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I Just Want To Fly
27th Jul 2008, 03:28
for those of us not from VB, is that a good thing or a bad thing?

Is he warm and fuzzy, or cold and nasty?

27th Jul 2008, 03:55
Both, in a strange kind of way

27th Jul 2008, 06:01
You may like to have a look at this video...seems to be a little sneak peak at the Products like the seats etc that we haven't seen before..

YouTube - V Australia Mathias (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6o-Jk6RMZi8)

27th Jul 2008, 08:32
Hey again,

Am curious to know what those of you who will relocate to SYD plan to do for accommodation? Renting? Buying? Sharing?

chicken or fish 2
28th Jul 2008, 08:16
Thanks for the warning Dixsons-son....

28th Jul 2008, 08:26
that must be very frustrating for your friend to wait 2 months.... knowing that other people are going to the recruitment days and finding out within 1 week they did not get in.... and waiting 2 months and then finding out? Ah I would be annoyed about that! What can you do though?
As regards to the accommodation link..... there is good priced accommodation around.... I have a share house as well as some of my friends who mange houses. Rent is around $150-$200 a week sharing with 2-3 others .... if you get in I can provide some pointers on where to look and if I have anyone looking at that time.

28th Jul 2008, 19:35

wow what a great forum - thanks to everyone for their contributions - lots of information there for me.

I applied to V for a cc role - in the last round, and got an offer to attend VRD day in Syd on july 23. I could not make that date so did not reply (as the email suggested and would still get an invite to the next one).

Monday was the cut off day for RSVP - on the Friday afternoon I got a suprise phone call from recruitement to see if I was was still interested.

Of course - says I - a little confused and I had followed the email to the letter, anyone all is still good - the next VRD day is sometime in August and I will get an invite for that.

Will keep you all posted and good luck to everyone.

The destinations look great


28th Jul 2008, 21:56
Hi Len,

good to see somebody else on this forum who is closer to my age.

I believe the RD in Aug is 16th. Same day as one in Melb which I hope to get an invite to.

Good luck (and to everyone) and keep in touch.

I Just Want To Fly
29th Jul 2008, 03:06
Bring on the more mature crew!

I'm sick of working with all 18-20 year olds who can't even legally drink when we go for a night out in LAX! I'm only 28, and often find that I am on of the oldest on a crew of 14!

No offence to the 19 year olds!

29th Jul 2008, 03:14
I'm sure both Len and I appreciate your reply/support

29th Jul 2008, 04:07
Nice to know we are welcome. I turned 40 yesterday and life is good!! Good luck to all those waiting here, me too, still checking for that medical email. And a big yahoo to those who have received the yes one.. To those just starting enjoy yourselves and good luck....:)

chicken or fish 2
29th Jul 2008, 08:12
Welcome to the forum Pesky1, Rmondo and Our001...

Has anyone heard any good/bad news this week?

The first round of medicals are due this Friday and I think a high % of these would have been internal VB staff so I'm sure a lot of us will be in the next round. Wishful thinking...lol

And I heard a rumour a V Melbourne base is planned for 2010.

29th Jul 2008, 08:57
Nothing..... my phone range today and I missed it.... from a private number! Was on the edge of my chair.... then the message come through... my friend calling from work wanting to have lunch! Ah I felt like a bit of a pickle lol... no news is good news though!

The wait is unbearable.... and knowing that some people are getting a thanks but no thanks email and call makes it more nerve racking!

Have not heard anything re the Melbourne base.... will check on travel daily.... they usually have good updates (true or not true!)

I can't check the forum at work and it is killing me waiting till I get home to check and then find out no one has any news! I will def be getting on the forum as soon as I hear from them and sharing the good or bad news (hope not)!

Good luck everyone.....

29th Jul 2008, 09:00
Anyone heard anything on the BNE base idea?

Have just heard that someone from V has told someone in domestic cc management that there is going to be a BNE base ... still unconfirmed obviously, but a positive at the least! Surely it would make sense to have crew based out of BNE for the BNE LAX flights, rather than paxing crew up the night and providing accommodation etc. I guess it depends on further new route announcements... hopefully there's more soon !

I Just Want To Fly
30th Jul 2008, 09:02
From the grapevine, BNE base is not a matter of if, just when.

I also heard about a W pattern from someone who has going to be FM...


That's a 10 night trip! OMG! Can you imagine how shattered you would be!

A few airlines do this which have hubs, without crew. It saves money on paxing crew and accommodation.

Obviously all galley FM!

But then again, so was JNB...

30th Jul 2008, 09:36
Thanks guys for the support - us older folk have street smarts and can make decisions on the spot based on common sense, along with a great work ethic.
After being around the world in the job market - this makes us better employees.

I have always worked with younger people and love them, they keep me young.

Waiting for my next email.

That work pattern looks ok - 10 days away at a time is good. That 75 hours or so in 10 days - means lots of days off - only got to do 45 more hours to meet the target for the month. Yes you might sleep most of the time you are in Brisvegas or LAX but hey thats ok.


30th Jul 2008, 09:45
That's a 10 night trip! OMG! Can you imagine how shattered you would be!

I think this "may" be what they will do initially. The website does say you may be away from home for upto 21 days per month, so this ties in.

31st Jul 2008, 03:34
Hi Guys,
I just found this thead. A friend of mine who is external Virgin Blue got a job offer the other day. He starts in September for training. Needless to say he is over the moon. He doesnt know much else, they are sending out all the info. He was with another international airline. goodluck to everyone in every stage. like you guys, he said the wait was terrible. had his rd in may. :ok:

31st Jul 2008, 07:29
They are coming!

chicken or fish 2
31st Jul 2008, 08:55
Congratulations "Iwannaflyla".....that's great news....I'm so happy for you...:D

Did anyone else hear??

I'm still waiting but getting very excited now that people from this thread are getting phone calls.

Good luck to everyone waiting...

chicken or fish 2
31st Jul 2008, 11:51
Congratulations to those who have one of the 260 cabin crew positions:
Jimmyroo (April VRD) (GS 1st Sept Brisbane)
Franji (FRIEND) (GS 15th Sept Sydney)

Well done to those who are at the medical stage:
Trolley Dolly (May VRD)
Iwannaflyla (June VRD)
Maeson (July VRD)
Dixons-son (Mate!)
Sapolski (Juky VRD)
I Just Want To Fly (March VRD)
Chicken or Fish (May VRD)
Pesky1 (July VRD)

As far as I can tell the following people are waiting for the medical phone call/email. Have any of the following people heard some good news in the last few days? We'd love to hear your good news....

Airborne Soon (March VRD)
Jetstream Surfer (June VRD)
Galaxy Girl (April VRD)
Rocketscience (May VRD)
Vozz (May VRD)
Wings Girl (July VRD)
Cabin Crew Wannabe (July VRD)
Our001 (July VRD)
Cherry (August VRD)
Anstar (August VRD)

31st Jul 2008, 23:01
Hi ChickenorFish...

I had my medical on the 18th July and still waiting to hear the final yay!!! Hopefully it will come soon, like everyone else I get excited when the phone rings and then disappointed when it's not them...

I imagine they will have to let us know soon. I was told a September 1 training start, and they're not leaving much room for me to relocate to Sydney.

1st Aug 2008, 02:19
Just an FYI, they started officially offering jobs to internals on Wednesday, however, strangely enough , still could not provide any information on working conditions, or even which city they will be training in!

1st Aug 2008, 06:04
My friend starts training in sydney on 15 september - external applicant, he was offered the job on wednesday. Exciting times ahead ...

chicken or fish 2
1st Aug 2008, 06:34
Congratulations Jimmyroo.....that's great news...I'm very happy to hear that you are one step away from your dream job....You must be soooooo excitied...:D

For others waiting I'm sure we will all hear something very soon. It's good to know I'm not the only one waiting......

Has anyone else heard anything?

1st Aug 2008, 06:45
Hi Chicken or Fish,

Just after I posted I got the call!!! Start the 1st September in BNE!!

Good luck everyone!!!

chicken or fish 2
1st Aug 2008, 06:58

You are the FIRST one (from this forum) to get a job as cabin crew on V Australia...You should be very proud of yourself....Thousands applied and you have one of the 260 cabin crew positions.....I'm sooooo happy for you!

I Just Want To Fly
1st Aug 2008, 07:27
Congrats JimmyRoo!

Is that the FM course?

A guy I know is starting 1st September I think, he is FM.

All the best.

To everyone else: I can't believe we are still waiting! LOL!

How much longer do you guys think we should wait before calling them just to make sure you haven't slipped through the cracks..?

I'm starting to stress, cause my Sydney contract ends 11 October. If they don't extend the contract, then I have to go back to LHR! Plus I can't live on this salary much longer! $27K!!!:sad:

I Just Want To Fly
1st Aug 2008, 07:32
Oh PS:
I heard that the training facilities in SYD are not ready yet, so everything has been delayed. Crew who are training in BNE are being given the go ahead first.

1st Aug 2008, 09:29
What great news!!! Well done on getting into the 260!!! I'm still waiting hopefully like the rest! FIngers crossed to all and hope we hear soon...:D

4th Aug 2008, 01:48
Hi guys,

I know how excited you must be as you receive your calls about start dates etc...and might I add, well done!!

I have a friend who has received their contract and all I can say is you MUST have someone who is in the industry already and knows what sort of conditions and rules that should apply to a position like this read over it for you BEFORE you sign it!

Having flown for many years, I can honestly say it is NOT something that I would be signing without some serious changes (both to conditions and salary).

Some of the more interesting points include;

*Your base salary is it - nothing more (no overtime, flying/sector pay) no matter how many hours your duty blows out to.
*The company can provide you with an actual meal INSTEAD of your overnight allowances (so you can only bank on only receiving your base salary - ever!)
*10 sick days per year(no URTI days)

Just to name a few......

It is an individual contract, however, so you are within your rights to 'negotiate' these terms and conditions.

Good luck all.

4th Aug 2008, 02:36
No overnight allowances? It better be a very nice meal then...what about breakfast? :eek: The more I hear about this the more I think better of short haul. You can always visit exotic destinations on your holidays...

