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17th Nov 2009, 03:22
You can apply for both, but can only attend 1 interview. Ie once they call you then you need to choose as you can only be in 1 recruitment process at a time.

red or white
18th Nov 2009, 01:27
Hi guys...

does anybody know what the average take home pay per forthnight is for V oz crew.
I have applied online for the current recruitment. How many flt attendants are they looking for?? Any other info re V oz cabin crew would be appreciated.

Good luck guys!!!!!:)

red or white
21st Nov 2009, 23:11
Can somebody shed some light what happens at the recruitment day? What is base salary does anybody know? How much can one expect to earn a forthnight??


21st Nov 2009, 23:20
Have you been invited to the RD?

22nd Nov 2009, 00:49
I can't find any links on the V Australia Careers website for hiring cabin crew at the moment, am I missing something? :confused:

22nd Nov 2009, 01:00
I think applications closed a few days ago...

22nd Nov 2009, 01:05
that would be why then! :ugh:

28th Nov 2009, 13:05
OMG! I got a call from V Australia on Wednesday and had a phone interview! It was so unexpected! I registered my interest with so many airlines so long ago and was really expecting to wait years and years, but then I get a call from V Australia!

The phone interview was very on the spot with some tough questions, but I don't think I did terribly. They told me to keep checking my email and I'd probably hear by the end of the week if I got through to the next stage. Allllll of Friday I was checking my email constantly, but didn't hear anything :{ I'm hoping I will on Monday. Even if it is just a rejection - I just want to know either way. She didn't say 'you WILL find out on Friday', so maybe I will hear on Monday or Tuesday whether I made it through. They would send you an email right, even if it was just a 'thanks but no thanks' email? They'd be courteous enough to let you know right?

I thought it pretty positive that they called me at all so I was pretty stoked. They must've liked my application at least a little bit! I am hoping against hope that I get through to the next stage! I would die for this job!

Anyone else get calls lately?

29th Nov 2009, 00:32
Hi Brindabella24.

I had a phone interview last week too, but for Virgin Blue (I imagine being the same company the process will be similar). Seemed to be the same format as you described. The lady on the phone told me that I was invited to the Assesment day during the phone call and emailed the details through straight away.

Fingers crossed for you. Good luck!

29th Nov 2009, 03:05
Did you apply for V Australia SYD base the other week? I did, but haven't heard anything. Only closed on Wednesday tho I guess...

29th Nov 2009, 03:11
I got a call from Virgin Blue HR, saying that i have a application for both Virgin Blue and V Australia for Cabin Crew :ok: which I had applied for.
I had to choose to cancel one of the applications either being Virgin Blue or V Australia!!!! OMG thats was intense.:ouch::sad::{

So now I only have one application going now. Anyone else had that happen or applied for them both at the same time?

Yeah was that one which closed one the 20th, and i forgot to mention that they wanted a answer then and there too. CRAZY !!!! my head was going at like 200kms thinking re which airline to pick.

Isn't VB and VA different from each other?:confused: o well picked one, fingers crossed hopefully the axe dosn't fall against me :ooh:

29th Nov 2009, 04:52
Wow, cool! I currently am a flight attendant, and I applied for V Aus but haven't heard anything. :( :( But guess my phone is always switched off when I'm working. Aww. :(

30th Nov 2009, 07:28
I got a rejection email from V Australia today :{ I am so disappointed. I thought I was in with a fair chance. And they won't even let you reapply for a whole twelve months!

red or white
1st Dec 2009, 01:22
I have not heard anything at all from V OZ. Had my application in by due date. It seems some people have got phone interview and rejection email already?? Anybody else waiting??

1st Dec 2009, 02:13
Yep, myself and two friends who are all flight attendants are still waiting to hear something! Strange that some people have found out already. Fingers crossed :)

1st Dec 2009, 03:00
Hi there,
I am new to this forum and i found it by accident while searching for more information about the recruitment process. Anyway, I too applied for the recent V Oz recruitment but as of yet have not heard anything. I had my application in a week before the due date. But it is interesting that people have already been interviewed and recieved rejection letters and we have not heard anything...

1st Dec 2009, 03:18
Yeah, but imagine how many people would have applied! Hundreds. They may select 100 applications, read them, call them, then cut some, and move on to the next hundred. Im not too worried.

1st Dec 2009, 03:24
Thats what i thought they could be doing...... but like you im not fussed.

2nd Dec 2009, 03:01
Just a question for any VA crew that maybe on the forum...How much choice/flexibility do you have with your rosters?? Do you bid and are you able to trade trips with each other?? Do you think the SYD-NAN-SYD will be popular or not (living in Sydney love the thought of being home at night, and the chance of the going to LAX,JNB and HKT).

I am currenty living in Sydney, and flying for an airline based at LHR...It's one long commute, so have started applying to OZ based airlines.

If any one from VA could pm me approximate earning I would be really greatful.

All a bit premature, as I've not even had a 1st stage yay or nay from VA recruitment yet...

2nd Dec 2009, 14:59
Hey Rmondo
Did you get any news from V aust??? thanks

3rd Dec 2009, 00:48
Muizenberg -

You can e-mail requests for specific things (such as trips, days off etc) through but there is no formal bidding system yet.

You can swap trips with other crew - a huge amount of swapping is occuring (we have a lot of commuters who especially swap to get trips in or out of their own cities).

SYD/NAN/SYD looks like it's a bit of an unpopular trip at the moment - mainly due to the fact we do have a lot of commuters and they can't do it as a day trip commuting (they need to stay in SYD the night before).

To give you an idea, the average roster for cabin crew would be 3 lots of 4 or 5 day trips (either LAX or HKT), 1 NAN and a string of call out type days.

Good luck :)

3rd Dec 2009, 00:58
The SYD-NAN trips will be the least popular trips and will be easy to pick up as long as rostering approves those trades, there is no bid system yet and not any time soon though trading is fairly easy to do.

Take home pay I would say you could look at roughly $1500 - $1900 for entry cabin crew, the pay has been shrinking with the layovers being reduced and the trips such as SYD-NAN with no allowances. The FAAA is involved with the crew now and this will most likely result in changes over the next year.

All in all I enjoy working there though as with any company there are some babies that should have their arses handed to them.

Good Luck..

3rd Dec 2009, 03:09
Hi eeh
received the "thanks but no thanks" email from V couple of days ago. Oh well.

Last week I received a job offer from Tiger and need to think about that - at least Tiger is MEL base so I could be home (south coast Victoria) every few days.

how are you doing...?

4th Dec 2009, 02:26
Hey! New to the forum :)....have interview lined up with V in a few weeks. Just wondering if any V Crew could give me any info on how the commuting works... There are so many rumours going around in aviation, its hard to know what true and whats not...
I have heard that on the trips ex Mel, that SYD crew pax down to Mel to operate. However if you are a commuter ex MEL that you can store up those paxing trips (syd-mel) and sign on in Mel for operation. But later you can use those stored up trips to pax up for SYD sign ons when needed. Is this true?
Im so pumped about this interview, anyone else going?

4th Dec 2009, 08:45
Hey dizzylizzy,
Did you apply for the recruitment that closed around Nov 20th? Or before that? No one else on here has heard anything I don't think...

4th Dec 2009, 10:28
Hey guys,

Anyone know what happened with the round of previous applicant's from early this year? I applied late last year (08), was invited to an OD, then received an email saying they had to put all recruitment on hold and would be back and running early 09. Then I received a couple more on hold emails but now it seems they have been recruiting?? the status in the apply page still shows "on hold"....

Are they still looking into the previous applicant's or started over?

confused..... :rolleyes:

4th Dec 2009, 23:57
The VA recruitment days are W/C 14th Dec.

The DJ ones were last week just gone.

5th Dec 2009, 07:10
So what kind of questions do they ask in the phone interview? Any info would be appreciated :)

5th Dec 2009, 23:12
I just applied in this most recent round. Had a phone interview a few days later and was told on the phone that I was invited to the group interview. Sorry for those who didnt get thru... :( Been there plenty of times before and its a bummer...
The phone interview is pretty full on. You can expect the typical questions like :
-Tell us about a time when you went out of your way for a customer/pax to go over and above expectations? What were your actions and what was the result?
-Why do you want to work for VA?
-What motivates you in your current position?
-What frustrates you in your current position? (be sure not to bag your current employer)
Hope that helps, fingers crossed for those of you who havent heard yet

6th Dec 2009, 07:26
Thats great. When is the assessment day?

6th Dec 2009, 22:05
They are next Tues and Wed Cody...Is anyone else going?

7th Dec 2009, 06:53
What does DJ stand for?

7th Dec 2009, 09:37
It's just the airline code lol.

Received email from V Aus saying they will be in touch by end of week regarding my application. So that sounds exciting!

7th Dec 2009, 20:14
You beat me to it cody24!
I too recieved that email last night..... its good to know ill hear from someone before weeks end. Good luck to all!

7th Dec 2009, 23:54
You guys are lucky I haven't got anything from VA :confused: no rejection email no updates no call nothing.

8th Dec 2009, 00:14
Oooooo are you on the move Cody?!

8th Dec 2009, 04:09
They weren't recruiting for BNE were they? Ahhh I hope I didn't miss it!

