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Jbrsp11 17th Feb 2011 17:23

Everything in the process is uncertain until you get your DOJ + tkt to Dubai...
Approval in progress I think there is a high chance to be approved.... Some people go straight to not successful...we never know...
I think if you were that bad in your FI you should already received the rejection email.

nexia 17th Feb 2011 18:27

The lenght of skirt
EKiFLY don't worry about the length of your skirt. It is ok to be just above the knee. That will pass for sure as a knee length. I wore the same skirt on my FI and also took all my pictures in it and I have been successful. :O

isabel66 17th Feb 2011 21:40

thank you Jbrsp11 a lot

well the unsuccessful comes even after six weeks,and i'm only on the third
what i didn't understand is why they did update the other statut of a very old assessment day that i failed to approval in progress
that doesn't make a sense lol so the unsuccessful still has higher chances to come :rolleyes:

k_tii2 17th Feb 2011 23:58

for all those who have received your GC, how long did you wait until they sent you the medicals??? I got my GC on Monday and I'm still waiting; should I send them an email??

Micah 18th Feb 2011 00:12

Hey Guys NYC OD on 26th? Who is in?

allyNZ 18th Feb 2011 01:54

k_tii2 - congrats on getting your gc!!

i waited about three/four business days for mine.

when is your doj? :)

ally23x 18th Feb 2011 05:14

Think positive isabel66!!! This is one of the qualities Emirates searches in people and confidence so you should trust yourself more!!! Just wait and see what happens. As they say here HOPE FOR THE BEST AND BE PREPARED FOR THE WORSE!!!

Good luck!

Aussie-EmiratesCC 18th Feb 2011 07:50

DOJ 7th March
Hi All,

Anyone with DOJ 7th March please PM me.

Cheers! :ok:

Njaria 18th Feb 2011 09:54

Hi all, I have a friend who uploaded her medical reports three weeks ago but the status is still in progress, does anyone know how many days it takes for emirates to reply?, her DOJ is 28th March

I like Weasels 18th Feb 2011 11:24

contacting home
Quick question for those who are already in Dubai,

I read that Skpe, Blackberry messenger and other internet based calling systems are blocked in Dubai,but I was also told if you already have Skpe downloaded on your laptop, when you get there it should still work.

Can anyone confirm if this is true ? (hope so !!)


nanu 18th Feb 2011 11:58

@I like weasels...yes..that is true :)...you can use Skype there if you have it already on your computer :)...so no worries there...
@Njaria...tell your friend that she does not have to worry..my friend waited longer and he got the final approval, like, five days, or a week before his DOJ :)...it takes a bit longer sometimes, but everything is ok :)

ysp333 18th Feb 2011 13:47

I'm trying to attend th OD or AD in Kuala Lumpur. There's an option to register for both the OD and the AD. should i register for both of them online?

nexia 18th Feb 2011 13:49

I guess that it wouldn't hurt if you register for both :ok:

k_tii2 18th Feb 2011 22:44


Oh ok so it can take some time, I was getting anxious that they forgot me! My doj is march 21, what about yourself?

Milena 18th Feb 2011 22:57

Open Day Toronto
Hey guys! is anyone attending the open day in toronto on march 19 ?? Please send me a private message, maybe we can go together !! also, do you guys know where to take the picture?? I feel like every photographic studio is about weddings... so please let me know!! Bye bye :)

snowglobe 18th Feb 2011 23:10

hi guys i've been invited to an assessment day in london, can anyone tell me what i need to bring? at the OD i attended last year, i had to take CV and full length&head and shoulder photographs. Theres no mention of this in the email they sent me, so that means they dont need them, right?

The logical part of my brain is saying they already have my cv and photos because I uploaded them on my application.

The (exhausted) other half of my brain is saying "you must have to take a CV or what are you going to talk to them about when you go up for your little chat before the reach test?"


Milena, if you call the studios you'll probably find they do these kind of photographs as well as weddings etc.

want_to_fly 19th Feb 2011 01:45

If I were you, I'd bring my CV and photos. Your exhausted other half of the brain is correct! It's an interview, so of course you will need your CV, and be bring whatever you think you need. It's better to be overprepare an interview than turning up with nothing.

Wish you all the best!

hala22 19th Feb 2011 05:00

OD at Vancouver
Hey guys,
I was just wondering if there is anybody who is going to OD in Vancouver on March 19?? I am so excited and do not know where to start to prepare for the whole process. I think I only have one shot, either pass or fail.

please let me know,


Mari 19th Feb 2011 11:42

If reading the thread did not help, do a preparation course on the internet. You have plenty of time until the recruitment day.