4th Aug 2008, 03:26
*The company can provide you with an actual meal INSTEAD of your overnight allowances (so you can only bank on only receiving your base salary - ever!)

Gosh, why does this not surprise me at all! So typical.

What other crazy conditions are written into this contract? Will be interesting to see the minimum layover times, and also crew rest times onboard - no doubt they will rob us with that too! :ok:

4th Aug 2008, 11:13
I got an email from V Australia today to confirm I have a passport with 42 months validity before they will send me the letter of offer..... I am about to apply for a new passport and was wondering do they stamp in LA for cabin crew? Should I get standard passport or the one with the extra pages?

Thanks in advance:)

4th Aug 2008, 21:29
Yes you need to provide proof of these on the day. A friend of mine enrolled and took the letter that it was within 2 weeks. Then when she did not make it through she cancelled it. There are some companies that allow you to pay on the day foor RSA and first aid.... try and book one of these that way you can get out of it without any money spent shall you not get through.

Good luck:)

4th Aug 2008, 22:34
I know the newbies to flying are all very excited to get any job at all, but seriously after a couple of sectors you'll understand how hard these conditions will be and satisfaction will wane very quickly. Overnight allowances are there for a reason, you need the money to ensure you are rested and fed well. It's not a bonus. And it's not as if you can take your own meals with you to have at the other end. Airline meals (no matter how "healthy") just aren't a replacement for real food. Do you want to be living on curry and rice for your entire career? I wouldn't.:yuk: And if you are vego or gluten intolerant watch out because they may not load enough of these special diet meals onboard.

chicken or fish 2
5th Aug 2008, 06:38
I agree 100% with what you are saying Airbourne soon....but the post by DBXGIRL3194 states they are "a friend" so maybe they just heard the V "conditions" via the grapevine (lets hope so...lol).

I was told during the VRD that we would be getting a $10,000 - $12,000 allowance....they even stated "crew will also receive a subsistence allowance for each night spent away from home".When Dixsons-son posted the allowance example it added up to this amount.

Dixsons-son may also be correct when they state that it may just be a meal on board plus your allowance and DBXGIRL3194 may have got the information mixed up....(lets hope so)

DBXGIRL3194....We'd love to see a copy of the document....It will be very intresting reading for all of us.

5th Aug 2008, 08:34
I hope so too.

I Just Want To Fly
5th Aug 2008, 15:36

Everyone will need to obtain a crew visa. the company will(should) sort this out.

The crew visa will include an entry slip (like the old fashioned library card that used to be in the back of books), US immigration stamp the date upon each entry. this slip is stapled with your crew visa inside your passport, and means that you don't have to get an actual big stamp, and therefore saves your pages. They don't always stamp it though. depends on who you get. I have operated at least 50 times to the US, and today I only count 11 US date stamps from US immigration.

None of the countries I have operated have ever stamped my passport at all, some don't even look at your passport, simply the Gen Dec and your ID. The only stamps I got whilst working was if I dead headed outbound, and operated inbound.

Even the US often doesn't stamp the slip. .

I Just Want To Fly
5th Aug 2008, 15:40
friend from Virgin emailed this to me to keep my spirits high during this long wait...

hope it lifts yours too...:)

YouTube - V-Australia (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rrlS5IJiI2s)

chicken or fish 2
6th Aug 2008, 06:40
Just found this information for V Australia pilots (on the recruitment website) so cabin crew should be similar (fingers crossed) for number 4, 6 and 7...

4. What will the overnight allowances be and in what currency?

Overnight and meal allowances will be determined by the People department, using criteria specific to the hotel and its location, in combination with the Australian Tax Office guidelines. It is envisaged that allowances will be paid in Australian dollars to your nominated bank account, fortnightly in arrears, based on actual duties performed and at the prevailing applicable exchange rates.

6. What will be the length of patterns to West Coast USA?

Estimated pattern lengths to LAX are initially expected to be of 5 days duration. i.e. departing late on Day 1, and arriving back in Sydney early on Day 5, with 2 local nights off in LA.

7. What is the payment frequency of the 5% individual incentive bonus and the company profit share bonus?

The bonuses will be paid annually, on a date to be advised.

Did anyone hear anything today??

6th Aug 2008, 07:34
awww C or F... I saw you had posted and thought you might of been telling us that you had got the 'yes' email....

I'm sure it wont be far away guys.... :}


chicken or fish 2
6th Aug 2008, 07:39
No news is good news (I hope)....I read your "good news" post yesterday Breeza...congratulations on getting through to the next stage with VB....you must be really happy.....we may bump into each other during training...

6th Aug 2008, 08:02
Hi to all! Still no news hoping that we hear soon. Has anyone else had an invitation to a medical yet?:)

6th Aug 2008, 08:53
I had my medical today and all went well..... no to waiting game again!

I hope you all hear soon.... I don't think it will be long now.....

Good luck to those that have made it this far.....

chicken or fish 2
6th Aug 2008, 09:20
That's great news Iwannaflyla....you should hear very very soon....I'm so excited for you...you must be on cloud 9...lol...It only took Jimmyroo 2 weeks from the medical to the "yes" phone call so you won't be waiting much longer.

I can't wait to hear from them....my heart skips a beat every time the phone rings...

6th Aug 2008, 09:25
I felt like that last week.... it was a relief to hear from them in the end! You will hear soon.... They might be doing them in alphabetical order or something! Who knows!

Thank you to everyone that replied re the passport! I am going to apply for the smaller one! Saves me around $100!!

6th Aug 2008, 11:23
that was what I was thinking about the shopping lol!

6th Aug 2008, 13:16
QF used to work out the allowances based on what food costs in the restaurant of the nominated crew hotel.

So if breakfast costs $30
a club sandwich and salad $25
and a steak salad for dinner is $65

your daily allowance would be $120 per day.

The secret is not to eat in the hotel.

But go out to a cheaper eatery , thai, mexican, salad bar etc.

Where crew make huge amounts of money is when the hotels are really expensive to live in, or the local economy is booming.

EG: Japan - where dinner steak etc cost $350 AUD - hence a huge allowance.

Wander down the st eat in a sushi bar - or grab some yakatori sticks in a street stall. $10. Then head to the shops for fashion bargain.


7th Aug 2008, 03:26
Some of the internals have got their individual contracts, and the general word is they are not good - infact many internals are now considering staying put. I belive there is a group getting together to go back to them and ask for the conditions to be changed...

7th Aug 2008, 09:49
Yes, I have actually seen the contract.....the phrase from the INDIVIDUAL CONTRACT (NOT an EBA) is;

"V Australia may elect to provide you with actual meals in lieu of this allowance."

As I said, you may only be paid your base salary.

Another interesting clause states that your personal/carers leave is 10 (yes, TEN!!) days - and NO URTI days.

Think very carefully.


11th Aug 2008, 04:53
I just got the medical phone call too.... YAY!!!

11th Aug 2008, 05:30
Hey guys,

I just got the phone call as well telling me to undertake my medicals. However i live in Adelaide and have noticed that there is not a medical centre listed for Adelaide. They are all in mel, syd or Qld. Has anyone else encountered this problem?? I am hoping i don't have to fly to melbourne just to undertake my medicals.....

11th Aug 2008, 05:53
Hey... I would just give them a call to see what they can do. Did you attend the VRD in Melbourne? I would say if you did, you will have to come back and do it.

11th Aug 2008, 06:19
No i attended the VRD in Sydney. I don't have a contact number for them. I emailed them but sometimes there can be quite a delay in their responses and i am supposed to undertake it in the next ten days. It is going to be really expensive if i have to fly interstate just to do the meds.... :(

I Just Want To Fly
11th Aug 2008, 06:32
got the call too!

sapolski: Definately give them a call. I did my interview in Dubai, and was living in London at the time of application, and they said that I would be able to do my medical in London if needed.

11th Aug 2008, 06:32
Anyone going to the VRD's next week in SYD?

11th Aug 2008, 06:32
Maybe you could try calling the medical centre in Sydney and see if they have an office in SA. The phone number for V Australia should be at the bottom of your email re the medical....

11th Aug 2008, 06:40
Try this number. It was at the bottom of my VRD email.

Good Luck!!!

07 3295 5076

11th Aug 2008, 06:58
Thanks for the help guys, but they got back to me really quick! Apparently i can attend one in Adelaide which is great news. BTW chicken or Fish my VRD date was 1st july. ( I noticed you updated a previous post) :)

11th Aug 2008, 09:14
Congrats on getting the call! Yes it looks like we might all start on 1 October ground school! How exciting! The Medical is easy..... they measure your height, test your eyes for colour blindness and sight (If you can read up to 1 metre) make sure you have no drugs in your system and weigh you.... it takes about an hour and is 2 parts. I had mine at IMMEX ( I think that is what it is called) at Green Square near the airport in Sydney. They say they will send the results via email same day to V Australia.....
I have not heard anything else yet... but I am confident they will get back to me in the next few weeks. Feeling very relaxed about the whole thing now!

Good luck to everyone!

I Just Want To Fly
11th Aug 2008, 10:00
Congrats to everyone, particularly chix or fish who seems to be the Queen Bee of this thread.

Looks like we'll all be training together... YAY!!! Will be nice to put faces and names to usernames.

11th Aug 2008, 12:50
congrats to all
I am 43 been flying before
do you or anyone know if they recruit my age

11th Aug 2008, 21:12
nothing is impossible.... 43 is still young! A friend of mine got to VRD and the afternoon interview and she is almost 50.
Good luck:)

11th Aug 2008, 23:10
Virgin Blue's V Australia on track for take-off - News - Travel - smh.com.au (http://www.smh.com.au/news/news/v-australia-on-track-for-prechristmas-takeoff/2008/08/11/1218306744809.html)

Virgin Blue said today it was "continuing its steady march towards its scheduled December 15 take-off" with the first group of cabin crew trainers being put through their paces today.
The 11 cabin crew trainers and development managers are demonstrating V Australia's cabin crew training course to the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) to gain certification to begin training the first group of new cabin crew recruits.
The first cabin crew training course will begin on September 1 with 26 new recruits who, once trained and certified, will be the launch crew for V Australia.