Crew rest.
11th Dec 2009, 04:45
No ilana, that's because they don't have BNE base.:ok:

11th Dec 2009, 08:31
I got an update email saying that they would be in contact ASAP- thats VA :-)

15th Dec 2009, 05:00
Anyone heard anything? :)

15th Dec 2009, 22:53
still playing the waiting game.. havent received a phone call or email or anything since the last email on friday saying they would be in touch early next week. suspense is killing me! :ugh:

22nd Dec 2009, 07:27
Thanks for your application.... but we have already completed our recruitment days!? Guess I will hear from them again in January. Random!

22nd Dec 2009, 22:11
Yeah i got the same email... was a bit devo but atleast its not a rejection email right? just playing the waiting game a little longer...
I was told from a source they were recruiting about 50 people, i hope they didnt get them all in the december recruitment and there are still enough spots for Jan! guess all you can do is have a good xmas and worry about it next year! good luck to everyone who is still waiting to hear.

if anyone has been to the V AUST recruitment days & progressed further to a medical/got the job or knows anything more about the next recruitment round etc let us know and give us some info! thanks

23rd Dec 2009, 15:01
G'day KK / All,

Not sure if any of this info will help as I think the recruitment process is somewhat different this time around now the airline is somewhat established versus when they initially recruited pre start up. That and the fact my memory is shot and take this for what it is worth...lol.......

Key thing I will say is the process is long and laborious. Expect nothing and be pleasantly surprised when things progress. The company like any airline is large and multifaceted....Cabin crew requirements are constantly changing and thus "ASAP" to you may have a very different meaning to "ASAP" to them. Things generally seem to progress in peaks and troughs...you may hear nothing for an extended period of time and then all of a sudden find yourself flying through several components at once.....Accept this and dont beat yourself up about not hearing anything......generally "no news is good news". To provide an example of why things take time, basic training is a 6-7 week course involving 8+ hours a day and provided by a host of instructors and specialists - this alone takes significant planning on the airlines behalf to organise and co-ordinate.

Interview/s - Im not going to go into intimate detail about what will and wont be asked. Personally I feel that is unfair for those that haven't found this forum and additionally serves you no purpose either. The reality is if you have found this forum your likely already more than aware of the "common components" of cabin crew interviews. If your not and really want the job - get on it!!!!

Key principles are relatively simple. Think as a consumer of airline travel what components are important to you from an airline and its employees. Now as a prospective CC member how would you go about providing this? (Do not just focus on "guest services".....there is another factor which supersedes this!!!!). Be able to bring examples from your previous work experience to support your answers.

Medical - is a non event. Just a full check up from a Doctor. Unless you have any significant medical issues this wont be a problem....

Not sure what else you guys want to know?? Feel free to ask and Im happy to give it a lash......

Lizzie not sure if someone has answered your commuter question.....I dont commute so aren't that savvy in regards to it but I dont think your able to "store" up commutes for use later. The expectation is all crew are SYD based although in reality I think it would be around ????60%.

Yes SYD crew are paxed to MEL / BNE for departures from there and PAXED back to SYD when returned to MEL/BNE. Likewise if you are MEL based and have a flight returning to BNE the company will PAX you at no cost to MEL. If the same flight however flies into SYD (Home base), paxing will be at your expense. All crew recieve a staff travel allowance each year which can be used for paxing sectors.

I do think some of the new flight schedules (SYD-NAN) have made things alot more difficult for commuters. Everyone now recieves OPEN (on call) days and when flights are leaving early AM - the expectation is that you will be in SYD for these whether your called out or not. Personally I imagine this makes things extremely difficult for commuters (cost of flight up and back, cost of a nights accomodation) however seemingly many are still doing it (albeit the new flights are only in there infancy) and I cant really comment further.

Overall I love my job - best I have ever had and I think the company are wonderful. Would encourage all of you to pursue this if it is your dream. There are others though who dont share this believe....I'm a little older and have been around a while and have had some "challenging" jobs over the years. CC is NOT one of them......seriously your getting paid to go on vacation!!! Keeping a bit of perspective and realising how lucky we are goes along way.

I wish you guys nothing but the best and I hope this helps.

14th Jan 2010, 20:16
Yay, received a phone interview yesterday and now invited to the Assessment Day on Tuesday!

14th Jan 2010, 21:05
Well done Cody!Great news:ok:

16th Jan 2010, 04:39
Hi everyone!
I'm new to this site... I'm extremely interested in becoming a flight attendant for VB and have wanted this career ever since I was really little.
Just recently I applied for the SYD base CC position and I am wondering what is the 'blue star referral program' I saw on the application? How does one become apart of it? And would it help my applications in the recruitment process?
I know its probably a silly question, but If someone could answer that'd be great! :)

16th Jan 2010, 05:25
A friend of mine worked for VB a few years ago, and I believe the blue star thing is basically a referral from someone already employed by Virgin Blue. For example if a VB flight attendant was shopping in clothes shop lets say, and he/she was impressed by the service and thought the person had what virgin looks for when recruiting crew, the flight attendant could "blue star" them and if they wanted to apply to VB they would skip the first stage of the recruitment process. No doubt someone who is currently working for the airline will update and correct my information if necessary

21st Jan 2010, 07:31
I thought I would put this out for those of you who would like to work at VA, they are recruiting again but the application are only open for a few days until the 24th I think. Good luck to you all.

21st Jan 2010, 22:47
Thanks Cloudtraveller

I dont understand why they are recruiting yet again when just a week ago I received an email saying the recruit was complete and to apply for VB Sydney instead. I had waited for 2 months in suspense only to be told they never got to my application and they were finished, and now they have opened it up to the public again. What are they doing!!!! Ohwell, I have applied again but I wont get my hopes up too high this time.

21st Jan 2010, 23:33
Hey KK1000

thanks for letting us know! i also got all those emails and am still eager to apply so i redid the application... let's see what that does

Best of Luck!

22nd Jan 2010, 04:56
Did you also apply for "VB Syd Jan 2010" when they sent the email invite? I applied for that and was sent an email a day later saying I was unsuccessful but to reapply if any other positions I am interested in come up. Which was all so confusing. I was pretty gutted after not getting rejected from V Aust and waiting so long, and then to be rejected from VB without even a look-in. Then 2 days later another VB Syd domestic came up but it said FEB 2010 instead of JAN 2010, so i applied again!! And then I applied for V Aust again last night! I know you're not suppose to apply for 2, but i just did it for the heck of it cause im so confused at what is going on with them. I might not even be allowed to apply for 12 months, though no where in any emails have they told me that yet. I'd be delighted to get a call from someone in HR even if its just asking me which application I would like to proceed with! Good luck with the waiting and keep me updated!

22nd Jan 2010, 07:05
Crew are leaving in droves. Over 10 in December alone and with such small crew numbers (about 280) thats a high attrition rate.

They are rostering illegal duties well above duty hour limitations. The FAAA union is going to the AIRC about this but it will take a while for anything to be done. The company is facing massive fines of up to $33,000 for each breach :{

22nd Jan 2010, 09:58
The problem with VA is that there is no crew agreement. Only individual contracts which provide no real protection for the crew around duty limitations and buffers etc. They are very loosely worded such that there is nothing to say the company can do such and such but also nothing to say they can't. I really hope the crew there can get a proper agreement so things improve.

It's also sad to acknowledge that pretty much all airlines these days seem to be running their concerns on high staff turnover policies. Call me naieve but surely someone who wants to be there is going to provide a better service than someone who plans to leave the month after next. :bored:

22nd Jan 2010, 10:29
Oh it is just another example of the Big Company squeezing it's staff and trying to make as much money as possible... and then some!

Staff leaving is a problem for all aussie airlines except for the Glorious Crew on those old QF contracts... may they live long and prosper!

The australian cabin crew industry is a challenging one, let's hope the FAAA can make a difference for VA Crew...:cool:

22nd Jan 2010, 10:43
If they're so desperate for staff you'd think they would get back to all the people like us who so enthusiastically apply at every opportunity! We are armed and ready with all the experience and certificates required and yet you wait years for a job like these!

27th Jan 2010, 04:13
Got an email saying my application for V Aust was unsuccessful. No phone interview or anything. This was for the applications opened on 21st Jan.

"We have now had the opportunity to review your application and unfortunately on this occasion, we wish to advise that you have not been successful to progress further in our recruitment process.
All applications are assessed on motivation, work experience and suitability for the role and we selected candidates to progress to the next stage who demonstrated these requirements to the highest level. Unfortunately, due to the high volume of applications we have received, we are unable to provide more specific or individualised feedback"

After waiting almost 3 months to hear from V Aust the first time and not getting rejected and then to be told the recruit was complete, im glad I have been told a bit earlier this time round, because the waiting game sucks! Obviously there is something wrong with my application so I need to go back to the drawing board with that one, or maybe its because I have no airline experience and they only want experienced people, guess i'll never know. Either way that scraps that airline out for the next 12 months, though a little confused as it said I cant apply for that role for 12 months, but if there were other opportunities I'm interested in to apply online. I wonder if this applys to VB CC?

Did anyone apply for this as well and get any further?

