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C441 24th Feb 2014 22:21

Weasel Words and mindless spin
But all will be okay because.....

"We will hold another employee town hall in The Street at the Mascot Campus this Thursday"

I always thought a Town Hall was a municipal council building and a Campus is usually an educational institution. :rolleyes:

Offchocks 24th Feb 2014 22:27

a Campus could be found at an educational institution
Agreed, it is just new Corporate yuk speak coming from the USA, making corporate buildings sound grander than they are ..... like a centre of excellence, knowledge or something!

mmciau 24th Feb 2014 22:56

Has Virgin got enough planes to cover for the shortage on and after Friday morning???

Eastmoore 24th Feb 2014 23:05

Don't fall for the Qantas ruse
By Ian Verrender

Don't fall for the Qantas ruse - The Drum (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

73to91 24th Feb 2014 23:13

There will be plenty of terms like

Emirates Synergies
Difficult Operating Environment
Legacy Cost base
Regulatory delays in Asia
Aggressive competitors
Uneven playing fields
Reducing costs from the business by $2B over two years.

And my personal favourite.

The Executive team under direction from the Board have done a magnificent job considering the difficult trading environment.

And yet another 'aggressive competitor' is introducing 2 'new' types onto the US/AUS run. So AJ can certainly say, it's such an 'uneven playing field' in the 'difficult operating environment' that we find ourselves in, with our 'legacy cost base'.

United Airlines to take on Qantas with new Melbourne Dreamliner route
Cookies must be enabled. | The Australian

pull-up-terrain 24th Feb 2014 23:18

I have heard a rumour that has came from one of the planning departments is that they are going to retire the 767 once they have the 717 operation between Sydney, Canberra, Brisbane, Melbourne, Hobart up and running because supposedly the 717 will free up some 738's which will then be used to replace the 767's that operate between Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Cairns and Darwin. The rest of the 767's will be replaced by the a330's coming back from jetstar.

So a lot of the jobs that service the 767 will be gone...

In planning, there has been no rumours of pulling out of London or Johannesburg though.

The other rumour is that they are going to be WET LEASING 4 A380's to some airline in Turkey. So I don't know how that is going to work.

ohallen 24th Feb 2014 23:21

Been reflecting on AJs reasons for shutdown because of threats like "we will slow bake" and wearing red ties. Struggling like heck to find a term to describe his current treatment of staff and the travelling public beyond the same self serving term, but I guess it is different when he does it in real rather than imaginary terms.

When is karma going to catch up with this guy????

73to91 24th Feb 2014 23:23

Agreed, it is just new Corporate yuk speak coming from the USA, making corporate buildings sound grander than they are .....
And to make them even 'grander' QANTAS 'outsource' to Accor, the running of the reception.

What do Accor do? they turn it or are attempting to turn it into a hotel and even have a door-person. FMD it's a corporate office in Mascot, it's not a hotel and from what the neighbor has said, QF are already pi55ed off because it is costing them more than the what it previously did employing 'temps through agencies. Why oh why do you need a GM Reception (that is the title, so I have been told) .:ugh:

So what ;senior manager' in QF is responsible for this? No doubt the one who just received a bonus for a job well done.

Ida down 24th Feb 2014 23:33

Looks like Hockey is going to open the taps and let in foreign investment. (If anyone wants one unhappy, poorly run, airline) But then Shorten says he is going to block it, oh, and the Pixie Party agree. Popcorn time folks, as the pollies fight over your job, livelihood, and well being.

BPA 24th Feb 2014 23:58

The new B767 Fleet Captain
From the Brisbane Times;

The sky's no limit for Qantas 767 fleet captain Georgina Sutton

Looks like Georgina won't have a fleet to look after in the near future.

gordonfvckingramsay 25th Feb 2014 00:00

This from an article in 2011:

QANTAS had no option but to ground its fleet before its move to lock out thousands of staff due to the ''quite substantial'' safety risks from angry, fatigued and distracted workers, the airline said.
A senior executive, Lyell Strambi, told a Fair Work Australia hearing there was even a risk of staff damaging aircraft in response to the lockout, or of conflict in the cockpit.
Mr Strambi, who has personal liability for safety issues, said the planned lockout ''fundamentally changed'' safety risks.

Seemed important when you weren't getting your way Alan, what's different now you are? You have deliberately created a group of very "angry, fatigued and distracted" workers! Why is safety so far down on your list of priorities this time?

CASA.......Anyone home?