12th Aug 2008, 08:49
I Know of someone who is 50 who got the V australia job offer!

chicken or fish 2
12th Aug 2008, 09:08
Hey Jetstream-surfer....have you heard back from V? What stage are you at?

Anyone else hear anything yesterday/today? Anyone going to VRD's in August?

Good luck to those doing medicals this week! They say the 8th month of the year 2008 is very lucky....hopefully we all get in.

12th Aug 2008, 10:19
I'm sooo excited I got the medical call & email today Yipee!!!!! I know one step at a time. Good luck to all those waiting!! C or F you should hear very soon!!! Fingers crossed:) Just read the last posts, well done Chicken or Fish, I'm so glad you heard already!! The recruiter told me for a September 1 GS did I hear right?

chicken or fish 2
12th Aug 2008, 10:27
Well done Pesky1...I'm very happy for you....

As far as I can tell these people are at the medical stage:
I Just Want To Fly (March VRD)
Trolley Dolly (May VRD)
Chicken or Fish (May VRD)
Dixons-son (April VRD - Mate!)
Iwannaflyla (June VRD)
Sapolski (July VRD)
Pesky1 (July VRD)

Lets hope we are all at the same Ground School....:D
Anyone else hear about a Ground School Date? I'm guessing October?

12th Aug 2008, 11:20
Well done everyone!! :)

chicken or fish 2
12th Aug 2008, 11:30
Thanks mattandy....have you applied to V? What stage are you at?

12th Aug 2008, 14:25
so yeah, i guess a hello is in order! :)
My flatmate and I both applied for cabin crew about 3 weeks ago. And last week we got the email to go in for the Interview on the 21 August..(Sydney)
Im currently working for QF but not as flight crew.. It seems like allot of you peeps are currently flight crew with another airline. Quite intimidating, I hope that the interview wont be full on.. However I am pretty confident, and really excited about the interview.. I guess my best weapon would be my experience in customer service

Could someone please explain to me why a medical would be $200 - $250??

Man i really want this job! Will let you know how we go...


12th Aug 2008, 21:30
My VRD day is the 19th :)

12th Aug 2008, 22:11
Hey Deon85,

Congrtas on the VRD!!! Firstly i will let you know that i have never been flightr crew and at the moment, i am at the medical stage. They are looking for people with Customer service experience.

Also, they want people that can string two sentances together and can really talk/get along with anyone. Just don't be too loud and over powering in the group exercises. One girl in my VRD was so cocky and would not stop talking (and talking about herself), and as you can imagine... she didn't get very far. Also... just be ready for the cut. It is not the most pleasent moment of the day but lets hope you make it through to the interview.

The actual interview in the second half of the day is really full on. My interview went for 45 minutes and the questions really get into detail about your customer service experiences and conflict situations. You also do a role play, customer service and problem resolving situation.

RE: Medical
The cost is relative to the time spent taking it i guess. I know when generally i go to the doctor (10-15mins) it costs arount $50-$60. The medicals usually go for arount one hour so times that by 4, $200 - $240.

Anyway... i hope this helps. Keep us in touch,


chicken or fish 2
13th Aug 2008, 07:05
I think those who got the medical email this week will get the "yes" call on Monday the 1st of September for the October Ground school.

Welcome to Deon85.....good luck on the 21st of August VRD
Anstar......good luck for the 19th of August VRD
Tyguybye......good luck for the 20th of August VRD
Our 001.....good luck for your August VRD
Cherry.....How did your August VRD go??

Good luck everyone....Has anyone else heard anything this week?? Anyone know the Ground School dates? ect

13th Aug 2008, 07:45
Yes I have and they have called my references so just waiting just last week so not sure what happens next.

13th Aug 2008, 07:54
It is now the waiting game till they call re the medical. Congrats on getting this far! You should hear something soon as they are now doing the job offers and I think it will all be very quick from here on in.

I agree with chicken or Fish... I would say it will be late next week or early the week after in regards to getting the 'job offer' call.

I can't wait!!

chicken or fish 2
13th Aug 2008, 07:56
Congratulations Mattandy....that's fantastic news....After your reference check the next stage will be a quick email to tell you you are at the next stage (meaning you will need to wait a bit longer for the medical phone call /email).....after a few days/weeks/months they will phone you and ask you to do a medical.....after that is the job offer phone call and a Ground School start date..

So keep checking your emails, read the forum for updates and have your phone close by (lol)....That phone call may only be days away...good luck.

13th Aug 2008, 08:42
And here is a pick of VA's first 777!

Boeing Everett (http://microvoltradio.com/kpae1064.htm)

13th Aug 2008, 09:12
hey maeson

I think the next lot of people are non flight crew external ones.
A mate of mine who is looking at doing Emirates FC gave me this book to read about applying to be cabin crew etc and the type of questions they ask you. Must say it has definitely come in handy with examples of some complex questions. If I get through to the end of the day (which i hopefully should) how long after that do they usually take to let you know if your moving on to the next round?

Doing my First Aid training this weekend. Also a quick question in regards to that. On the VRD email they say you have to bring a Senior First Aid Cert. However that has been phased out and now its called Apply First Aid, Would that be an issue??


13th Aug 2008, 11:07
i used apply first aid and it was fine... same thing~!:ok:

chicken or fish 2
13th Aug 2008, 11:13
I heard V will hire 260 cabin crew for the first intake and 80 more for early 2009.....I think the July/August people will be safe and get through for the start up....with over 12 VRD's in the last few weeks/months I think they are really finding it hard to find great people like those on this forum:E

Go for gold guys....I really hope we all get in!

MJW006......welcome to the forum.....When was your VRD??.....What stage are you at?

13th Aug 2008, 11:33
Hey Deon,
I dont know if they would be only interviewing non CC for your VRD. My VRD was a mixed bag. i don't think there would be any reason to seperate CC and non CC but anyway... let us know if that is the case.

Try not to rely on these books, ect. Use them as a guide but remember the recruiters have interviewed 1000's of people and they will know which answers are fabricated. As i said, be yourself and honest.

First aid should be fine. I am doing mine this weekend too.

In regards to when you will hear form them. I heard from the 7 days after the VRD. Nothing special, just letting me know i have made it passed the VRD onto the next round.

Hope this helps and good luck.


13th Aug 2008, 12:15
hey CorF.. congrats.. I have been following this forum for a while. I dont really wanna discuss where i am at etc. Hopefully i'll be happy to do this soon though..
All i will say is that im still in the process.
And also Thanks heaps to everyone on ths forum you keep me hopeful~!!!:D

I Just Want To Fly
13th Aug 2008, 12:39
My medical in SYD is $143.

chicken or fish 2
13th Aug 2008, 21:46
I Just want To Fly......your medical is a BARGAIN....I'm booked in but not sure how much mine will cost...I preparing myself for the $250 mark....

MJW006....I'm glad you are still in the process.....well done...it's a big achievement and I'm sure you will let us know when it's time...good luck

Good post Maeson....I agree the best advice is to be yourself. Before the interview I wrote down all my customer service experiences and used these as examples during my interview. When you actually sit down and think about customers, management, staff etc there is a lot to talk about..Good luck Deon.

PS...Look out for V Australia TV ads on Channel 7 this weekend starring Hamish Blake and Andy Lee....

14th Aug 2008, 09:06
C or F, thanks for all your info, you are a wealth of info. I have my medical tomorrow so i'll let you know how much it was. Good luck to all those waiting and thanks to all on this thread you are a great bunch.:D

14th Aug 2008, 09:45
Agreed, from reading everyones post especially chicken or fish's.. it has been really helpful. I've been writing down customer service experiences and going over them to make sure I will get to the point and wont blab on about pointless things and making sure I mention key points and what they want to hear.

So a week from today I'll have my VRD and will let you all know how I go,
pretty confident it will be all good....

need to go and study for my first aid now! so much to take in.. :8


chicken or fish 2
14th Aug 2008, 10:18
Good luck tomorrow Pesky....From what I've read in the Virgin Blue and Qantas forums it sounds easy to pass so don't stress. Iwannaflyla said it is easy and it takes about one hour and is done in 2 parts.

Part 1. BMI (height and weight), hearing test, eye test (colour blindness and reading from a distance), urine test (drugs), lung test (blow into a machine) and reach test.

Part 2. Medical History, Bending and stretching (touch your toes ect), blood pressure, listen to your heart and general check up stuff.

Good luck with your medicals guys...

Ps I just read on the V website that "Cabin Crew will have their own rest area situated above the Guests, containing individual bunks for up to 8 people." Whoo hoo..bring it on!!

14th Aug 2008, 10:54
Thanks heaps C or F, am a tad nervous about medical, I was just going to wear comfy jeans and t-sirt, this ok?? That run down of the medical is great, thanks for that.

Unreal about the bunks!! I am just sooo excited (about the job more than the bunks)...

Lets hope we all keep hearing the good stuff..

cart hag
14th Aug 2008, 11:06
just so you know airline pre-emps (medicals) can be usually carried out by any DAME (designated airline medical examiner) certified doctor, and they are everywhere. find out who they are in adelaide and put it to the recruitment team,.. they could hardly tell you no..

14th Aug 2008, 11:08
Hi C&F They did not do the lung test (blow into a machine) and reach test for me..... dunno if this was missed off or not on the program.

Don't stress about the medical it is a piece of cake compared to the rest of the recuitment process!

chicken or fish 2
14th Aug 2008, 11:08
Hey Pesky....The email said to wear a t.shirt, shorts (a bit cold for shorts in winter so jeans sound perfect - ha ha) and full briefs....You'll be fine....

I'm getting very excited too...I can't wait to find out if we all get our dream job!:E

Iwannaflyla.....I got some information from the Qantas forum so maybe Virgin don't do those tests...I think you will be one of the first people to hear back from V as you did your medical before us...You must be so excited....good luck

cart hag
14th Aug 2008, 11:17
hi all.. it sounds like everyone is stressing a bit about the medical and what happens after that.. don't!

once you have a medical you will get the job.. unless 1) you dont pass the medical or 2) V does not take off at all for whatever reason..

medicals are designed to assess if you will be needing excessive sick days during your employment not to drill you about your health. how do i know? because i have worked in airline recruitment before.

relax guys & girls.. you're already all winners! :ok:

chicken or fish 2
14th Aug 2008, 11:26
Thanks Cart Hag......we should all stop stressing and remember from the thousands of applications V Australia had, we have ALL got down to a potential place in the final 260. Well done everyone!!