27th Jan 2010, 13:53
Hi cody24,

Well done for reaching recruitment day stage!:ok:
I have a telephone interview shortly and was wandering if you could tell me what sort of questions I will be asked?!
Would be a great help!
Best of luck!:)

27th Jan 2010, 19:36
OMG I've been away, I can't believe I missed out on the 21st Jan applications ... I'm so upset! Does anyone know what base they were for?

28th Jan 2010, 09:51
There is only one base currently for VA and that is SYD. If crew are unhappy with their conditions I suggest they contact the AIRC or be quiet, no point in having a winge if you will not take ownership.

28th Jan 2010, 19:05
Thanks for the help cloudtraveller, I feel much better, as I would have been upset if the recruitment had of been for BNE!

5th Feb 2010, 12:37
Hi Everyone...

Just wondering if anyone on here has been invited to a SYD assessment centre this coming week?? Would love to make contact with anyone who will potentially be there (especially the Thursday PM session)...


5th Feb 2010, 21:42
hi bluefish!

i'll be at the thurs AM session, i was in the PM one but they rang me to change to the earlier one!

Might see you there!


5th Feb 2010, 22:24
hi there everyone, im such a newbee at this all , i am only 18 and just finished school and applied VirginBlue sydney base Feb 2010 but was unsuccessful, could it be my age ?? am i too young , if it not that it has to be somethin on my application ?? does anyone have some pointers for me as far as my next application cause i really want this soooo bad !

5th Feb 2010, 23:05
It could be your age. Make sure you get plenty of work in customer service before you apply next. I am just about to start with Virgin Blue and I have well over 10 years in hospitality, retail etc......
Go out there, get those customer focused jobs and keep applying. Persistance is the key! Good luck!

6th Feb 2010, 09:07
They have lost a lot of crew and are now texting crew asking if they wouldn't mind displacing annual leave, they are very short of crew now.

Unfortunately they (V Oz) aren't looking after their people :ugh:

6th Feb 2010, 09:23
Hi Hellorian... Yes might see you there- hopefully even in ground school! Hahaha! Best of luck to you too! :ok:

Hi eeh... well I can attend a session so not sure when you would have to wait for the next one, but don't panic, I'm sure they will be in touch soon. Good luck to you too!!:)

14th Feb 2010, 07:31
Hey bluefish

I hope you had fun at your recruitment day, i did although my one-on-one was not so nice because of the person who interviewed me... but we shall see, i have been thinking more and more about living in sydney and liking the idea less and less!! and commuting is a terrible option, i flew home with staff travel (through my partner on another carrier) and waited for 8 hours at the airport and just made it home :(

Anyway, if anyone else here was there on Fri morning last week, send me a message and we'll chat

Best of luck to all


14th Feb 2010, 12:16
keep applying, thats all i can say. i back up others comments on this thread. ppl are leaving in HUGE numbers. guarantee one of you will be replacing me!
think you'll be 'living the dream?' not bl00dy likely. well if you like being overworked, underpaid, and denied leave, then sure!


14th Feb 2010, 15:25
People are leaving in huge numbers - but apparently alot have got the sack after calling in sick on Public Holidays.

14th Feb 2010, 19:34
Hey Hellorian...

Thanks for thinking of me!

I had heaps of fun at the RD, they were all really lovely and made me feel relaxed... although I think I was a bit too relaxed and wasn't concentrating enough as I thought of SOOO many things I could have said in my one-on-one after the fact... but nothing I can do now.

Yes I know what you mean about commuting, I don't think I could do it. I'm lucky that I'm originally from Sydney so moving back means I can move closer to my family and friends. If I could be MEL based then that would definitely be my chosen option! Staff travel is also not the greatest option... I also flew up and back staff travel on another carrier and got delayed both times due to all the storms that were around, luckily I didn't have anywhere to be but don't think I could cope with that if I had a duty to sign on for!

I'm busting to hear from them though... I still really hope I get it! If I hear anything I'll let you know...

If anyone else has any RD days coming up, just relax and have fun, it really is the best way to get through it!!

14th Feb 2010, 21:14
ANstar not sure where you got that bit of info from but its not true.

15th Feb 2010, 06:04
Hi Guys,

I was very excited after sending off my application for Syd base to read your posts about the need for lots of crew for V Aus but today I got this email...

"Our Team have been busy reviewing the applications for the V Australia Cabin Crew role for which you recently applied.

We would like to advise we had an overwhelming response to this recruit and we have filled positions for our upcoming training course, therefore this recruit is complete.
What does this mean for you?
We would like to extend an invitation to you to reapply for any upcoming open vacancies for the V Australia Cabin Crew role. Please keep a close eye on our website www.vaustralia.com.au (http://www.vaustralia.com.au/) for future opportunities."

Looks like recruiting is over for Syd base for now. Anyone heard when they might start again??

Best of luck to everyone still in the game xx

15th Feb 2010, 06:24
I've heard it from about 4 different VA cabin crew.

15th Feb 2010, 06:24
Hey again!!

I got my thanks but no thanks email today, oh well, it all happens for a reason...

Best of luck to all and enjoy what you can


15th Feb 2010, 22:40
V Australia have opened applications again for Sydney base.

16th Feb 2010, 00:53
Why do they only have crew based in Sydney?

16th Feb 2010, 01:41
Can anyone help me? I have applied for the Cabin Crew position for Virgin Blue which closed in January. I noticed today that V Australia have opened applications for Cabin Crew. It states that if you already have submitted an application, then not to submit another one. Does this apply if you applied for Virgin Blue?
I know that they are both the Virgin Group, but is V Australia a different entity to Virgin Blue, I just dont want to get this wrong!
Any help would be appreciated :)

16th Feb 2010, 03:54
ilana182 the base is in Sydney. It cost a lots of $$$ to set up other bases.

calvin0349 - you can submit an application to V Oz as well as VB but they will call you and ask you to withdraw one of the applications. You have to make your mind up which one you would rather work for. I've done both and would say go for VB. Good luck :ok:

16th Feb 2010, 04:34
I was in the Thurs PM group and got my thanks but no thanks email yesterday.

I've heard from a few others who got the same reply and was surprised as I thought they would get selected for sure based on their industry experience. Confusing to work out what they're looking for.

Best of luck to all those still waiting :ok:

calvin0349 I'm pretty sure you can't apply for any cabin crew positions in any of the virgin group for another 12 months. When I've tried in the past, the website won't accept my application when I hit submit.

16th Feb 2010, 09:24
hey hellorion i was at the V morning session last friday Feb 12th.. is anybody going to relocate to sydney for V or VB roles... am pre empting things, but i did get an email on Monday saying that my application was been put foward and that my references would be called

I think that you can apply for both actually. I had my VB interview about a month ago (didnt get through) and then had a V interview Friday, so i think you can have 2 applications in at the same time, as long as there not both VB

oh come on bbvegas, you missed out... please, i mean really did you expect to get straight through. Ive had 3 interviews with the Virgin group, and have only now had my first email advising that my application is going to be processed further. Other 2 were thanks but no thanks emails... Its simply called persistence

17th Feb 2010, 07:24
Hey guys.
I attended the Jan 19th (for memory) pm session. Thought things went really well, I am currently a flight attendant, and got the no thanks email. Who knows what they are looking for huh! :-)
Best of luck to those that are waiting to hear back.

17th Feb 2010, 16:02
Hi everyone,

I'm pretty keen to apply for V Australia in this new round of recruitment happening at the moment, but a few things are concerning me at the moment, one being money. Even though money isn't everything for me and it's more about job satisfaction and enjoying what I do, it still does have a bearing on whether I can afford to get by with rent, loan repayments, etc.

I think I read somewhere in this thread or another that base salary is $39,000. And in addition to this is meal allowances (for meal windows passed through during layovers) and incidental allowances (for every hour from sign-off to sign-on during layovers). Am I missing any other kind of allowances or payments?

I was wondering (whether it be on this thread or in a PM) if any V crew would kindly be able to let me know what they've been averaging most fortnights (net and inclusive of all allowances) or what it has been ranging between? And now that HKT trips are here (assuming meal allowances aren't worth as much) along with the occasional NAN return, I was wondering whether this has caused a slight drop in fortnightly earnings.

Allowances are obviously affected by length of the layover so what are the usual layover lengths currently? 54-ish hours for LAX? 26 or so hours for HKT? And could you expect at least 2 LAX trips per roster period? Or 1 LAX and 2 HKT? Or 3 HKTs? What are some typical combinations?

I hate to focus on pay but if I'm going to leave my current airline where I could possibly advance to a manager position soon, then I would like to know whether I'll be any better or worse off and that I could afford a move to Sydney or the required paxing from Melbourne.

I realise this is a personal question, so if any crew would be able to PM me about it, I would greatly appreciate it! :)

Aside from that, another question I have is whether having prior flying experience (say 2-3 years worth) would assist in reaching a Cabin Leader position any sooner? I realise it is probably a merit-based process but would prior experience have any bearing at all?

Thanks guys! And good luck to all who are applying for V this time around! :ok:

17th Feb 2010, 19:05
In the recruitment day slideshow, base salary was $32k as of last month.

18th Feb 2010, 22:45
you only have to wait 12 months for the position you applied for, ie, you applied for vb, you havent yet applied for VA, so it doenst count. apply for VA, its all good.

19th Feb 2010, 05:22
Hi everyone,

I'm curious to know how to go about commuting from MEL to SYD for V Aust. Are there many available days or airport reserves? Whats the best way to go about commuting. Any information would be great.


