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HZ123 1st Oct 2007 09:39

Yes you will need to put that in as HAL will cross refernce previous applications. That said you should not need to worry about this as it is purely a requirement.

jceee 1st Oct 2007 12:05

how much is the starting salary of BA?

TheFlyingFrenchman 1st Oct 2007 18:36

hello guys and girls!

any feedback from today's interviewed? what happened, which exercises and most importantly: how well did it go for all of you?!

TheFlyingFrenchman 3rd Oct 2007 18:26

it is done for me, fingers crossed.

the way it goes is: waiting, group exercise, more waiting, presentation/interview depending on your group and that's it for the day.

the group exercise is really not all that I reckon the hardest part was the 2-2-1

good luck to everyone!!!

Londonphilou 4th Oct 2007 07:31

When I had mine some years ago ( May 2007) :uhoh: I found the 2 to 1 more relaxing as its only between you and them. You are not put under any pressure by anyone except by the interviewers. I know the questions can be drilling but the same thing is being asked to everyone. If you are well prepared its not hard at all. But with the group exercise, other than the task itself ( does not matter if you get it right or wrong ) you have to deal with other people who you have never met before and given a task which can be anything. Thats where a lot of the real you can be observed and how you communicate with others etc. So theres a bit more pressure there. Thats my opinion. :)

the letter 4th Oct 2007 11:15

Agreed. The personal interview was intense indeed and they kept asking you a lot of questions. The two ladies were so sweet and fantastic. They made me feel at ease and very relaxed from the very first moment I met them. As Philou says, if you are well prepared you have nothing to worry about.

The group exercise isn't very difficult. I second his or her's motion again. It's to see how you interact with people you have never met before. There are no wrong or right answers. Be polite. Do not interupt. Address everyone when speaking and try to ignore the observers!

In general, I had a fantastic day!

jas99915 4th Oct 2007 11:39

hi all...

Had my interview yesterday... I think it went ok... not perfect but you never know whether you say the right things... I forgot to mention one person when I was asked about the people in my group... I remembered four out of five though.... just the waiting game now... i think i prefered the interview although it was more intense than the group session. Good luck to everyone who hasnt had there day yet... and fingers crossed for those that have....:):ok:

blueskybird 4th Oct 2007 13:03

LGWSF holdpool
hi every1 :O

sorry to completely change the subject, but i was just wondering if there is anyone else who had an interview for LGWSF in september like myself and then couldnt take the november course dates and thus went back into a holdpool. i have phoned BA a few times now and each time they say they dont have any information, zero, zip on any future possible training courses for LGWSF.
Im desperate for them to phone me with a training course date for jan/feb,...i realise there probably wont be any for dec as they'll be doing the training courses for LHR WW temps.
anyone else in this situation?? also if anyone at BA knows any more info i would really appreciate any insight you could give me.

many thanks! :confused::confused:

Flower Duet. 4th Oct 2007 15:40

You should of taken the course, you must of thought when you applied for BA that you would have to put your life on hold etc..

I did and I'm happy to be starting in November, it's your career at the end of the day.

blueskybird 5th Oct 2007 14:27

good luck with your course flower duet

InTheZone 5th Oct 2007 15:51

Other Airlines

Question for anybody thats got a clue!

A friend of mine applied to an airline and during the interview she was asked if she had applied to any other airlines ( they told her it wasnt a trick question) she got kinda nervous and said no although she had applied to other airlines. Does anybody know if they can actually check this? i mean can they or would they cal up other airlines and ask?


lovethesky 5th Oct 2007 16:03

yea ba will phone every other airline and ask if xx has applied to them.

InTheZone 5th Oct 2007 16:15

Other Airlines
First of all..Why would they do that? and second are they even legally allowed to?

the letter 5th Oct 2007 16:17

Good question!

I doubt they will call every single airline to ask them. The recruiters are probably very professional at this and would see straight aiway whether you are telling the truth!

InTheZone 5th Oct 2007 16:19

Put i thought its illegal for them to call other airlines as its breach of privacy for airlines to give out that kinda info...plus why would they check?

the letter 5th Oct 2007 16:29

I can't comment whether it's illegal but I doubt very much they will telephone each and every airline to check whether the applicants have also applied to them.

I don't think your friend has anything to worry about!

InTheZone 5th Oct 2007 17:07

Thanks for ur help the Letter!

Lovethesky, im guessing ur comment was sarcastic or am i wrong?

lovethesky 5th Oct 2007 17:38

yes indeed it was sarcastic!!! ba wouldnt bother to phone around other airlines.

VS-LHRCSA 5th Oct 2007 17:39

Yes, InTheZone, lovethesky was being sarcastic.

No airline would have to time or resources to call other airlines. They also know it is a data protection requirement to keep applications strictly confidential. This would also apply if an airline was to call them.

