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23rd Oct 2011, 18:42
Thanks LM,

Up and away!


Lightning Mate
23rd Oct 2011, 19:08
I'll shoot American....possibly Rocketdyne

Edit: nah,

Rolls Royce RZ2 Rocket Engine

23rd Oct 2011, 19:27
That's right mate, the Rolls-Royce RZ-2, one of a pair (collectively known as RZ-12) that powered the Blue Streak ICBM and later the (every time successful) first stage of the European ELDO Europa space launch vehicle. Not many rocket engines achieve a 100% success rate, pity it was let down by short sighted politicians as usual :ugh:

The engine shown was recovered from the Simpson Desert after a test flight from Woomera

Lightning Mate has control :ok:

Lightning Mate
23rd Oct 2011, 19:35
Can't monitor for too much longer - early start tomorrow.

However, wanna nuther wun?

pity it was let down by short sighte politicians as usual :ugh:

What's new?


23rd Oct 2011, 19:39
Well mate, I'm stopping for my evening meal now, but will continue to monitor SC JIC, but I'm for an early start too and won't have too much time for looking now, but I see kitbag's light is on :)

Lightning Mate
23rd Oct 2011, 19:40
OK mate - enjoy your meal.

Another coming up shortly..............


23rd Oct 2011, 20:51
Thank you for the faith, guess this is the one?


Open house if I'm right

23rd Oct 2011, 20:59
Just handed over SC control and came back to have a quick look, and to say that it seems LM is continuing the theme of projects blighted by politicians!!

However. I see that Kitbag has got there first, well done mate :D, but you should give it a name though as this hasn't got a title ;)!!

23rd Oct 2011, 21:28
For completeness BAC TSR 2.

Is anybody else having trouble with photobucket? I've got a couple of images that may be fun to post.

Still got to be OH

Lightning Mate
24th Oct 2011, 07:10
Good morning India Four Two.

A little premature in posting a challenge before I have declared the winner!

India Four Two
24th Oct 2011, 07:16
LM, Sorry about that :uhoh:

I didn't notice that you posted the challenge. I was mislead by Kitbag's post!

I have deleted my post.

Lightning Mate
24th Oct 2011, 07:20
No problem.

Kitbag is indeed the winner and has declared OH, so please throw yours up again.

India Four Two
24th Oct 2011, 07:59
LM, Thanks. You can go weapons tight now. ;)

I see front ends are posted occasionally, so here's one that is a bit the worse for wear.


24th Oct 2011, 08:45
Boeing B-52 wreckage,Hanoi Military Museum. Pratt & Whitney J57?

India Four Two
24th Oct 2011, 10:13
Hi sd,

Yes, yes, presumably. The notice in front of the display says B-52D Bomber Engine. Shot down 12 Dec 72 by a missile, presumably an SA-2 Guideline.

Over to you.

24th Oct 2011, 11:04
Thank you, India Four Two.
Apologies,will have to withdraw my previous challenge!
Open House

26th Oct 2011, 21:25
As it's still an OH, let's kick things off again!


27th Oct 2011, 05:39
Guessing that the odd colouring on the flat surface is due to heat, so perhaps a rocket engine on some mixed power type. Thing is, there were a lot of those in the 50/60's. Douglas Skyrocket?

27th Oct 2011, 05:56
Morning Kitbag,

Mixed powerplants Yes, Skyrocket No!

Lightning Mate
27th Oct 2011, 07:32
Do I see a rocket booster?

Can't see much of an aeroplane, so maybe a missile judging from the angle.

27th Oct 2011, 08:28
Morning David :),

You do see a rocket and it does boost the performance, but it's not a booster in the sense that it's part of the airframe and not jettisoned after use!

Don't be miss-led by the angle, it's on display poised in flight attitude!

Not a missile!

Lightning Mate
27th Oct 2011, 08:52
Blimey! That's some flight attitude.

Could be a Los Alamos heat pipe exchanger system.

27th Oct 2011, 09:15
Actually, looked at from the side, it's only about 30-40 deg nose up, nuffink for a Lightning mate :ok:, but then, I know you don't rate this one much anyway ;) !

Lightning Mate
27th Oct 2011, 09:16
Ah so Glasshopper.

You mean climb angle......

I know you don't rate this one much anyway

Wish I could remember what I have said somewhere in the past, but that points to a Yank.

Lightning Mate
27th Oct 2011, 09:34
Ah again....hydrogen peroxide and JP4.

Flown the non-rocket version mate.

Lightning Mate
27th Oct 2011, 09:37

27th Oct 2011, 09:37
Yes that's what I meant, I didn't mention "climb" though 'coz this one's not gotta chance in hell of doing that with its sodding great concrete plinth!!