19th Feb 2010, 05:26
Unions join forces against V Australia: maximum duty hour limitations

Unions join forces against V Australia: maximum duty hour limitations | The Australian (http://www.theaustralian.com.au/business/aviation/unions-join-forces-against-v-australia-maximum-duty-hour-limitations/story-e6frg95x-1225831919983?from=public_rss)

20th Feb 2010, 18:37
Gday firyice (http://www.pprune.org/members/277358-firyice),

In terms of commuting, what many current V Crew who live out of syd do, is overnight, at their own cost, at share house located by the airport in Mascot. From crew I've spoken to, they get their standby days enough to have to have to stay in sydney the night before. Same deal if you have the NAN rtn which is an early sign on.

The landlord works for Qantas and she has two properties where commuting Qantas, JQ, Virgin and V crew use to overnight here and there if need be.

It's roughly about $60 a night and both houses are clean, comfortable and private (however one location is considerably nicer and more new than the other).

PM me, and I'd be happy to give you the landlord's contact details. I'm VB crew based and live in Sydney, however I've stayed at the accomodation, for an early sign-on or what have you, and have been extremely comfortable.

Hope this helps.

20th Feb 2010, 23:29

I applied for v in December and received a similar email stating that there was on overwhelming response and I would need to apply when the next recruitment cycle happened.

I waited and reapplied on Friday- and got an email saying that successful applicants will be contacted for recruitment days.

Did you get an email saying that (above) and then got the "overwhelming" email or just the "overwhelming" when you applied?

23rd Feb 2010, 21:58
Hi All,

I applied to V in November, and had to make the choice of VA vs DJ. Decided on VA...then received the e-mail in Jan. that VA had completed recruitment and I could have my application moved to DJ.

When recruitment reopened for VA in February, I put in another application; thus withdrawing from DJ again...

Has anyone had phone interviews/heard about RD's, etc...begining to think I should have just stuck with Virgin Blue.

24th Feb 2010, 07:55
To all the people that are on this and saying that they are so upset they didnt get thru, Do not give up. Ive been applying for Virgin Blue for the past 3 years and yeah I got the Job and Im in the middle of training now but trust me never give up and never think negatively, always think positively, Virgin Blue is a great Airline to work for and trust me Training is soo intense but the trainers are fantastic. All I can say to you is reapply, Reapply Reapply, Go over your resume make sure its up to scratch. I can admit it is soo hard to get in but dnt forget that it all starts of with your Resumes, The recruitment team do not know what you look like or what you personality is .... Make your Resume sell yourself.... Make them look at your resume and say WOW impressive resume!!!! Anyways Guys I wish you the best of luck and I do hope to see you in the near future :)

24th Feb 2010, 09:32
Hi ali2305

Thanks for your post and positive comments....it's nice to know not every one gets in 1st shot...I only wish we could get feedback after rday to know what we are doing wrong...:sad:

All the best with your training and maybe one day I'll be there..:)

I Just Want To Fly
26th Feb 2010, 08:23
Just an update on current pay and conditions at V:

Year 1: $39,000
Year 2: $41,500

1-5% bonus per year based on performance

LAX: US$120-150 per night
HKT: AU$80 per night
NAN: NIL (Day Return)

Trip Patterns:
LAX: 2 or 3 Nights
HKT: 1, 2 or 4 Nights
NAN: NIL (Day Return)
JNB: 3 or 4 nights

No Sector Pay
No Overtime

Holiday: 6 Weeks
Sick: 10 days
URTI: 6 days (Upper Respitory Infection Sickness)

2 LAX, 1 HKT or 1 JNB plus some scattered standby days or Open Days
Days Off: 9 days off per 28 day roster

Request System:
There is no formal bidding system, but you can email crewing, and they are pretty good at honoring requests.

Staff Travel:
$1000 free travel on VB/VA for you and spouse/children/companion
32 sectors at staff travel rates to be allocated to your friends/family
Unlimited staff travel rates for you and spouse/children/companion
Interline fares with a few other airlines.

I think all this is correct, feel free to correct me.

Good luck to all applying, we have a very different culture to other airlines. It is totally awesome!

26th Feb 2010, 08:46
Sounds fairly accurate except for pay.. I have been with V for more than a year and am not on a 39k base and no many that are not. Also just so people are aware there is currently NO EBA, NO work rules, and NO government award in place (or at least that is the companies view) however this will hopefully change in the near future.

Oh also they are extremely short crew and as such have reduced the crews on LAX and JNB trips to 12 compliment until numbers can be brought up this was in part blamed on "higher than expected attrition for last month" I believe many cruise FO's are going to VB where conditions are significantly better.

26th Feb 2010, 09:51
Well I am impressed with the pay. Even if it is less than what I just want to fly said. It's still more than I'm making! It sounds pretty good - I would love to work for them in the future, once I have some experience in the smaller airline I'm about to start working for.

So what are you on cloudtraveller? Is it close to 39K? And why is is they are extremely short of crew? I Just Want to Fly seems super happy working for V but you make it sound like somepeople perhaps aren't?

26th Feb 2010, 10:16
why is v short of crew? cos they arent looking after us! its exactly as cloudtraveller said, no EBA (ie, we have no union contract = we have no say on our working conditions) no work rules, do nandi day trips because VB guys cant do it (legally they cannot work over 8:45 in a day, therefore, thats why we are stuck with day trips and get not one extra cent to do a 13 hr shift). the pay might sound good if you're not working in the industry (it isnt) but when you are on minimal rest, in a cloud of fatigue, no life outside of work, the money isnt worth it. people are leaving in droves! someone in this forum will be replacing me!

26th Feb 2010, 12:52
I see what you mean. I'm about to start with a small regional airline and I will be only getting just over 30k so V Australia looks attractive, but I would for sure think twice about it.

26th Feb 2010, 17:28
do nandi day trips because VB guys cant do it (legally they cannot work over 8:45 in a day, therefore, thats why we are stuck with day trips and get not one extra cent to do a 13 hr shift).

Thats one way of spinning it - this routes WAS OPERATED BY PAC BLUE beforehand who seemed to do just fine with it.
I that has more to do with aircraft utilisation.

"higher than expected attrition for last month"

As I posted in another thread, probably to do with the people who were "got rid of" after sickies on Public holidays.

Guys - you all knew the conditions when you signed up - what has changed since you joined?

26th Feb 2010, 18:40
Anstar - The main thing that has changed is that the Australian government has brought in a legal workplace award that V australia refuses to acknowledge.

Brindabella- Yes I am now after more than a year getting close to 39k, I would welcome you over and you will enjoy it here. I have heard they have been approved for 9 training classes this year.

I don't want people to get the wrong impression because I do enjoy my job and I am merely trying to state the facts, there have not been droves getting fired for sickies at all and the main attrition rate is purely personal choices that have seen crew leave on their own accord.

They are short of crew because they have delayed hiring crew until the last possible minute, this is business and not something specific to V and I don't fault them. I do not want to have that turned on me though as to why I should be understanding! As a note, V has applied with the government to return slots back to Pac Blue for Nadi sighting among other things economic reasons.

In all some people forget they are only 1 year old operating today and things will undoubtedly get better as the company progresses, for a one year old their balance sheet is great and they turned a profit for the month of Jan 2010. Like all new ideas the kinks just need to be worked out and the company and the union need to just get something done so the crew can have black and white knowledge of their rights.

All just MHO

2nd Mar 2010, 06:49
Hi There

I just wanted to see if that $39,000 includes all of the allowences.

I was invited to a interview but I am interstate.

I am looking at doing the Senior First Aid - Was this a easy course?

2nd Mar 2010, 08:20
$39k basic plus allowances but I have heard the basic for new starters is now $32k. Appalling if it has gone down to $32k, they will be losing a lot of crew :mad:

2nd Mar 2010, 12:56
hey all.. just got the call, ground school starting on March 22nd.. am very nervous, but also very excited.. just wondering if theres anyone else out there starting in ground school 22nd March? anyone relocating & in need of a roomie as i have to relocate to Sydney & dont have much time to do so. If anyone is relocating or looking for a roomie i would much appreciate a message... xo

I Just Want To Fly
2nd Mar 2010, 13:41
No idea about the changes to base salaries. Perhaps some of the new starts could confirm this...

I am extremely happy and have a positive outlook on the future.

The EBA negotiation members have been appointed, and negotiations will start soon.

We are a new airline, the company is doing what ever it can to stay afloat. Don't forget, we were losing $5M per week during the delay to launch! Is that management's fault? No, it's boeing!

There have been alot of people leaving, yes. It is actually quite common for an attrition rate of around 10-20% in the first 12-18 months. Trouble is, we all started at the same time, which is about 12-18 months ago.... I'm sure if you look at any airline training group, you would see that around 10-20% will have left after the first 12-18 months. After that, the % decreases considerably. This job is not for everyone.

There are 50 CC in training as we speak, with new groups every few months. This will help to cover the crew down problem to a certain degree, but we will need more! They have been actively recruiting alot, so should be sorted soon.

Is management perfect? No... I would like to see an airline anywhere in the world whose crew do not complain about management. We are being run by a low cost airline, trying to play with the big boys in the full service long haul market. They are a little out of their depth, but will find their feet. Hopefully the experience of our new VBGroup CEO will rub off on our Executives at V!

