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SMOC 1st Mar 2008 09:32

Dragonair pod strike, -400F in MAN
Figured it was worth copying to Fragrant Harbour.


Outtahere 6th Mar 2008 21:34

She's not a member anymore.

Fly Borat 7th Mar 2008 09:32

Female chinese Captain
Female chinese Captain!
Just for info. The captain was a chinese female, married to somebody in the KA trainings department. According to some KA F/O's who flew with her on the Airbus she was quite afraid of bad wx conditions and reportably unconfortable on the 400, looking to go back on the airbus.
My guess she won't be transfering to CX freighters!
The LH Airbus 320 in Hamburg was a female driver too!:eek:

Fly Borat 7th Mar 2008 10:32

She flew out of a G day!:ugh:.
Coincidently she just quit the union too a couple of month ago.

Wonder how long it takes for the SCMP to pick up the incident?

Did somebody in management say anybody can fly an airplane?
Fantastic idea to lower pay and let the autopilot fly.
Guess chances are cx will get the A380 now - Autoland only.:}.

CX/KA already planted the seeds with their new low pay structure attracting more bozzos. All these new spiky hair RJ guys on KA/CX will be fun to watch in the future.

CX's reputation is going downhill really fast.
Philipp Chen once pushed very hard for a female chinese captain in CX.
Wonder if he still does?

Guru 7th Mar 2008 10:43

Fly Borat,

Are you generalising that all Chinese female cannot be competent pilots?

Fly Borat 7th Mar 2008 11:03


CX, KA, BA, LH, KLM, AA and every major airline have all very competent female captains.
This one was chinese and afraid of flying in bad wx- sorry that's a fact.

Guru 7th Mar 2008 11:28

Exactly my point.

Are these facts that you are highlighting any more special and revealing than the facts that the captain on THAT CX 250 was British and a male? How about the captain on THAT JFK flight who was caucasian and a male? The captain of that CAL MD-11 which overturned at CLK?

Unless you present statistical data to show beyond dispute that a particular gender or race of pilots have been involved in more incidents/accidents, and have been reasonably shown to be directly responsible for such incidents/accidents, I object to your implying all Chinese women can't fly.

By questioning whether PC would still wish there to be a CX Chinese female captain, you are suggesting that the competence of the next Chinese female pilot should be put in doubt solely because of what someone else has done.

Where are you from? Imagine being told in your CA that because a compatriot of yours had crashed an aeroplane, you are to be Cat B'ed for two years regardless of your own records? Please tell me where you are from, you seem to think you belong to a perfect race, and gender.

Sqwak7700 7th Mar 2008 12:03

CX/KA already planted the seeds with their new low pay structure attracting more bozzos. All these new spiky hair RJ guys on KA/CX will be fun to watch in the future.
...you would ****t your pants and suck your thumb if you had to do one day of shuttle flying in any RJ or turboprop in the North East of the US on a weather day. So don't think that just because you are an old geezer with god knows what background that you are any better than anyone else.

If there is one thing I've learned in this buisness is that you never stop learning. But I guess since you know it all, what could you possibly learn?? :ugh:

Dixi Normus 7th Mar 2008 13:54

Just who isn't afraid to fly in bad wx??? Is the PIC's gender and race a cruical factor in the investigation report? She just had a bad day under very difficult circumstances. Is this worst than doing a go around and not knowing the AP has dropped off?

volarecantare 7th Mar 2008 14:20

Well said Dixi normus,

What is wrong with you Borat? Forget about low flying, this is a new level of low our profession is stooping to. Fly Borat, have you lost the plot completely. Are you hoping to stir another newspaper headline here with your comments at the cost of colleague?

Whether this pilot is a member of the union or not she is a colleague. Is not being a member of the union or gender or marital status or race now all hanging offense in your eyes too?

To claim something such as you have above as "a fact" under a pseudonym is plain cowardly. I would like a heart monitor reading of you in a max wind/X wind landing.:\

Personally I would respect someone more for admitting their concerns on the line someone who launches hand grenades on a website. She obviously has more guts than you are showing. Lets face women in all walks of life are braver than us for admitting fears and that scares the pants of some big "men" like yourself.

forty six & 2 7th Mar 2008 14:22

Borat, you seem to be taking some sort of personal pleasure in posting your 'knowledge' all over the place. Your news is a week old and frankly, not very interesting. Having flown with the captain in question, I can assure you she is professional, capable, competent and certainly not afraid of 'bad weather'.
Any chance of a definition of bad weather by the way? Just curious what qualifies.


iLuvPX 7th Mar 2008 14:55


Sorry if your feelings are tender, or if you got top marks in your sensitivity training course, but im not afraid to admit that I would have a bias based on what i've seen in the industry. If I were putting my family on a plane and had the choice between some crusty ole brit or a chinese woman, there would be no doubt as to whom i would choose.

When you take time to get down off your politically correct horse, the differences between Western and Chinese pilots are quite clear. Thats why airlines like CX have mostly westerns piloting them...it definitely not from the lack of Chinese..isn't there like a billion of them??