Your past comments weren't directed at this variant, but to the standard type, but 'tiz a Yank!

Edit: I see the penny's dropped! That's the one mate :D

The Lockheed NF-104 (Trainer for reaction controls)

Flown the non-rocket version mate.

Yup, and didn't think too much of it I recall, turning ability I should think!!

Lightning Mate has control :ok:

Lightning Mate
27th Oct 2011, 09:48
Nice one mate!

Please standby......

Lightning Mate
27th Oct 2011, 09:53


27th Oct 2011, 10:20
Looks like a Thiokol rocket engine?

Lightning Mate
27th Oct 2011, 10:36
Not a Thoikol mate.

Back to infuriating parasols....

27th Oct 2011, 12:37
Time for a quick lunchtime look!

Straight taper nozzle rather than the more efficient and later so-called bell type? lots of studs for a skirt extension for upper stage use? A plain double skin chamber rather than a basket of tubes, so it looks early.

HTP/Kerosine? part of Bristol Siddeley Double Gamma ??

Lightning Mate
27th Oct 2011, 12:42
Only one stage.

Pretty quick aeroplane, but you wouldn't get me into one! Not British.

Liquid propellant.

That parasol's a bugger innit!

Lightning Mate
27th Oct 2011, 13:03
Clue for a clue........?

27th Oct 2011, 13:12
Reaction Motors XLR-99 ?? Open House please if correct as I'm gonna be busy this afternoon and out tonight!

As it's now listed by by wiki as a Thiokol, maybe ken should have a crack :)!


Clue for a clue........?

:p I've already given the engine type, year and country!!

Lightning Mate
27th Oct 2011, 13:17
It wasn't originally by Thoikol, but now that I've checked what you said I'll agree and give it to Ken.

However, I was after the aeroplane.

Ken has control.

I've already given the engine type, year and country!!

Where??? :confused:

27th Oct 2011, 13:19
Thanks Mate, it was the X-15, but haven't we had that already, that's why I didn't look at it before?

Edit: Maybe we haven't, just getting old and confused it seems :(


Where??? http://images.ibsrv.net/ibsrv/res/src:www.pprune.org/get/images/smilies/confused.gif

Read my replies mate, to you after comment about my SC (engine), to all (year), to Ken confirming year clue (Country) Sorry, but they're a bit Reg'ish in his honour :)!

Lightning Mate
27th Oct 2011, 13:22

We need Mel on this thread too!

Perhaps one of us should start compiling a new list.

just getting old and confused it seems

Join the club.

Lightning Mate
27th Oct 2011, 13:24
You had better get back to SC mate.

27th Oct 2011, 13:46
That's a relief, maybe not so decrepid after all, X-15 by Graeme #422 :ok:

27th Oct 2011, 13:52

We need Mel on this thread too!

Perhaps one of us should start compiling a new list.

just getting old and confused it seems
Join the club.

It is already in hand and will be added to the sticky at the end of the month. Tonight is the opening night for my Theatre Groups production of "Tiptoe through the tombstones" a comedy thriller by Norman Robbins which I foolishly volunteered to produce and direct. Due to one of the cast dropping out has now meant I will also be on stage.

Lightning Mate
27th Oct 2011, 13:55
On stage eh. :ok:

Thank you for starting the engines list.

Lightning Mate
27th Oct 2011, 14:07
Just to confirm,

skytrain has control.

27th Oct 2011, 16:01
Ah....sorry LM had no real cause to look. Not sure the guess of a manufacturer's name is enough to win but I won't argue. I have nothing prepared and will be offline again soon so OH.

28th Oct 2011, 02:28
Maybe we should start another thread - INTAKES...... I'm hoping we can incorporate intakes, engine 'guts' and the exhaust with this thread? What do others think?

In the meantime...

http://img440.imageshack.us/img440/384/img129ja.jpg (http://img440.imageshack.us/i/img129ja.jpg/)

Lightning Mate
28th Oct 2011, 09:48
I'm hoping we can incorporate intakes, engine 'guts' and the exhaust with this thread? What do others think?

Why not........

28th Oct 2011, 10:26
Excellent, lets do it then! :ok:

With some skin...

http://img545.imageshack.us/img545/1708/img132c.jpg (http://img545.imageshack.us/i/img132c.jpg/)

28th Oct 2011, 10:34
Macchi 326/Impala..? OH if correct..

28th Oct 2011, 10:37
Macchi 326

Done! Nice work sycamore, who's declared OPEN HOUSE.


Lightning Mate
28th Oct 2011, 10:38

PM shortly.

28th Oct 2011, 11:06
As sycamore has declared OH - try this one


Lightning Mate
28th Oct 2011, 11:50
Are we looking at an aeroplane......?