There is a big problem with negativity within the ranks. This is definately because of some of less than ideal working conditions. But what can be done about it. Remain positive, speak to your manager, email your Crew Consultative Committee members. Join the Union, stay in the Union beyond July! Stop being negative, and if you don't like it, go somewhere else. There are pleanty worse airlines in the world!

Although my roster is a little boring compared to some airlines, I still only average 3-4 trips per roster, plus one or two Nadi and a scattered Standby. I am not overworked at all! There are issues with regards to particularly long duties, which are being addressed, but things take time.

Sorry for the rant...

2nd Mar 2010, 14:54
hi Libra, i dont know how to private message.. just wondering if you could give me the phone number as i have to start training on March 22nd in Sydney & would love to see if she has a room available.. cheers

2nd Mar 2010, 15:37
:ok:Guys just a bit of info i forgot to mention. If your thinking of commuting forget it. I got offered the job and tried to see if i could commute and its a no go. You have to commit to living/baseing yourself in Sydney. Im a bit disappointed, and so is my cat (who wont like living in Sydney) so alas he has to stay in Melb without me. But i guess you have to make sacrifices. This was my third go at applying, second time with VA, and i had a VB interview in SYD last month(which i didnt get) so all i can say is dont give up. persist persist persist. If you really want the job, one day it will be yours. I went for VA in 2008, and didnt get it, but third time lucky. If anyone is looking for a room mate in SYD or anyone is starting ground school on March 22nd and is relocating, please PVT me and maybe we can find a place together. And to all who didnt get through, please dont give up, as i said it took me my third go before i got the job. And its all happend ever so quickly, so good luck to all, fingers crossed and hope to see you all in the skies sometime soon.. xo

3rd Mar 2010, 04:37

Does anyone have information on how to obtain a Senior First Aid course, also are these easy to pass?

I live in a regional town and cant get onto one?!!?

Is there any online courses anyone is aware of?

3rd Mar 2010, 04:52
I did my First Aid through St John's Ambulance and my Dad did his through QLD Ambulance. It's a two day course, 8 hours a day, and you can't do it online. I'm sure if you call St John's Ambulance, QLD Ambulance (or relevant Ambulance body in your state) you'll be able to find a course near you, or organise one in your area. They're easy to pass.

3rd Mar 2010, 11:30
Hey Everyone :)

Have my assessment day next week on Wednesday 9th March for V Australia......really excited and pumped!

Do you think successful applicants from this day will be in GS starting 22 March? Seems like it is quite last minute if so??

How did everyone else go on assessment day?

3rd Mar 2010, 18:54
Hi Bjork

Just got the call too...really excited to begin training. Relocating to Sydney from the Gold Coast. Have been looking at renting a room in Maroubra, Bondi, Bronte...want to be near the beach. There are lots to choose from, but open to renting an appartment in the eastern suburbs..had a look on realestate.com.au and nice apartments $400-$450 per week.


4th Mar 2010, 01:15
Hi Guys,

I was invited for a interview but I am holiday was unable to attend:(

Feeling quite sick about it all actually.

Does anyone know when they maybe recruiting again?


Another question

Does anyone know what the height requirement is? Im 5.5???

4th Mar 2010, 18:40
Hi Bjork
Thanks for your message. I have found a room that's really great,flying to Sydney to have a look. It's 5 mins Coogee and perfect for me.

I'll let you know if i take it...looking promising though.

Looking forward to catching up training week :-)

5th Mar 2010, 13:27
Hi everyone,

Just had a phone interview with V Australia today and scored a spot at a Recruitment Day on March 11 in Sydney, which I'm quite happy about! :}

However, I have one do-I/don't-I question regarding my grooming/presentation for the day; the tie!

I know that a lot of people say that you can never really be over-dressed for a job interview and that wearing a tie wouldn't be a negative, but in the case of the Virgin Group and infact the same at Jetstar, staff and company executives all go with the open-collar no-tie approach to go with that more laid-back culture.

Would wearing a tie to the RD perhaps be a bit too 'stiff' for the Virgin recruiters? Or is V Australia looking for that more professional look being a full-service airline?

Whilst I'm preparing myself with all the work examples, scenario questions and spiels I need to have ready for the day, I thought I'd put this question to the forum for any current V crew to answer/suggest, or infact anyone! :ok:

Thanks! :cool:

5th Mar 2010, 22:50
I have been at the training centre for a few weeks now and I have yet to see any of the V Australia trainees in a tie. In fact most of the current trainees are wearing Jeans and TShirts to training! (I'm DJ Crew).

I wouldn't suggest going to that extreme however!!! I would wear smart business attire without a tie so you don't look too uptight but still showing some respect (IMHO). Good luck!!!

6th Mar 2010, 05:28
haha why am i not surprised to hear they have dropped the base for newbies. typical rubbish to expect from this company, and expecting the newbies to not know any better. they make a profit, yet drop the base. brilliant. :ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh:

6th Mar 2010, 06:13
If your thinking of commuting forget it. I got offered the job and tried to see if i could commute and its a no go. You have to commit to living/baseing yourself in Sydney.

This is not true - I've been commuting since I began with VA and so do almost 50% of the crew (the majority from SEQ but also some from MEL and other capital cities).

The only barrier could potentially be cost (I'm a FM so on a higher base salary) as you will need to cough up the cost of the odd overnight in SYD and some staff travel fares now & then.

6th Mar 2010, 19:02
Hey team JQboy. In reply to your enquiry, i agree with the post re dont wear a tie just smart casual. ie suit & a nice shirt. V does seem to be quite chilled & cool, and a tie could project a certain degree of stuffiness. I was at a recruitment day in FEB and i DIDNT wear a tie, & i got the job (yay me) so not wearing a tie is not going to impede your chances of getting the job. Its the confidence and personality, & teamwork that they are judging you on, not whether you are wearing a tie or not.. Just make sure that you are well dressed in business attire, with a nicely ironed business shirt on. Take your personality & best of luck

7th Mar 2010, 03:29
Hi.. Bjork..

I am also one of the successful candidates for 22nd march VA ground school..

have you received any packages from VA yet? I am still waiting and I haven't even done the US VISA.. a bit paranoid about it..

just wondering if you got anything yet?

soo excited!!!

I can't wait to start!!!

Mr Seatback 2
7th Mar 2010, 10:31
Well it's been a LONG time since I posted...

but I'm in the 22nd March school too.

Only thing I've received so far is the workbook and V product brochure - no forms or contract yet (but I understand there's been a bit of a backlog).

I'll be seeing you all then! 15 days and counting...


7th Mar 2010, 18:27
YAY!! can't wait!!

I haven't even received the brochure yet.

so at least I know im not the only one.. without the paperwork.

will be looking forward to meeting you on the 22nd!!

are you driving or public transport to the training centre?

been trying to figure out online how to get there from Mascot or Green Square station.. do you know any bus routes that gets to the training centre?

7th Mar 2010, 21:36
309 and 310 go past Green Sq then down Botany Rd and run every 20 minutes. Getting on or off at Green Sq station is quite a bit more expensive because its (absurdly) classed as an airport stop. Cheaper option to get off at Redfern and the 309/310 both go from across the road from the station. It will add 15-20 minutes on to your journey taking the cheaper option.

Some of the buses are prepaid only so get a monthly travelcard that covers the train and bus.

8th Mar 2010, 16:02
hey guys.. to all in GS on March 22nd.. maybe we can catch up on the weekend before we start.. at least all of us on here will know each other on first day. I scored a room to rent in Botany, only 15 minutes walk from the training center so thats all worked out well. ive only recieved the training letter & work book, havent got the contract yet. Has anyone done the U.S visa application yet. I got on the website the other day & it looked so hard then it crashed. oops. Must get onto it because we need to do it or least have appointment by the time we start GS. anyone in GS March 22, PVT me and maybe we can swap numbers & try and do coffee on the weeken before we start:ok:

8th Mar 2010, 19:36
I haven't received the training book yet. how much are you paying for rent in botany?? is it expensive?

10th Mar 2010, 03:27
Hi There

I know there has been some recent discussion on salary and wanted to know if anyone was at the recent recruitment day and know what the go is?

I have heard $32,000 or 39,000 plus allowences

10th Mar 2010, 07:06
From phone interview, under the impression the basic is $37,500 plus allowances.

Wondering how everone got on at the assessment today?

Have mine tomorrow... :eek:

10th Mar 2010, 08:05
Assessment Day today was alot of fun!

The recruiters were great and went out of their way to make everyone feel comfortable and relaxed.

The only advise I can give is to seriously just go in being 100% yourself, don't put on an act or anything to try and portray the type of person you THINK they are looking for because they will see straight through it and will pick up on those people who seem as if they are trying too hard. Just be yourself, be honest in your interview questions and try not to be nervous because there really is nothing to be nervous about.......its a really fun day and you will meet some really nice people.


Mr Seatback 2
10th Mar 2010, 08:22
Hey guys,

Got all my forms and stuff yesterday to fill out, as did another friend of mine.
One word of advice with the US Visa:


The application system is very buggy, and the server takes its time, which means that you run out of your '20 minute session' very quickly. Also, make sure you read the info on photo's BEFORE you start. Save yourself some time and stress!

