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evansb 9th Dec 2016 19:49

Hello? Hello? It is your turn.

nvubu 10th Dec 2016 05:08

I'll keep the thread going with this photo of an airfield being constructed.

If TCF appears, I'll cede control.

India Four Two 10th Dec 2016 05:48

Are we back in the Arctic again?

nvubu 10th Dec 2016 07:39

Hmmm.. Interesting question, which I had to look up the answer.

Just outside the Arctic circle.

Heathrow Harry 10th Dec 2016 09:33

Could almost be Mt Pleasant in the Falklands!!!

Haven't a clue 10th Dec 2016 12:32

Iceland - Keflavik?

nvubu 10th Dec 2016 12:56

Haven't a clue is very close.

Haven't a clue 10th Dec 2016 13:08

How close - Reykjavik maybe?

nvubu 10th Dec 2016 13:15

no - much much closer to (but not) Meeks Field

nvubu 10th Dec 2016 13:26

You can, and you have. Patterson field it is.

The floor is yours Jenkins

Haven't a clue 10th Dec 2016 13:38

I knew little about Iceland's role in WWII but learnt a lot of fascinating stuff in the past 15 minutes or so. Visited the place in February and the rocks I photographed looked very much like the ones in your picture. Thanks nvubu for the challenge!

nvubu 10th Dec 2016 13:48

You're welcome

Here are some more images of Patterson Field.

Control Tower - similar view today - clicky



I'll keep other photos from Iceland under wraps for later challenge.

Wycombe 10th Dec 2016 19:52

Could almost be Mt Pleasant in the Falklands!!!
Nope, not hilly enough and no horizontal snow ;-)

India Four Two 11th Dec 2016 05:38

Nothing Arctic about this aerodrome:


Sorry about the fuzziness - the pilot who took this photo, didn't understand the concept of manual focus.

nvubu 11th Dec 2016 07:17

Somewhere in the Pacific?

chimbu warrior 11th Dec 2016 08:28

Majuro PKMJ.

OH if correct (and I'm fairly sure it is).

India Four Two 11th Dec 2016 15:36

Yes, it's Marshall Islands International Airport on Majuro Atoll. Elevation 6 feet and soon to be lower!

I'm currently "sailing" through the Marshall Islands (http://www.pprune.org/jet-blast/5876...as-2016-a.html) and while searching on GE, I found Majuro.

The picture is a screengrab from a video taken by the pilots of a 737 being ferried from Arizona to Indonesia.

Worth watching for the very casual CRM - the pilots pass the camera back and forth!

Chimbu Warrior has declared Open House.

barry lloyd 11th Dec 2016 15:59

A 737 from Arizona to Indonesia? Pah! Try ferrying a 748 (Avro) from Woodford to Majuro for delivery to Air Marshall Islands in the 1980s...:E

India Four Two 11th Dec 2016 16:14

"Far Side of the World"

I assume you didn't fly the GC route. ;)

West or East about? How many hours?

barry lloyd 11th Dec 2016 16:21

Here's one of mine to maintain the continuity - and speaking of the 748...


barry lloyd 11th Dec 2016 16:28

:) If only! Took the long route via the Far East, then PNG, Solomon Islands, iirc.

nvubu 11th Dec 2016 19:34

Looks tropical - Sub-Saharan Africa?

barry lloyd 11th Dec 2016 19:56

No, a long way from there...

India Four Two 11th Dec 2016 19:57

Certainly tropical. How about PNG?

barry lloyd 11th Dec 2016 20:38

No - wrong continents :)

sidtheesexist 11th Dec 2016 21:04

Somewhere warm....tropical maybe sub tropical......northern or Southern Hemisphere? :ok:

barry lloyd 11th Dec 2016 22:01

North of the Equator, but definitely tropical!

India Four Two 11th Dec 2016 22:03

So when you said "Wrong continents", did you mean that laterite runway is on another continent or not on a continent at all? :)

barry lloyd 11th Dec 2016 22:35

It's not in Africa and it's not in Asia. It was a laterite strip, but this photo is about 30 years old.

oldpax 12th Dec 2016 00:02

Could this be in Guyana?

barry lloyd 12th Dec 2016 00:09

It could be...

nvubu 12th Dec 2016 18:06

If it is in Guyana - having been through all the airports listed in Wiki, I reckon it's one of Lethem or Linden - leaving towards Lethem as there doesn't seem to be any evidence of buildings at all around Linden.

barry lloyd 12th Dec 2016 18:50

Yes, it's Lethem! From what I can see, apart from a runway with a firmer surface, not a lot has changed.

Over to you...

nvubu 12th Dec 2016 18:57

I'll have something later this evening, however, if anyone wants to jump in now please do so.

nvubu 12th Dec 2016 21:55

Here we go, the next mystery aerodrome.

Couple of images during a raid.


nvubu 13th Dec 2016 12:21

Clue time. Another airfield that is located in a region that has changed countries.

It is no longer an airfield, but layout is still very recognisable - and there seems to be the outline of a landing circle remaining - very visible on Bing Maps.

nvubu 13th Dec 2016 17:54

Here's how it looks now


and then

India Four Two 13th Dec 2016 21:29


Thanks for your update. In the original pictures, I thought the linear feature was a canal, but I see it's a railway.

a region that has changed countries.

nvubu 13th Dec 2016 22:06

Not Schleswig-Holstein. It is in the same area as my previous one from WWI.

It is no longer an aerodrome so it's much harder to find, so to help <-------- is approx. north on the previous two photos.

There was a very early battle (Aug 1914) in the area (that'll have you thumbing through the history books). There seems to have been a fair amount of action in the first month of the war.

I have found some photos of the airfield on an auction site - but only when searching under the German name.

edit: my modern photo is a screenshot from Bing Maps as the "landing circle" is visible here, whereas it is not so pronounced in GE.

Terry Dactil 14th Dec 2016 06:52

Thanks for the clues.

The Germans started the war advancing towards Lille, which is North West of your previous location, so I followed the railway line from there in that direction looking for roads crossing it.
When I got to road D674 there it was., just a nondescript open field now.

The nearest Village is Morhange which has a bloody history.

The Battle of Morhange saw the start of one of the bloodiest periods of the war for France, now largely forgotten, especially outside of France. Morhange was in Lorraine and was in a region annexed by the new nation of Germany after the Franco-Prussian War in 1871. Therefore Morhange was in Germany in 1914 and called Mörchingen. In the fighting here on 20th August 1914 the French lost more than 5,000 men, but it was just the start of a very dark period leading up to the blackest day on 22nd August 1914 when more than 22,000 French soldiers were killed in one day. By the close of the year the French had lost more than 300,000 killed on the battlefield; nearly a fifth of the total losses for the whole war in just the first few months.

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