28th Oct 2011, 12:35
LM - looking at an engine that's hung on an aeroplane!

Lightning Mate
28th Oct 2011, 12:38
Under it..?

Ridge Runner
28th Oct 2011, 13:57
A bizJet, mate???

Lightning Mate
28th Oct 2011, 14:14
Looking at that cone, is it by any chance a ramjet?

Lightning Mate
28th Oct 2011, 14:47
Location: 40° 27'51.12"N 3°32'04.45"W

That puts you on the SE service ramp at Barajas airport. :)

Ridge Runner
28th Oct 2011, 15:43
wild guess.... JT8, Spook?

28th Oct 2011, 16:34
IAI Galaxy?

28th Oct 2011, 17:38
Sorry all - got sidetracked! RR It is a bizjet. Skytrain - not a Galaxy but right engine manufacturer.I took the photo in the UK yesterday - Yes, I know I need to update my location!

28th Oct 2011, 21:01
Bombardier Learjet Model 60?

28th Oct 2011, 23:49
Hi spook

Seeing as you said it was hung underneath a bizjet, could it be a Pratt and Whitney Canada PW306B on a Fairchild Dornier 328JET ??

29th Oct 2011, 06:01
Kitbag has it:ok:

29th Oct 2011, 10:58
Hi spook!

Standing on a ladder or are you a tall guy? :)

29th Oct 2011, 12:40
Hi Noyade - Actually I couldn't see what I was taking as I had to reach up - but not much! They're not very big these Lear's :)


29th Oct 2011, 14:55
Hi spook....looks like Farnborough?

29th Oct 2011, 16:42
I just re-read the clues spook gave and I realise that he didn't say it hung under (that was LM's question) but on a bizjet, my confusion DOH!!

29th Oct 2011, 17:53
SincoTC - Even I was confused and had to double check! Skytrain - Yes Farnboro'! Anyway I guess we're awaiting Kitbag's next challenge.

30th Oct 2011, 06:54
Apols, just checked in. OH unless I find something first.

Lightning Mate
30th Oct 2011, 08:27
Did I hear OH?....


30th Oct 2011, 14:19
Wing mounted? A turboprop exhaust maybe?

Lightning Mate
30th Oct 2011, 14:36
Neither mate. :\

30th Oct 2011, 15:53
Ok, so a rear mounted integral jet then?

Lightning Mate
30th Oct 2011, 16:11
Rear-mounted pure turbojet - 1955....:)

Lightning Mate
30th Oct 2011, 16:28
I have just booked another long weekend in the Lake District, so will not be around next weekend for four days.

Have booked a very expensive country house hotel by Coniston Water. ;)

Going for an all day boat trip including lunch with wine.

30th Oct 2011, 17:15
Then perhaps your weekend thoughts of a pure turbojet would include 'blue' boats and Coniston Water?

Lightning Mate
30th Oct 2011, 17:33

30th Oct 2011, 17:50
…… and bits of a Gnat (?) stuck on the back of a pseudo high speed catamaran?
And your lunch would include a ‘Scottish’ named soup. OH!

Lightning Mate
30th Oct 2011, 17:56
Well....what is it?

30th Oct 2011, 18:26
It would have to be Donald Campbells `Bluebird`....,SP should have control....

Lightning Mate
31st Oct 2011, 15:35
SP should have control....

He should indeed, but he has declared Open House.

31st Oct 2011, 16:10
Have booked a very expensive country house hotel by Coniston Water

There isn't one! See you in the Black Bull :D

31st Oct 2011, 21:57
Well at least this one was intended to fly! Sorry, I'll get me coat.....


1st Nov 2011, 01:46
Something vertical, with more than one of these engines?

Re the small disc-sectors on the external ring at base of the exhaust, are these thrust trimmers?

1st Nov 2011, 07:09
Morning safetypee, good call on LM's Bluebird :)!

Something vertical, with more than one of these engines

Correct on both counts, but I have no idea of the function of those semi-circular shaped parts, initial thoughts were brackets for a nozzle extension but if so, why would they be oddly spaced, they also seem to vary from engine to engine! They're rather small, but maybe they have some influence on the flow/noise, possibly at max thrust, pehaps someone can enlighten us?

BTW, I'm after the engine type and aircraft.

Lightning Mate
1st Nov 2011, 08:10

pehaps someone can enlighten us?

I think safetypee is correct. They appear to be exhaust gas temperature trimmers, but there are rather a lot of them.

Something vertical

Still trying to work out what that means......Helo?

1st Nov 2011, 08:53
Something vertical,like a Shorts S.C.1 or Flying Bedstead, perhaps.?