Dont get me wrong, I think women can do amazing things and should have the right to whatever they want, but dont confuse being allowed to do something, with being GOOD at what you do. You will always have your exceptions, but when taken on a whole, women just cant do this job as good as a man, add to that the chinese factor....oh my.

So Guru, run your burning bra battle flag up the pole and tell me how horrible i am, but I know somewhere deep inside of you, your last two remaining testosterone cells are giving each other a high five.


Guru 7th Mar 2008 15:36

Come on Luv, what's wrong with you? A real man shouldn't use soft words like 'sorry'!

So I presume you have written a letter to the company which states you will not fly with any chinese because you think it is not safe? And you will ensure that you, and your loved ones, will not travel on a flight with anyone who is not a white man at the controls? If not yellow, what about black? What if he is mixed? Go on, enlighten us.

christn 7th Mar 2008 16:25

Any incident comes as the result of a whole series of variables the crew being just one of them; any of us could form part of that chain. A true professional would be sympathetic to and supportive of any of our colleagues unfortunate enough to have been involved in such an incident.

cxhk 8th Mar 2008 01:18

What year is it now? 2008 isn't it? And we still have so many racist and sexist bastard out there... Very sad... What's worst, they are probably my co-worker as well... I really hope "iLuvPX and FlyBorat" don't have any incident, because I will be the first one who will congratulate their gross incompetency over anyone won't ain't white and male.

Dixi Normus 8th Mar 2008 02:35

Holly Sheik!! Didn't realize that the DPA/AOA is a sleeper cell of the asian branch of the KKK. :yuk: Can't believe in this day and age of advance education that people are still living in the medieval ages!

4 driver 8th Mar 2008 02:56

PX and Borat are outa line....racist and gender based comments - wow....
There are good and bad pilots everywhere regardless of gender, race or nationality.
Some of the old-school, arrogant Brits, who destroy the cockpit CRM, aren't very good either.

Liam Gallagher 8th Mar 2008 03:43

Two cross-wind landing incidents in recent times and both involve female pilots; what red-blooded male wouldn't draw the obvious conclusion.

So as we stride to the bar, male chests and egos puffed out strong.... Flt Lt Michelle Goodman DFC RAF will be having another boring day in the office, not having to worry about "onshoring", FTL's, working a G-day and flypasts at 50 feet.....

I hope I looked as good in my flying suit as she does in hers.... :O

828a 8th Mar 2008 05:29

It's crystal clear that there are contributors to these boards who just don't understand . To offer up criticism of this crew who were faced with a rough night is the height of hypocricy especially so when one considers the recent Chep Lap Kok overshoot. To think an accredited expatriate crew thought the Auto Pilot was looking after them and thus they were absolved from that thing they are supposed to exclusively have (airmanship) is mind boggling. Captain Colin King who entitled his flying autobiography "Luck is No Accident" got it right with a title that some of you armchair sit at home critics should make an effort to think about. While you are thinking perhaps you can come up with a reason as to why Pprune seems to have the ability to suck up hurtful and unnecessary comments from what can only be described as the moral dregs of western society.


joebanana 8th Mar 2008 06:57

Didn't realize that the DPA/AOA is a sleeper cell of the asian branch of the KKK
WTF has this got to do with the AOA /DPA? If CX pilots are expressing their own personal views on this forum there's a 50/50 chance he isn't even in the AOA anyway. :mad:

The DPA /AOA do not condone any racist behaviour or comments. :=

AnQrKa 8th Mar 2008 07:49

The most number of close calls have come from one of our marvelous managers with a silly nickname that luckily hasnt bent an engine yet but he has come close to major damage.

He aint a chick

He aint chinese.

KA dispatch aircraft into crap weather on min gas. the 744 intro and training has been very poor and documented by many trainees. The operation across the company is slack. There is a "get it in" mentality.

And yet they cry poor standards when the inevitable metal bending occurs.


NiceoneHoskins! 8th Mar 2008 12:11

Liitle People Hiding In Dark Rooms.....
..doing unsavoury things to themselves.....Like you, Fly Borat.

You obviously have never been a pilot, or if you are, god help us all.

We all have had good and bad days and whatever happened at Manchester was something that could have most probably have happened to Biggles on a bad day. I happen to be long time friends of this lady Captain and her husband and she's been flying competently for many years. And we all have a fairly good idea of how she's feeling right now. Sure needs some a*s*h*l* like you bagging on. Burn witches in your spare time too, do you ?

No one with even a remote morsel of self respect would carry on like you are. I don't care who, or what, you are...please leave the forum and crawl back into your dark little corner AND DO WHAT YOU DO BEST.

828a 9th Mar 2008 10:08


That was rather well put and I'm sure there are many who share your sentiments. I'm reminded of what that famous French pioneer aviator, author, philosopher and man of letters Antoine de Saint-Exupery said in his best seller "Night Flight" , quote: " Even our misfortunes are part of our belongings " unquote. Words of wisdom from a very compassionate, wise and understanding airman. How many of us really understand what he is saying?


