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Old 4th Feb 2001, 18:27
  #21 (permalink)  
Mr Chips
Posts: n/a

I havgen't heard anything about ATSA strike action, but our union has an anti-PPP meeting on the 9th. having read what the three bidders have said to the union (PCS), Serco seem to be intending to cut staff - including ATSAs.
See you at the meeting?
Old 4th Feb 2001, 18:50
  #22 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a
Thumbs up

Having also read that union blurb Mr Chips I simply couldn't believe what SERCO were saying. It's no wonder the Union were apalled! I suppose at least they're "honest", albeit in a perverse way!

I found it interesting what the Lockheed-Martin lot said - something along the lines of how they thought it was interesting the way ATSA's have been given increased responsibilites and duties. Hmmmmm wonder what that means reading between the lines?

I'm also sure that if the ATCO's strike the ATSA's would be "out" too.

"Go around..I say again...go around"
Old 6th Feb 2001, 03:51
  #23 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Strike action is the last thing that I would want to see happen, however I feel that it is inevitable given the circumstances and the facts previously mentiones in this thread (re. SERCO).
Many years ago, my dad worked in the mining industry and he went on strike for the good of the industry and his fellow workers, for over a year, he and my mother manned the picket lines desperate to make people understand what the government was doing to his family. Since that time, he has not spoen to his best friend (of over twenty years and best man at his wedding), because this friend chose to cross a picket line in order to get the money to feed his family.
Granted, the circumstances are different, but there will be people, friends who we work with who will cross a picket line and go to work, not because they don't believe in the issues, but because of neccessity.
I have been staunch supporter of the union ethic throughout my life and firmly believe that a single voice representing the views of the many WILL BE HEARD.

But be prepared for yonur friends crossing the picket lines and don't hold it against them, it'll be the hardest choice they'll ever have to make.

Turn left heading 230, close from the left, report established

[This message has been edited by form49 (edited 05 February 2001).]
Old 7th Feb 2001, 16:01
  #24 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

UK colleagues.......
Having gone through privatisation ( In NZ ) and subsequent strike action ( because all other avenues were exhausted), all I can say is ; if , as I assume, have also come up against a brick wall very hard on sticking together and Scr*w them and take the action!!!!
Yes, you will vilified by some parts of the media ( " damned if you do and damned if you don't") and you will lose colleagues to the other side and quite possibly friendships etc. If that is the price to pay for safety and the retention of pay and conditions then so be it.
We had privatisation thrust upon us with every promise in the world that things would be wonderful for us in this new corporate enviornment.We believed it. It was all RUBBISH... It may not happen straight away but , be in no doubt, the sinking lid will start. CAA will be a puppet and will rubber stamp procedure changes that will be " very questionable".
Be strong and united and take everything you are promised and told with a pinch of salt. Good luck.
Old 7th Feb 2001, 20:03
  #25 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

i find it hard to believe the apathy from all grades regarding this issue...the battle isn't over sit back and allow SERCO (a self publicised outsourcing company ) to destroy what is a highly efficient organisation would be tantamount to suicide..get up and make your voices heard.Our present mangers are having second thoughts on SERCO,but it seems the Goverment seem hellbent on SERCO.One thing is for sure ,industrial strife will continue if SERCO get in,the battle starts now.
Old 7th Feb 2001, 22:53
  #26 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

If you haven't seen the other posts, I have now created so please support that site with comments, opinions, articles and views - wherever they are from. I'm not aligned to anybody other than myself so help me to help you and the flying public at large.
Old 8th Feb 2001, 19:00
  #27 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

The Independent newspaper carries a story that the government has delayed announcing a decision relating to naming a successful bidder for the 46% of NATS being offered due to concerns over possible strike action by air traffic controllers. (Feb 8th edition).
Old 8th Feb 2001, 19:23
  #28 (permalink)  
Warped Factor
Posts: n/a

Re the above, see.....

Old 8th Feb 2001, 19:42
  #29 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

At last one of the Newspapers has mentioned the fact that SERCO run some 'small regional airports',is the time not right for some investigative journalist to look at just how these airports are run?And to look at the failures of SERCO ..i e Liverpool , Bailbrook etc ?
Old 8th Feb 2001, 21:24
  #30 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

I think you'll find Serco are no longer at Liverpool and havent been for over 18 months.
The reason they are no longer there is simply that the airport owners considered it cheaper to run all the services in house.