Coco05 19th Feb 2011 13:00

Some questions
These are all based on my experience, it varies from person to person...Been flying for almost a month now :)

1. How is your living situation?

Emirates do sponsor you to come to Dubai, for your visa and accommodation. I am living on this great flat with 2 lovely flatmates. I get to have my own room but the kitchen and the living room I have to share with my flatmates. Washer and dryer are provided,we even have a tiny room for them. Up to this day, I still think that our place is too big for the 3 of us but that varies from accommodation to accommodation of course. I got really blessed to be put in this building because this is one of the best one :) Utilities and a phone allowance is provided. Each room has its own phone connection which is great. No rent to worries and I can use as much water and electricity as I want without worrying about the bill. Awesome eh?

2.Is it beautiful where YOU are?

Dubai is a desert,period but for the last 5 years, the UAE government have done an excellent job trying to commercialized the place. My area, it is pretty clean but nothing special about it. Buildings around you,some stores and beauty salon. I won't say it is beautiful but it is liveable.

3. How much time do YOU spend in the US versus where YOU are stationed?

Everyone will be based here in Dubai. No exceptions and no other bases at all. So this is definitely a life changing decision. When I accepted the job offer, I know deep inside my heart that I might not be able to come back to the US for a year or so but since Emirates do fly to LA, I am praying I get to have LA flights.

4.How flexible is the schedule?

The training is at least 7 weeks long and after that you will be on probation up to six months. During probation, you can't bid or swap any of your flights. Not a lot of options and flexibility at all. Each crew is allocated a 30 days leave for a year but you can't use the whole 30 days at once. It has to be 15 days on the first half of the year and another 15 on the second half. Another catch, you can't take a whole 15 days leave, it has to be divided again either 8 and then 7 days or 5 days then another 5 and the last 5. Does that make sense? You usually get 2-3 days off, depending on your roster and flights.

5.On the application it asks me why would i want to work for emirates? How long should the response be and what are some of the key points I should mention?

Don't make it too long and don't make it too short. I would not worry much about that, just state your qualifications and what you know about the company. If I could remember it correctly, I think I put something like this " I would like to work for Emirates because it is one of the youngest but fastest growing airline. I would like to be a part of a company that strives for excellence and would give me a lot of opportunities to grow and challenge myself." Something like that, do your research about them,go to their website so that you could mention that as well. It will let them know that you actually do know the company.

6. What are the pros and cons with working at emirates so far?

  • No rent and utilities bill to worry about
  • Bus transport pick up from accommodation to the airport and vice-versa is provided, runs 24/7 and you could even use it to come visit a friend who lives in a different building or to go to the metro
  • Laundry and ironing of uniforms are provided at no cost
  • Uniforms, suitcase, handbag, cabin bag, shoes, stockings, duty pajamas, id cord, scrunchie, etc are all provided... Crazy eh?
  • It has over 100 destinations all over the world so you will really get to travel everywhere
  • They know how to take care of their employees and they do make you feel special
  • Fast promotion, you could be a Purser (the very senior flight attendant on board) within 4-5 years
  • It is tax free here, you get all your salary in full amount
  • Emirates Face Club discounts in different countries (not that many though)
  • You get to wear the uniform with pride, when you walk in the airport,people literally stare and look at you..I think it is the hat and scarf and the fact that at least 8-9 different nationalities all walking together.
I am sure there is a lot more that I have forgotten to list...

  • Miles away from home
  • It get really hot,like fiery hot in the summer. So not looking forward to that!
  • Language and culture barrier since you will be working with different nationatilities on board ( over 120 nationalities btw)
  • Very demanding customers since they know that Emirates pride itself to the fact that the crew never gets to say no
And I am sure there is more as well but just can't think of them right now..

7. What's your living situation and does emirates help you out with things like room and board or relocation?

I think I pretty much answer this on your first question. Just to add more things, when you arrive here on Dubai, you will be welcomed with a starter pack that have some kitchen stuffs, linens, bathroom things, some foods, etc. Not very comprehensive but basic enough to help you get around. Your room will be fully furnished: bed, table,closet, etc. But the other home appliances, you will have to buy on your own like microwave, toaster, coffee maker, rice cooker, etc. For me I didn't have to because my flatmates already have them and they graciously told me that I could use them. So it depends on who you will be living with.

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