Lowkoon 9th Mar 2008 12:40

I really feel we have hit a disturbing new low on this site. The rock ape mentality displayed on this thread is nothing short of embarrasing. I genuinely hope, that the individuals slandering someone to be unfortunate enough to be involved in an incident that is yet to be fully investigated, has absolutely nothing to do with operating aircraft other than a single seater.

"There but for the grace of God go I."

Two incidents hardly reflect a scientific sample, if the previous 1000 incidents were flown by males, could one still conclude the same? Moronic statement.

DixiNormus, you are drawing a very long to bow to say that this attitude reflects DPA or AOA policy. Well said JoeBananna.

boocs 9th Mar 2008 12:55

Agree entirely. What a shame it has come to this! Most disappointing.


828a 10th Mar 2008 09:52


Your "what a shame" can easily be explained. It's because Pprune is polluted, it's as simple as that.
You may recall an important political meeting at which Chairman Mao Tze-Tung opened by telling the assembly that "if you don't have experience of the problem or you do not have the facts then you are not permitted to speak". (That's the English translation, the Chinese original is even more positive). What a pity something like that can't be clamped down on the fool's that infest Pprune.


otrendycar 10th Mar 2008 15:10

a bit out of topic here, can anyone kindly tell me what is G day?

Robssupra 10th Mar 2008 17:05

'G' Day is a day off, simple, nothing more.


Flap 5 10th Mar 2008 17:39

The 'G' stands for 'Guaranteed' ! Yeah right! :hmm:

Mat Sabo 11th Mar 2008 01:47

Totally agreed that it awful wrong to pass hurtful remarks here about that unfortunate incident.

However I wondered whether there would be so many knights in shining armour defending this pilot had she been an Asian he.

volarecantare 11th Mar 2008 06:37

I don't think this is about defending a gender or a race , it is about defending a fellow colleague who found themselves in a situation that any of us could find ourselves someday! This is NOT race or gender issue, its about the disgusting element of low mindedness that has crept into our profession over the years and about a coward lobbing attacks from the comfort of their AKA on this forum.

SkrywerDrywer 11th Mar 2008 07:10

Extrremely well said. Although it is perhaps to be expected from a forum where even (some) moderators use multiple logins in order to have their dig or to voice slanderous opinion.

828a 12th Mar 2008 09:38

Mat Sabo:
I trust your loaded question has been answered to your satisfaction by Volarecantare and SkyrywerDrywer. The insinuation was unnecessary and contributed nothing but at least there is a chance you are now a little better informed.


missingblade 12th Mar 2008 15:57

I have had the pleasure of flying with a very competent female chinese captain on a 747-400 only once and the only thing that stood out about that flight was how arrogant and sexist the other FO acted towards her. Disgusting.

And by the way the only valid reason for stereotyping certain races is because of sociopolitical reasons and nothing to do with individual ability. The reasons russians/ africans/ venezuelan drug runners and martians crash more on average than white longsleeve poms is because of the third world environment/ companies they train/operate in......

volarecantare 13th Mar 2008 14:16

Power versus Force!
There are definite differences between female pilots and male in my experience, not in their skills as pilots which by all accounts are equal but in their superior skills such as communication and courage. By that I mean that for example they are better able to process stress and emotions, they have the courage to admit fears and concerns and limitations and have had to develop the capacity to survive in an environment that by all accounts is stuck in the stone age as regards emotional well being. What is a shame though is that in order to 'fit in with the lads' many of these skills are too often suppressed because they are looked down on in the world of the lads. It appears that many male pilots are actually threatened by female pilots because in a game where its he with the thickest skin 'survives' that thick skin feels threatened around someone who instead has a core strength. The female ability to show vulnerability which takes true courage scares the pants of many a 'tough' boy...:uhoh:

828a 14th Mar 2008 09:44


That's a pretty good summary of something that unfortunately exists within the ranks of professional airmen. I've seen it on occasions and have always considered the persons involved to be followers of INVIDIA the goddess of envy and jealousy. Envy and jealousy being the feeling of mortification and illwill caused by the contemplation of superior advantages possessed by another. A copy book descent, approach and landing with a top gun or would be top gun in the RHS sometimes results in INVIDIA paying a visit to the flight deck. However it's always the top gun who is the loser.


oldsmithy 25th Mar 2008 04:02

The return of KAG
KAG is now back in Hong Kong, the poms aren't able to repair aircraft entirely so the aircraft was ferried back a couple of days ago for further repairs.

kabuzz 25th Mar 2008 04:40

The Poms could'nt fix it, so we'll entrust it to the chinese....:ugh:

dragman 25th Mar 2008 07:54

F$%k me this stuff is better than Coronation Street.

spannersatcx 25th Mar 2008 09:00

the poms aren't able to repair aircraft entirely so the aircraft was ferried back a couple of days ago for further repairs.
The problem is lack of parts, i.e. spare nose cowls and fan cowls, apart from that all that's left is a couple of inspections, so no further repairs needed.

The 'poms' did a bloody good job, with little help from elsewhere. :D

Just a shame the crews can't stay well enough the fly the things.:ugh:

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