1st Nov 2011, 09:18
Good morning gentlemen (and evening Graeme if you're lurking) :)

At work now, but will monitor as often as possible.

Not a Helo LM, JEM60 is on the right track but it's not one of those two.

Lightning Mate
1st Nov 2011, 09:31
Off we go then.

Bell Model 65 Air Test Vehicle?

1st Nov 2011, 09:52
Sorry David, not the Bell 65 ATV

Lightning Mate
1st Nov 2011, 09:56
Another shot....German/Russian.

1st Nov 2011, 10:10
That narrows it down a lot mate, it is one of those two :E!!

1st Nov 2011, 10:13

Thought VAK 191...but now Dornier Do 31?

Lightning Mate
1st Nov 2011, 10:18
Evening Graeme.

"two vertically mounted engines"

A Yak 36?

Maybe the engines are RKBM Rybinsk RRD-41 liftjets.

1st Nov 2011, 10:26
Evening Graeme,

Yes mate, it is one of the six RR RB-162 lift engines in the Dornier DO-31 :D

Noyade has Control :ok:

1st Nov 2011, 10:38
Thanks Trevor. Concentrated on the VAK 191 and found a photo of it in a museum...and next to it was the Dornier. :)


Lightning Mate
1st Nov 2011, 12:11
I always loved reheat.....hooligan kit.....


1st Nov 2011, 14:03
Reheat – a very British term. Always required for Thrust, and often to get supersonic, but not necessarily to get airborne.
Or just a lost Phantom of my memory?

Lightning Mate
1st Nov 2011, 14:07
I just love the way you answer things. :)

Imagine a Lightning with two Avons in burner, and you're only 21 years old.

The thread is all yours. :ok:

1st Nov 2011, 17:42
For the those lacking imagination - the 'Thrust SSC' supersonic car which used two RR Spey engines:
Thrust SSC | Flickr - Photo Sharing! (http://www.flickr.com/photos/29663856@N03/5680385317/)

Even with a vivid imagination, my record was only 195kts during takeoff with O/W jugs at a 6000ft alt airfield in Iran!
You could ponder the ground speed at the time as well as what the squadron was doing in that part of the world.

Open House – currently on ‘Atlantic’ time.

2nd Nov 2011, 10:08
Time for an intake?...

http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/1451/img149s.jpg (http://img32.imageshack.us/i/img149s.jpg/)

2nd Nov 2011, 10:27
CASA Aviojet.. OH if correct

2nd Nov 2011, 10:31
Tis it. :ok:

Open House.

2nd Nov 2011, 11:38
As its Open House:


Ridge Runner
2nd Nov 2011, 13:18
Hansa 320, Ken?

2nd Nov 2011, 13:56
Hansa 320, Ken? Not a Hansa mate...aim bigger!

Ridge Runner
2nd Nov 2011, 14:59
Gulfstream 2

2nd Nov 2011, 15:00
Gulfstream 2 Too small...bigger! You are in the right country though.

Ridge Runner
2nd Nov 2011, 17:19
C-119, mate????

2nd Nov 2011, 17:42
How about MD-90?

2nd Nov 2011, 19:41
B 717. The engine pylons have a ‘control’ tab/surface on them.
Engine pod with a strake.

2nd Nov 2011, 20:22
Evening. Well it goes to Flap40. It was a MD90-30 whose V2525 pods also have a strake. Well done:ok:


Flap40 has control

Edit to say Flap40 has declared Open House

2nd Nov 2011, 21:35
Thanks. Open house for this one. I'll find something for next time.

3rd Nov 2011, 06:46
Here's one to kick off the day (or to close it Graeme :))!!

A lot of people have seen this variant although it never actually flew.


3rd Nov 2011, 07:22

I'm thinking of a race track on the set of Top Gear where I keep seeing this?

Shaken, not stirred...

Boeing 747-236B 'Skyfleet S570' (http://impdb.org/index.php?title=Category:Boeing_747)

Casino Royale - The Internet Movie Plane Database (http://impdb.org/index.php?title=Casino_Royale)

3rd Nov 2011, 07:38
Good evening mate :),

I knew if you were to look in it'd be a steal, seems it's a take-away too!!

It is the modified Boeing 747-236B (Stage Name) 'Skyfleet S570'


Noyade has control and enjoy your Indian :ok:

3rd Nov 2011, 08:20
Thanks Trevor. Open House mate. :)

4th Nov 2011, 14:11
A list of challenges up to and including 31 Oct 2011 added to sticky above.

4th Nov 2011, 18:32
It's been OH too long, and seeing as I'll be monitoring SC later I'll put another one up! Should be pretty easy.


4th Nov 2011, 18:41
Avro Arrow....

