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-   -   Emirates - Wannabes & Recruitment VIII (https://www.pprune.org/cabin-crew-wannabes/430226-emirates-wannabes-recruitment-viii.html)

mugunza 19th Feb 2011 20:39

Belfast OD
Anyone attending to Belfast OD on the 26th Feb?

Does anyone know the name of the recruiters that usually recruits over there? :)

Next april i'm joining FlyDubay which is the low budget carrier owned by Dubai Governament (so, same group as Emirates, but they prefer to keep a wall in between the 2 airlines), and would like to try Emirates before they process my visa... :}

hala22 20th Feb 2011 00:53

Hello everyone,
Thank you coco05 for the information you have posted. It is very useful.

Does anyone have an idea of how the CV should be structured?? what it should contain and what it shouldn't?


I like Weasels 20th Feb 2011 08:08

Another question for those already there,

Does the Emirates accommodation have internet access provided, if not how easy and quick is it to get connected and roughly how much does it cost per month ?

How easy is it to get a mobile phone connected, and are the packages similar to the UK contracts, ie talk time / texts / mobile internet for a set price every month ?

Thanks all


Lina412 20th Feb 2011 08:32

[Text speak]

Read the first sticky thread at the top of the forum.

ally23x 20th Feb 2011 13:32

About internet :) The company doesn't provide you this service, but if you are lucky to have flatmates that have already installed it, and are willing to share then you are good. If not, unfortunately it will take you aproximately 1 month to get internet. To get the service itself it takes 2-3 days, but in order to do that you need a passport, which you will have it back only after approximately 1 month from your DOJ. Prices start with 300 dirhams/month

About mobile phones: you can get contracts, I think you only need a passport copy for that. For the prepay packages I know it for sure. It is very cheap, for example you can get a package for Blackberry for 78 dirhams until 300 or so. Or just a normal prepay: 0.30 dhs/minute within Dubai, 0.60 dhs/minute international, 0.18 dhs/sms within Dubai ...this are more or less the prices, You could search for Etisalat or Du, the two mobile services providers.

Any other questions...feel free to ask!

givemewings 20th Feb 2011 15:59

When I bought my phone (Wasel prepaid) I was required to hand over a passport copy AND a copy of my residency visa.

My suggestion is to make 2 coloured passport copies (for yourself in case of loss etc) and 10 b&W, when Emirates send you the temporary visa in your email, make at least ten copies of this also.

Everywhere asks you for these- for the bank accounts, for internet, for BUYING the phone (not even to set it up, just to buy the pre-paid)

You'll make your life much easier by always having copies at home and also carrying one or two extra with you at all times so you can give one away if you decide to buy something on the spur of the moment and they ask for it.

Mari 20th Feb 2011 17:43

adding to coco's post
I really liked the post! It's extemely nice to give an update.


It's not realistic to think that you bacome a Purser in 4-5 years. Count with 5-8 years. There is always something... Crisis, war, strikes at Airbus, snow, vulcano... The aviation industry is very sensitive.

Some of you will be stuck in economy or business for years due to high number of sick days, absents, warning letters or simply a Cabin Crew Manager.

Miles from home

You MUST plan your leave carefully. It's hard to get on the flights. If you are from Australia, Brazil, Canada, US, you need lots of tickets and patience to work out your strategy when you go for leave in your country.


You might not be able to take leave during probation. It depends on the company.

You CAN take 19 days in a row without your manager's permission. However, not in your fist year as I read above.

The heat

Fist summer might be hard. Afterwards: you get used to it. I mean: you simply KNOW if you shouldn't even try to go out. I never go home (Eastern- Europe) in the summer as there is no air-conditioning anywhere at home. You know European summer: either 40 degrees (in the metro, in a bank, in a café, in a taxi) or rain.

I got spoiled!

You either hate it and go home OR you get adapted.

You WILL get sick (catch a cold) 2-4 times in the first year. A/C in Dubai and on the aircraft. Take vitamins. You get used to the conditions in a year. If not: you will resign.


You will move if you don't like it. It might take months but you will find something better. Not easy but it's not impossible!


Expect the worst. With time you will handle them better. If you manage them and decide to stay, you should hang on to one thought: business class upgrade.

EKiFLY 20th Feb 2011 17:56

February Assesment Day Experience
Hi guys,
I have my AD next week and am wondering if someone has already been to one this month. If yes could you kindly share the experience??
Goodluck to everyone:)

Mari 20th Feb 2011 18:25


You seem to have really little knowledge about... well, the whole thing. That's the reason I recommended to take a prep course.

There are many British and US and Indian courses available on the internet. If you are not willing to pay that money, you should use google and READ. Well, there are some EK threads on this forum and it might take a week to read through them. However, after finising reasind you will get a picture about EVERYTHING. Many things were mentioned.

I did a course before I joined EK. It helped me a lot! You might be the perfect candidadae, you just don't know.

Google 'cabin crew cv' first. Read. Think. Write your cv.

Your cv should tell the recruiers at EK that you have the look (photo), personality (smile), age, background (customer service) they want. Easy. You passed the first round!