14th Aug 2008, 11:38
do they care if u r a smoker?

cart hag
14th Aug 2008, 11:42
i can assure you that right now from the people they have already interviewed, they know who they want.. medicals are just the final formality..

smokers not a prob as long as you as your lungs will pass the volumetric test (or blow job) as i like to call it.. lol..


14th Aug 2008, 11:45
Cart hag youre a GEM, thanks for that!!:D

14th Aug 2008, 11:58
Hi Chicken or Fish 2, looks like I'll be asking that question alot now!....(would you like chicken or fish?)...yep, I've got in!!!....,think the start will be in SYD 15th September. Anyone else on this course?
A friend tells me the course is 6 weeks and then an extra 2 weeks on top of that if you are a FM. Just gotta go through the contract now with a fine toothcomb.
It would be a 5 day trip ex SYD or at least 6 days if it is a BNE trip...,cause you have to fly or position to BNE first, then rest 24 hours before the operating flight to LAX.
I saw some lovely girls and a guy wearing the V Australia uniform at the Aviation Job Expo a couple of weeks ago. It looks really nice...a black shirt
with tan dress or trousers...,sorta easy-going laid-back look but classy...,if you can imagine what I mean. I spoke to them and they were really excited about the launch and the airline...,all positive and very friendly. I hope I fly with them!
Lets make a list of all who have got in and what course dates you are on...,so at least we know who in this forum is in and when they start...,this may also help with sharing accommodation and transport etc.

Good luck to all and hope to train and fly with you very, very soon!

14th Aug 2008, 12:11
as the old saying go's

A friend of my friend got a job as cabin crew for V
according to my mate he had his medical last week and heard back this week and he got the job. And according to my mate he is starting in November... Not sure how accurate that is, but at least its some info


chicken or fish 2
14th Aug 2008, 20:38
Congratulations Jetstream Surfer

Jetstream-Surfer....you are the second person from this forum to in...Well done....I'm so happy for you........You must be soooooo excited......WOW....It's all happening now....Thanks for the uniform update too.

To give us a heads up.....How long from the medical to the "Yes" call?? Jimmyroo was around 2 weeks. Same for you??

15th Aug 2008, 03:56
Hi people, just got back from the medical it was exactly as described, the blow test was very funny! Cost $192.50. so hopefully I'll know soon?????? Well done Jet-Streamer, fantastic news!!!!:D:D

chicken or fish 2
15th Aug 2008, 06:34
Well done Pesky.....I'm glad you passed.....I wonder how long it will be until we know if we are in?

Be interesting to see how long Jetstream Surfer had to wait...Jimmyroo waited around 2 weeks.

Anyone else have exciting news to share?

15th Aug 2008, 10:17
Thanks C or F! Hope we hear soon!:ok:

15th Aug 2008, 11:07
I totally agree pesky1, blow test made me laugh too! I completed my medicals on thurs and it cost $182, so i guess it all depends on what state you are doing your medicals in. Nothing to do but wait now.... Good luck to everyone :ok:

15th Aug 2008, 11:47
It took about 2 1/2 weeks from medical to offer.

Let us know how you go!

chicken or fish 2
15th Aug 2008, 22:06
Thanks Jetstream Surfer for the information (you should be really proud of yourself for making it...I'm so happy for you).........I think we will all hear on Monday the 1st of September for an October 1st start????....So just think everyone, only two more weeks to go:D.......it's going to feel sooooooo good when we all get THAT call...Good luck everyone.

17th Aug 2008, 13:03
Just a quick Question here...
On the VRD email they say you need to hold current Senior First Aid & CPR cert..
However in my First Aid I did do CPR. That was a major component of the whole course... Now if i show up for the VRD with just the first aid course cert would they turn me away? Isnt it all the same thing?

17th Aug 2008, 15:57
on your 1st aid certificate, it should have 2 codes.
1 will say perform CPR and the other, provide basic life support.
You only need the one "apply first aid" certificate.
Good luck

18th Aug 2008, 01:19
Keep in mind that the CPR is only valid for 12 months. I know with Virgin they require you to have at least 6 months validity on your CPR. When did you do your senior first aid?

If the CPR component is expired or has little time left before it does you can do CPR refreshers which usually cost about $40-$60 and take a couple of hours or so. :ok:

chicken or fish 2
18th Aug 2008, 07:34
Good luck to those attending a VRD this week....especially Anstar, Tyguybye and Deon 85....Let us know how you go guys.

Does anyone else have some good news to share with us?

18th Aug 2008, 08:32
Did my first aid last week, so all good here :ok:
counting down the days till thursdays VRD
been running through types of questions and trying to remember customer issues with QF at the moment to use in my interview hehehe

19th Aug 2008, 06:17
Back from the VRD - they cut about 50% of people after the first round.

Interview went well - though I think I mucked up part of the role play! The recruiters were all lovely and there was a greta bunch of people in the group (quite a few from jetstar)

Now the waiting game....

chicken or fish 2
19th Aug 2008, 06:45
Congratulations ANstar...that's great news!!

You should hear if you have made it into the next round in around 10 days or so. So good luck...Don't worry about the role play...I'm sure you are worrying over nothing...I stuffed some of it up and I'm at the medical stage.....I hear there is plenty more role plays to do during Ground School...Oh no...lol

PS Just saw new V ad on Channel 7....it looks more like a coke ad than an airline ad.....you'll understand what I mean when you see it. Have a look now on youtube under "NEW V AUSTRALIA AD"

Anyone else got news to share??

19th Aug 2008, 07:51
Well done Anstar great news, as C or F said you are always harder on yourself, I'm sure you did great, fingers crossed for you and all others waiting... Waiting,,,,, waiting. I must stop looking at my blank email!! Tee hee

19th Aug 2008, 08:07
I see what you mean C or F, but it is pretty funky also.. Very Andy and Hamish.

19th Aug 2008, 08:34
well a congrats is in order ANstar! did they say how long till they will be in contact with you again?

over 50% got cut??? can't help but feel nervous! but im still confident about it :) bring on thursday!!!!


19th Aug 2008, 11:01
Deon, they told us 2-3weeks. These VRD's were for start dates from around mid oct to the last intake on 17th Nov.

don't stress as there are some other great people there and you'll be fine!

Good luck!

chicken or fish 2
19th Aug 2008, 11:17
That's great news for everyone ANstar.......

1. If they are STILL trying to find the inital 260 cabin crew (after 6 months of VRD's!!!) means the "medical stage" people must be in....:E

2. Looks like those who are having VRD's now will be flying in DEC..Yippee!

Good luck Tyguybye (VRD - 20th August) and Deon 85 (VRD - 21st August)...Just be yourself and have fun!

PS....V Australia has just been grated access to the Australia–South Africa route by the government due to the lack of competition and high fares currently in operation.The Virgin Group carrier has been given immediate access and a total capacity of five weekly services between Sydney and Johannesburg using B777–300ER aircraft with a capacity of 361 seats.

“We have no plans at this stage,” said Mr Godfrey. “We have an ability to run by October 2009... [But] there are other routes.”

V Australia will see delivery of five B777-300 ERs, with three to be delivered by Christmas, one in April 2009 and one in October 2009.
The three due by Christmas have been earmarked for the already announced North American services.
April’s new craft will be to a third, as of yet unannounced destination. Currently it is highly unlikely that this will be the South African service, with Mr Godfrey saying it is “probably not a reality”.
This leaves the October B777 left on the table, and indications are good that V Australia will start South African services with the craft.

(e-travel Blackboard)

chicken or fish 2
20th Aug 2008, 10:40
Good luck tomorrow Deon 85!! Anyone else going?.....How did you go today Tyguybye?

As the medicals were due today I think we may hear anytime between tomorrow and the 1st of September.....It's so exciting to think we may have all got in........I can't wait to get THAT call.

20th Aug 2008, 11:21
thanks for that chicken or fish...

so pumped, can't wait.... will let you all know how i go!
both me and my other flatmate are really excited about it.. and the other flatmate is on a plane going to JNB (CC for QF) imagine a house full of trolley dollies hahaha :cool:

I Just Want To Fly
20th Aug 2008, 22:39
When I first started flying, I lived in a house with 6 other crew! Now that was insane! Had my medical the other day, all fine, so just waiting...

Have had to say goodbye to 7 of our crew, all are starting training on the 1st. Uniform fittings this week for them, so will try to get pics...

21st Aug 2008, 02:10
Hi all, C or F I hope you are right, I know all good things come to those that wait, but the wait is killing me! I've got so much to organise! As I'm sure does everyone else.

Deon85, imagine the stories you guys would be able to tell!!! Hope you hear soon.

I just wanna fly, photos would be great! Can't wait to see how the uniform looks. Hope they all have a great time in GS.

chicken or fish 2
21st Aug 2008, 07:13
How did you and your flatmate go today Deon?? Anyone else attend a VRD this week??....I think the first two weeks and the last two weeks of the process are the HARDEST.......I freak everytime my mobile rings...lol

Jimmyroo was called on a Friday and Jetstream Surfer was called on a Thursday! I think we will all know by the end of next week or even tomorrow..

Good luck guys...I can't wait to hear everyones good news.

21st Aug 2008, 11:36
Hi All

I am a quite observer behiund the scenes and dont want to say too much but I am at the stage where I have had one reference called already and not the other..yet! Apparently this is normal. So I am in the waiting game too.

I am very excited like you all and cant wait. The waiting game is very hard.. i know.

21st Aug 2008, 22:14
I hope so! My medical was over 2 weeks ago (on Wednesday) so fingers crossed they will call this week!

Good luck to everyone that went to the VRD this week.....

22nd Aug 2008, 08:30
Yes I agree they are really dragging this out! Ah well it will be worth it in the end! At least we know it will be some time next week for 1 October training start!