TIMA9X 25th Feb 2014 00:04

Good to review ACCC decision
For me, clearly Rod Simms ACCC was out of his depth when he gave the OK for the QF/EK tie up, what he says then, compared to now.... Simms loves a TV spot, the limelight... at that time zipping around all the media outlets loving it..

worth a watch again if you have the time....

"this plays out as we expect it will..." it didn't Rod not close

and this gem

JQ now out of Darwin base? (or soon)

The mainstrean journalist don't look back hard enough at how wrong things have turned out...

Qantas are going out of their way to have my YouTube channel banned,

Remember, they panicked when I posted the last AGM podcast disabled it with YouTube which really should have been under the "public interest category" they are hiding something...

timjbo - YouTube

I am fighting on with the hope someone on here can see something from what I collected to try and help you guys this week.... After Thursday, I guess my five year run will end, I'm tired, in the last two weeks my emails have been hacked, examples here,



We have collected other examples of this and now have a pretty clear pattern where it is coming from... Example..


What I have learned is Airline management and Government work together and without a care in the world how it affects the operational staff, it's sick, the reason why I took this on... I respect the staff, all of you, at the end of the day, it is you who brings in the cash for the managers to administer, they can't do it without you.

I hope someone can see something.. I missed....



Mstr Caution 25th Feb 2014 00:18

Is it just me. Or do other people find AJ's & GE logic inconsistent.

They state. Its ok for JQ to incur losses in Asia as the investment is less than the cost of 1 A380.

However. The losses for the QANTAS GROUP over the last 6 months are less than the cost of an A380 and its staff cuts all round.


Keg 25th Feb 2014 02:58

Seemed important when you weren't getting your way Alan, what's different now you are? You have deliberately created a group of very "angry, fatigued and distracted" workers! Why is safety so far down on your list of priorities this time?

CASA.......Anyone home?
I agree in principle........ except it was a BS industrial tactic dressed up as a safety issue in order to get FWA intervention back then and it'd be BS (as well as the final straw) were they to do it now.

That said, were they to announce that 200 pilot jobs to go, I'd be very interested as to how they 'manage' that issue. It's been interesting flying with crew who are about to be demoted- though to their credit the crew concerned maintain excellent focus and standards still- and no doubt many of us are going to face more interesting challenges over the coming months.

I reckon there are WHS issues here shortly too as the mental well being of staff could be damaged through this process if its not managed well.

Sunfish 25th Feb 2014 03:17

Follow The Money
"Follow The Money" has never been better advice than it is now.

The Qantas business model has no place in it for Australian staff - except in token positions.

What you are about to see is the new Liberal Party employment model.

piston broke again 25th Feb 2014 03:22

Time to analyse the last set of figures releases 6 months ago. $6 mill profit? That was masked by a cancellation of a 787 (or an A380, I forget which). So in realistic terms they would have made a loss of around $250-300 million back then! The media patted management on the back for that one as did the shareholders and said 'wow what a great management team!' (Makes me sick). Share price went up, albeit very briefly. Add up the cost of failed investments into Asia. I'm tipping it's somewhere close to the 200-300 million mark and continuing!

TIMA9X 25th Feb 2014 03:32

The Qantas business model has no place in it for Australian staff
Not much attention given to the Qantas matter so far from both sides

Shorten asked one lackluster unanswered question to Abbott who unanswered (with a lot of vocal help in the background from Hockey) then they simply just moved on to other matters... seems like they have made their minds up, Abbott played the "Qantas put your house in order" gag again... a meal ticket for Joyce... (supported by Hockey in the background) in my view.

Qantas foreign ownership push will hit turbulence in Senate

Qantas 787 25th Feb 2014 05:10

Channel 10 just did a story with plenty of people outside the new Campus walking around getting coffee (no wonder no work is getting done)

But the point of the article was 'rumours are staff will have to reapply for thier jobs'. So that probably means change in conditions if you want your job back but also means that managers and HR people are going to be interviewing etc and wasting time selecting people, rather than allowing people to focus on doing their job.

That might explain the comments here about extra security for Thursday

Fuel-Off 25th Feb 2014 05:14

MAM flight attendants have been told by management to 'make themselves available' this Friday. Even senior management are bracing for Thursday. Will be a sad day indeed :(

Put up a good fight boys and girls - this Irish bowel movement needs to go!

Fuel-Off :ok:

framer 25th Feb 2014 05:46

What is MAM short for?

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