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-   -   What happens within NATS after the pension results are in?? (https://www.pprune.org/atc-issues/354119-what-happens-within-nats-after-pension-results.html)

mr.777 20th Dec 2008 20:10


Thank you for the pay update. At my briefing we were told by Prospect that if we voted the pension proposals in, we stood a great chance of getting a good pay rise.....pay rise, my arse. I have abso-f***ing-lutely had it now with Prospect pussying out over everything at the first sign of management playing their hand. FFS, grow some balls, we don't pay you £15 a month to sit there and take it up the a*** from Barron and his cronies. WE WANT ACTION...NOW. :ugh::ugh::ugh:

rab-k 21st Dec 2008 00:17

mr. 777.

Sadly, I couldn't agree with you more.

I have thought long and hard about taking my £.pcm subs and shoving them elsewhere - TGWU or similar, just in case I end up in an office for an interview 'without coffee' and am requiring of back up from the employee's rights POV.

Prospect, I'm afraid, now has zero credibility with me, the rot probably setting in back in the days of "keeping our powder dry" with PPP. My previous TU, (NALGO, Unison as now), had a far stronger stomach for a fight where member's interests were concerned, and we only need look across the Channel to see how our continental colleagues deal with matters concerning terms and conditions.

I'll confess here and now that I didn't vote. Why? Because I favoured a third option which was not offered. I realised that the status-quo was not an option, but what was on offer came nowhere close to the minimum I would have expected or accepted. That makes me one of the 580+ of the roughly 2000 members who chose not to vote. (I hear some had no opportunity to express their preferred choice, but that's another matter).

Prospect will continue to receive my subs however, for the time being at least, as I can't bring myself to accept whatever pay settlement is reached on the basis of a 'free ride' on the back of the subs of my colleagues.

However, I can no longer consider myself to be a part of this TU and will therefore no longer take part in any way, shape or form, in the actions of it. My subs cover the expenses incurred by those who act for the ATCO branch as a whole in the pay round, as willingly or otherwise I fall within the overall settlement.

But thats it; all correspondence marked 'Prospect' now goes for recycling - unopened. Meetings will go unattended. Voice, for what its worth, will go unheard.

So long as my annual pay increase outstrips my annual subs, Prospect can have them. In all other aspects, I quit...

The Many Tentacles 21st Dec 2008 06:42

What are one's options regarding other unions? I'd like something as a back up just in case something goes wrong down the line, but are other unions recognized by management with regards to negotiation

Prospect have done nothing for me since I joined other than to send me a pretty unreadable magazine every month and now they've done nothing for me again. I don't want to give them any money, but I feel there may not be an option if I want certain certain aspects of their protection that I may not be able to get anywhere else.

mr.777 21st Dec 2008 09:52

Food for thought...been reading the "Dubai/UAE" thread. They have just had a payrise and are now on 51500Dhs per month. That equates to just under £10k PER MONTH. Somebody tell me that I have read/calculated it wrong, please!

marble bar 21st Dec 2008 10:13

Why not just go onto the union website and stop delivery of the quality magazine and bask in the warm glow of saving the planet.

Geffen 21st Dec 2008 10:18

Rumour has it that NATS don't think throwing money at ATCO's is a way of retaining their services! Now if the going rate abroad is pushing £10K PCM then NATS need to seriously start looking at salaries and the effect it will have on people.

mr.777 21st Dec 2008 10:42

My point exactly. After yet another shafting, £10k per month tax free sounds damn good to me.....

goldfrog 21st Dec 2008 11:14

My point exactly. After yet another shafting, £10k per month tax free sounds damn good to me.....
You will be off then?

mr.777 21st Dec 2008 11:47

No, but I can see a fair few others going....and good luck to them too.

Defruiter 21st Dec 2008 13:54

(Is anyone else unable to access the last page of the other pensions thread? Wont load for me...)

The Many Tentacles 21st Dec 2008 15:31

(Is anyone else unable to access the last page of the other pensions thread? Wont load for me...)
Wouldn't me for earlier either, has the NATS pension saga broken Prune:confused:

landedoutagain 21st Dec 2008 18:08

VOTE NO broke the thread!!
slight thread creep, but my sleuthing skills lead me to believe that the last post on the broken thread was by vote no, and had some strange web link ( i didnt look just in case!). its post 4603171...