Lets hope we are all together....

I Just Want To Fly
24th Aug 2008, 09:25
Friend just got back from uniform fitting. She said it was the same as VBlue. I'm really disappointed. Maybe they've just run out of time... Just not sure if it is approprate in a full service long haul environment, particularly in the Business class cabins... oh well... Hopefully something new and fresh on the cards for next year!

24th Aug 2008, 09:31
From friends that have worked in the Uniform Hanger - it's essentially the domestic uniform. Some colour tweakings for the managers.

It is a deliberate decision as the uniforms have been worked on for quite a few months now - it's not a case of 'running out of time'.

As for getting a new uniform once established - it hasn't happened in 8 years for the domestic crew.....

25th Aug 2008, 00:00
Good morning,

I got my call this morning!! I start training 6 October in Sydney!!! Was so excited I could hardly talk!!

25th Aug 2008, 00:51

Wont be long now for the rest of you me thinks ;)

25th Aug 2008, 01:11
I think they will be calling this week! I can not wait to hear from the rest of you when training dates are!

Good luck everyone!

25th Aug 2008, 01:27
wow thats exciting.

I am still waiting for my second invitation to attend a VRD day as I was not able to attend my first one.
Got a phone call before the close date, and had a really good convo with the recruiter, so still waiting, waiting waiting.


25th Aug 2008, 01:36
CONGRATULATIONS iwannaflyla, Well done!! I bet you are both excited and relieved to have the waiting over with. All the best :ok:

25th Aug 2008, 02:00
I would call them to chase this up in regards to the VRD as they have so much going on I am sure they have just overlooked this.

yes I was relieved! The wait is over finally!

25th Aug 2008, 02:06
Iwannaflyla - congrats thats so excellent! The waiting has paid off!! I hope the rest of us hears this week!!! Up up ans away go you good thing all the best for 6th Oct!!:ok:

I Just Want To Fly
25th Aug 2008, 03:08
congrats iwannafly! so happy for you!

25th Aug 2008, 03:22
hey everyone

i had my interview in april for V and have did my medical 3 weeks ago and have not heard anything since. i know of other people that went also around the same time and have heard back from them i am starting to worry about it and was i thinking of calling and asking. i was wondering if anyone knows the number to call as i can't find the number i was given?


25th Aug 2008, 03:26
try 07 3295 5076. They should be able to give you some information. I would say they will call this week.....

25th Aug 2008, 03:39
thanks heaps for the number i hope they call lol this is doing my head in

25th Aug 2008, 03:44
Iwannaflyla just wondering how long it was from your medical until you were offered a job!

25th Aug 2008, 04:14
i did my medical 3 weeks ago this Wednesday....

How long have you been waiting?

I Just Want To Fly
25th Aug 2008, 05:00
Just got the call! Woo Hoo

iwannafly and I Just Want To Fly

are both gonna fly on the 6th!

Here we go everyone!

25th Aug 2008, 05:08
Awesome news everyone,

Will see you all on the 6th of October if I decide to take the job.

Do u think it would be possible to commute from Brisbane ???

25th Aug 2008, 05:09

Didn't you use to fly with VB and SAW or was that someone else???

trolly dolly
25th Aug 2008, 05:37
Congratulations to everyone that has been offered their dream job! I am really happy for you all! However, I won’t be joining you, I turned the offer down, simply because of the conditions.

I know you will all be really excited and I don’t want to burst your bubble, I’m just writing this as some 'food for thought' to get you all thinking about what you are signing;

After already flying for another airline I was amazed at some of the things that were included (and not included) in the very 'grey' contract;

1. If needed you can operate for virgin blue or pacific blue at V Australia's discretion. Think about this; operate virgin blue flights on your contract with no overtime, no BOC allowance, no minimum rest and no maximum flying hours! You will be at their mercy and there is nothing you can do about it! You signed the contract!

2. "V Australia can elect to provide you with meals in lieu of this allowance" (subsistence allowance). Breakfast, lunch and dinner vouchers for the hotel restaurant is a major possibility, I cannot take this risk on a base salary of 37500!

3. There is no minimum rest! This is just so wrong in any flying job! Especially if you end up flying for virgin blue!

4. There is no limit to your daily/duty flying hours. It even says that your duty will be extended whenever needed. Eg. Delays, mechanical problems etc. In other words, you will just keep going (with no overtime payment) until the job is done!

I hope this gives you all something to think about, you are all old enough to make up your own minds, and for some, I know this job is a once in lifetime chance! (when I started it was for me too) I know you will all enjoy it, just be careful and don’t let them screw you!

25th Aug 2008, 06:21
You have raised some good points trolly dolly, however surely there is an aviation governing body which would stipulate guidelines for things such as minimum rest etc?? I have flown previously and know that there is such a thing overseas. I would imagine that any airline within Australia would have to adhere to the same requirements for passenger and crew safety. Over tired crew, wouldn't be of much use in any kind of an emergency. Aside from the FAAA, does anyone know of where else you can find information on this kind of thing. Also will the contracts being offered by V be negotiable??

25th Aug 2008, 07:16
Thanks for that, I had my medical Friday week so I,ve not been waiting too long so far, just feels like an eternity.

Is is really only $37.5K a year and maybe no $$$ for allowances, that is not much money, hmmm, really want the job but ??????

C or F, thanks for the Stats update, hope we hear this week!

25th Aug 2008, 07:27
Under CAO 20.11 (Australian regulations) you are required to carry out training both pratical and theory on the emergency equipment and procedures on each aircraft type for each airline you work for. This training is completed when you first join and then every 12 months. Therefore V Australia cannot make you crew a VB or PAC Blue flight, as you are employed by V Australia and their AOC is for the B777 only and you are only trained and checked under CAO 20.11 on that type only. In order for you to operate on the B737 or E-JET with VB or PAC Blue you would need initial training on those types and then a check on each type every 12 months. The same goes with VB and PAC Blue, the cabin crew from each airline cannot crew the other airlines aircraft.

You will find that V Australia will operate under a fatigue system for duty times. Therefore depending on what time of the day and the length of the sector you do will determine the maximum duty time. BOC flying lowers the length of any duty that you can be rostered for or extend.

Think about it, international flights have a 2 hour sign on and 1/2 to 1 hour (to clear customs) after arrival, so if the flight time is 15 hours (on a good day) from LAX to SYD you duty time from would 17.5 to 18 hours. Then you would need another 30 minute to get from the international to domestic terminal so you are up to 18 to 18.5 hours of duty before you get on the VB aircraft. The minimum VB return flight from SYD would be CBR, this flight chock to chock is 90 mins (at best). So the min duty you could do would be 19.5 to 20 hours and 3 sectors (including 1 BOC), no fatigue system would allow this.

25th Aug 2008, 08:32
Hi everyone,

im so glad i found this forum! I have also been in the waiting game for V Australia, with my VRD being on the 1st of July... I have just completed my medical last friday.

I really want this job although i have some concerns about the pay conditions and contract etc that people have posted. I havent received any further info on these yet, although i also thought the pay would have been better. I would be taking a pay cut in order to do what i love so much!!

Does anyone know if they pay anything to do the training? and for the people that did get an offer, was the contract emailed to you so you could have some thinking time before giving an answer?

Thanks &
Good Luck everyone! :cool:

25th Aug 2008, 08:52
It would concern me that the contract is so loose. It's very important as an employee to know where the limitations of your working life lie. This job is a lifestyle but you are also entitled to your own time away from it. You need that for your own sanity.

Dream jobs are wonderful but they must not consume your whole life. You still need time off an aircraft, time with your friends and family and the ability to structure your personal life to some degree.

chicken or fish 2
25th Aug 2008, 09:26
Hey Winglettes, Shonez and Bobbin74, welcome to the forum...

To answer you questions Bobbin74, you get paid to do the training and you have 7 days to sign the contract...

Good luck everyone.......lets hope more of us hear some good news this week..

25th Aug 2008, 13:39
F111 Said:
Think about it, international flights have a 2 hour sign on and 1/2 to 1 hour (to clear customs) after arrival, so if the flight time is 15 hours (on a good day) from LAX to SYD you duty time from would 17.5 to 18 hours. Then you would need another 30 minute to get from the international to domestic terminal so you are up to 18 to 18.5 hours of duty before you get on the VB aircraft. The minimum VB return flight from SYD would be CBR, this flight chock to chock is 90 mins (at best). So the min duty you could do would be 19.5 to 20 hours and 3 sectors (including 1 BOC), no fatigue system would allow this.

I'm not sure if you were using this scenario as a possible pairing or not F111 - but I can't imagine a 777 crew following an international flight with a domestic sector.

I assumed the clause was there to put a batch through a 737/eJet conversion and then loan them to domestic operations for a few weeks/months/years, like was recently suggested with the wet-leasing of 2 aircraft from DJ to Pac Blue.

I have to take the opinion that if the clauses have been written - then they've thought about using them.

The FAAA weren't invited in to the drafting of the conditions - and the contracts have been presented as individual agreements - so not entirely sure that collecting together after the fact will have a huge impact.

Potential crew reading/thinking/discussing/rejecting will certainly have a bigger impact - but unfortunately there does appear to be evidence on this forum of candidates willing to take this role at any price.

Also, at sessions with management (unplugged) we were told there would be a minimum 14 days to respond to the contract. But that was a few months back now.

I Just Want To Fly
26th Aug 2008, 02:01
My contract is in the mail, and to tell you the truth I am pretty sure that I will be very UNHAPPY, but that will not prevent me from accepting the offer.

We are all coming from different airlines, and we would only accept the offer if it was in some way better than what we currently have.

For me, I will be getting an increase of $10000 per annum on my base salary. I will have the opportunity to fly long haul from my home city. (I have been stuck in the UK for 2 years!) I will be flying for an Australian airline. And there will be lots of opportunities for promotion over the next few years.

For me, I would be stupid not to accept the offer! What else am I suppoed to do? Go back to England?

Can I ask though, to those in the know: Is there any reason why we cannot become unionised at a later date?

