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ellie22 8th Feb 2011 08:01

Congrats Perkin1!!

Paradise33 8th Feb 2011 08:44

waiting for status to update from applied to...!
Had final one on one interview Jan 16th 2011 and status still says applied. 12 made final cut (including me) and 3 have already had calls! I thought they would call us around same time, what does it mean they've already called 3 and 9 of us are still waiting!!.. anxious :rolleyes:

nexia 8th Feb 2011 09:01

Hey guys, I'm new here :D My DOJ is march 21st. Anybody else joining then?

8 Jan: OD
9 Jan: AD
11 Jan: FI
22 Jan: GC
21 Mar: DOJ

I did all my medical test and now I'm waiting for FA. Actually I only didn't do 2 bitewings X-rays because I don't know what that is and also the lady that did my OPG doesn't know what is it. What happens if I travel to Dubai without it? I still have time to do that ;)

Everybody else just be patient they will call you! It is not interesting to wait but it will all be over soon and you will be happy when you get GC :O

k_tii2 8th Feb 2011 09:06

Hey guys, thought I would join the waiting game on here as there seems to be a few of us Aussies on here!

I had my FI Jan 11 in Melbourne along with 8 other people (1 guy). My status turned to "approval in progress" 2 weeks ago after I received the uniform/tattoo email... and now I'm anxiously waiting.

Congrats to all who have received your GC... especially Perkin and the other boys... I don't know how you all survived the long wait! :D

want_to_fly 8th Feb 2011 09:48

Hi K_tii2 are you saying there are only 9 people in your OD that made it to the FI? that's a lot less then what I have experienced! Anyway Im sure you'll get a call very soon. I've experienced that usually it's a Sunday that you get a rejection email whereas a call could be anyday from Sunday through to Thursday as the weekend on UAE falls on Friday and Saturday. Anyway good luck!

ps I will be attending the OD in Brisbane again and did they mention we could get a choice of choosing A380's or main fleet as long as we tell them in the Fi? Because last time the recruiters gave us the choice...

Anyway all the best and praying for you to get the GC :)

God bless!

nanu 8th Feb 2011 09:52

Hey Paradise :)...i had the final in bratislava, 24th of january...i was the only guy on the fi....was so happy and shocked a bit :O...3 girls already got the call to join...so happy for them...the rest of us are still waiting..but its a sweet wait :O...some of us have applied status, some have under review status...i am one of the "under review"...i think they are just mixing different people from around the world for the training so thats why some got the call, some didnt...hope everyone will get the call... @ k_tii2...and what about the only guy?...did he get any status change?thanks and good luck to everyone :)

k_tii2 8th Feb 2011 11:02

Hi want_to_fly... yeah there were only 9 of us which was surprising considering the OD had about 100.

Have they rescheduled Brissy? I remember in my FI the recruiters were saying they would be back in Dubai earlier because of the floods. I think if I remember correctly they said we will be most like on main fleet. They have been training current employees for A380... but I could have heard incorrectly!!

All the best for your OD, hopefully we all make it to the sand pit!

Durban girl 8th Feb 2011 12:25

Hi all,

Does anyone know why there is such a difference amongst people in the amount of time that we have to wait to get a status change/GC/rejection email? It just doesn't seem fair. I've been waiting 4 weeks and 2 days and my status still says application under review. Some have been waiting 3 months!!! While others wait a week and get their GC-LUCKY FISHES! Maybe different agencies work differently??

GOOD LUCK TO ALL WHO ARE WAITING...Sigh..its a frustrating process.

want_to_fly 8th Feb 2011 12:38

Thanks for your speedy reply! Yeah they rescheduled the Brisbane OD from January to 26th of March. Which is a blessing in disguise cos I needed time to clear up some acne marks on my face haha! Who were the recruiters you had this time? Im just curious cos I want the previous recruiters I had a while back cos they were really nice. Anyway I was just curious about their recruitment process for the fleets cos I was told by a friend who works for Emirates that they desperately need crews for the A380. And if it actually worth mentioning which fleet I get and land myself a job I'll say it!

Anyway Im staying positive and yes, meet you in the sandpit in the near future!

All the best and God bless!

lala2011 8th Feb 2011 15:27

[Text speak]

Read the first sticky thread at the top of the forum.

.agamt 8th Feb 2011 15:57

[Text speak]

Read the first sticky thread at the top of the forum.

charnel 8th Feb 2011 16:06

Hey Durban girl,
From what we could see so far, it all seems to be random. For sure girls have to wait significantly less, while guys usually around 3 montghs.
It also looks like they try to keep some kind of order, for example those who had their FI's in the middle of october and received "on hold" mail, already got or will get soon GC, those who had FI's in the beginning of november are still waiting. And also we have those who had some problems like missing photo or some documents, this for sure delayed whole process.

Ele87 8th Feb 2011 21:11

Im pretty sure you wont fail, I was so so worried about that all through my training because I dont retain information well but I got no less then 95% in all my exms and trust me I have never ever gotton marks like that.

The instructors are great and will explaing things over and over again until you get it, will make time outside of class to go over things your not understanding which if thats the case with you as it was with me make sure you put your hand up for help. If you do fail an exam you get to do it again and the questions are the same you even get to see where you went wrong you"ll come to class 1 hr earlier the next day and re do it but your pass mark needs to be higher but that happned to no one in my class. Study with friends after class just a little each day and you'll be fine besides it all comes together once you get out online. Hope this helpt a little goodluck :-)

RiRi25 9th Feb 2011 12:41

here's my timeline guys

OD 22/01
AD 23/01
FI 25/01
GC 09/02

congrats to all who got their GC's, for those still waiting wishing the best of luck :)

ALEX60021 9th Feb 2011 12:58

hey nexia
My DOJ is also 21st of March. I'm waiting for the FA. My FI was on 20 Dec. It's te second week after my medicals were done....hope to get the news soon.

k_tii2 9th Feb 2011 13:11

We had Louise (Aussie) and Kim (Kiwi) both really nice and easy to get along with. It was nice to hear them talk about their experiences... they didn't try to glam the job up or anything, they were straight to the point but as Kim said that lifestyle to her was like getting paid to have fun.

I guess thats why most of us want to join... work hard but then play hard around the world! Goodluck for the OD, keep us all posted on your progress:ok:

RiRi25 9th Feb 2011 19:05

i left i my doj - april 11, anyone has the same?

isabel66 9th Feb 2011 20:56

hiii guys =)

my friend had her final interview more than two weeks now and her statut still "applied"
her mobil were off for two days and now she wonders if she could had been called even though her statut still "applied"?
and if it's the case will she be contacted back?

AKL-NZ 10th Feb 2011 01:17

Hey, does anyone have a DOJ March 14th? So excited!!!

little dazzling 10th Feb 2011 03:38

Document to be translated into English by who?
Hello guys, how are you all? Hope everyone are doing greats here! I have a favor need help!!

As all the documents in other language than English are required to translate into English by an authorised signatory, just wondering the authorised signatory is refering to who or which organization? I know this sounds stupid but I do not know who can do the job:bored:

hazel_grace: Hi I have went to the OD in KL on last Nov!

Riri25: Hey there, my DOJ is 11th April, too!

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