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-   -   What happens within NATS after the pension results are in?? (https://www.pprune.org/atc-issues/354119-what-happens-within-nats-after-pension-results.html)

anotherthing 11th Dec 2008 11:20

Ben Doonigan

Some strange things stated by Mr Barron on the 'Current state of ATCO recruitment' page that you linked to…

Meanwhile UK service provider NATS introduced a different approach to staff retention. Paul Barron’s appointment as CEO four years ago, brought with it sweeping changes within the company. “We were losing good controllers abroad, moral was low, there was a strong attachment to the profession but not to the company,”
Does he honestly think that morale has increased during his tenure? I can honestly state that on the operational side, people are more disenchanted with NATS than ever before.

…he says. “We had a mountain to climb in terms of change and getting the controllers to feel like they belong to the company”. NATS began an open dialogue
that’ll be destinations and Vision 2011 – didn't exactly engage the operational staff

with its staff to spread core values of trust
, what trust – it has been eroded, not improved,

even more
staff are now looking to move elsewhere, the pension was the one thing that stopped many from going abroad,

recognition, leadership, communication and sharing success. Internal websites, extensive training programmes and transparency across the business are among the new business practices.
that'll be recognition through the money wasting dinners and ceremonies that the elite few get inivted to...

“We are closing two centres from four, we are moving 2,500 people around the country. If you want to tackle a pension scheme that is the most generous in country, but our customers cannot afford it; and you want to agree three year flat pay deals
3 Year pay deals – I hope the union realises this is against our interests. ,

you have to have good relationship
not evident amongst operational staff, I’m afraid,

and explain why it is in the company’s long term interest.
By trying to bully through a course of action, perchance?

Mr Barron seems to have done the exact opposite with his operational staff. The trust has gone, the loyalty to the company is waning – more people are talking of moving on if the pension is changed.
I’m afraid Mr Barron does not seem to be in touch with his common worker.

Mr Barron is proud of Alstom and his achievements there (breaking it up, selling part, closing the pension). Mr Barron has been brought into NATS to do the same as he did with Alstom - and it looks like we are going to let him :ugh:

mr.777 11th Dec 2008 11:24

:D:D:D:D Great post. Maybe he is referring to CTC workers in that little snippet because, as you correctly point out, its certainly not the ATCOs or ATSAs he is talking about....most of whom cannot WAIT to see the back of him and his blog.

mr.777 11th Dec 2008 11:33

how would you know that unless you read his blog or someone told you !
There's only so many ways you can keep yourself amused on a night shift :}

ProM 11th Dec 2008 12:00

Are NATS having some company Christmas dinners at all?

Take bad morale,
fold in divisions between sites and trades
stir in 3 measures of loss of trust
Whisk with stress about pensions
Add a dash of rumours
Bake until a vote pops out

Et voila

(serve and retire to a safe distance, best accompanied by riot police to break up the fight)

anotherthing 11th Dec 2008 12:08

ProM for Morale Manager (NATS)!!

He's tried a couple of times to inject some humour into what have been fairly heavy and downbeat posts. Not got much response, but he still tries. More power to your elbow, Sir!!

Worthy of a new management post surely - it would do more good for the workforce than some of the money frittering we have witnessed!!

As for reading His blogs - the headlines that flash up on the intranet are enough to get a gist of his latest exploits.. I admit, I started off reading them, but when I realised they were as much about his personal life as his business life, I quickly got turned off.

Note to intranet team - can everyone be allocated some bandwidth to present their own blogs, if they so wish, or is the CEO deemed more important in this company than the support staff, the ATCEs, the ATSAs and the ATCOs?

Continuing the Conversation - An ATCOs Blog - Wed 10th Dec

Got out of bed about 10am as I’m a lazy ATCO who finished work at 2300 the night before. Walked the dog - thank God he didn’t pee on the kitchen floor just because I got up so late - good boy!

Came home and switched on the telly. Fixed myself a cheese and ham toastie and was just settling down to watch Homes Under The Hammer (HUTH) when the door bell rang. Bloody typical.

It was Szymon, the local Polish immigrant asking for the keys to my Porsche so he could clean the interior. (I like to give back to the community by giving those less well off the chance to earn some extra pocket money - Szymon is an ATCO at Farnborough). Note to self - must contact HR to see if I can pay him through this Give As you earn scheme - could save myself 27p.

Slipped him a fiver (cash in hand) - I usually give him six quid for two hours work, but times are tight and he does use my water. Arranged a time with him for his younger, attractive sister Ludmila to come round. She is always keen to earn a little extra cash - being a charitable chap, I try to oblige when I can.

Sat back down and the toastie was cold... I’d also missed the first house auction on HUTH - thank goodness for Sky+.

Jumped into the shower then got into my work clothes. Ripped jeans, trainers and a ketchup stained T-shirt with the legend ‘Viagra is for Pussies’ emblazoned on the chest. Apart from some controlling today, I only have one meeting with SRG so that will be fine - I’m sure Mr Tring will appreciate it.