26th Aug 2008, 05:57

CASA will only issue an AOC to an operator when it has an aircraft (ie B777 in the case of V Australia) and the required personal. This is listed in CAO 82.5 for High Capacity Operations ie bigger than a Dash 8-100/200. Part of the requirements of holding an AOC is the requirement to have a Check and Training System in place. This is listed in CAR 217. Each crew member (pilot or cabin crew) is required to carry out certain checks per year ie EP’s for cabin crew has listed in CAO 20.11 appendix IV. Part of having a 217 system is the requirement to have check pilots or in the case of cabin crew CASA approved 20.11 instructors who carry out and certify that a cabin crew member has complied with CAO 20.11 appendix IV. CASA 20.11 instructors are only approved to train and check on each aircraft type that CASA have approved them for (CASA issues an Instrument of Approval) and for that airline/AOC only. In order for CASA to issue this instrument the AOC holder must have the aircraft on their AOC with the appropriate manuals and procedures in place. In order for CASA to allow the AOC holder to put an aircraft on the AOC they are required to have check captains plus CASA will only issue in AOC when the company provides them with a rego for the aircraft, you are not allowed to just B777 on your AOC.
So in order for V Australia to allow their cabin crew to crew a B737 or Ejet at least 1 aircraft of each type would be required to be on their AOC, along with the required number of check captains and this is not going to happen. All of the required staff required under CAR 217 is listed in the company’s ops manuals.

You are incorrect when you say all airlines operate under Virgin Blue Holdings LTD; Virgin Blue Holdings LTD is not the holder of the AOC for Virgin Blue or PAC Blue. The holder of the AOC for Virgin Blue is Virgin Blue Airlines PTY LTD and for Pacific Blue; PACIFIC BLUE AIRLINES (NZ) LIMITED. Virgin Blue Holdings LTD is the owner of these companies and V Australia thats it. They do not have an AOC of any sorts. You as cabin crew or pilot operate under an AOC the aircraft are maintained and operated under an AOC, tickets are sold under an AOC, not the owner of the company. It’s the same with QANTAS, the AOC for mainline is issued to Qantas Airways, Jetstar has it’s own AOC and so does Sunstate and Eastern. Although all are owned by QANTAS, each has their own AOC and 217 check and training system, therefore an A330 Cabin Crew member for Qantas cannot just jump on and crew a Jetstar A330 flight, a Cabin Crew member at Sunstate cannot crew a flight with Eastern etc.

Think about if this was allowed Qantas would have the Jetstar Cabin Crew crewing their flights when they need them.

The same goes for the Cabin Crew who pay to do a Cabin Crew course at Aviation Australia. Aviation Australia trains these people on multiple aircraft, however their qualifications don’t allow them to jump straight into an aircraft an operate a flight, why because CAO 82.5 and CAR217 does not allow it.

With regard the offers to go to PAC Blue, those Cabin Crew who do go will be required to carry out training, including their EP’s training before they are allowed to operate a flight with them. This will then bring those cabin crew members in under their check and training system. The same goes for the pilot’s that are going there, although they are currently flying the same aircraft they are required to complete 4 weeks of ground school including EP’s and simulator training, to bring them under the PAC Blue check and training system. Once they complete their 6 months in NZ they will come back and require further training and checking under Virgn Blue’s system before they can operate a Virgin Blue flight.

Virgin Blue have kept the companies and the AOC separate for many reasons, such as if one gets into trouble they get shut it down with affecting the others.

So down the track they may bring all the companies in under one AOC, then cabin crew could operate on 777s, 737s and E-jets, but it’s a long way off as V Australia will have to be making good money, plus the pilot’s (Virgin Blue) EBA still has 4 years to run before they could try and push contracts on the pilots.

Plus like I said the FMS would not allow it based on the current routes, sure if they started to operate to Asia with shorter legs and less BOC then you could operate a domestic sector (s), but it would still require all the aircraft to be under the same AOC, ie Virgin Blue Airlines or V Australia.

cart hag
26th Aug 2008, 07:38
Someone who has the agreement needs to take copies and send it to all the Sydney news papers and current affairs programs. If they will not negotiate 'individual contracts' then they need to be exposed for public scrutiny. The FAAA is useless in this situation as they are in most situations. At least if the public can see that they are just another airline with an Australian reference in there name claiming to be a fair employer it may save people in the future wasting time, and money going through the application process to be told that they will work for pittance with bad conditions.

This kind of exposure would need to happen now before any more people sign the agreements to have maximum effect :D

Food for thought

26th Aug 2008, 10:48
F111 - you seem to be fixed on proving that crew cannot operate a domestic flight before/after an international sector for the many reasons that you've outlined.

I don't know that anyone here thought that the domestic flying alluded to in the contracts would be in conjunction with international sectors. The assumption has always been a case of V Australia 'loaning' their crew to Virgin Blue / Pac Blue for a yet-to-be-disclosed period of time - and that EP and Service training would then have to be part of the deal.

Domestic crew certainly are of the opinion that in time we could be sharing the cabin with V Australia imports that are operating for less $$ than us.

chicken or fish 2
26th Aug 2008, 11:25
I'm glad you loved my quote ccguy. Now I would like to post a quote I loved from you way back in Jan 2007 (Thread Virgin Blue EBA - Post 107)

QUOTE: "If you are that concerned about the conditions and it is that taxing on your life, then find a new job. It is as simple as that."....you took the words right out of my mouth ccguy.

I can think of plenty of GOOD things to look forward to eg...promotions, a new start for everyone, brand new aircraft, bunk beds, a job you love, making Australian Aviation History with a brand new airline, International travel, bunk beds, shopping at Century City each week with new V cabin crew etc...... I believe the 260 cabin crew who take the job won't be doing it for the money but for the love of the job....it's going to be great guys.

26th Aug 2008, 11:42
CorF - You do have a say in the contract - don't accept it - and show that you're not prepared to allow the industry to head down the path that it is currently heading.

Shopping in LA could be kewl - but turning around in AKL and not setting foot inside the terminal could get boring when the short routes start coming in. Shopping in Rundle St Mall will be a let-down once you've been loaned to Virgin Blue too.

Recruitment/Management DO read these forums - I don't know if you've given out enough info (ie VRD dates/Phone Call dates/Medical dates) for yourself to be identified. I'd hate for someone with a sadistic streak to just hold off on your phone calls cause they enjoy watching your squirming on here.

p.s. You mention bunk beds twice in the benefits of working for V - you do realise that most of the flight you will be working, and not in them?

26th Aug 2008, 12:05
ccguy don't listen too much to galley gossip - you can only work on aircraft listed on the AOC for the company you work for - you can't work for VB under VB's AOC & work on aircraft not listed on their AOC.

A way around PB/VB issues is for VB to "wet lease" aircraft to PB - this would mean the a/c could be operated by VB on PB's behalf (but operated using VB procedures and under VB's AOC).

There would be significent complication for VB to cross crew SH/LH crew - think about rest periods, duty periods & roster complication - not to mention disruption recovery etc. Not even QF cross crew between SH/LH & they do operate all their a/c under the 1 AOC & they do employee all the crew under one banner.

26th Aug 2008, 12:18
Works Domestic - Didn't even apply...

Enjoy flying short-haul - but concerned that the company has seen fit to offer individual contracts to crew and doesn't want the FAAA involved - we're waiting for a new EBA - doesn't fill me with too much confidence that the future will remain as it is

26th Aug 2008, 12:31
Well, for starters, I enjoy flying VB Domestic. I didn't apply for V nor really even considered it. I had heard rumblings of what was being offered in the contract and knew that I had made the right decision to not apply. AND I get paid more and have better conditions doing what I am doing now, and have less responsibility.

I am FAR from being jealous of those who will be flying with V, and I certainly have a lot more going for me at VB.

Enjoy to all those who will be at V. I hope that your expectations don't outweigh what you actually get.

chicken or fish 2
26th Aug 2008, 12:36
I haven't been on a bunk bed since I was 8....very excited!

26th Aug 2008, 12:37
hey peeps...
VRD last week went well, sorry about my long delay though
Anstar quick question... The dude your referring to... Was he this short guy who said he started in feb? Yeah he was a bit of a tosser.. hehe
did good i think, the stupid meeting thing in the beginning was a bit lame. I had this girl who kept interrupting me and taking my ideas as soon as i mentioned them. Oh well.... the rest i felt i did good...got the short english girl doing the interview who i thought was lovely
not 100% i want this job. Looking at the pay, the conditions etc etc....
Not that tempted to move across from QF
Need to make up my mind within 2 weeks as I dont want to pay 200bucks for a medical for a job im not that keen on anymore....
BUT good luck to everyone else! And might see you in the isle ;)
Spoke to someone at work today and was advised QF will be recruiting for cabin crew early next year to be more specific January.. (aparently once they get rid of all the cobwebs :E ) hehehe

26th Aug 2008, 12:39

I'm not 'fixed' on operating a domestic sector after an international. This was being suggested by others due to the 'grey' areas in the contract and I was pointing out that the FMS would not allow this plus 'crewing' by V Australia crew on Virgin Blue aircraft is not allowed under the Australian regulations (CAR's and CAO's), unless those crew members are trained and checked under Virgin Blue procedures. This could happen but it would be along the same lines as Virgin Blue sending crews to Pac Blue ie it would need to be a length of time and not just 1 week here or 1 month there.

Once again think about if it was easy to do (and cost effective) you would already be sitting next to crews from Pac Blue on your flights as they are already getting paid less than you!

Having said that the conditions offered to the Cabin Crew and pilots is crap, and from what I hear only 1 VB pilot is heading to V so far.

26th Aug 2008, 12:47
Well, good luck affording Las Vegas on V wages....While crew will be struggling to get there and enjoy the day, I will be able to afford to fly over there on my annual leave and really enjoy myself.

I also hope that crew enjoy spending their overnight hotel credit every night at the hotel.

Enjoy boys and girls. Give me my Cooley returns anyday.

I Just Want To Fly
27th Aug 2008, 01:45
I hate start up airlines, they are often run by a bunch of self made millionaires with stars in their eyes. Build up everyone's hopes of finally getting their dream job, then they go bankrupt and leave their crew out in the cold!