4th Nov 2011, 19:04
Not the Arrow sycamore!

I'm off now, back soon!

4th Nov 2011, 20:29
Pair of J-79s in an NA A or RA 5 Vigilante

4th Nov 2011, 20:45
You got it KB, with a nasty little dual rear firing launcher in between them :E!!

It is a pair of J-79s in a North Amaercan A-5 Vigilante

Kitbag has control :ok:

4th Nov 2011, 21:23
Sorry, nothing to post here so OH

4th Nov 2011, 21:42
Thanks KB; well at least my little "three thread thrash" managed to get them moving again after a bit of a lull. :)

As Kitbag requested it's Open House, stand by for the rush ;)

4th Nov 2011, 22:15
Try this:


4th Nov 2011, 22:46
Would that be a Shvetsov M-63 in a Polikarpov I-16 ??

4th Nov 2011, 23:27
Yep, the exhausts are pretty distinctive.

Your thread

4th Nov 2011, 23:39
Thanks KB,


5th Nov 2011, 04:06
Hi Trevor. Russian?

5th Nov 2011, 04:45
Bereznyak-Isayev B1?

5th Nov 2011, 04:48
Afternoon Graeme,

Yes mate. it is Russian!

5th Nov 2011, 04:56
Yes mate. it is Russian! Thanks mate. But not the rocket B1?

Must be bloody early over there mate? Working today?

I'm heading off to the cinema (don't want to, but it's family thing - gonna watch "Contagion" :rolleyes:) shortly - will be back later tonight. Cheers.

5th Nov 2011, 05:02
Yus, another early start!

But not the rocket B1

Sorry for the delay mate, I was having a shave and trying to check if it was right or not as they look very similar and f :mad:g IExplorer "hung-up and I had to restart :ugh:! That It isn't it according to my source, but I'm not so sure there isn't a connection!! Got another name for it?

Edit: Ah time to check more fully!! Catchya later, enjoy the film :ok:

5th Nov 2011, 09:42
Managed to do a little checking on this, they are different, but the designer of mine was involved in yours, so that may explain certain features!

5th Nov 2011, 09:44
Rubbish film mate.

Florov 4302 No.2..?

5th Nov 2011, 09:51
Thought it might be from the trails I've seen on the box!!

Florav 4302 No.2

That'll do me mate (despite the typo :p)

It is the Florov 4302 (and pretty sure it's the No.2 airframe)

Noyade has control :ok:

5th Nov 2011, 09:57
Thanks Trevor.

Another one...

http://img847.imageshack.us/img847/504/smallvl.png (http://img847.imageshack.us/i/smallvl.png/)

5th Nov 2011, 15:38
F 94 Starfire?

5th Nov 2011, 19:31
Not the Starfire. Not American. Very unique looking aircraft.

5th Nov 2011, 20:25
A bigger piece of the puzzle...

http://img651.imageshack.us/img651/9910/biggerpieceofpie.jpg (http://img651.imageshack.us/i/biggerpieceofpie.jpg/)

5th Nov 2011, 20:37
Trying to make me burn my supper eh Graeme!!

Is that the SNECMA Coleopter ??

5th Nov 2011, 20:46
Use the microwave mate! :)

Done deal. Remember to chew slowly, your control. :ok:

http://img705.imageshack.us/img705/5430/20104wnhq8.png (http://img705.imageshack.us/i/20104wnhq8.png/)

5th Nov 2011, 21:29
Thanks mate,

Here's the next!


5th Nov 2011, 21:38
Appears to be behind a steel frame?

A weld at bottom right? In a test-rig?

5th Nov 2011, 21:43
Not in a test rig, but actually mounted in an airframe!

5th Nov 2011, 21:48
Thanks Trevor.
I'm off to enjoy my Sunday, sleep well. Cheers. :ok:

6th Nov 2011, 04:09
Good afternoon Graeme:)

I'm off to enjoy my Sunday, sleep well

Thanks mate.

Hope you've had a good day!

Awake as usual, so a little clue for any early risers; this challenger led with it's chin and got knocked out!!!

6th Nov 2011, 10:50
Boeing X-32B..?

6th Nov 2011, 11:23
It is indeed the Boeing X-32B :D

The design that lost out to the Lockheed-Martin X-35 aka Lightning II

The full view of the rear end and that chin!


Sycamore has control; I see your light is on, have you anything for us (and Silhouette Challenge)? If not, then please call Open House!

6th Nov 2011, 15:15
Sorry lunch was burning......OPEN HOUSE..

7th Nov 2011, 04:13
http://img267.imageshack.us/img267/5015/img154n.jpg (http://img267.imageshack.us/i/img154n.jpg/)

7th Nov 2011, 10:48
Is it a Boeing B-50 Superforress?