What else do they want?! I'm afraid you should do some research to figure it out.

hala22 20th Feb 2011 18:55

Dear Mari,
Thank you for your insightful thoughts. I agree with you that I need to do a lot of research. I am reading this forum 24/7 as I am finding very helpful. I am also amazed how people,after reading all the information, feel obliged to come back here and share their experiences. This is something I, definitely, plan on doing!

As for the prep course, I was doing some research and a lot of the websites said that doing a course is a complete waste of time and money. So, I am just planning on (literally) memorizing their website, and reading through those forums by making summaries. How does that sound to you? I swear I already learned a ton from this forum.

Also, I speak perfect English but I am wondering how to get ready for the English Test? You know, just in case. It would be embarrassing to fail because of English. (or at least for me.)


donnay 20th Feb 2011 20:42

Any one in Germany
Hallo everyone, anyone attending the OD in Germany?
That can make the two of us in here....let me know!
All the best

JewelF 20th Feb 2011 22:22


If you're first language is English then no need to worry about the English exam. You wouldnt get one. I havent been to the OD/AD/FI yet but i've read so many CC sites there's very few things I dont know about the process besides the questions. If you have to do the English test, I've heard of grammer and a composition. They give you a few questions or they give everyone a topic and you write on that. I am thankful that my first language is English. Best of luck with that. However, I'd like to be refered to one of those prep courses. Please inbox me the link. I am willing to do anything to get further ahead in my knowledge about EK and Cabin Crew in general.

snowglobe 20th Feb 2011 23:39

One of the users of the cabincrew.com forum owns the book How To Become Emirates Cabin Crew which is not available to buy anywhere now. She has (astonishingly!) typed the whole thing up out of the kindness of her heart and offered to send a pdf copy of the book to anyone who wanted it. I'm sure you would find a lot of useful info in there if you asked her to send you it.

perkin1 21st Feb 2011 00:19

A few questions
Hey Mari or someone else whose been with the company for a while, i have a few questions,

What are your favourite layovers and why? Are the hotels normally located in the city? Which destinations do we have to stay at the airport hotels... i heard LHR is? what are the others?

I understand most of the layovers are around 24hrs.. Though which locations are longer? I heard some of the US destinations are 50hrs, as well as Sydney is sometimes 48hrs, not sure if this is still the case though..

As for the probation period, are we able to use ANY form of staff travel during this time? I'd imagine not, but worth a try.. haha

In theory, just say i had 4-5 rostered days off in a row, what would my chances be of flying home to Sydney for a weekend? I do understand most EK flights to Sydney are full, so if this was the case we do have eligibility to use ZED fares right? So would this mean i would be able to take an Etihad or V-Aus flight from Syd to Abu Dhabi (not ideal i know haha) or a QF flight to singapore and then connect from there for a similar id90 price?

Also how are the load factors normally for EK LHR flights?

Do you get much use out of staff travel/zeds? How do you find them?

As far as the FACE card goes, what kind of places in Dubai can you use it at? Are they worthwhile?


gen6 21st Feb 2011 07:27

Hi Guys! I passed the FI and was waiting for my GC but nobody called me. The final day for the GC is today! If they don't call me, and I'm almost sure they won't, should I call them or write them an email, to ask what's my status? Has anyone experienced something like this? Thank you in advance!
Also I didn't get a rejection email, which I consider positive, because if they didn't approve me, I should've recieved an email by now, is that right?

nanu 21st Feb 2011 08:36

Hy gen..that is a good sign :)...there are people who are waiting longer so no worries...i am gettin into my fifth week of waiting...are you a male?...if i was you..i would wait a week more, then call them..because they are fully packed in the training...they told me so on my FI...and they asked me to be patient..so just think happy thoughts and pack :O...and negative answer, usually comes much sooner then 6 weeks...take care...

gen6 21st Feb 2011 09:43

Thank you for the answer Nanu!
Yes I'm male.

and negative answer, usually comes much sooner then 6 weeks
I really really hope so... it's also a relief for me to hear that there are others who are waiting for more than 6 weeks! I guess I shall wait one week more (7 weeks) and then I'll write an email or contact them by phone.

perkin1 21st Feb 2011 10:11

Do you have an online status?
Good news is normally if they are going to reject you, it is generally done 1-3 weeks after the FI.
Bad news is, even if you have been selected, you probably wont get your GC for another 2-3 months...

I only just got my GC a couple of weeks ago, and my FI was Oct 11th.
And the other males who are currently getting their GCs also had their interview around Oct.

Training classes are all full, and there is currently a backlog of males. (Ladies are moving through much quicker : 2-5 weeks).
Over the coming months this should speed up though, as many crew who are about to leave are holding out for the month of April as this is when profit share payouts are paid to them. (this is what i have been told anyway).

gen6 21st Feb 2011 11:19

Thank you, perkin1 !
Unfortunately I don't have an online status, never did anything online with Emirates.

Oh well, seems that I'll have to pack up with some patience then!
Thank you for the useful information, I feel better now!

Jessica Pang 21st Feb 2011 15:52

Hi snowglobe, do you have the name of the lady you were talking about having the book? Or you do have any of her contacts? Sorry for the trouble and thanks lots for your kind info.. =)

Hi Coco05, thanks lots for your kind info!! you actually answered most of my questions in mind!! =))

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