Salary quoted so far is $37500. I've since heard that might be reduced, but it's all rumours right now, and I've yet to hear of anyone actually being offered $32K.

RE: buses - in the morning peak time, the 309 becomes the L09 Limited Stops service, FYI. That's according to the transport info website.

Good luck everyone and see you on the day - if not before!

10th Mar 2010, 10:03
The training centre is on Lord Street Botany, the buses drop you right outside the entrance to Lord Street then its about a 10 minute walk to the training centre.

Its harder to get there from Mascot Station, Green Square is better but more expensive and Redfern is cheaper but takes a bit longer on the bus.

From Mascot Station you would have to catch two buses the 400 to Botany Road and then the 309/310

10th Mar 2010, 19:08
Hey Mr Seatback 2

How did you go with the photo for US visa and where did you get it done?
Only got my package yesterday and am trying to get the visa appointment date happening.

Appreciate any info.

Cheers :confused:

11th Mar 2010, 01:42
hey dont stress..

mine was a drama i had few problems with my package manage to get it all sorted out..

applied for visa yesterday and emailed for earlier date.. got it for today.. and did it all.. and it was easy.. took 30mins... or less than that..

receive visa by next week.. very fast process! (i thought it would take longer).

cant wait to start! looking forward to meet you guys.. lulu, bjork and setback :)

11th Mar 2010, 05:54
Happy Training Everyone

I couldnt make the interview on Tuesday but hope to next time!!

Good Luck everyone

Mr Seatback 2
11th Mar 2010, 07:42
Hey guys

With the photo, I happened to have some passport photos from last year...I scanned one of those, brightened it up, and hey presto! The visa system liked it (I look like I've been charged with something, but clearly not enough to alert the Feds).

You can either:
1) Take a passport photo (or an old one that looks recent), scan it, and use it like I did; or
2) Get passport photos done at the MLC centre (there's a list on the website of permitted places they use), and just attach a photo manually - doesn't HAVE to be electronic, but it makes life easier for them.

If your electronic photo DOESN'T work (the system will reject it if it doesn't like it), make sure that:
1) It's below 240kb (and roughly above 150kb for decent quality and size)
2) in JPEG format only
3) It's sufficiently bright with enough contrast to highlight your features. Use a sharpen feature in Photoshop, or similar, if needed.
My photo got rejected because it was deemed 'out of focus'...brightening and sharpening it *a bit* worked.

Hope this helps!

* REMEMBER to photocopy your Australia Post receipt BEFORE handing it in *


14th Mar 2010, 22:56
Hey everyone...

It's been a bit quiet on this thread lately so I just thought I would ask if anyone has heard anything about any new ground schools going through? (other than the one that starts on the 22nd of this month)

Had my references checked but was told they are waiting on approval for another ground school....... so waiting very patiently but just thought I would put the feelers out to see if anyone has any info they would like to share. Feel free to PM me if you prefer.

Thanks guys and good luck to all those lucky ones starting on the 22nd, I'm sure you will all be fabulous! :ok:

17th Mar 2010, 12:37
Hi everyone, just new here.

I'm not sure if anyone would be able to answer my question but I applied for the V Australia recruitment drive in Feb and was phone interviewed 2 weeks ago.

I haven't heard anything as of yet.
Am I being paranoid thinking I have missed out or will I have to continue being a bit more patient?

20th Mar 2010, 03:30
hey, i got my contract on Thursday.. did the visa application last week, khad the interview on tuesday & got my passport with the visa in it the next day.. thank god, cos i flew out on friday for sydney.. i didnt go anywhere to get my photo taken.. i just used my camera and did it at home... my hsemate helped me.. she photoshopped my pic & the online application accepted it.. thank god.. anyways lookin foward to meetin on Monday... anyone want to meet up bfore hand for a coffee, just private me & we can tee something up

yeh rent is rather high.. im paying $240 pw.. i think the guy im sharing with is ripping me off.. hopin there might be someone, or a few people in GS that are lookin to share.. i would have gone somewhere near the beach but i dont have a car up here in sydney so i had to find somewhere in Botany that was close to the training facility... i sooo hope some of the guys who have relocated are lookin for a roomie cos i moved into this house without having looked at it, and although the room is big, i think im been ripped off.. i sooo want to move somewhere a bit more lively.. i went for a walk today to familiarise myself with the area & it took me ages to find a cafe... please, please , i hope someone on here in my GS is looking for a roomie.. fingers crossed

20th Mar 2010, 04:39
Actually $240 pw is standard share accom in that area. Anywhere near the airport is much more expensive than a little way out. You might want to look at Wooli Creek for close to the airport, you can walk to Int from there, no need to catch anything. And Wooli Creek is just one big housing estate so it wouldn't be hard for a few of you together and rent a nice new apartment there. They have some cafes but it's hardly a lifestyle suburb on the plus side it's on the rail line so you have easy access to anywhere else unlike Botany.

Expect to pay around $250pw for anything decent in share accom in Sydney. Kind of ironic when you can rent on your own for about $50 a week more...:rolleyes:

20th Mar 2010, 09:54
Bjork i got all your messages, yeah i'm paying $215 week and i share with my housemate in hurstville.. $430 a week + bills for a 2 bedroom 2 bathroom apartment.

we're looking at moving after ground school.. hopefully we will find something cheaper..

yeah i was stressing about the visa and contract before and kept calling the head office for the paperwork as i was worried, but managed to get everything done last week! :)

don't worry too much atm at least you got somewhere to stay.. I don't have a car also so its hard to get around but im sure there will be a few people in our ground school who require roomies!

and if thats the case you need to move.. im sure we will all be able to give you a helping hand to move your stuff to your new place! :)

hope you are enjoying Sydney so far! and can't wait to meet our lovely class on monday! :)

have a good day! (last weekend to get rotten! hehehe)

29th Mar 2010, 05:33

I am going to be attending a interview but just thought.

Im 166cm - Which I belive would be tall enough to reach 203cm - Could someone shed some light and let me know if you think I come with in the right height for the position please

29th Mar 2010, 06:31
Hi Engboi...

Yes you will be fine, I got in and I'm only 163cm. At my interview they had a thing stuck to the wall that we had to reach up and touch, that's all. Much easier than QF who make you take off your shoes and measure you old school like they do at the doctors (and they don't let you see it either!)

Good luck for your interview! :ok:

30th Mar 2010, 00:59
Hi guys,

I hope you can help me. I need to organize flights for the recruitment day and was wondering how much time I should allow to get from the airport to the assessment centre in Botany?

Also, I do not drive. In the case that I do get the job, is it possible to live somewhere close to the airport and take some form of public transport to get there? Sounds ridiculous but I don’t have a car!

30th Mar 2010, 04:03
Chinadoll it takes around 20mins by car from the airport to Lord St but allow more incase of traffic and you want to get there a bit early so you can calm yourself for the day.

The airport is on the train line but it is quite expensive. You can catch the bus to the airport they run around every 10 minutes and goes from Bondi Junction through to Burwood via the airport. The map is online here:


Good luck :ok:

30th Mar 2010, 04:50
Hi Guys,

I need to arrange flights.

I have been told over the phone that the interview is the 20th April

Is anyone else attending? or also attending the 20th April?

30th Mar 2010, 05:07

And you work for V Australia and your height is 163cm?

Cheers :)

30th Mar 2010, 05:20
Hi engboi,

I’ve been offered 3 recruitment dates…20th, 21st and 22nd April but haven’t decided yet. Are you at the AM or PM session?

30th Mar 2010, 06:42

I had a phone call about 2 weeks ago and they said I would get a email closer to the date.

Have you had a email?

I'm also 166cm how tall are you? Im worried I will not be tall enough ..LOL

30th Mar 2010, 21:11
Hi engboi

I'm 163 cm and am in training now. It's you arm reach that counts. Don't worry, I'm sure you will make that.


3rd Apr 2010, 21:26
How is that V Australia don't have a base in Brisbane, but do direct BNE - LAX - BNE flights?

4th Apr 2010, 02:05
alot of the V Australia crew actually live in brisbane, and pax to syd/mel for operating duties.

they are also used for bne sectors.

, also crew pax up to bne to operate

4th Apr 2010, 08:43
Do you think it would be worth applying for a Brisbane position and commute to Sydney? I can't imagine it would be that bad if other people seem to do it?

4th Apr 2010, 20:46
Is it worth applying for V Australia in Sydney if I want to stay in Brisbane? I've heard that some people do this - surely it can't be that bad if other people do the whole commuting thing?

Also, does anyone know if VA will open a base in Brisbane?

6th Apr 2010, 00:43
I emailed VA recruitment to ask if they are going to be opening a Brisbane base at all. I got an email back to say that they are "anticipating" it this year.

Should I apply for Sydney to get my foot in the door? Or should I wait for Brisbane? Can you transfer from one base to the other later down the track?

6th Apr 2010, 00:45
With V Australia, are you able to transfer from one base to another, say for eg, if your partner has to move?

6th Apr 2010, 07:04
With V Australia, are you able to transfer from one base to another, say for eg, if your partner has to move?

No-one can answer that question - V Aus currently only has a SYD base so there are no processes in place for base transfers. Be very careful anticipating a base in BNE - there is no guarentee it will ever happen and is very dependent on future routes.