7th Nov 2011, 10:50
No mate. Not American. :)

7th Nov 2011, 10:55
Maybe the drawing lacks detail?

Here's a photo...

http://img600.imageshack.us/img600/6406/2712680.jpg (http://img600.imageshack.us/i/2712680.jpg/)

7th Nov 2011, 11:05
Open House, if correct.

7th Nov 2011, 11:09
That's the one sabredog. :)

Open House.

7th Nov 2011, 11:31
I was close! Same airframe :)

7th Nov 2011, 11:49
Here is a nice easy one:-

7th Nov 2011, 11:51
Hi Mel.

Mig 3...AQ rules! :ok:

(Now going back to make sure...)

Edit...can't locate it in AQ's archives? Definitely Soviet...

Edit 2...I remember seeing it and thinking the image was inverted. :)

Edit 3...Bugger, it's Tuesday. Open house if it is Mel....:(

7th Nov 2011, 15:19
Graeme. You are perfectly correct it is the MiG 3 and it was the subject of AQ back in about 2006 I believe. As Graeme declares Open House.

7th Nov 2011, 21:50
let's have another sharp intake of breath, (no hidden clue there, just the other end for a change)!


8th Nov 2011, 05:40
Was going for MiG 15, but how about the daddy of them all; Gloster E28?

8th Nov 2011, 05:56
Morning Kitbag,

Sorry, not one of those two; but it was fairly early!

8th Nov 2011, 19:21
Fokker S14 perhaps.

8th Nov 2011, 19:33
Good evening Mel,

No perhaps about it sir :D!!

The Fokker S-14 Machtrainer was a Dutch two-seater military training jet aircraft designed and manufactured by Fokker for the Royal Netherlands Air Force. Development started in the late 1940s, and it was one of the first jet fighter training aircraft in the world, making its first flight on 19 May 1951 and entering service in 1955

MReyn24050 has control :ok:

8th Nov 2011, 22:34
Thanks Trevor. Here is the next one:-

9th Nov 2011, 08:47
Grumman or something the U.S Navy would fly?

Lightning Mate
9th Nov 2011, 08:56
Good morning Mel.

Not dissimilar to the Chance Vought F2G1 Corsair Reno racer.

9th Nov 2011, 11:11
With a 4-blader in front and exhaust flame shields,more likely an A-1 Skyraider..?

9th Nov 2011, 12:07
Good Morning David. Sycamore has it, the aircraft is in fact a Douglas AD-4N Skyraider F-AZHK.

Are we going to get a challenge from you Sycamore?

9th Nov 2011, 16:20
Sorry ,been `shopping`,so OPEN HOUSE....

11th Nov 2011, 04:01
http://img535.imageshack.us/img535/8821/img171nc.jpg (http://img535.imageshack.us/i/img171nc.jpg/)

11th Nov 2011, 05:57
Good evening Graeme,

Just a wild shot in the dark, is it a P-63 Kingcobra ??

I've got the dog back 'til Sunday, just off for a walk now on a wet and dark morning, Open House if correct! Don't think it is now, as it looks to be nose-mounted, a Russian or Jap maybe, alas as no time to look furthe right now!

Lightning Mate
11th Nov 2011, 06:56
Is that a Sabre V24?

11th Nov 2011, 09:47

Not a Cobra of any sort. Not Japanese or Russian or powered by a Sabre engine.

Lightning Mate
11th Nov 2011, 09:50
So am I looking at a straight 12 (very unusual) or a V24?

Maybe a seaplane......

11th Nov 2011, 10:00
Hi David.

12-cylinder Vee liquid-cooled.
Not a seaplane.

Lightning Mate
11th Nov 2011, 10:10
Lots of those around.

An Allison?

11th Nov 2011, 10:14
Not an Allison.

http://img72.imageshack.us/img72/5706/img174v.jpg (http://img72.imageshack.us/i/img174v.jpg/)

Lightning Mate
11th Nov 2011, 10:14
Good grief - a bipe?

11th Nov 2011, 10:16

Lightning Mate
11th Nov 2011, 10:18

11th Nov 2011, 10:20

Lightning Mate
11th Nov 2011, 10:21
P6E Hawk?...

11th Nov 2011, 10:24

Your control David!

http://img546.imageshack.us/img546/12/img175b.jpg (http://img546.imageshack.us/i/img175b.jpg/)

Lightning Mate
11th Nov 2011, 10:30
Thanks mate.

An unusual but easy one.....


11th Nov 2011, 10:44
Looks like a MRI scan of the left ventricle.

Cause of death - Severed aorta with steel mesh embolism.

