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-   -   Thick passenger comments (https://www.pprune.org/cabin-crew/232080-thick-passenger-comments.html)

Shack37 5th Aug 2008 12:53


"its known in England as sarcasm"

It's known everywhere as "superiority syndrome"

FYI Sarcasm: Noun, The use of irony to mock or convey contempt.

That's from an ENGLISH dictionary.

I did not say the post was sarcasm, I was explaining to the poster who DID call it sarcasm just exactly what sarcasm is, from an English dictionary.
I called it superiority syndrome which is exactly what it is. Not always justified though.

I know what taking the mick is too, been on both ends of it many times.
Being Irish I appreciate the capital M you used.

FougaMagister 6th Aug 2008 21:12

Back in 1999, while doing cabin service midway through a LTN-TFS flight, a passenger looks out the window at the ocean, then asks me: "where are we exactly?"

Me (thinking): "how the hell should I know?"

Only answer I managed to come up with at the time: "we're over the Atlantic Ocean, Sir!"

Cheers :cool:

Matt101 6th Aug 2008 22:40

Before you start insulting the people who pay you wages, can I suggest you invest in a dictionary or a spell checker.
As one girl was quick to remind a particularly rude member of the public we work very hard for our wages which are paid to us by Pay & People Services - do you work for them? if not then you do not pay my wages you pay for the service which takes you form a to b I am paid by the company which provides that service to ensure you get there safely and, If I am feeling generous, comfortably.

I serve you but I distinctly despise being spoken to in such an rude way as above.

Whatever job you do we are essentially all in the business of sales or services. If you can honestly tell me that you don't come across the occasional dim wit I would be very surprised.

I am regularly locked in a metal tube with several hundred people - among them are some idiots, dim wits, those with worryingly long arms (usually called Dave and Janice) and some lovely lovely people to. However the minority tend to make an impression which is why threads like this are great for venting (rather than doing so at work) and do not require comments like yours to bring the mood down - or are you called Dave?

Sorry I am in an unusually mean mood right now.

Oh and to the point of the thread:

Pax: Can I have a wine?
CC: yes certainly!
long pause
CC: What wine sir?
Pax: oh red
CC: and which red sir?
Pax: goodness this is more difficult than I thought it would be.

As for some of my colleagues, well we could be here all day!

Abusing_the_sky 7th Aug 2008 00:43


Here here! I applaud you Sir for typing my own thoughts!!


Londonlads 7th Aug 2008 08:09

Something that really bothers me is passengers not collecting landing cards when the CSD is passing through the cabin! Then, a few minutes before landing, half of the passengers in the cabin is asking for it!

Probably not a thick passenger comment, but hey!

Capot 7th Aug 2008 21:18

As one girl was quick to remind a particularly rude member of the public we work very hard for our wages which are paid to us by Pay & People Services - do you work for them? if not then you do not pay my wages you pay for the service
Words fail me.

Are you really so dim that you can't understand what the source is of ALL the money the airline uses to carry out its operations? Hundreds of thousands of sources really; they're called "passengers" or even "customers". You are NOT doing them a favour by making them, "if I am feeling generous, comfortable".

You would simply be doing your job, and if you don't like being in a service industry because it's beneath you to be of service, get the hell out of it.

And now back to the thread about "thick passengers." Just ignore me, until, perhaps, you start wondering why you're in the dole queue.

James 1077 7th Aug 2008 22:39

Lighten up Capot - as SLF myself I find these thick passenger comments to be very amusing.

And having worked in the service industry before it is always good to have a place to vent when you aren't in front of the customers (and remember this is a CABIN CREW forum and, as such, is for Cabin Crew and I am but an uninvited guest).

If you don't like reading it then don't - I'm sure no one is forcing you.

Personally I do like reading the comments that fellow SLF come out with and I also understand the "enter airport, switch off brain" mentality that causes them as my wife does the same (I actually have to hold her hand and guide her around the airport as if she thinks about anything then she panics due to the concept of getting into a big metal thing and flying through the skies).

What is more I think that reading this thread, and others, makes me a more considerate passenger as it gives me an idea of what the crew do, and do not, like.

So lighten up and enjoy the read - it is, after all, meant to be some fun!

jetsetjobbie 7th Aug 2008 23:20

Originally Posted by capot
...............the source is of ALL the money the airline uses to carry out its operations? Hundreds of thousands of sources really; they're called "passengers"............

Not necessarily, my airline makes a considerable amount of money shipping freight. Not that the income from the passengers is to be sniffed at. After all, if we were not carrying them, we would not be there for the freight.


qwertyplop 7th Aug 2008 23:59

Before you start insulting the people who pay you wages, can I suggest you invest in a dictionary or a spell checker.

Oh the irony..


Brilliant post.

The best ever.

G SXTY 8th Aug 2008 14:02

Sat on the stand in Manchester, we're refuelling, the aircraft either side of us are refuelling - in fact, fuel trucks as far as the eye can see. Passengers boarding as we refuel, and are briefed accordingly.

Particularly hairy, knuckle dragging gentleman asks cabin crew if he can 'just pop down the steps for a quick smoke while we're waiting.'

They gently explain the facts of life while he argues the toss . . . :ugh:

StaceyF 8th Aug 2008 18:07

Originally Posted by James 1077 (Post 4316298)
Lighten up Capot - as SLF myself I find these thick passenger comments to be very amusing.