You would assume that they would allow a limited number of SYD based crew to transfer to a new base but the numbers would be limited (otherwise they'd just be butchering their SYD base).

You should be aware that close to 30% of the current crew commute from SEQ to SYD including almost all the FM's, most of the CL's and a decent amount of crew - if/when a BNE base is opened there will be a big queue of people waiting.

If you accept a SYD base you need to be happy with that decision for the long term - I commute from BNE and always have, if a BNE base opens and there was an opportunity for me then I'd be a very happy person but if not I signed on for SYD and I've made a choice to commute and I'm comfortable with that.

7th Apr 2010, 02:30
I will second everything vacc1 said, everything about a future base anywhere other than Sydney is speculation and is in no way assured. Rumours are just that and until something is officially announced I would do as vacc1 says and count on being SYD based for the long term. I have also heard our cabin crew manager say that a MEL base would come before a BNE base, honestly lots of crew commute and seem to handle it just fine. If this is something you are very passionate about then do not let living out of Sydney stop you.

7th Apr 2010, 03:04
Thanks for the heads up vacc1 and cloudtraveller ... how do you both find commuting? Does it interefere with on-call days? Do you end up out of pocket for anything?

Any info you could give me would be great.


P.S. I have gone and put in an app for Sydney.

7th Apr 2010, 03:30
Hi Guys,

I am attending a interview soon and I wanted to ask to see if anyone that may of attended a interview should I wear a tie or not??

Suit with a Tie or suit with a nice shirt?!?!?!?

What did most the guys wear???

Cheers :O

7th Apr 2010, 03:32
I went to a Jetstar one recently and all the guys were wearing ties.

7th Apr 2010, 06:04
I would reccomend a suit and shirt but no tie. Virgin Group is far more casual than other airlines.

I currently work for VB and not a single male wore a tie for any of the interviews or training. VA was training at the same time as us also and they were very casual during training , Jeans and T-Shirt!. I wouldn't reccomend going that casual though. Definitely a suit and shirt to show respect but no tie to show a more relaxed part of your personality.

Good luck!!

16th Apr 2010, 06:04
I withdrew my application for VA SYD, because VB BNE started recruiting, but VA still rang me today anyway for my little interview. Anyways, she didn't say anything at the end of the phone call about the RD. Does that mean I didn't make it?

21st Apr 2010, 06:46
Hi There

Does anyone know what the allowences would be for trips also if this is taxed or not?

21st Apr 2010, 06:49
Got my "thanks but no thanks" email today. I thought I did really well in the interview, I answered everything perfectly ... weird!?

21st Apr 2010, 23:14
Text speak

21st Apr 2010, 23:18
Hi chinadoll, I didn't even get INVITED to an AD ... I meant my phone interview!

22nd Apr 2010, 00:07
Oh I’m sorry to hear…don’t worry, there are other airlines!

Did anyone on this forum attend an assessment day last few days?

22nd Apr 2010, 00:12
Hi Ilani,

Sorry to hear about that, have you tried any of the cabin crew interview companies, there are some really good ones out there and it's really not that expensive ( around $30 ) pm me and I will give you some telephone numbers,


22nd Apr 2010, 00:16
Oh it's cool, no biggie, I'm on active hold with Altara/Jetstar so I'm not worried, I just thought it was weird that I thought I did flawlessly in the phone interview and got nothing LOL!

22nd Apr 2010, 06:06
Yes I did

Morning of the 20th

How about you?

23rd Apr 2010, 03:05
Hi I was hoping someone could help me out.

I have applied for V Australia but am yet to hear anything at all since I applied. I was wondering a couple of things, does anyone know if they are still contacting people?

Also does anyone know what happens if you apply for 2 positions in the Virgin group at once? I would like to apply for VirginBlue if V isn't going ahead but the applications close on Monday so I would have both applications in at once.

Sorry for the long post :)

3rd May 2010, 09:06
Hi everyone,

I had an interview with V Australia for the Syd base a few weeks ago and am just curious to hear if anyone has heard anything?

They said we would hear within 14 days so just eager to hear if anyone has been called?

3rd May 2010, 12:37
Hi flying888,

I wasn't at the recruitment day a few weeks ago, however I was at one back in March, and I was progressed past the interview stage, referee checks and then placed on active hold along with a group of others from the same wave of recruitment I was apart of. Still on hold at the moment, receiving monthly email updates.

So even if/when you hear back, I am guessing you guys would join the hold pool as well, unless they have some ground schools planned to slot everyone into very soon?

3rd May 2010, 13:31
oh ok, how long did it take them to contact you from when you had your interview to when they told you, you had made it to the next round? they did tell us within 14 days but a girl that was also at my RD said she received an email 2 days later saying she had made it through the next stage but she says nothing has happened yet, her referees havent even been called?

Just a bit confused with everything! Hating the waiting game!

But well done to you!!

4th May 2010, 01:29
Hi There Guys,

I attended a interview and had a email saying that I am onto the next stage of the process, guess medical and ref's.

I'm the same as everyone else not heard anymore!!

Must say its annoying, I check my emails every ten minutes.

Also to hear that people have been on hold since March makes me think I could waiting for a while.

4th May 2010, 04:15
You lot are so impatient := It took 7 months for QF to offer me a role after the interview!

4th May 2010, 05:03
haha! Not impatient.. Just wanting to know what is happening that's all! I don't know about anyone else - but a lot of my life is on hold for this job, so just curious about what's happening!

That's great you got a job offer though! Well done!

4th May 2010, 05:15
I know how you feel flying888 - I'm putting a lot of things in my life on hold as well. Although, I'm waiting for hear back from VB. Good luck!

4th May 2010, 06:14
Yes I totally agree it is very life on "hold" at the moment. :)

Hopefully were all be in training shortly :)

5th May 2010, 09:55
I'm sure we'll hear something very soon. Very exciting. I too am in the same position as you. They say patience is a virtue.. Oh and the best things come to those who wait..:ok:

24th May 2010, 08:45
Anyone on the waiting list heard anything yet??

24th May 2010, 10:06
Hi everyone...
I also attended a second interview on the 22nd of April and they said 2 weeks and haven't heard anything.. Dying to know so please let me know if anyone hears anything or if they have checked your references..
I will do the same :8

24th May 2010, 11:16
Hey there,
I went to the RD on the 21st April and received an email on the 23rd to say that I progressed past the Rd day. Then on 21st May I received an email saying I have progress to the final stage, Medical.
You haven't heard anything?

25th May 2010, 02:07
Hi there..
Thank you for your reply. I haven't heard anything! I thought they would lets us know either ways so its pretty stressful! Do you know if others have heard?

28th May 2010, 11:17

Yes there have been a couple of us that have progressed top the medical stage, Did you attend the RD in April?
Qantas are recruiting now for international, if that helps at all..

Kindest Regards

Vspecial1 x

11th Jun 2010, 04:21
Hi there,
Has anyone recently heard from V australia? I'm having my medical this week and was informed of possible GS starting on 26th July!! Yay..
Anyone else at the same stage? PM me.

Kindest Regards

VSpecial1 :p

18th Jul 2010, 08:32
Has anybody heard if V Australia (Virgin Blue Long Haul) has any GS scheduled soon???
I'm up to the medical stage and have been placed on the waitlist...

Is anyone out there at the same stage????

Hopefully something soon:)

19th Jul 2010, 02:53
Hi There,

I attended the recruitment day back in April

Same as you been put on active hold.

They are running a course on the 26th July - Which hopefully means were be next in line.

I hope so anyway

My profile was engboi - but lost my password so set up a new ID when I saw your post.

Did you attened April? I was on the Tuesday one

19th Jul 2010, 08:53
Hi Engboi02,

Was at the recruitment day in April on the Wednesday..

Do you know if the GS was confirmed for the 26th????

I read that the 5th aircraft due to arrive in dec 2010 was cancelled, so hopefully they will still need crew before the end of the year:O

Lots of changes happening at the Virgin Blue Group.....

19th Jul 2010, 10:36

Yes my flat mate was offered V but she got QF so has gone with that but was confirmed to start on the 26th with V.

Im sure we will soon.


20th Jul 2010, 09:38
I can confirm the 26th of July Ground School also. A friend of mine has a place in that school.

No news on any further schools......

21st Jul 2010, 10:32
Thanks HB78 for the info....

Lets hope they need more crew soon....fingers crossed that we get a call within the next couple of months:O

28th Jul 2010, 02:52

I usually get a email at the end of each month so I'm hoping we may here something soon.

A indication of potenial start date would be heaven :)

I seem to be getting more keen as the days go by!!!

28th Jul 2010, 09:39
Maybe the next email update will give us some more positive news.....
One can only hope.....

29th Jul 2010, 01:31
Agree :)

I looked at the dates of when my emails come through and I will be due for one tomorow or Monday.

So exciting though regardless :)

Im guessing but I think we will hear in 4 weeks for a start date late Sep/Oct

29th Jul 2010, 01:48
I feel the same :)

It would be great to get confirmation soon. :)

26th Aug 2010, 23:44
Is there any truth to the rumours that they will eventually open up a VA base in BNE?