V is a little different, it's backed by VB & SRB, and I want us to have every possible chance to become a major player in the intl aviation industry. To do this in the current economic climate is a big risk.

V-Aus is a business, a money making machine designed to maximise profits for it's share holders!

I don't blame V for trying every possible angle to make money. And that includes trying to pay us peanuts! Am I happy with the package? No! Will it stop me? No! Will I join the union? Yes!

At the end of the day, if the aircraft is on the ground, they might as well use it. It's called effective utilsation of your assets. Australia is so remote, they will have no choice to use it on a few short haul routes.

27 APR 09
*Operated by V-AUSTRALIA

Same way Eastern is operating flights with a Qantas Flight Number.

27th Aug 2008, 02:43
Here, here, I just want to fly! I agree with you!

I got the call!! In for a 6th October GS Bne. So excited contract is coming in the mail. Hope everyone will hear soon.:ok:

27th Aug 2008, 03:25
congrats!!! I think everyone that is taking the job will be doing it for the love of it... not the huge money!

There are other ways to make up your income and flying to the US is a really good base for getting items cheaper...

You should be proud of making it through!

27th Aug 2008, 04:04
Well done pesky1 !!! That is great news. :ok:

chicken or fish 2
27th Aug 2008, 07:54
Congratulations Pesky1

That is the best news ever....you must be so happy to be in the Ground School with the others...Yippee....I'm very very happy for you...WOW!!

It sounds like V are slowly calling people this week....Fingers crossed for me and everyone waiting...Lets hope we hear by the end of the week and are all in the same Ground School (6th Oct)..Can wait!

Those still waiting for the "yes" call are Maeson (I think they have gone to another airline), Dixons-son (Mate!), Sapolski, Chicken or Fish, Shonez and Bobbin74.....Any good news guys????

27th Aug 2008, 11:46
Had my assessment day back in April in Melbourne

V excited !

chicken or fish 2
27th Aug 2008, 11:54
Congratulations Flyoz

Welcome to the forum Flyoz and Congratulations.....Jetstream- Surfer and Franji (FRIEND) will be attending the Set 15th Ground School.....How exciting for you all...

27th Aug 2008, 20:04
I'm so excited, if the assessment day was anything to go by it's going to be an amazing group of people to work with. All the best to everyone that has a start date and fingers crossed to all still waiting for 'the call':ok:

28th Aug 2008, 01:05
:{Ok - I got the No thanks email today!

Damn role play....!

Oh well... will still keep trying - hope to see you all in the sky soon.

28th Aug 2008, 03:38
Been a week for me since I put in my application :)
I imagine it will still be a week, probably more until they get around to looking at my application.


Come on I can't take the waiting anymore hehehe :)

28th Aug 2008, 07:52
well done c or f. and everyone!!

cabin crew who have already received their contracts received an email today with further info to clarify a few questions crew had. Regarding the meal allowance, they advised they have not secured a hotel yet so do not have an exact $ figure on the allowance. They clarified whilst on duty on the aircraft no allowance will be paid, they will provide meals in lieu of any allowance. (this has been the case with my previous airline employment too).

I too am joing the team, starting 15 september gs. So v excited!! Am in the middle of getting my US visa and uniform fitting organised

From all dealings with V Australia they have been fantastic and I believe this is going to be a great company to be part of. I cant wait to meet you all.

28th Aug 2008, 07:53
I bet you are excited !

Have signed off my contract and returned all was expected.

Also a update was sent out on Monday to clear up some of the miss understandings !

Count down now on to the 15th December !

28th Aug 2008, 08:45
:ok:That's soooooo great, I'm so glad youre in!!!!!

Just to update you though, I am in a Brisbane GS 6th October not Sydney, so wont meet you till we are up and away.

To all others sit tight and hope times goes fast till you hear from V!!!:ok:

ANstar - keep trying one shoe doesn't fit all! Good luck with everything.:{

28th Aug 2008, 09:27
We are all going to be together for 6 October!!!! YAHHHHHHH!!!

The wait was worth it!!!

28th Aug 2008, 09:34
C or F.... so glad you got the email - you have been great inspiring us on this board and keeping us all updated!

28th Aug 2008, 11:18
Congratulations Chicken or fish!! Always great to hear of more people on this forum making it through. All the best and hopefully will have some good news of my own soon! :ok:

chicken or fish 2
28th Aug 2008, 11:29
Thanks guys...I still can't believe I'm in....I've wanted this for so long...

Sapolski...I think you will hear the good news tomorrow or early next week...it sounds like they are only calling a few people each day....I'm 100% sure you'll get in too!!

28th Aug 2008, 12:31
a massive songrats CorF..!!!! Im so happy for you, you def deserve it mate!!! good luck, and hope to meet u soon!!!:D

chicken or fish 2
28th Aug 2008, 13:01
Hey mjw006.....thanks so much.....it feels like Christmas came early this year.....I look forward to working with you too...Good luck!

28th Aug 2008, 13:41
Well done to everyone who has gotten in so far.

I'd be interested to hear from anyone who has applied in the most recent recruitment round, particularly from Flight Managers.

I'm wondering how long they are taking to get back to people and what they are looking for in senior crew. Has anyone been interviewed yet, or at least invited?

28th Aug 2008, 14:27

:ok: I have a US green card..

I Just Want To Fly
28th Aug 2008, 21:58
Hey Chicken! Congrats! So happy for you!

29th Aug 2008, 05:49
Congrats C or F - well deserved.

I wish I was ona gs list :( Still waiting for my second referee to be called.

The waiting kills me but exciting at the same time.

Don;t know how long I have to wait for the second referee to be called and whats after that?

29th Aug 2008, 05:51
Congrats C or F - well deserved.

I wish I was ona gs list :( Still waiting for my second referee to be called.

The waiting kills me but exciting at the same time.

Don;t know how long I have to wait for the second referee to be called and whats after that?

29th Aug 2008, 05:58
For me it was around 1-2 months from 2nd ref to Medical but I think things are moving along a lot quicker now.
My references were called in different weeks so don’t stress about the wait. No news is good news!

I know what you mean about the wait it had been months since I started the process and I have only just heard when I am starting. Considering the last ground school starts around November 17th I don’t think it will be long at all.

This forum kept me well informed where everyone was at… if not for this I would have been going insane with the wait wondering why I had not heard back from them! Lol

Hang in there it will go quicklyJ

29th Aug 2008, 06:00
Also on another note I have a friend who has 2 rooms spare and I might have one coming up soon. About 15 mins from the airport towards the city (about 5 mins from the city) both are in houses and under $150- $200 a week….(depends on the room and which house)

Let me know if anyone could be interested and I will send some pictures and more details.

29th Aug 2008, 06:19
Got an email, invited an interview VRD on the 16 of Sep in syd, anyone had this email???

29th Aug 2008, 06:22
Mattandy - my refs were checked on different weeks too, it then took about 3 weeks after for medical then 2 weeks after that for offer, but as Iwannaflyla said, it all is happening at different rates and seems to be going a bit quicker now. Hang in there!:ok: The forum is great to keep you up!

29th Aug 2008, 06:26
No, dammit.

I'm overseas right now, so I'm wondering if that has something to do with it, especially if they need people quickly.

29th Aug 2008, 09:41
Thanks Perky1 and iwannafly. If all goes well they should be checking my second ref in about a week and then medical so who knows - I may know in about 4-5 weeks time.

Soooo exciting :) Bring on GS. Hope I make the November intake.

chicken or fish 2
29th Aug 2008, 10:48
Welcome to the forum eeh.....I'll put you on the list with your VRD date....From reading your past posts I think you you will do well at the V interview (compared Qantas). I know of another guy who had a similar situation to you who got a job with Virgin Blue after waiting months for Qantas to get their act together.

Good luck

30th Aug 2008, 03:53
Hey guys, just wondered if anyone knows what the hours usually are for ground school, the recruiter told me it was Monday to Friday, but I was so excited I forgot to ask what sort of hours they run, as I'm commuting. Thanks heaps.:confused:

30th Aug 2008, 13:39
Yep, also received an email last night re interview for 16th Sep in Sydney. Being in Vic, guess I'll have to fly up the night before and find a hotel close by.

pesky1, having been in a jetstar ground school in the past, (MEL base) I found the hours were about 9-5 most days. but they can differ quite a lot from that depending on what you would be doing that particular day, though I believe most ground schools try and stay within a certain time frame.

31st Aug 2008, 03:05
Hi Pesky. The course should run pretty much 9-5 weekdays...,although as in any operation, a degree of flexibility is required. There may be times where earlier starts/ later finishes may be required and even the odd weekend day. Courses will not have numbers i.e. Course 1, course 2 etc. but will each have a name - the first course in Brisbane being called Mirrabooka, the second course is in Sydney and I'll try to find out the names and dates of the other 9 courses.

chicken or fish 2
31st Aug 2008, 06:02
Thanks wingswest...that would be great if you could find out!

Have fun tomorrow Jimmyroo...we can't wait to find out how your first day at Ground School goes.

31st Aug 2008, 07:19
Yer good luck jimmyroo - you will have to get back to us on all the goss from your first day at gs.

Break a leg!

31st Aug 2008, 09:05
Hi everyone!
I just wanted to give chicken or fish a big congratulations! You are a real trooper :D
I have my ground school training tomorrow and am very nervous but also excited. I had my VRD on the 21st April in Brisbane, had my medical on the 29th July and got the call 45mins after the medical (which was a shock). Everything was happening so quickly all of a sudden! I've already had my uniform fitting and am waiting for my visa to arrive in the mail tomorrow.

Jimmyroo looking forward to seeing you tomorrow for an exciting day of training!

31st Aug 2008, 09:25
I have a friend that got into Virgin and starts ground school in a few weeks.... do you know if she is able to swap to V Australia or is it to late?

chicken or fish 2
31st Aug 2008, 09:43
Congratulations Flyhigh 87

Welcome to the forum Flyhigh......how exciting to be in the first V Australia Ground School! Have a great week and let us know how you go.

31st Aug 2008, 10:25
Thanks heaps Wingswest and Rmondo, wingswest it would be great if you could get more info.