And having worked in the service industry before it is always good to have a place to vent when you aren't in front of the customers (and remember this is a CABIN CREW forum and, as such, is for Cabin Crew and I am but an uninvited guest).

If you don't like reading it then don't - I'm sure no one is forcing you.

Good post, spot on.

For those of us who've worked in other areas of the customer service industry, I have nothing but admiration for the cabin crew (and, as you rightly point out, this is their forum).......in my own case as a call centre supervisor, I had a headset on and so (a) no-one else could see or hear the customer bawling me out in front of everyone else and (b) after he/she had finished their rant I could put the phone down and that would be the last I heard from them.

I don't even want to begin to think what it's like locked in a metal tube on a ten hour flight with some chav who just wants to cause you grief.....

Olympus593 8th Aug 2008 20:17

Is it just me?
"Ladies and Gentlemen, If you do not have an European passport and you are staying in the UK, the cabin crew will be handing you a landing card in a few moments. If you are connecting onto another flight, outside the UK, you do not need a landing card".

PAX "Do I need one of those?"

Erm, how the hell should I know???:ugh:

Sven Sixtoo 8th Aug 2008 20:40

Just have to join in, and I hope I'm not unwelcome.

Scene: back of a SAR helicopter, after a rather messy rescue in the North Sea. Two survivors alive, third one on the floor being given the full medical treatment by both rearcrew. Me (copilot) looking after other two. Captain coping on his own up front (he was the senior QHI on the fleet so not really an issue). Intercom has packed in and a number of other odd thing going wrong (apart from the survivors falling off a yacht 50 miles from land).

Bloke lying soggy and cold waves weakly at me from behind oxygen mask. I bend down, take helmet off (it's noisy in the cabin) and shout "What?"

He (lucky to be alive) asks: "do you know the cricket score, mate?"

Thick? no (medical doctor, I found out later). Confused? very.

Flintstone 8th Aug 2008 21:02

New bimbette cabin crew comes into cockpit on a ferry leg clutching two spoons and asks me "Which of these is a teaspoon?" :hmm:

How to have fun with the scratchpad (large group of Irish passengers on board during the rugby).


EC-ILS 8th Aug 2008 21:38

Reading this thread has really cheered me up, Ive been working in baggage services or 3 years and am releaved to see that it is only me that comes across horrible and rude passengers.

MMENCLLBAMAN 9th Aug 2008 21:34

Arriving or Departing
Sat outside Ryanair check in at EMA other day having a quick ciggie, two young Brummie girls get off car park bus with their bright pink suitcases ready to go on what was probably their first holiday without parents .....

1st girl looks at sign and proclaims 'Departures - thats when we come back isn't it'

2nd girl 'Yea, we've just arrived so we have to go to arrivals'

And they marched off to the other side of the terminal.

I would have told them if I hadn't been doubled over laughing :}:{

Matt101 10th Aug 2008 19:23

Words fail me.

Are you really so dim that you can't understand what the source is of ALL the money the airline uses to carry out its operations? Hundreds of thousands of sources really; they're called "passengers" or even "customers". You are NOT doing them a favour by making them, "if I am feeling generous, comfortable".

You would simply be doing your job, and if you don't like being in a service industry because it's beneath you to be of service, get the hell out of it.

And now back to the thread about "thick passengers." Just ignore me, until, perhaps, you start wondering why you're in the dole queue.
Words often fail people when they don't read the tone of the post quite well enough. I used some sarcasm, I am sorry did it throw you?

We are all in the business of providing a service wherever we work - otherwise what is it you exchange for runumeration?

All I eluded to is the 'I pay your wages therefore I am never wrong' attitude does not really sway with me. We wouldn't carry restraint kits onboard if this were always the case.

what I'm also saying is that moaning about the existence of this thread is really comical to me - I don't like channel 5 so I turn it off - you can do the same you know.

As for me leaving the profession of Cabin Crew - tis my intention. However If you have ever worked with me you will know that actually I treat all of the guests onboard the aircraft very well - however in the past few years they occasionally come out witha dim comment - which only my fellow crew may understand.

The reason I got annoyed by the other post was that rudeness is never called for that's why it was my colleague who said that to a passenger and not me however he had also told her to f off and get some coffee so maybe she was justified.

I think we also make a lot of money out of Cargo too - thankfully that doesn't require reminding not to smke 6 times before we take off - unfortunately for Qantas it still does it seems.

Grief can't have any fun anymore without being told off!

b747 flightboy 14th Aug 2008 10:20

Matt I totally agree with you. Have been flying 10 years and in that short time (compared to many on here) things have gone down hill. Only yesterday I had some one calling me a fu"£$&g queer in russian, because i asked him to put his seat upright for landing. I don't speak russian but a pax who did 'kindly' translated it for me. You then air a point on here and some retiree vilifies you for it late on at night. I like this thread because you can vent things and laugh and relate to it all. And feel a little less hurt by the way you have been treated just for doing your job.:ouch:

Virginia 14th Aug 2008 11:06

I think we need to move away from the 'customer is always right' quote. This is not a law. So I don't know why so many people quote it.

I mean you couldn't say "oh I'm a passenger so I'm allowed to abuse cabin crew/hijack the plane/smoke etc as I'm always right!"

Most pax are fine but there are a few who I want to :mad:

Scott Diamond 11th Sep 2008 15:29

You've gotta start reposting before this thread is sent to it's death on the vanashing page 3. :(

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