure you.

emerald777 21st Mar 2022 03:35

This is a little off topic, but I just recently finished my flying training and want to get a job at Cathay or China Eastern. What would be the best choice? Thanks

BuzzBox 21st Mar 2022 03:43

Originally Posted by emerald777 (Post 11202998)
This is a little off topic, but I just recently finished my flying training and want to get a job at Cathay or China Eastern. What would be the best choice? Thanks


lucille 21st Mar 2022 05:13

Originally Posted by emerald777 (Post 11202998)
This is a little off topic, but I just recently finished my flying training and want to get a job at Cathay or China Eastern. What would be the best choice? Thanks

Go for gold and submit an application with Air Koryo. Far more prestigious and better paying not to mention they would respect you individual rights and liberties more than CX.

Oasis 21st Apr 2022 20:36

No medicine, no vaccine is 100 percent safe. It is a question of which is worse, get protection from a virus that is know to kill x percentage, or vaccinate everyone with the risk of dying from that vaccine with y percentage.

As long as y is significantly less than x, it is a good idea to vaccinate everyone.

It gets grey with vaccines preventing transmission as was originally thought, it only seems to reduce transmission somewhat.

The question is; should you vaccinate perfectly healthy younger people to protect the older or weaker population, thereby exposing the healthier people to a higher risk of death from just the vaccine, where they had a very low chance of dying from Covid to begin with.
Is the reduction of transmission enough to warrant a higher risk for the healthy population?

One day we will know, and it will be too late to change anything.

Oasis 22nd May 2022 18:29

New variant loose in Hong Kong.

Even one week quarantine seems to backfire, let’s hope the leadership will follow the science and remove quarantine in hotels, as preventing covid is now obviously a pipe dream.

The background ‘chatter’ of covid cases, will not abate, and they won’t be able to eradicate.

This will mean China will not open to Hong Kong, opening to the world is the only option.

Cury Lamb 27th Aug 2022 12:06

Chinese vaccine for a 17 month old toad - what could possibly go wrong :=

Two boys infected with Covid in intensive care

ToCatLady 28th Aug 2022 08:19

The only place in the world where COVID seems to be VERY deadly for babies & Toddlers.

I believe some light was shone on the treatment given which helped kill a 3 y.o girl last year, Which western doctors claimed should never be given to kids but were completely ignored.

Flying Clog 28th Aug 2022 10:00

But, but, but... we must fright the vilus!

Cury Lamb 28th Aug 2022 16:29

Originally Posted by Flying Clog (Post 11286466)
But, but, but... we must fright the vilus!

Indeed, the very one created by them in the Wuhan Bat Lab!

What a ‘great’ place :yuk:

MENELAUS 28th Aug 2022 16:58

Originally Posted by Cury Lamb (Post 11286638)
Indeed, the very one created by them in the Wuhan Bat Lab!

What a ‘great’ place :yuk:

And then very kindly shipped it around the World. Arses

ToCatLady 28th Aug 2022 19:27

Originally Posted by MENELAUS (Post 11286648)
And then very kindly shipped it around the World. Arses

conveniently over CNY.

1200firm 28th Aug 2022 20:25

You now have an entire generation of immunocompromised infants and toddlers who have been wearing masks, using hand sanitizer, not mixing with other kids, and therefore not building natural immunity to a whole range of viruses. An entirely predictable disaster in the making.

MENELAUS 28th Aug 2022 20:33


MENELAUS 28th Aug 2022 23:30

Originally Posted by 1200firm (Post 11286728)
You now have an entire generation of immunocompromised infants and toddlers who have been wearing masks, using hand sanitizer, not mixing with other kids, and therefore not building natural immunity to a whole range of viruses. An entirely predictable disaster in the making.

Yes. Call that China.

Oasis 1st Sep 2022 12:34


Possibly end of hotel quarantine in November

Cury Lamb 1st Sep 2022 20:05

November which year? :eek:

Don’t hold your breath (no pun intended)

HK daily Covid cases pass 10,000 mark

veryoldchinahand 2nd Sep 2022 01:32

Why exactly is that significant CL ?

Cury Lamb 4th Sep 2022 05:05

Originally Posted by veryoldchinahand (Post 11289279)
Why exactly is that significant CL ?

Try put 2 and 2 together veryoldchinahandjob :ok:

Cury Lamb 4th Sep 2022 05:06

CANNOT :rolleyes:

'Govt united on Covid measures despite media reports'

MeLuvUlongtime 4th Sep 2022 05:28

So replace 3+4 to 7 days quarantine AT HOME:}

Oasis 4th Sep 2022 12:08

Not Lie flat!
Not like other countries!

Flex88 5th Sep 2022 14:35

Begins ??
" And so it begins" , so SHALL it END ‼️
You all will be historically privileged to physically experience what exactly Communist ownership & control PLUS inept & woke CX management can accomplish and how quickly :bored:
What you're now experiencing is a once historic airline in the final stages of its death throes and you're mostly in denial. Your choice :\

Flying Clog 5th Sep 2022 21:32

Well said Flex88, well said.

Saying that, it's a big and scary move leaving a long career, at what was once a great place to work. But sometimes we have to get our big boy pants on. No regrets.

Sam Ting Wong 6th Sep 2022 01:36

Originally Posted by Flying Clog (Post 11291484)
Well said Flex88, well said.

Saying that, it's a big and scary move leaving a long career, at what was once a great place to work. But sometimes we have to get our big boy pants on. No regrets.

Except you did not leave, you got fired.

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