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JewelF 11th Feb 2011 21:08


EK does but i've heard from quite a few people on another cabin crew site, that Ek and Qatar has a policy where you have to wait 1year after leaving the previous airline to apply to the other. Lol. who knows? Cause everyone was questioning it lol. But alot of Qatar members do join EK. Heard Qatar treats their employees like kids:rolleyes:

Mari 12th Feb 2011 07:51

Yes. Exactly 12 months from the resignation date until the date of joining.

If you don't want to wait, do not mention QR in your CV and change your passport.

Djsailor 12th Feb 2011 12:06

I'm sad
Hey guys,

I have recieved my rejection e-mail 2 days ago :sad:! it makes me sad reaching to the final interview was sort of a miracle. The whole experience of the open day was enjoyable but stressful, nerve-wrecking and requires ALOT of patience. When I read my e-mail I was in a shock, not that I'm was over confident that I'd get the job .. it's just sometimes you have these strange feelings that you're there.

I'm carrying the Pakistani passport and it's hand-written not biometric/electronic passport and recently I become aware of that. I guess that was the reason I got rejected since as per UAE regulations (Pakistani hand-written passports) are no longer permitted anymore unless they are computerized. But sometimes i ask myself this same question: if it was for the passport i got rejected and say they approved me; wouldn't they advise me to make a new one as soon as possible?

Oh well, i have to wait now for another year but there's something that's going on in my mind: would they give a second chance for those who made it to the final interviews a year ago? would they consider them again? or will they eleminate them to give room for the others?

JewelF 12th Feb 2011 14:43


Dont worry about it. Try again. There's no reason for them to make space for the new ones unless you're going on 36years old. There are many people who have tried more than 5 times and got through, infact, my friend Roja from Sweden was telling me of a guy she knew that tried a combination of 20times and on his 21st try, he said that he'll make it his last, and guess what? He got through then. I mean, that's alot of time yes, but it shows that no matter how many times you try, it doesnt make a difference. However, i'd recommend you try other airlines as well. Roja's doing BA this month and she's excited as well. She had went to EK 6times and was unsuccesssful on each occassion. But you know what she told me? She said, that she was going to try again after the year has passed and she made it to Ek's final interview as well. She still hasnt given up hope and I feel so good for her. I dont want you to neither, keep trying, it will pay off eventually. I am trying for the first time come April / May this year in my country when EK's gonna be here. I havent even been to the OD/AD/FI but i already feel so confident that i'll get it. Pray about it and ask God for it. Ask and ye shall receive.

Best of luck though!!!

Djsailor 12th Feb 2011 15:24

Thank you JewelF :O ... your words gave me hope again!!!

I will be trying again next year but why do we have to wait for 1 year for those who reached the final interview? what's the reason behind that sentence?

best wishes and hope you'll make it :)

Ele87 12th Feb 2011 15:43

purelife and chichi2010
Ha ha purelife I think it was me you posted it for, Im still in AlNahda now and I quite like it, we are very close to sahara centre and 2 supermarkets right downstairs, my apartment is big and modern and a very nice flat mate, I have friends living further out who also have nice accomodation but takes them alot longer to get to airport etc.

yananash 12th Feb 2011 17:34

AD in London
Hi! I'm just wondering if I have my home address in Thailand on my application but I want to attend an AD in London, whether Emirates will review my application or not because I'm in another country faraway from London. If anyone knows or has experience in applying an AD in another country like this, please share.

Thank you so much and hope you guys get the GC real soon :)

Milly26 12th Feb 2011 21:02

Re: I'm sad
Djsailor, just curious how long after your FI did you wait until you got the unsuccessful email?

allyNZ 13th Feb 2011 04:22

Anyone else with an april 4th DOJ? PM me! :)

k_tii2 13th Feb 2011 05:19

Hey everyone!! Has anyone ever received a text message from Emirates HR before?

I received one today saying "please check your email and forward the required documents". I didn't receive any email though:confused:

It's coming up to week 5 since my FI and my status is at approval in progress and I sent back the Image and Uniform form over 3 weeks ago.

Just curious if anyone else has had a similar encounter??

allyNZ 13th Feb 2011 06:00

hey k_tii2

i have received a text from 'emirates recruitment' before asking me to check my email, however there was an email there when I checked it!

perhaps check your junk email (if you havent already), as i have had one of their emails go to my junk folder before?

hope this helps :)

ellie22 13th Feb 2011 06:14

DOJ 21st March!!:O
For those who have recently got there GC, how long does it take for them to send you a link to the portal?

Lou75 13th Feb 2011 06:37

Congatulations Ellie ! So happy for you. I was wondering exactly the same things, I m waiting for the medical link !

Doj April 4th, hope to meet again our lil team from Sydney :)


allyNZ 13th Feb 2011 07:20

Hey Ellie! I received my GC on a Monday & didn't receive my link to the portal until Thursday. So frustrating waiting!

Lou - I also have the same DOJ as you!


biancs88 13th Feb 2011 09:12

Congratulations Ellie and Lou! So happy for you both! I'm still waiting but hopefully I will hear something soon! It's been almost 9 weeks now :ugh:

Durban girl 13th Feb 2011 09:37

For all those people who are waiting to hear back after their FI, has anyone tried to contact them? I've been waiting 5 weeks today and I may want to try contact them if I reach 6 weeks with no change. What about you Biancs88? 9 weeks is a long time! What does your status say?

biancs88 13th Feb 2011 09:47

Durbangirl- I called them and they told me that my application was going through final approval and that I should hear by wednesday that just passed. I didn't end up hearing from them so I called on thursday night and the lady told me I should hear by no later than today, still haven't heard anything though :sad:. My status hasn't changed from "Under Review" either. I don't know why its taking so long! Its the most frustrating wait ever. I might call tomorrow night if I don't hear anything, I don't want to annoy them but I need to know before uni starts in 2 weeks...

Jbrsp11 13th Feb 2011 14:48

Going to the 3rd week after FI and no status changed - nothing so far.
Some of the female candidates already got their GC.
somebody in the same situation???

Djsailor 13th Feb 2011 16:59

Miley26, It took 31 days exactely after my final interview to get my rejection e-mail. I keep thinking about it :ugh:

do they reconsider candidates who made it to the final interview the second time around in OD after the 1 year penalty? Anyone had the experienece in trying for the second time? I mean those who reached to the finals and were unsuccessful?

nanu 13th Feb 2011 18:44

Hey Djsailor...i am sorry to hear that..it must be hard after waiting and then..get a negative answer...i am also in the waiting game, and i am hoping...and thinking positive :)...and about your question..my friend tried 3 times, and the third time was the lucky one..he got to the FI before but he got the e-mail..so dont you worry...just go for it again..and i wish you luck and success :)..

@ Jbrsp11...i am in the same situation..i am still waiting..on monday will be 3 weeks..some of the girls who were with me on the FI, already got the call and they are joining soon :)...so we just have to wait :)

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