Saying that, it is pretty easy to work out who is applying for what just by looking at these forums. The question is whether a recruiter would bother to look on here and if so, would that go against the actual applicant.

ezpz 5th Oct 2007 18:46

Lhr Ww Temp
Had a phone call today to offer me a training course for LHR WW Temp on the 17th December. Is anyone else reading this on the course with me?

InTheZone 5th Oct 2007 19:41

Thanks alot Lovethesky and VS-LHR for your help.I mean it just couse she was worried and all i told her they cant call other airlines as it wouldnt be legall for them to get that information anyways.


batriple7 6th Oct 2007 13:14

Accommodation at LGW URGENT
Hello All.

Does anyone know the name of the hotel closest to the training centre at Gatwick . On the map given it says hotel , would like to book in there as my accomodation has fallen through.:(

It looks really close to the training area ideal for me as I wont have a car

lovethesky 6th Oct 2007 13:20

jurys inn, i think they offer a ba discount its abot £70 a night.

its about a 5 min walk to crainbank

the letter 6th Oct 2007 17:38

Is basic salary provided while in training?

lovethesky 6th Oct 2007 19:08

yea but its not very much abut £700 after tax

DMED 7th Oct 2007 10:20

new courses for EFLHR
Hello guys

Congrats to the ones who have just finished their courses and good luck to the ones who are starting theirs.
Im one of the ones in the holding pool and i was trying to figure out roughly when will be offered a course. As i see from here the last course offered for temp WW is on the 17th December so that course will end towards the end of january. Does that mean we will be offered courses on February? What do you think? Any rough ideas?

Thanks and happy flying!

the letter 7th Oct 2007 11:10

Will we temps be trained on all three aircraft types: B747, 767 and 777?

Flower Duet. 7th Oct 2007 11:27

Yes it's all Long Haul Aircraft.

SD83 7th Oct 2007 17:21

The Waiting Game
:ugh: Hi

I was wondering is there anyone who attended an interview on the 5th Oct for the 8.30 session it would be great to hear from you.

I am so anxious now I hate the waiting around for that all important email.:eek:

Hope to hear from one of you soon PM me

TheFlyingFrenchman 7th Oct 2007 19:43

apparently they call you and apparently it happens 2 days later to tell you have gone through

or they dont tell you anything and you have to wait, like me :ugh::ugh::ugh:

haha how lame i went out in my garden to smoke one and look at the planes (yes I live under the path of 75% if not 100% of the outbound LHR traffic)

TheFlyingFrenchman 7th Oct 2007 21:23

seeing them is nice... hearing them is less nice!

GODDESS OF DAWN 8th Oct 2007 08:53

Hi teacoffee
My suggestion is your ring up BA Recruitment and ask them if you could change to LHR WW temp. You have nothing to lose by asking them. In the worst case scenario you would still be in the hold pool for LHREF.

Give it a go and Good luck!!


missdoo 8th Oct 2007 16:00

Holding Pool to WW Temp
Hi ya, I called them about 3 days ago to do the same but apparently we're too late now. We should have called by the closing date for applications which was weeks ago. There are people who did it but they rung at the beginning of the campaign unfortunately. So I guess it's the waiting game again... On the flip side, if we had gone for the temp WW, that would have been it, we wouldn't be allowed to go back to the holding pool for EF at the end of it. I hope the saying "good things come to those who wait" is true!!!!

DMED 8th Oct 2007 16:20

how long?
yeah but...

how long are we gonna have to wait? apparently there are temp WW courses running til the end of january, so does that mean we will get a course by february? any ideas?


TheFlyingFrenchman 8th Oct 2007 16:27

I got the dreaded email, I didn't go through :(

galanjal 8th Oct 2007 16:52

DMED, I am in the same position as you, in the hold pool for LHR EF. Its really frustrating isn't it? but no-one on here can answer your question, even those that like to think they have the answers! ba will contact us if and when they need us and until then it's a waiting game. we can second guess all we like but the truth is, no one knows (maybe not even ba at this point!) wish it weren't so but it is.

dragonwithwagon 8th Oct 2007 17:39

LHR Accommodation BA Training
Have my training course with BA in Dec. Looking for somewhere comfortable near Cranebank Training Centre. Can anyone recommend anywhere?


Happy! 9th Oct 2007 13:41

Hi Sorry to change the subject I have just been accepted for WW LHR which I am very happy about but no training course date as yet............anybody got any ideas as to when the next one may be held?

BACityFlyer 9th Oct 2007 16:25

I'm starting WW on 17th December. Anyone else starting then too? Will be relocating from Scotland for the training anyone know of any rooms going that I could rent?

VS-LHRCSA 9th Oct 2007 16:52

Happy, a lot people waiting in the holding pool for Euro Fleet have been told that they should get course dates for April. In the meantime, they have around 280 WW temps to get through training by then. Most of the temps are to be transfered internally (from what I've read on here) and the order in which they are transfered will depend on operational issues. My guess is that external temps will be slotted in where there are vacancies, which could be courses from January through to April. What actually happens is another thing, though.

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