Is the nose at left or right of screen?

Lightning Mate
11th Nov 2011, 10:46
Nose to the right.

11th Nov 2011, 10:52


Lightning Mate
11th Nov 2011, 10:56
Just like your SC jobber............

This one, however, is on the web. :E

11th Nov 2011, 11:13
Is this aircraft under water?

Lightning Mate
11th Nov 2011, 11:17
No mate...........

11th Nov 2011, 11:32
(Sunday is getting closer.)

So, we have a twin-jet aircraft? Both intakes have steel mesh across the openings? Manned?

11th Nov 2011, 11:33
Miles Sparrowhawk..?...OH if correct

Lightning Mate
11th Nov 2011, 11:35
Except that it isn't a twin-jet.


Graeme, can you check back in on SC please.

11th Nov 2011, 12:10
I got out of my chair, took 5 paces backwards. Twisted my head left and then right. Squinted even. I swear to God if you had of asked me if it was Animal, Vegetable or Mineral, I'd put 20 bucks on Animal...except for that mesh....

Good luck to fellow players! :)

Sunday here. Cheers David! :)

11th Nov 2011, 14:02
Loos more like a carb or oil cooler intake on an Me 410

11th Nov 2011, 14:25
Art'noon David,

issat a FW-190 supercharger intake??

Open House if correct please as break's over!

Lightning Mate
11th Nov 2011, 14:38
Attaboy TC - The Fw 152H-0. :ok:


TC has declared Open House

12th Nov 2011, 11:40
Thanks LM,

Seeing as it's still my OH; I'll take it back and put another one up but I expect it'll go quickly!


Lightning Mate
12th Nov 2011, 13:22
Issa dark bit extreme lower right a wing?

12th Nov 2011, 13:47
'Artnoon David,

Issa dark bit extreme lower right a wing?

Indeed it is!


Off home now, will be back online in about an hour

Lightning Mate
12th Nov 2011, 15:40

Then I don't get the bit on the left. :\

12th Nov 2011, 16:31
the bit on the left

That's also a part of the wing!

12th Nov 2011, 18:06
Looks a bit like a CF34 or ALF502 turbofan?

12th Nov 2011, 18:44
The engine looks a bit like the Kolesov RD-36-51 as fitted to the Tu 144

12th Nov 2011, 19:02
Good evening Mel,

You're spot on as usual :D!!

It is one of the four Kolesov RD-36-51 afterburning turbojets that powered the Tupolev Tu-144.

You have control :ok:

12th Nov 2011, 23:41
Thanks Trevor. Here is the next one:-

13th Nov 2011, 07:28
Good morning Mel,

I think that's a Viper tailpipe on the HP-115 (now at Yeovilton FAA Museum and well worth a visit)

13th Nov 2011, 11:39
Hi Trevor. That is the one, I know the Museum well I used to work in Gazelle House just across the road from the museum.
Your control.

13th Nov 2011, 12:14
Thanks Mel,

Best to visit Yeovilton on one of their Cobham Hall "open house" days, very interesting additional things to see!

here's the next challenge!


13th Nov 2011, 13:08
Best to visit Yeovilton on one of their Cobham Hall "open house" days, very interesting additional things to see!

Yes that is when they open up their refurbishment hangar I believe. I see your latest one Trevor is a Rotary aircraft for a change.

13th Nov 2011, 18:47
Good evening Mel,

Cobham Hall is officially known as their "Reserve Collection", but it did look like they were doing restoration work in there when I last visited.

Not many about today! Of course, you're correct about my latest being a helicopter!

13th Nov 2011, 19:06
Well Trevor seeing as nobody else has bitten I will say your challenge is the Agusta A129 Mangusta.

13th Nov 2011, 19:23
Hi Mel,

A bite from a Mongoose can be quite nasty!!

You're absolutely right, it is the Agusta A129 Mangusta powered by two Rolls-Royce Gem 2-1004D turboshafts (license built by Piaggio); it was the first Attack helicopter built in Western Europe :D

You have control :ok:

13th Nov 2011, 19:49
Thanks Trevor. Here is a nice easy one:-

13th Nov 2011, 20:25
Evening Mel.

Mikoyan-Gurevich I-270?

13th Nov 2011, 22:18
HI Graeme
You have it the Mikoyan-Gurevich I-270
Your control.

13th Nov 2011, 22:28
Thanks Mel. Having trouble trying to be original, so how about a cross-section at the tailpipes?

http://img525.imageshack.us/img525/7725/img172a.jpg (http://img525.imageshack.us/i/img172a.jpg/)

13th Nov 2011, 22:53
Avro Vulcan?