Vote NO, apologies in advance if i am wrong and there was a later post that i have missed!!


Vote NO 21st Dec 2008 19:17


Do I get some sort of award ? :E :D :D

http://ac4.yt-thm-a04.yimg.com/image/bdcf3f8b5ea983d6"For services rendered to the vote NO propaganda community, and persistent dissagreement wth BDiONU" http://static.pprune.org/images/icons/mpangel.gif

The battle was lost, but not the War :ok:

BDiONU 21st Dec 2008 19:27

Originally Posted by Vote NO (Post 4605031)
:O Do I get some sort of award ? :E :D:D

Yeah, you broke the internet :}


Vote NO 21st Dec 2008 19:40

Merry XMAS BD :)


Me Me Me Me 22nd Dec 2008 10:12

What are one's options regarding other unions? I'd like something as a back up just in case something goes wrong down the line, but are other unions recognized by management with regards to negotiation
Prospect and PCS are the only unions officially recognised by NATS. You can join other unions, but they will have absolutely no negotiating power... So it would be pointless.

Thank you for the pay update. At my briefing we were told by Prospect that if we voted the pension proposals in, we stood a great chance of getting a good pay rise.....pay rise, my arse. I have abso-f***ing-lutely had it now with Prospect pussying out over everything at the first sign of management playing their hand. FFS, grow some balls, we don't pay you £15 a month to sit there and take it up the a*** from Barron and his cronies. WE WANT ACTION...NOW.
May I suggest you stand for election as a rep, or resign as a member. In other words: put up or shut up. Not that I disagree with your sentiment... but being Mr Angry Keyboard Warrior isn't going to change anything.

mr.777 22nd Dec 2008 11:50

I wasn't being Mr Angry Keyboard Warrior...I believe it was Mr Drunk Keyboard Warrior :}

On a serious note, why should I have to put up or shut up? I pay good money to Prospect to represent my interests, and they aren't exactly setting the world alight at the moment IMHO. AS if the pension fiasco wasn't bad enough we now get this cop out statement regarding the pay talks. Incidentally, at my pension briefing the Union said that they WOULD be prepared to take action over the issue of the pay deal.... I don't believe that for one second.

As regards standing for Union rep...we have 2 more-than-capable new guys who have just taken over the positions on our watch, and who I believe will hopefully represent our interests splendidly.

choclit runway 22nd Dec 2008 13:59

Dubai Pay
Mr 777,

I am sorry but if you are talking about 'take home' you are talking bo"@ocks old son. If you are talking total package (housing, travel, allowances, medical etc), it has exceeded your quoted amount for some time.

No where close to that take-home even if rumoured 10% increase goes through. Check your Dubai sources.

That said, can't speak for the centre in A.D!

Hope you are proved right though...:ok:


Me Me Me Me 22nd Dec 2008 14:00

It's all about having confidence in the reps. I think members often forget these are mostly people holding down a day job too. They get no reward for standing up and taking the responsibility on. They take all the abuse for free... The full-time paid union guys... that's different. Throw what you like at them, cause that's their job :ok:

I do think the pay deal will be a tough one. I, personally, am not willing to accept a real-terms pay cut. So it has to be at least RPI. But what RPI?

It was at NATS request that the August RPI figure was the one used each year to base the pay deal on. Since August RPI was the absolute top and it's fallen consistently ever since, I would bet NATS will now want to back-peddle on that one and claim it's unfair to expect a rise in January - as we head in to a year that could see inflation plummet to nothing - based on a figure taken before the bubble really burst.

I would hope the TUs tell them 'tough, you wanted it, you now have to stick to it'. but after the pensions debacle I have less confidence in the ability of the TUs to stand up to management on pay. They have become far too sympathetic to the squeeze for profit.

choclit runway 22nd Dec 2008 14:05

Dubai Pay
Mr 777,

Just seen the post you read. Total figure seems to include housing and is indeed for our A.C brethren in the capital. Check out the Abu Dhabi rents and that figure won't seem nearly as attractive! Those guys and gals need every dirham they can get!

Cheers, CR!

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