Drove to work, but was 10 minutes late as every other bugger was trying to get through the one and only entrance at the same time.

Casually sauntered into the Ops room as I finished a call on my mobile and gave the off going watch some verbal abuse. As is usual with operational staff, I plonked my feet on the console then discussed with my mates what we would get up to this weekend. As I’ve said, times are tight so we might only hit Spearmint Rhino’s twice this week.

I diligently kept an eye out for any aircraft appearing on radar as I chatted. Who dare says Luton Approach is not worthy of Band 5 pay?

Finished the shift - no Airpoxes!! Winner.
Yet again I have fulfilled one of the old Destinations without even trying. However, I really need to practice my avoiding action so I might engineer a couple of situations tomorrow. The Management can do it so why can’t I?
I admit I won’t arrange anything as drastic as having an aircraft plummet off radar, but no one would be that stupid, would they???

Had to record Strictly today as I was on the afternoon shift so I had that to look forward to when I finished.

Got home, cracked open a tin of Fosters (I can’t afford Stella anymore - I’m putting money aside to supplement my future pension).

Switched on the 65” plasma which made the dog take a few paces back - he still gets caught out by the heat the damned thing generates - stupid animal, I might get a cat when he dies.

Really don’t know who is going to win this year but as far as my vote is concerned, I’d give Suzanne one.

Switched off the telly and took the dog out for his final ablutions of the day. Couldn’t be bothered to walk far so just let him cock his leg up the neighbours door (he works at CTC and has a fixation with rusty chains and Starbucks).

That’ll teach him to vote ‘YES’.

Day off tomorrow before my morning spins. Will need to start the all-day session early so I can get sozzled and finish drinking by 2200; Hopefully followed by a visit from the lovely Ludmila. Note to self - keep a couple of quid by, just in case.

A good day today - I LOVE NATS. Don’t forget - PINK ELEPHANTS

mr.777 11th Dec 2008 12:38

Funny as f***....I will email HR when I go back to work and demand that your blog is a permanent fixture on NATSNet. Have you thought about barstool sessions? Maybe you could do the first one in Barron's office?

eastern wiseguy 11th Dec 2008 16:58

Will Barron resign if it is a no vote?

Seems to me that reducing pension costs and getting the company(s) ready for sale(asset stripping if you prefer) is one of the principal reasons for his being employed.

Will he fall on his (no doubt golden) sword?

Ballstroker 11th Dec 2008 18:23

If you want to tackle a pension scheme that is the most generous in country,

That's bollocks and he knows it. It is amongst the best in the country currently open to all employees in that company, but it is far from being the best.

Many of the city banks have better schemes. MPs have a better scheme. Many senior executive only schemes in larger companies have are more generous - I'd wager that he was once a member of one of these at Alsthom.

Vote NO 11th Dec 2008 19:36

Continuing the Conversation - An ATCOs Blog - Wed 10th Dec

Nice one mate :ok:


give us more of what actually goes on in the ops room:mad::mad::mad: :D

rua 11th Dec 2008 19:38

all these job cuts being mentioned are they controllers, assistants, at the college or CTC?

Radarspod 11th Dec 2008 20:37

Anotherthing - Superb! Can't wait till the next instalment! :}

Lon More 11th Dec 2008 21:29

Could someone post a link to the ATCO's blog please

PPRuNe Radar 11th Dec 2008 21:56

A timely reminder is maybe needed that we shouldn't get personal about an individual (or individuals) on PPRuNe.

That doesn't mean you can't attack their arguments and their stances, or even mention them by name if in the public domain, but let's try not to be insulting or derogatory just for the sake of it.

alfie1999 11th Dec 2008 22:34

Has the 2% public sector pay cap been lifted?

two pints 12th Dec 2008 01:30

Another thing... you've made my night shift!:ok:

more of the same please, about time we had some good humour to lighten the grim days ahead! All this doom and gloom is getting far too depressing.

ayrprox 12th Dec 2008 13:59

another thing:
you sir, are a comedy genius!

Loki 12th Dec 2008 15:51

Probably the best thing since "Not Airway" circa 1988.

Trouble is we shan`t have the comedy spectacle of the Watch Manager shredding all the copies he could lay his hands on (and breaking the shredder by not removing the staples) whilst someone else was producing copies just as quickly on the photocopier....using the WM`s code.

anotherthing 12th Dec 2008 17:03

There's a few paper copies:


floating round the TC Ops room, unless they have been removed by the fun police...

Flickr Photo Download: Blog1

privatesandwiches 12th Dec 2008 17:29

thas a nats award right there..... an add on to vision 2011.... bugger liberating and inspiring people, you sir should be nominated for company morale officer.
You can warm up the crowd before mr barron performs his spinning plates act also known as a bar stool session and then cheer us up after that.

One question, do you do watch Xmas parties?

max1 13th Dec 2008 10:03

What's Ludmillas' phone number?

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