13th Nov 2011, 22:56
Nice. :ok: Perfect timing mate.

http://img408.imageshack.us/img408/5223/img187a.jpg (http://img408.imageshack.us/i/img187a.jpg/)

Your control Ken!


13th Nov 2011, 22:58
Thanks Graeme. About to hit the hay, so Open House.

14th Nov 2011, 09:43
http://img502.imageshack.us/img502/3562/img189zz.jpg (http://img502.imageshack.us/i/img189zz.jpg/)

Lightning Mate
14th Nov 2011, 11:31
Easy one - Sukhoi Su-15. ;)

14th Nov 2011, 18:45
Your control mate. :ok:

http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/9250/img193u.jpg (http://img5.imageshack.us/i/img193u.jpg/)

Lightning Mate
17th Nov 2011, 09:06
Open House.

18th Nov 2011, 08:40
http://img59.imageshack.us/img59/2644/croppeda.jpg (http://img59.imageshack.us/i/croppeda.jpg/)

18th Nov 2011, 16:27
G'day Graeme,

Issat a Yak-23 ??

18th Nov 2011, 18:15
It is Trevor. Your control mate. :ok:

http://img267.imageshack.us/img267/907/800pxyak23utirearmuseum.jpg (http://img267.imageshack.us/i/800pxyak23utirearmuseum.jpg/)

18th Nov 2011, 21:00
Thanks Graeme,

And the next rear-end!


18th Nov 2011, 21:28
A few quick stabs before you retire. :)

Fiat G91, Aero L-39, F-86...?

18th Nov 2011, 21:32
I ain't retiring yet mate, just trying not to incinerate my supper!

Sorry, none of those!!

18th Nov 2011, 22:24
The 'Beware Jet Blast' puts me in mind of 1950's USN, maybe early navalised Sabre; FJ1 Fury?

18th Nov 2011, 22:41
Hi Kitbag,

you're spot on, it is the North American FJ1 Fury

Kitbag has control :ok:

19th Nov 2011, 06:25
I don't think the usual suspects will have any problems with this


19th Nov 2011, 08:25
Morning Kitbag.

I think the RAT gives away the Fox, it looks like a Sea Vixen to me!

Sorry, but it'll have to be an Open House if correct as I'm very limited on time today :suspect:

19th Nov 2011, 12:14
It is, Open House

19th Nov 2011, 18:57
http://img341.imageshack.us/img341/8323/img178s.jpg (http://img341.imageshack.us/i/img178s.jpg/)

19th Nov 2011, 19:17
I`ll start with a Convair 240,although a 4 blade prop was not regular ...

19th Nov 2011, 19:21
Not a Convair mate.

19th Nov 2011, 19:41
G'day Graeme,

I think that's an Ilyushin Il-14 ??

19th Nov 2011, 19:46
Evening Trevor.

Yes it is mate. Your turn. :)

19th Nov 2011, 19:55
Thanks Mate,

Here's the next, exhausting innit!

In and out of the kitchen again, but will keep an eye on it and try and have a look at your SC


19th Nov 2011, 20:09
My thoughts.

All white = experimental?
The vertical fin could be 'webbing' between the fuselage and exhaust?

Bell X-5?

try and have a look at your SC

Don't wear yourself out. :)

19th Nov 2011, 20:18
The vertical fin could be 'webbing' between the fuselage and exhaust

Cunning bugger, well spotted mate!! I was in two minds whether or not to remove the colour :ugh:

It is the Bell X-5

Back to you :ok:


Don't wear yourself out.

Thanks mate; I don't have to now that Ken's joined the party :)

19th Nov 2011, 20:29
Thanks Trevor. Looked quickly at some X-plane publications. Must admit, some other Bell products also looked promising.

Another...while you cook and chow down...

http://img585.imageshack.us/img585/246/tryanything.jpg (http://img585.imageshack.us/i/tryanything.jpg/)

20th Nov 2011, 09:27
Evening Graeme,

No chance to to get back for a look last night mate, visitors!!

Is that the wing-root we see, if so I assume it's a delta. Similar to the Convair Delta Dart before it had the final boat-tail extension and revised exhausts! Other than that, no idea and not going to have much free time today :(!

So is it a delta ? Not a Canard? Is that a trace of the fin we see, if so it looks not to have much chord length, unless it's a change of colour that makes is look short. Pure turbojet, 1950's ?

21st Nov 2011, 06:02
Hi Trevor. It's a dark image from the net. Here's a different image - same aircraft - which should answer all your questions above...

http://img27.imageshack.us/img27/8240/memate.jpg (http://img27.imageshack.us/i/memate.jpg/)

21st Nov 2011, 08:35
Evening Graeme,

Ah, 'tiz a Breguet 1100 ?

Cheers TC