3rd Sep 2010, 09:16
To all those who are so keen and eager to work for V Australia good luck, but beware. I was once as eager and keen to work for VA however i gave up a role with another airline to jump onboard with VA. Well let me tell you they are certainly not all they are cracked up to be. During training they parade all their managers through telling you that they are there to support you in every way, shape and form. I experienced none of this, i am still employed by VA, however am looking to move to a REAL international airline. Management is full of bullies that all have their agenda and there is a dobbing culture within VA where crew are encouraged to rat out their fellow crew. their is no comraderie within the company and the lack of support that is not forthcoming is most disappointing and disheartening. No matter what they say or how much they may claim to be a supportive and professional company, i have to say that VA would have to be the worst company that i have ever worked for. So for all those hopefulls and wannabe's out there that are hoping to work for VA please think long and hard if you are looking to leave a current cabin crew role to work for VA. Its the biggest let down and disappointment i have ever experienced working for a company and i regret the day i left my previous employer. Oh and as of February they will only be flying to L.A and Abu Dhabi ( not the most exciting and varied places for a supposed international airline). Its just such a shame that Mr Bransons visions and culture has been waylaid by a group of greedy power hungry managers:=

9th Sep 2010, 01:23
At the moment l've been told it's like rat's leaving a sinking ship...Management must go (ccdm's) someone told me and JB is on the case....:ok:

9th Sep 2010, 03:15

Anyone else on active hold and know or any up and coming GS?


9th Sep 2010, 09:23
hiya, i was just accepted as VA crew and the next ground school starts on 11 October. SO excited! :)

10th Sep 2010, 04:11
When did you apply tigerpoppy?

10th Sep 2010, 07:37
about march maybe? did phone interview and was invited to the recruitment day, was advised id progressed to the next stage but then got stuck on a waiting list.

last week thursday they called and asked if i still wanted to progress and if so they'd do my ref checks. on monday they called again to ask if i could go have a medical done which i did on tuesday and before id even got home from the medical centre they'd rung and offered me the job.

So i guess its kind of a slow process up til when they've got a space for you and then it moves really fast!!!

10th Sep 2010, 08:39

10th Sep 2010, 09:35

usually at the end of the phone interview they invite you to a RD day, but
either way you will get an email within the week.

hope that helps

harriet the spy
1st Oct 2010, 03:33
Hey all!

Has anyone been accepted into a V Aus recruitment ground school in late october?

1st Oct 2010, 09:19
Hi harriet the spy,
Have not heard of any new GS at this stage....hopefully another one will be scheduled in early to mid November.
A friend of mine was confirmed in the 11th Oct GS, and I'm still waiting for the call :hmm:
Are you on the active hold list?
When did you apply?
Hopefully something soon :)

harriet the spy
4th Oct 2010, 01:56
Hi There,

I had my medical on Monday but still haven't heard anything! What about you??

Hopefully soon :)

4th Oct 2010, 07:34
hi harriet - i start ground school next monday the 11th - fingers crossed you hear from them soon! :)

13th Nov 2010, 11:33
I see V is recruiting again for the Sydney base. Is this still the only base they have? Or is there a Melbourne and Brisbane base now too? Forgive me, I've been living under the regional rock for much of 2010!

14th Nov 2010, 08:57
Sydney Base only :)

1st Dec 2010, 07:01
Anyone else be at the afternoon slot Thurs next week??

2nd Dec 2010, 05:34
Hi all, I'm new to this forum.

My name is Kaan I'm 17 years old from Melbourne and I just had some questions regarding flight attendant jobs.

I'm just wondering if someone like me has any chance at all of being successful for the job. I haven't completed VCE and I don't have any certificates, I only have 6 months customer service experience at a supermarket.

I would like to apply in 6 months when I'm 18 for airlines such as Tiger, Virgin and Jetstar but I'm really unsure what to expect. From what I read here it sounds really hard to get in.

Thanks, hopefully I can get some advice.

2nd Dec 2010, 12:19
Can someone give me a complete list of VA's destinations? I looked on their website but I'm a bit unclear about everywhere they go because I'm getting confused between what they offer and what their partners offer. For example, I thought that they only went to LA in North America but I saw a list on their website that also includes Boston, Atlanta etc. Do they also fly to these places, or is this the work of Virgim America or Delta?

I thought they just went to LA, Johannesburg, Fiji and Phuket, but am I wrong?

Is it also true that they're thinking of opening a Perth base to better serve South Africa?

2nd Dec 2010, 12:59
VA are only the destinations you've listed. Partner airlines do the US connections

2nd Dec 2010, 22:32

take Fiji OFF the destination list - they no longer fly there.:{

2nd Dec 2010, 22:50
From February they will also no longer fly to South Africa or Thailand but will begin flying to Abu Dhabi.

There is a rumour of a new destination to be announced, possible a new Asian destiantion.

3rd Dec 2010, 03:02
Gosh, so you'd only ever be flying to LA and Abu Dhabi? That's it? I mean I love LA, but still I'd want a bit of variety. I want to leave charter because we only ever go to the same 5 places there.

The new Asian destination is probably going to be Japan right?

3rd Dec 2010, 05:02
Japan would be nice but can't confirm or deny

3rd Dec 2010, 07:28
LA & Abu Dhabi ... hello ... two most awesome destinations I can think of!

5th Dec 2010, 03:17
I work as domestic crew for Virgin and I doubt they will add more destinations in the near future as V are still losing money. They are relying on the tie up with Etihad to make some serious $$ to the bottom line. They are also looking for an Asian partner to tie up with as well so if you join now, you will most likely be doing LA and Abu Dhabi for some time, which are both around 14 hour flights, plus add on a few more hours for sign on, sign off and transport times. I heard from a friend who's partner is at V that the hotel in Abu Dhabi is over two hours away and it's a similar transport time with the hotel in LA.

5th Dec 2010, 08:15
So VA will be flying to Abu Dhabi and then using EY to fly pax to Europe etc?? I am confused because EY already fly into Australia.... I have an upcoming assessment day next week & am starting to think twice with the Phuket & Jnb routes being scrapped...

5th Dec 2010, 14:04
Hi everyone,

I have just received an invitation to attend an Assessment Session with Virgin Blue (or V Australia, not sure which one it is. I applied for V Aus, but got the email from Virgin Blue).

They said that its not a general invitation to everyone interested but rather i have been chosen after close inspection of my online application.

I'm very excited but am a little concerned about my age - 38. I didn't have the year of birth on my resume, just my day and month. So if anyone knows if they have a cut-off age, that would be great to know, so i wont waste my time getting the rsa and snr first aid certificate beforehand.

Also, can anyone offer some insight into what happens at the assessment day?

6th Dec 2010, 01:10
Dont worry Debbie there were people over 38 (including myself!) on my training course

6th Dec 2010, 01:50
Thanks so much somewhereat1l... i feel so much better now!!!

So you mentioned it was a training day... does that mean you got through the group assessment session and was accepted??? Congratulations if you made it...thats so exciting. Can you give me any idea of what to expect at the asessment session???

28th Dec 2010, 03:43

Read the first sticky thread at the top of this forum.

24th Jan 2011, 07:16
Hey Debbieieitaly, age does not matter. I was second oldest in my training group at 41, and there was someone in my group who was in late 40's. They employ for attitude not age. To set a couple of things straight that i have read from wannabes, firstly they will only be flying to L.A and Dhubai, Joburg & Phuket is been scrapped come Feb 2011 (so only 2 destinations) and believe me its quite boring once you have been to the same place about 20 times. Secondly, not sure where hotel in Dhubai is, but travel time from L.A airport to hotel is approx 45 min - 1 hour.
V Australia is not all they are cracked up to be. They parade just about everyone bar the janitor through the door during training, telling you and promising you the world, ie support understanding etc, but its a CROCK. The management dont really give a crap about the cabincrew, the ones they do care about or pay any interest in are the ones who are in the office all the time, dobbing in & ratting out all the other cabin crew. They say in training that this is not true and that promotion is based on achievement but i have been at V for over a year & it has the worst culture in regards to what they promise & what they actually deliver.:=
Oh and they have a department called CCOS which are all former cabin crew. They are supposed to be there to help & support the cabin crew, but when you ring them they ask you for your staff number o& then everything you say is recorded & sent to your manager. I know because i had some problems with a Flight Manager and a particulary bad flight & my manager was NO SUPPORT at all. This company has some fantastic cabin crew, but BEWARE, there are a lot of dobbers online, who will tell your manager if you even say anything remotely negative about another cabin crew member or Cabin Leader or Flight Manager. I left a low cost domestic carrier, ha any guesses who, and i gotta say that i regreat the day i ever left them to work at VA.. BIG MISTAKE. They were much more supportive than VA have ever been. Oh and the CCDMs get on here just to see whats been said, cos they have nothing better to do than sit on there fat bhinds and try to find fault with individuals. Some of the best Crew that i work with are on first written warnings, or first and final written warnings for the most trivial stuff... I WOULD STEER CLEAR OF WORKING FOR THIS AIRLINE.... THEY SUCK:=

7th Apr 2011, 22:21
I was wondering if anyone who works for VAustralia know when they may be hiring again? I have looked at their website and know there is nothing there at the moment. Thanks for any information. :)

23rd May 2011, 09:07

Read the first sticky thread at the top of this forum.