To all those starting ground school tomorrow good luck and thanks for all the support, hope it all goes smoothly for you!

31st Aug 2008, 10:57
good luck to everyone starting ground school tomorrow my thoughts are with you.....

Only 6 weeks so give it all you've got and hope to fly with you all soon!!!

1st Sep 2008, 01:21
Hi All

Can anyone deff confirm what the uniform will be? Suppose those who have had uniform fitting may know?

1st Sep 2008, 02:12
For cabin crew, almost identical to the current Virgin Blue uniform, with just a few minor changes such as a different colour piping on the shirt.

1st Sep 2008, 03:53
hi everyone

got the yes call today starting in bne on the 6th of oct so excited. is anyone else starting in bne on that date?

1st Sep 2008, 05:10
Well done Shonez - you must be rapt!

Go for it...

chicken or fish 2
1st Sep 2008, 06:27
Congratulations Shonez

Pesky1 will also be attending the same Ground School in Brisbane...How exciting...You must be so happy!! See you in the sky Shonez!

1st Sep 2008, 09:41
Mattandy, the uniform is pretty much the same as VB - you know the white shirt and beige pants/skirts. The pipping on the shirt is going to be aqua and the jumper, instead of the red is going to be mulberry. I'm thinking the mulberry colour is like Premium Economy seats. Not sure if anyone has seen these photos of the Business Class and Premium Economy Products?

V Australia Business Class and Premium Economy Products - The Australian Frequent Flyer Online Community (http://www.frequentflyer.com.au/community/virgin-blue-velocity/v-australia-business-class-premium-14354.html)

The Cabin leaders and Flight managers have different shirts -black I think with red pipping. Saw one today but not sure who will be wearing that.
I have also been told that the mood lighting will be aqua. Should be interesting!

1st Sep 2008, 09:49
Well done Shonez! Great news, I'm doing the 6th OCt GS in Bne, look forward to meeting you then.

Visa - can anyone please tell me if it really takes 4 hours for the interview process etc for US consulate. Thanks in advance.

Ground School, hope everyones first day in GS went well.

I Just Want To Fly
1st Sep 2008, 09:57
I already have a US crew visa. When I got mine, the whole process took several hours, but my interview was only 5 minutes. The rest of the time was waiting around anf filling out forms, and going from one counter to another.

1st Sep 2008, 10:47
According to Travelweekly.com.au - Setting the agenda for Australian travel agents (http://www.travelweekly.com.au), V Australia will unveil the new business class lie flat bed and in flight V Bar tomorrow. Exciting time

1st Sep 2008, 11:31
I had a US interview for a visa about 2 years ago and it took me around 6 hours! They were really busy and I had to wait and wait and wait! Was crazy! Try and book for first thing in the morning (I think it is 8.30) and you should be done in 2-3 hours.....

Good luck!

1st Sep 2008, 11:58
Hi IwannaflyLA....,for your friend, it would almost certainly be too late to 'swap' from VB to VA but if they are brave enough to ask.....?

Pesky, friend of mine is a pilot at V Australia ( or will be..., still under training)...., says there is a SYD course for cabin crew starting on the 15th, another Brisbane one at about the same time then about 7 more in Sydney. There are about 2 courses a month starting in Sydney from middle of this month.

A friend on the course starting today says it went great...,the CEO was there to talk to them and says there are 270 positions for C/C to fill by the end of the year. There are 7 planes ordered and another 6 more on option...QF would like to buy B777 as well but the waiting list is long...,VA got the jump on them. The first plane has just been built and rolloed out of the hangar and is getting all the seats and galleys fitted. All the course people very nice and very excited to be making Australian aviation history, but there will be alot of hard work to do first!!
Anyone else starting in Sydney on the 15th?

1st Sep 2008, 22:12
Thanks for that, the only appointment I could get was 10.30 so hopefully it wont take too long.

Wingswest - thanks for the info appreciate it.:ok:

I Just Want To Fly
2nd Sep 2008, 01:24
Just take a good book or NDS!:)

2nd Sep 2008, 02:48
Great news good on you, at least youre getting more experience over in the sky (don't think you need though as you are already a flyer). Hope you get the news ASAP! The medical is no sweat. Well done:ok:

2nd Sep 2008, 02:50
Ok now I am showing my age, but can anyone tell me what "lol" actually stands for! I thought it was " lots of luck" .:8

2nd Sep 2008, 03:26
don't feel bad - it took me a while to work it out too

lol - lots of laughter

just like

rofl rolling on the floor laughing

pmsl - pissing myself laughing

it keeps us young

2nd Sep 2008, 07:55
hey everyone

just reading the posts on the visas and was just wondering if V give you all the details of everything you need to do in the package that they send out and how long does it usally take for them to send it out?


2nd Sep 2008, 07:56
Thanks our001 it makes sense now! Sometimes I fell like I'm on another planet with all the abreviations.


2nd Sep 2008, 09:32
hey guys... it's actually Laugh Out Loud....

hehehehe. :ok:

2nd Sep 2008, 11:29

2nd Sep 2008, 23:08
Hey guys,

Just a question for you guys who are applying for your US visa's. Just out of curiousity, is the airline paying the application fee for the visa or do you have to pay it yourselves??

3rd Sep 2008, 09:11
You pay first and then V reimburse you.

3rd Sep 2008, 22:26
thanks for answering that. :ok:

3rd Sep 2008, 22:56
hi everybody.

I will be attending a VRD on 16th Sep. and I guess looking a little ahead if I was to join the team, are there many other crew out there who would need to share some form of accommodation near Sydney airport...?
I would be coming from Vic, and accommodation could be a major worry.

bit of a shame when one has a property here in Vic, but would need to pay rent elsewhere - guess thats part and parcel of wanting to do this type of work.
thanks, and well done to those 'going through'

4th Sep 2008, 01:24

4th Sep 2008, 01:45
Don't stress yet... they took almost 3 weeks to call me after having my medical (was 2 days shy of 3 weeks) So hang in there and it looks like everyone that has had the medical has gotten through so take this as a good sign!

Good luck keep us updated how you go...

4th Sep 2008, 01:55
I know how you feel, it has been 3 weeks today since i did my medical and i still haven't heard. There are a few of us in the same boat so try not to worry about it. They are just really busy i guess!:)

4th Sep 2008, 22:11
thanks iwannaflyla for the accommodation info.
not knowing at this stage if I will be needing accommodation ind Syd, I'm just putting out feelers to see whats out there.

also, has anybody heard anything from 'within' if V has plans for a crew base in Mel?
it would certainly make it easier for us southerners not having to relocate.

5th Sep 2008, 06:44
Got the medical call today guys - going for it early next week!

Bring on gs! :)

5th Sep 2008, 06:47
Unreal mattandy - the medical was very routine! Keep us posted:ok:

5th Sep 2008, 07:05
Have not had a chance to have a good read through it but I am excited it is actually official!! Yahhh

Anyone else heard anything today?

6th Sep 2008, 10:41
hi guys can anyone shed some light got an invite to a vrd in syd for 17th anyone knw where or what it will be about..
I am also 43 are they taking older:rolleyes:

6th Sep 2008, 11:11
They usually let you know before hand (about a week) mine was in the city on George street

I Just Want To Fly
7th Sep 2008, 04:59
I was so nervous about all the conditions, but I've just received my contract and it all looks fine, and is pretty standard - almost identical to Virgin Atlantic, if not better!

I think it is an unrealistic expectation for airlines to continue to operate with cabin crew on the "old" contracts.

I'm looking forward to getting out online, working hard, getting promoted, ensuring the airlines success, and promoting unionisation to ensure that our working conditions improve as the airline grows.

Happy flying everyone! Only three more trips for me!

7th Sep 2008, 11:42
does anyone know what the interview is like for virgin blue in ground services(checkins) i have a friend going to one soon and i need all the info i can get..any help would be appreciated.

8th Sep 2008, 08:02
Hi All

Got my medical tomorrow. Final stage to this loooong process.

How are those currently in gs going? whats it like?

8th Sep 2008, 12:10
Hi everyone.

was hoping I didn't have to 'expose' myself like this, but can anybody tell me if there is a cut-off age with f/a recruitment with virgin...?

I was recently (early this year) in a ground school with Team jetstar domestic, but couldn't finish the course due to outside reasons at the time.
Now, having an invite to a VRD shortly - I would hate to fly to Syd, book into a hotel, do the interview - just to be rejected because of age (I'm 55)
Although I've worked in the leisure/fitness industry most of my life, am extremely fit and look much younger than I am (I like to think) I believe virgin has this 'young image' for their crew, and wonder if I would be wasting my time...? heeeeelp...

chicken or fish 2
8th Sep 2008, 21:20
I must say V Australia have been hiring ALL ages (if you read back a few pages there have been cabin crew hired by V who are 50+, 40+, 30+ and 20+) ....So book that flight, have a great day and I'm sure they will love you!

Let us know how you go!

8th Sep 2008, 23:21
Def go for it Romondo,

There was actually a law suit filed against VB some time ago for age discrimination so they are really good about accepting all ages now.

9th Sep 2008, 06:31
Hey guys,

It all seems to have gone very quiet..... It's been almost 4 weeks since i have done my meds and i still haven't heard anything. I know bobbin74 is at the same stage. Who else has done meds and is waiting for "the call"??

9th Sep 2008, 06:45
I am but I only did my today.

Don't forget people get passed through the process at different rates for different reasons.

Hang in there or simply drop them an email. Shows you are enthusiastic at least and not just sitting back.

9th Sep 2008, 06:52
I might just wait a few more days and then send them an email. I know people get processed at different rates and that they r busy, i just thought i would hear from them earlier then this. Not to worry, will just wait it out :ok:

9th Sep 2008, 08:10
just wondering how are the people in the Ground School going??? what type of training have you done so far? Does anyone know if u can still get knocked back after you are given a place in the GS? cause i remember them saying something about you could be unsuccessful at any stage?! hmmmm

so neway, i am also still waiting to hear from V.. its been nearly 3-4wks for me also since i did my medical. Guess we will just have to wait a little bit longer sapolski :)