[This message has been edited by shakinghead (edited 09 February 2001).]
Old 8th Feb 2001, 23:52
  #31 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Nick the zone Falzone. If you really think we, as in Controllers have nothing to worry about you are sadly mistaken. How would you feel with individual rosters? And you can forget 4 days off in every 10. And if, God help us SERCO get in they are looking at no ATSA's at all (that's right none at all!) within 2 to 5 years so who do you think will be doing their job?? I guess that'll be us in our breaks then!

This is going to affect everybody in the organisation in a very big way, and the only way we can influence the decision or the nature in which the new company operates is to strike. I agree it could get messy, but if we don't do it now, then we deserve everything we get. Hopefully we can change the governments mind on this ridiculous idea, it is not too late.
Old 9th Feb 2001, 01:43
  #32 (permalink)  
Eric T Cartman
Posts: n/a

@ HEATHROW DIRECTOR. Not one of "JK's Bandits" during the EGLL dispute then ?

Damn, I got old quick !
Old 9th Feb 2001, 02:28
  #33 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Well said Poxy Jock. This concerns us all. By all accounts IPMS and PCS jointly met Lord Macdonald yesterday and before they met him had one hell of an unholy row which reading between the lines was because PCS got the impression IPMS were not wholly convinced of taking the necessary action that is needed to have any chance of seeing the SERCO threat go away. Yes the ATSAs will be first in the firing line as they come under the umbrella of 'support staff' along with admin. Once SERCO have ripped the heart out of the ATSA grade and those left are working for half original money, totally unmotivated in their work, they will come after the 'overpaid' ATCOs. Individual contracts and rosters along with a tightening of annual leave priveleges are just around the corner. No more 14 days off for only six days leave. The SERCO way is back to work the next day after your last requested day off. This must be fought for now, together. If you are quite happy to watch the ATSAs take a hit first and you sit back and do nothing about it, don't complain when in 12 months time its the turn of the ATCOs to suffer. Remember, the ATSA grade is quite old as things go but the majority of ATCOs still have a good 20-25 years work ahead of yourselves. You may be quite content now, but will you still be looking forwards to 20 years work 5 years from now after SERCO have ruined years of great teamwork and reasonable terms and conditions. Its now or never folks as there will be no going back. We owe this one to all of us.
Old 9th Feb 2001, 18:35
  #34 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Very nicely put LockednReady....seems like the 'head in the sand brigade ' really think this is no big deal.Heard a rumour...a real rumour that SERCO would like Manchester Centre at LATCC...all under one roof..less Admin etc
Old 9th Feb 2001, 20:13
  #35 (permalink)  
The Bishop
Posts: n/a

Human aspects aside 'slurp' (moving, upheaval etc),whats wrong with a 'super centre'? (I know...someone takes the wrong fuse out etc. But seriously - assuming acceptable redundancy, why not?).

Doesn't it save admin costs compared to distributed units?

The UK is one of the world's most expensive places to live. If you can put all the ACC guys/girls in one place it must save money in the long run. The Kiwis closed Auckland, it pi$$sed people off but the supercentre at Christchurch does the lot (any Kiwis care to comment?).

[This message has been edited by The Bishop (edited 09 February 2001).]
Old 9th Feb 2001, 20:31
  #36 (permalink)  
Mr Chips
Posts: n/a

PCS meeting this lunchtime. Talked about industrial action. Also mentioned that at SERCO units ATCOs spend their breaks doing ATSA duties - as CRATCOH says you must be "off RADAR for 30 mins after 21/2 hours" Is that true?
pay, conditions etc can be changed from day 1, no TUPE applies.

Old 9th Feb 2001, 20:32
  #37 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Bishop...yeah not a problem for me ...I m already here ...don't know what the Manchester lads would say ..i e cost of living etc
Old 9th Feb 2001, 20:36
  #38 (permalink)  
The Bishop
Posts: n/a

What? Already in Swanwick?

You can all shop for real estate together

[This message has been edited by The Bishop (edited 11 February 2001).]
Old 9th Feb 2001, 20:38
  #39 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a
Post ,working at the real place!!! not the white elephant down South
Old 9th Feb 2001, 21:24
  #40 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Surely the idea is already in place for a "supercentre" at NERC so why the fuss about MACC moving to LATCC? We're all expecting that anyhow (or the area side of things is anyway) - perhaps it won't be a popular decision but I'm sure it will come one day.

I'd rather know I and my colleagues are going to have jobs, a decent pension, excellent training, good support staff and that we're not all going to be worked to the bone - literally!

"Go around..I say again...go around"

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